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8737527 No.8737527 [Reply] [Original]

How do you get btfo by a teenager?

>> No.8737537

Vitalik is a punk, he should learn some respect

>> No.8737542

Vitalik was out of line desu, and Craig should have just sat down and stfu. Old enough to be his dad...

>> No.8737582
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>Vitalik is a punk

>> No.8737637


Agree, Satoshi need to spank that little brat

>> No.8737659

Is think the real question here is:
Why is that salt bottle so big ?
Who the fuck needs that much salt ?

>> No.8737662

He didn't though. We just saw that Vitalik is a total brainlet in comparison to Satoshi

>> No.8737671

I mean you'd probably need both hands to operate the thing. And it would completely block your view so you couldn't see how much you're putting on your plate. It would be very unpractical.

>> No.8737674
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>Attacking CSW, while Jihad Wu is about to BTFO of your coin.

>> No.8737824

He didn't. Vitalik said gamma isn't negative, which is true, by definition gamma is between 0 and 1. What Craig said was the effect of gamma was negative. Vitalik misinterpreted what Craig said, simply put. In case you are wondering this is about selfish mining and if you do the math Craig is right.

For those who missed the entire thing, what happened was Craig was arguing that selfish mining doesn't work like Emin Gun Sirer says it does because when you selfish mine you slow down the number of blocks confirmed per hour. For example Emin Gun Sirer says selfish mining cannot be stopped if the selfish miner controls 1/3 of the hashrate. This is true because if 1/3 of the hashrate finds a block and keeps it hidden their chance of finding the next block on top of their hidden block is exactly the same as the chance of the honest 2/3 miners finding 2 blocks in the same time period. The reason Craig says this selfish mining strategy is irrelevant is that if you follow this strategy because each group of miners mines a block with less of the total hashrate at the same difficulty, it takes three times as long to solve the block. So even if the selfish miner mines a larger percentage of the blocks, the total of blocks mined per day drops, so you still lose money.

>> No.8737915

Also there is a second part to that video you all missed. Vitalik Buterin admitted that the Lightning and Plasma protocols are discrete logarithm problems (i.e. they are unsolvable). He does this when he states that Lightning and Plasma will be solved with heuristic algorithms. Again for those of you who don't understand what this means, a heuristic algorithm is an algorithm used when there is no best algorithm for a problem. So if your problem is NP hard then you use a heuristic algorithm to get close to the best answer, an example of a heuristic algorithm you have probably encountered during your lifetime is a computer chess program. So if they are using heuristics to solve the routing issue then Craig is also correct when he says to solve the routing problem is to solve NP=P. That being said, it doesn't mean Lightning and Plasma can't work, it just means that the heuristic algorithms used for Lightning and Plasma will likely not work at scale due to the fact that the routing problem is NP hard and heuristic routing algorithms work less and less at large scale.

>> No.8737932

>Wearing your coat and scarf while eating
disgusting britslime, vitalik fucked his ass.

>> No.8738013

Can you respond to any of the things mentioned here?>>8737824
Or do you even understand the topics being discussed at the conference? Because if you understand what was said and have the ability to do basic arithmetic then you would know that Craig, as much as I don't want him a part of the BCH community, was correct on every single point. Selfish mining is not a threat unless your coin has Segwit and Lightning cannot scale because the math of routing a mesh network is much harder than the math of routing a small world graph.

>> No.8738038

That’s sugar

>> No.8738048
File: 79 KB, 1280x720, bcash.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Basically, Bcash is a shitcoin.

>> No.8738102

Basically, Bitcoin Core forced itself down a path where if it tries to scale globally it might not be capable. Where once the heuristic algorithm cannot handle the network load, Lightning will slow to a crawl. When the whole time Bitcoin Cash contributor Emin Gun Sirer just introduced Teechan, the BCH off-chain scaling solution. Teechan, aka Bitcoin Thunder doesn't require you to be online, doesn't change the small world graph topology of Bitcoin, and cannot have congestion issues. So basically Core took a path with only Lightning, but Bitcoin Cash took a path that allows it to have its own version of Lightning plus so much more.

>> No.8738208
File: 100 KB, 490x363, bcash-shitcoin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't take it so personal, Bcash will always be a shitcoin.

>> No.8738220

Have fun with your coin that scales to a whopping 20 million daily users and then fails as a currency.

>> No.8738312

>Basically, Bitcoin Core forced itself down a path where if it tries to scale globally it might not be capable.
>So basically Core took a path with only Lightning
The fuck are you even talking about? Why would bitcoin be able to adopt whatever meme scaling technology that gets discovered in the future?

>> No.8738322

Why wouldn't*

>> No.8738407

CW is a sleaze.

>> No.8738411

>wearing your jacket while eating

fraud confirmed

>> No.8738428

as usual, bcash victims have trouble understanding anything other than the sales pitch one liners they keep eating up.

it doesn't take someone as experienced as vitalik to point out how nonsensical everything coming out of those charlitans' mouths is.

>> No.8738442

because everyone who cares about bitcoin being bitcoin already left for cash. The remaining core people care about being able to censor and track payments. They want to run forced fractional reserves. They want business as usual. Sure they could upgrade but if they do, they acknowledge that bitcoin cash was right all along. All the big miners are in bch, all the big devs, the original community. We are all just milking money from banks and noobs using bitcoin-legacy until it's time to start the party.

>> No.8738454

>this is what late adopters actually believe
funny how most of your complaints were actually things the bcash chinks legitimately considered, but got too much pushback from potential bcash users.

>> No.8738615

here we see the rare articulate /biz post

>> No.8738675

Segwit changes the nature of signatures. With Segwit you lose the one to one ratio of transactions to block entries so things get weird.

>> No.8738914


that guy is full of shit.

Bcash is unable to have ''it's own version of Lightning'' because it doesn't have Segwit.

Actual scaling on-chain (not just increasing the block size) is impossible. And increasing block size also erodes decentralization of the chain as it heavily favours larger miners and makes it harder for users to verify their own transactions because technical requirements to run a node rise with larger blocks. (OR smaller blocks with higher block times, just look at how much disk space it takes to run a full ethereum node)

Cashies are literally the flat earther retards of crypto, don't pay them any mind.

>> No.8738926

Thats salad dressing, not salt

>> No.8738941

By arguing with real Satoshi.
Praise Vitalik.

>> No.8738976

GTFO my /biz/ you gossiping whores.

>> No.8739062
File: 144 KB, 750x740, 0C4BA2A4-2F9F-47DE-969E-A6BA3EF6303D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s sugar. It’s demerrera sugar in a sugar dispenser you can tell by the dispensing spout which is designed to dispense one teaspoon of sugar.

>> No.8739068

>Bcash is unable to have ''it's own version of Lightning'' because it doesn't have Segwit.
found the retard

>> No.8739146

I agree with Cashie's point that BTC main function needs to be that it need a to be focused on being payment network for commerce rather than muh store of value ponzi but Bcash is a literal shit coin. Try using it , it's even slower than core at confirming. Also PoW is inherently centralized and flawed.

>> No.8739271

LMFAO. I'm crying right now.

>Can't have it's own version of LN because it doesn't have segwit.

How can you possibly be so fucking dumb? You would have been discarded in Sparta.

>> No.8739863

>Bcash is unable to have ''it's own version of Lightning'' because it doesn't have Segwit.
1. 65,000 tx/s on a laptop 2. Can be used online or offline 3. Retains Bitcoins small world graph topology meaning no routing problems. 4. Optional rather than forced. Will mostly be used by bankers and high frequency traders, for streaming of money for digital services to pay per kilobyte, and use for internet of things applications.

>> No.8739946
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>> No.8739991
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Cos of this

>> No.8739995

Why did Vitalik admit routing was a discrete logarithm problem that can only be solved by heuristics? That means as it gets larger it gets slower and less usable. Why do people trust communists with their money?

>> No.8740028
File: 122 KB, 645x773, 1518471808019.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Bcash is unable to have ''it's own version of Lightning'' because it doesn't have Segwit.
Segwit has never been a prerequisite, go read a book. Also while we're on the topic of Vitalik, here's a confirmation: https://twitter.com/VitalikButerin/status/981094138710933504
>Actual scaling on-chain (not just increasing the block size) is impossible.
It's obviously possible as seen on the BCH chain
>And increasing block size also erodes decentralization of the chain as it heavily favours larger miners and makes it harder for users to verify their own transactions because technical requirements to run a node rise with larger blocks.
The 8MB chain has the same miners as the 1MB chain so you're obviously wrong here, too
>Cashies are literally the flat earther retards of crypto, don't pay them any mind.
There's literally no sentence in your post that a person with >80 IQ points would make. Stop reflecting...

>> No.8740104
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>I agree with Cashie's point that BTC main function needs to be that it need a to be focused on being payment network for commerce rather than muh store of value ponzi
Great job using your brain
>Try using it , it's even slower than core at confirming
transactions being seen on the network = transaction speed
confirmations = settlement time
The speed of the network is not determined by settlement time, and settlement time in the current financial system is weeks, so 15 minutes is still quick af.
>Also PoW is inherently centralized and flawed.
You need economic incentives to secure the network.
In every space where there's economic incentive, a certain degree of centralization occurs. Look at the manufacturers of literally everything you consume in society, there's either up to 10 big players (like in tech) or many small players that form pools.
Ultimately, it's decentralized ENOUGH. Decentralization is the means to censorship resistance, and the current degree of decentralization does the job well.

>> No.8740140
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>Why do people trust communists with their money?
Because a communist teen was the first person on the planet to show the work ethic required to build a decentralized smart contract / dApp platform.
Don't worry, he's still a child. the smart ones grow up to be anti-communists eventually. With Vitalik it might take longer, since he's trading real-world experience for more theoretical knowledge, but I believe in the guy.

>> No.8740305
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So to summarize, corekeks are the male feminists of crypto

>> No.8740588


nice try craig

>> No.8740712

actually segwit isnt needed for lightning, what you need is malleability fix. bch has it already. bip146. it is enforced on all transactions since the november fork.

>> No.8740762
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pretty based thread anons, keep going

>> No.8740791
File: 84 KB, 1334x293, adqakc6dq9901.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>because everyone who cares about bitcoin being bitcoin already left for cash. The remaining core people care about being able to censor and track payments. They want to run forced fractional reserves. They want business as usual. Sure they could upgrade but if they do, they acknowledge that bitcoin cash was right all along. All the big miners are in bch, all the big devs, the original community. We are all just milking money from banks and noobs using bitcoin-legacy until it's time to start the party.

The absolute delusion.

>> No.8741031


Why don't you provide a technical rebuttal you fucking spineless pussy?

I'm considering starting a thread where I'll actually pay posters to provide technical arguments in support of bitcoin core. I don't think I'd have to pay one single satoshi.

>> No.8741103

You shouldn't need a Phd in Computer Science to figure out what you're going to use to pay for shit on the internet. The arguments in this thread make it clear that there will never be large scale adoption with either BTC or BCH until the other one dies. Seems like the risk vs reward is heavily biased towards alts.

>> No.8741130

Can’t have lightening without a fix for transaction malleability. Bitcoin cash does have a fix that is not segwit, but hes not totally wrong.

>> No.8741155

And network effects are heavily biased toward BTC

>> No.8741176

anyone who claims this craig bullshitter has anything to do with the bitcoin whitepaper are either dumb as fuck or have a hidden agenda.

>> No.8741204

Pic related does nothing to disprove what he said, brainlet.
A 8MB increase followed by a 32MB increase in time is not equal to 95TB block size increase no matter how much you corekeks try to make it look like it's the same thing. We can EASILY reach Paypal levels TODAY without the slightest centralization risk.
I personally also agree with everything Hal said in his post, except the final paragraph.
Bitcoin banks are always going to be necessary simply because normies:
1. Can't be trusted to actually take responsibility for their own money, there's going to be stories about lost bitcoins every minute if this technology suddenly reaches the masses. We'll always need banks as custodians for the majority of people.
2. Will bitch and compain about irrevirsible transactions, so there's going to be a centralized 2nd layer solution that allows for it, just like our current financial system does. Most people will be willing to pay a small premium so that someone like Coinbase could take responsibility for their transactions and reverse them when they're scammed by pajeets on ebay.
However there's no need to limit the ability of individuals to transact with censorship-resistant money, not in 2018 at least. In 2010 we all thought that Moore's law is coming to an end, and this inspired Finney's more pessimistic approach.

>> No.8741262
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>are discrete logarithm problems (i.e. they are unsolvable)
Lmao. Could you could hand-draw a perfect circle?
No. There would always be imperfections.
Does that mean that drawing a circle is an unsolvable problem? Does that make it impossible?

Brainlets should be banned from using technical terms. All you should be all allowed to say is "me like" or "me no like"

>> No.8741951

>solving P=NP is as easy as drawing a circle
wew lad

>> No.8741984

Being unsolvable does not mean anything in engineering.
Chess is unsolved and the greatest player in history would get BTFO by a smartphone

>> No.8741995

Vitalik freak should stay sitting when the master speaks, he just showed he’s a desperate freak

>> No.8742146

Fine. How about a routing algorithm? How do you explain google maps if P=NP.

>> No.8742218
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>> No.8742299

Correct. The answer is approximations.

>> No.8742405

bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash

>> No.8742427

2) bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash bcash

>> No.8742493
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Corekek arguments

>> No.8742768

This is actually a good thread and deserves a bump.

I'm not a Cashie but it sounds like Craig deserves more credit than he is given. Vitalik might be a genius but he came off like a child with that "why is this fraud speaking here" comment.

>> No.8742956
File: 30 KB, 406x452, bcash.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm not a cashie, but Craig deserves more credit

0/10, do not pass go deluded bcashie

>> No.8743069


I have no horse in this race, I just want to learn more

>> No.8743113




>> No.8743249

Can you buy rope with BCash?

>> No.8744277
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>Craig deserves more credit than he is given
he's literally a fraud


>> No.8745199
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Interesting, please continue

>> No.8745921

>makes it harder for users to verify their own transactions
What is SPV?

>> No.8746424

Sounds like something you should wear a condom for

>> No.8746485
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>The 8MB chain has the same miners as the 1MB chain

>> No.8746510
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>> No.8746525

Not sure if you’re being sarcastic, but here’s a definition nevertheless:

>> No.8746565

>What is SPV?
Insecure bullshit for normies pretending they are using Bitcoin.

>> No.8746959
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Truth is coming out and the ass is core cucks and vitalik once again

>> No.8747325

>Could you could hand-draw a perfect circle?
>No. There would always be imperfections.
>Does that mean that drawing a circle is an unsolvable problem? Does that make it impossible?
Is this a joke? I say in my post that they will use heuristics, which are approximate algorithms for answers who require near infinite calculations for exact answers. The problem with routing heuristic algorithms is that as the data set increases their ability to function decreases. In other words, as Bitcoin Lightning grows it works less and less. This is basic shit you idiot. The routing problem is unsolvable, meaning you will never find the best route on Lightning (you always find the best route on BCH), so they will simply approximate the best route, however these algorithms will be overloaded with the work capacity if Lightning becomes adopted globally.

>> No.8747375

But the routing problem's difficulty increases exponentially as the number of users grow. That's the issue. Its an impossible problem that gets exponentially more impossible as it scales up. So it's sold as a scaling solution when mathematics tells you it cannot scale. Craig Wright is right, the mathematics don't work for Lightning.

>> No.8747572

Skelly was probably mad that Satoshi said Ethereum wouldn't exist if it wasn't for bcore's massive fuck up. Ethereum is also a shitcoin that was only used to promote scam ICO's, and for the normies to move money around with when core fees got too high.

>> No.8747619

t. tryhard brainlet
>The routing problem is unsolvable
From an engineering perspective being mathematically unsolvable is almost meaningless.
Chess is possibly unsolvable. Do you have any idea how much better computers are at chess than people?