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873785 No.873785 [Reply] [Original]

Is there a term for people who live life on the bare minimum so they can invest more?

>> No.873788


>> No.873792


>> No.873793


>> No.873794

Ye its called throwing a good chunk of your life away all because you cannot budget accordingly.

>> No.873795


>> No.873799

>you're only happy if you spend!
>buy buy buy!
>consume consume consume!

People like you are everything that's wrong with the world.

>> No.873817


Excess expenditures are excess expenditures.

>> No.873818

i'll check it out

>> No.873821

That's not what I said, dipshit.

Living off of Top Ramen, abstaining from television, and generally being a miser just to invest an extra $3,000 a year is absolutely retarded. I'd rather work an extra five years with some basic luxuries than live the life of a pauper.

Blind consumption is stupid, but so is this.

>> No.873827

Buying things does bring happiness if you know what you want in life.

Even if you want to live out your faggot dream of living in a dilapidated shack that you built for yourself in the woods, you'd still need money for tools and eventually resources when you've depleted your supplies or faced a unexpected disaster. And instead of generating them from actual work, you'd just be raping the environment to make goods someone else would want.

Money is just an abstraction for trading, which is one of the cornerstones of society itself. I'm not saying buy useless shit with every dime you have, but exchanging goods is in your best interest if you want to accomplish something. And unless you only want to do something exactly once, then die, you'll need to keep exchanging good to meet your needs.

If everyone is doing everything for themselves society would be permanently stunted and crippled. No one would advance, because people's talents would be wasted with inefficiencies.

Keep on penny pinching, though. Wouldn't want those goys taking your precious shekels.

>> No.873860

>Living off Top Ramen
I have a small farm and spend ~0 on groceries in summer and fall
>Abstaining form television
Good heavens no! What ever will I do without my advertisements and laugh tracks?
>being a miser
It's not about spending as little as possible, but getting rid of the excess I've found I don't really want or need
>extra $3,000 a year
Since I've started living frugally I've cut about $12,000 of living expenses a year

>> No.873864



If you have a specific goal in mind, sacrificing things that other people refuse to go without to obtain the goal faster makes you a truly admirable person.

Even if you are only saving a few hundred a year, you are learning a much more valuable skill that will stick with you for the rest of your life.

>> No.873867

This guy gets it.

>> No.873871

Oh, an minimalism. Something I practice more and more as I go on.

>> No.873873

you're using the word goy wrong, goy is what jews call the gentiles

>> No.873900

If you seriously think television and media is still poopjokes and seinfeld you're just confirming that you're an uncultured , curmudgeonly autist. Media takes on various forms, and entertainment along with the different mediums they take, from books to art to cinema, are all valuable and there just isn't a single medium with maximum efficacy.

Isolating yourself from the world, and refusing to let your guard down to enjoy enjoyable things because they don't net you profit, does make you miser. That you're probably shitposting on /pol/ or /b/ on the side probably proves you're not too good to enjoy television like the rest of humanity. But again, you're to autistic to admit it to yourself.

>> No.873901


Beat me to it.

>> No.873928

First of all I love Seinfeld. I do watch many "television" shows but I don't need to pay stupid amounts for them.

And I do many things that I enjoy that don't make me profit. I volunteer at the humane society, I helped a neighbor build a work shop this summer, and I go for a bike ride every morning through the city. I would say I am far from isolated.

>> No.873937

The real question is who the fuck is that semen demon in the webm OP?

>> No.873940
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Look at this little retards defending being a cheap fuck. Just don't buy useless shit, and spend money stupidly. You don't want to be 80 about to die and realize all the fun you've missed on because at the end of the day as gay as it sounds were organisms on a rock floating through fucking space so make it last and have fun you delusional shit tard. Have fun wiping your ass with cardboard toilet paper and it ripping in your hand you swearing because you have shit on your hand.

>> No.873944

Depends. If they're saving up hard for specific things, it's just someone that's determined.

If they're not going for anything specific, then they're just people who get more kicks out of investing.

I like to spend money on buying nice things to cook and have decent toilet paper, and upgrade my computer every 6-7 years. I wouldn't give it up for a little more money, nor would I give up too much of my time to get more money. But that's just me, there's nothing wrong with not buying those things if that's how you get your kicks.

>> No.873947

Let's instead talk about how fucking lucky beautiful women have it that they can do this cringey ass shit in front of the mirror and I still want to rail the shit outta her

>> No.873978


MMM wastes a ton of money on fancy groceries and luxury housing.

ERE is the real hardcore frugality.


They're all part of what is informally called the FIRE community (Financial Independence and Retiring Early).

>> No.873991

Are you seriously defending television when you have an internet connection? I can only hope you're getting some bundle deal.

>> No.874007

Husb of friend gave up car in modern sprawling US city to focus in his dividend stocks. Would mentioning his blog violate rules? For him getting a "dividend" from his stocks became a "mantra". Good luck, J

>> No.874014

You don't really need a car in NYC or LA or whatever else you could be talking about

>> No.874037

Nigger do you know what year it is? There is literally ZERO reason to watch 'television shows' on an actual television.

>> No.874040

> why don't you just steal all your favorite media

Because I'm not a penny pinching jew and a couple of bucks a month to support something I like is better in the scheme of things if I want more of it?

>> No.874042

seriously. i havent owned a tv in 5 years.

>> No.874086

sauce please?

>> No.874093

This, both of these are great resources. MMM caters more to people who aren't looking to live in an RV trailer

>> No.874102

My parents are fans of The Wealthy Barber books that stress saving 10% of your income to retire at age 55. You could give that a look if more extreme frugality isn't your thing

>> No.874380

cheap bastards

>> No.874393

I'd consider raping her
I wouldn't, but I might
And probably will

>> No.875061

go to /r/financialindependence circlejerk

>> No.875088


It's frugal.

You should ideally only spend money on things you enjoy. You can follow the 10x rule in that you only make purchases on things that provide 10 times the value of the price you paid.

I also tend to buy used things and if you're patient and wait you can find good deals on used things that are well taken cared of that can save you a lot of money.

>> No.875107

>I have a small farm and spend ~0 on groceries in summer and fall
This sounds like what I did up until last year. Any chance you're on a pot farm?

>> No.875115

Plenty of frugality channels on YouTube. My personal take on it is that there is a time quadrant to consider. If you save x and it took y amount of time, x/y should be greater or equal to your hourly wage to have made your frugality economically viable. If you are netting less than your wage, you could have just worked overtime or a second job with the time you spent on frugal activities. Obviously some frugality is almost time free while other activities are time intensive - which is why you should always try being frugal if there is no effort in doing so.

>> No.875125

Extreme early retirement (ERE)

>> No.875126

Nothing wrong with cutting out unnecessary expenses, but don't fall into the trap of trimming expenses simply with the goal of reducing your monthly expenditure to as close to zero as possible. Look at the big picture. A decent watch and new pair of shoes might not be essential for that interview, but then again they might contribute to a positive first impression. Grabbing lunch on the go isn't as economical as batch-cooking meals at home, but depending on your workload the free time might be more valuable to you than the money you'd save. And so on.

Don't think in terms of whittling away at your losses, think in terms of hitting your goals (which, since you're on /biz/ will surely include improving your income). Eliminate waste where possible but don't micromanage, look at the big picture. You sometimes need to speculate to accumulate, everybody deserves a beer after a busy week at work, etc. A completely Spartan lifestyle isn't for everyone.

>> No.875128


Between NetFlix and/or Hulu, who pirated shit anymore?

>> No.875129


You mean the FIRE master race?

>> No.875138
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stupid cunt tbh

>> No.875285

No, but people always joke that we should grow dope, especially since the green house has become just storage.

We grow all kinds of vegetables, a few fruits, and a few chickens and a rooster. We grow more corn and potatoes than we could ever eat ourselves so we put a honor system pay what you feel cart at the end of our drive way that pulls a few hundred bucks a month. The money can was only stolen once in 2 years.

>> No.875320

She is perfect. Are there any hardcore videos of her? Name? Does she do escort?

>> No.875378


That doesn't take into account the piss-off factor of work. While you could work a second job / more hours, the added money is often not worth the disgust.

With that taken into account, doing something yourself in two hours when buying it would have taken one hour of work can still be net win.

>> No.875383

Enjoy being poor :^)

>> No.875871

Yeah, I typed that as a general rule of thumb - I think we all know shit can get complex. But in general, he more money you make, the more frugality starts to become a bit more academic. There is also the scale of economy factor that shares its space with frugality discussions.

>> No.875873

No to all

>> No.875876

yes goyim you need to spend money ehehe

>> No.875885

Shit son I almost closed this thread without noticing OP's pic was actually a webm. That actually would've been tragic.

>> No.875909

Power hungry misers.

>> No.875942
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Our grandparents' generation called this commonsense. Our parents' generation called spending money "living for today." Today's generation follows their parents' example for the most part. It's "weird" if someone doesn't spend $100+ a week at bars, clubs, restaurants, movies, consumer goods, weed, etc.

>> No.875944



>> No.875947

i spend very little money

i buy what i want and need but my income dwarfs these. i dont need the latest vidya console or 40 $60 games i will get 10 hours of enjoyment out of.

when people complain about not having money when they make the same money that i used to make and did fine with, i have to laff

>> No.875968

I like the idea of it, but can you give examples of the 10x rule? A lot of common purchases have nowhere near that return; housing, cars, food. What necessity do you buy for a 10x return?

>> No.876297

If she is perfect why would you expect her to do any of those things. Checkmate atheists.

>> No.876573

what's the difference between being poor and living as a poor?

>> No.876611

If you die unexpectedly before utilizing your savings, nothing.

>> No.876628

MMM caters to fucking casuals

>> No.876632


if it wasn't for those kind of people the world would collapse in 1 week

>> No.876641


I personally always lived spartan, so I am not used to luxuries. I have 500k on my account gained through working and investment, live in a 35m2 apartment. I am in my late twenties, have no commitment and never lack of anything.

Why do I do it? I liek it that way. Also with the newly acquired stocks flourishing in the next couple of years, I'll be thinking of maybe getting a bigger fridge.

>yes there is a plan but not now, now is grinding time.

>> No.876669


>> No.876684
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Weed nigga

>> No.876686

Big dick mc gunna be rich pants

>> No.876690


>Wasting your hard earned cash on a bigger fridge

Everybody knows to upgrade their toaster before their fridge, /biz/-kun.

>> No.876701
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frugal is the term

I consider myself frugal, but not in the sense that I live in a cardboard box and eat ramen solely. I go out but when I do I go to venues or events where I can actually have a lot of fun for relatively little money eg city festivals, student bars etc. I make my own food mostly and got really good at it. I don't drive a car because public transport and bike takes me everywhere I need to go. I don't own a TV or cable or netflix because you can stream and download literally everything in HD whenever you want. My phone plan costs 5€ a month.

Continuing this course I can retire around 45, which is pretty neat. I don't get why people work 20 years longer just so they can consume more, drive more expensive cars and live in houses way too big. But yeah it's their money so who cares.

pic related me in 20 years
>any job I want, or no job if I don't want

>> No.876754
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>> No.876778

nice try fbi

>> No.876997
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apply yourself m80

>> No.877004

>2 John Cale Hellelujah tabs

>> No.877005

>torrent site
>implying it's not a fantastic song

>> No.877114
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I don't even know who you're shilling for...

>> No.877161

Jou ma se poes...

>> No.877331

This would be the correct word.
I hate when actual cheap fucks call themself frugal, no you're a fucking new and you know it!

Me personally I live below my means, in terms of how much i make and where I live. But that leaves more money for me to save and spend on myself.

>> No.877358

Don't forget being a hero to any relatives that you had skyrocketing them to be able to do better things with their life.
>my reason to get rich

>> No.877520
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Jew here, you retards actually want to look down on us for being frugal and investing our savings? WTF...

There is a difference between being cheap and frugal. Jews generally aim to maximize the utility of funds available and this is very different than being cheap....Cheap Jews are a pain in the dick to deal with though this is true of all tightwads.

In conclusion your fags.

>> No.878083

Mothwerfucker didn't I say the same thing!