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8728834 No.8728834[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>in nature, only the strongest and fittest animals survive
>those with inferior genetics tend to die off, causing the species to evolve and improve
>but we're HYUUUUMMMAAANS and are so much different and better than the rest of nature!
>we should directly oppose human nature, and try to make everything exactly fair and equal, so that the inferior humans can survive too
>trust me, as long as everyone plays along, it will work!!!
>yeah, this is exactly in opposition to the laws of nature and will cause our species to weaken and cease evolving
>but every human is a special beautiful soul and for some reason deserves to live (except those fucking rich assholes, i can't wait to hang them in the streets, fucking jerks)
>but yeah trust me, it feels really warm and fuzzy to insist that everyone is special and deserves an equitable life
>people just deseeerrrveee it man, it's a basic human right

commies and socialists are hopelessly naive and retarded. prove me wrong.

>> No.8728856

oh, another thing:
>duuuude just think about it, life would be so awesome if we all lived in a commune and just worked together
>it would just be like a return to nature man, it would cure my depression, destroy stress, and i would definitely get a girlfriend too
>just trust me, I've thought about this and it will work like a charm

>> No.8728905

You know, a lot of liberal economists are very aware and willing that we, as a society, should help poor people. They differ from socialists because they believe the best way to help them is through a liberal economy and society.

So yeah, fuck you.

>> No.8729035

why should we help poor people?
I'm a poor person, help me. I need eth for rent.
Oh wait, greed is human nature and the reason why capitalism is the best system despite it's flaws

>> No.8729095
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>All humans having access to the same resources != All humans gareunteed a mate
For example you wouldn't get one due to the simplicity of your thoughts. Unattractive.
You are the animal, most of us strive to separate and advance ourselves and our race. Animals all strive to minimise their local entropy. Once you realise that it seems finite, the logical thing to do is pool resources to work on the real problem. How to reduce global entropy. Right now they spend more money researching autism to help kids like you rather than fusion research and other advancements that bring us closer.

>> No.8729136

There is nothing wrong with charity. But it should be freely given, not forced on us.

>> No.8729152

geneticist here. you're an idiot.

>> No.8729153

When humans become less efficient for all work and AI coupled with robotics take over every industry, how are you going to earn your rent? Will we just let large swaths of the human population to starve? You are a idealogical footsoldier for the rich and when they win the war you will not be reimbursed. You will die.
The alternative is to allow AI to lead us on the path towards lowest local average entropy for all humans, allowing us to focus on the abstract.

>> No.8729228

AI wouldn’t be able to sustain perpetual population growth and demand for finite resources no matter how you would want it to, so logically it should start culling people at some point.

>> No.8729255

>being this offended
>being this stupid

>> No.8729302
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I unironically think unironical communists should be killed. They are a cancer on the human species

>> No.8729308

>robots and AI meme

I totally agree OP, everyone on his own, that's how it should be.

>> No.8729311

No one would have to be culled, we would simply terraform other spaces. If we were unable to escape our world in this supposed time, we would implement mating restrictions. 1 child per person meaning 2 per couple would lead to a population delta/time maximum of 0.

>> No.8729319

there's nothing wrong with keeping everyone alive at the same time, as long as it's done sustainably. Then we'd be even improving on evolution, because we'd have more people getting farther in careers/learning more/more students/more people/more experimentation. As long as it's sustainable it's completely logical. You're the only retarded one.

>> No.8729330

>his feelings are hurt but he can't refute anything

>> No.8729332
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Do not worry youll always be on your own ;)

>> No.8729355

Refute >>8729095

>> No.8729365

yeah because the hundreds of millions of africans are doing scientific experiments. How fucking dumb are you kek

>> No.8729371

Are you 15?

>> No.8729411

thanks, that's what I think too, too bad there are lazy fucktards and libtards waiting for handouts for their hormonal therapy and dick removal surgeries

>> No.8729417

In a society where we are all granted the same resources, (((they))) wouldn't be able to trick people using their vast power into fucking blacks.

>> No.8729426
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>> No.8729439

>animals strive to minimize entropy
uh..... huh. I have an example of this: the unfit in nature die off, leaving the remaining genetic pool stronger.

Please provide some of your own examples of animals striving to combat entropy, particularly an example of them "solving local entropy" and then working together to solve global entropy.

>> No.8729448

he can't.

>> No.8729457

92 billion a year is spent in America on corporate subsidies. 'dick removal' is under 10 million and civic welfare is 50 billion. Seems like the biggest lazy bludgers are the corporations.

>> No.8729463

please read, retardo, and then contribute an argument.
>inb4 more projection about not finding a mate from these commies

>> No.8729466


First world socialists are the worse. Corporations look for the most profitable place to invest, so they invest in poor countries with low wages.

First world socialists tax the hell out of corporations and redistribute the wealth inside the already rich countries, not allowing it to flow to poor countries.

It's no coincidence that global poverty has fallen so much in the last 20 years when neoliberalism and free trade has been the norm.

>> No.8729502

like I said, sustainably you fucking retard. There will easily be a point in time probably where humans can mass grow lab meat to feed hella people and keep people out of poverty. Maybe not now but with automation for sure in the future. If this CAN BE DONE SUSTAINABLY it would work out for the better

>> No.8729513
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>prove me wrong.

Can't be done.

>> No.8729524

kikes are the main instigators of communism you fucking autisimo. You don't even stop to think about the actual implementation, you just fixate on an idealistic and unrealistic outcome.
Also, your >muh robot-powered UBI
is an IQ5 idea. Why didn't the incredible inventions of the past accomplish that? Fire, the wheel, steam engines, internal combustion engines, electricity, internet, modern ag, etc are far more important than a fucking burger flipping robot yet they never were enough to transform society into a UBI-sponsored commie block.
It's like you don't even try to objectively evaluate your decisions, you just pick whatever feels best and run with it.

>> No.8729531

All living things minimise their local entropy.
>squirells store nuts for winter
>bees store honey in hives
>dogs evolved to suit our needs as they (over many iterations) know we have low entropy
Only difference between humans and animals is that we've turned it into an art form. Those kids flipping water bottles in an attempt to get them upright, that's a low entropy configuration of the event. We do it for fun now as our reward pathways are activated by these events. We are the first to realise that it is finite and should work towards solving this issue.
You are a brainlet so read this over a couple times.

>> No.8729558

Muh retarded social darwinism.
'Not caring makes me alpha.'
1950s called, they want their bullshit pseudoscience back.

>> No.8729570

Get off your high fucking horse. Not everything you have is a result of your own achievements. Not even your achievements are a result only of your doing. Everything is collaborative in a society.

Don't even bring genetics into this, evolution benefits killers, thieves and rapists.

I-got-mine sociopaths like you are what's keeping us back as a species, go die in a car crash.

>> No.8729571

>There will easily be a point in time probably where humans can mass grow lab meat to feed hella people and keep people out of poverty.

Or we could just exterminate them and then there would tasty steaks for everyone left that has anything of worth to offer the human race.
The scenario you propose is the equivalent to wasting fertilizer on the weeds in my garden.

>> No.8729573

>the rich are the primary people who want to redistribute their wealth
Haha ohmy
>quality of life and equality of opportunity hasn't been increasing with every advancement

>> No.8729613

i read it once, thanks. Your ad hominem is rather pathetic and indicates a complete lack of maturity. You should argue against my idea, not me.

Your argument about entropy is an argument against socialism. I don't understand how you can't see this. The squirrels who don't or can't store nuts die. Dogs didn't evolve themselves, they were bred. You should stop and think.

>argues against a historical fact
>quality of life improvements (mostly caused by discoveries in a capitalistic system) is synonymous to UBI
nice try. don't respond again until you have something halfway intelligent to say.

>> No.8729623

You're vastly underestimating the social damage incurred from murdering your own population and inhibiting free thought. Society should treat commies somewhere between how they treat nazis and flat earthers right now, loosely tolerated but mocked to the point of obscurity.

>> No.8729629

before anything like this could even be considered, we have to fix the shitskin problem first.

>> No.8729672

>not including social security and medicare
Bulk of our budget is welfare handouts.

>> No.8729677

>you autismo
>you adhom hurrhurr

You should've read a couple more times buddy, that's what ANIMALS do. Reduce their local entropy without a thought to the global. What separates humans from animals and you, is that we strive to either reduce everyone's or the global entropy.
I don't know why I bother, it was fun humouring your retardation at the start but you aren't even understand what I'm writing.
If your idea of communism is just "the Jews will take over" than check out what theyve done in capitalism. You dont even know what communism is, you probably equate it with food shortages and that's it. You are a useful brainlet for your (((overlords))).

>> No.8729689

what are you talking about? anyone who wears khakis is branded as a nazi and punched now

>> No.8729694
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kek, fucking commies. I'm rereading this thread and laughing my ass off.
>robots will replace humans
>we will just start colonizing mars once the earth is full of shitskins living off robot UBI
>multiple commies projecting about being single and unintelligent
>squirrels storing nuts so they can survive the winter is an argument for communism
>jews don't promote communism

lel. Great job, commies, I am fully convinced now.

>> No.8729700

>Just kill people that aren't needed
>kill people
>need fewer people to keep everything running
>need to kill more people
>need fewer people to keep everything running
>need to kill more people
You're advocating a death spiral for all of society.

>> No.8729705

What makes us human is the fact we aren't animals living in anarchy
Fuck nature

>> No.8729726

In his defense this would solve all of humanities problems.

>> No.8729737

Most retarded post all week

>> No.8729743

>us humans are totally different from animals. A few years of civilization has nullified millions of years of evolution. Like i said, if everyone plays along it will work trust me
how arrogant. Although it's no surprise you youngins prefer to believe whatever makes you feel the warmest and fuzziest inside

>still laughing about how squirrels saving nuts for winter is somehow supposed to be an argument for communism
>inb4 "you're just too stupid to understand what i'm saying"
no, i understand.

>> No.8729765

I suppose that if we go extinct we wouldn't have any problems just as dead men have no cares, doesn't mean you should wish you were dead like a suicidal loser.

>> No.8729799
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Kek, fucking slaves. I'm rereading this thread and laughing my ass off.
>AI and robotics haven't resulting in 34% job loss
>we should all stay on earth and live with shitskins
>OP isn't a single white beta male who still thinks trump is /ourguy/
>animals are shortsighted and can only care for themselves, like us
>the richest subset of humans want to give us all their wealth

Lel. Great job, wage slaves, I'm conviced

>> No.8729813

Robots will replace human workers
Space colonization will happen (in how many centuries, idk)
Deal with it and stop sucking Walmart ceo cock because you won't have your door greeting job forever

Human emotion goes against nature
Prove me wrong

>> No.8729825

Haha you don't understand. The squirrels are animals and can not look further than the winter to come. You are this squirrel, the rest of us are now.

>> No.8729835

Why shouldn't we just kill communists?

Any arguments besides
>muh feels

>> No.8729847

They are much more dangerous than flat earthers or nazis.
t. born in ex-USSR country destroyed by (((communists))) and will never recover

>> No.8729848

Why shouldn't the rich kill all of us when we become obsolete?
Any argument other than
>muh feels

>> No.8729885

sounds like every pot smoking college lesbian

>> No.8729890

Because we evolved to be a social species, and emotions are kind of needed to bond, and express yourself. Elephants also have many emotions you brainlet. They too are social creatures. Emotions aren't needed in all species, but in some it gives them a greater chance of survival hence why emotions exist you dip.

>> No.8729891

You're right
George soros contributes more to humanity than I or anyone itt ever will. Our lives are worthless

>> No.8729892

I don't understand why you can't make an argument without projecting about being single or poor. It's not going to bother me or change my mind, but you may continue if you wish. Also go ahead and provide some suitable sources for your 34% claim. That means showing that 34% are out of work; moving to a new industry doesn't count.

what makes you think that we are so far removed from nature? Arguing that humans aren't animals is foolish.

>> No.8729901

Other peoples feels, and because when you give the government the authority to kill groups of people that they don't like they do this weird thing where they update the groups of people they don't like. Legally killing your population based on their assumed beliefs is a communist wet dream after all.

>> No.8729930

Not an argument
Try again

>> No.8729933

After you post source for Jews did communism lmao
Dont post some info graphic you got from pol

You can keep being an animals writhing in the dirt but those who are forward thinking are already making plans. Have fun being a wage slave for life buddy, you yourself stated you are poor and in your world that means single. You are poor and single, I have kids and a house.

>> No.8729935

I am fine with killing the poor or stupid as well. So any arguments besides
>muh feels

Note: I didnt say government would be killing them.

>> No.8729936

i should just copy and paste my OP because none of it has been refuted. In fact it has been reinforced, because I implied that commies base their arguments off the inane notion that we are far removed from our animalistic nature, or that humans are not animals, and so far you have all argued that. So, here goes:
>in nature, only the strongest and fittest animals survive
>those with inferior genetics tend to die off, causing the species to evolve and improve
>but we're HYUUUUMMMAAANS and are so much different and better than the rest of nature!
>we should directly oppose human nature, and try to make everything exactly fair and equal, so that the inferior humans can survive too
>trust me, as long as everyone plays along, it will work!!!
>yeah, this is exactly in opposition to the laws of nature and will cause our species to weaken and cease evolving
>but every human is a special beautiful soul and for some reason deserves to live (except those fucking rich assholes, i can't wait to hang them in the streets, fucking jerks)
>but yeah trust me, it feels really warm and fuzzy to insist that everyone is special and deserves an equitable life
>people just deseeerrrveee it man, it's a basic human right

commies and socialists are hopelessly naive and retarded. prove me wrong.

>> No.8729942

You elitist brainlet.
What you don't realise is that our society has been derived from anarchy and therefore can still be considered anarchic.

>> No.8729962

Prove it as fact first then I'll try refute it

>> No.8730010
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dude global entropy does not address dysgenics and miscgenation. Are you implying that funding alone would lead to more fundamental advancements towards batter tech that would eliminate entropy. No an improved culture and genome would. Individuals take us to the stars not a fucking corrupt sci lab filled with stinky pajeets looking o scam more grant funding to spend on curry,
You faggy treehugger, wannabe autist. You took one fucking sci class in college with your (((Philosophy))) degree and now yo fthink youre george soros. State your full position on the subject or kindly fuck off.
If you want to pool resources then kindly let me fuck your wife and mom in a threeway and impregnate them.

>> No.8730023

>the richest subset of humans want to give us all their wealth

well if you're rich and own equities in big corporations, you actually do want the economy to be in good shape and for people who aren't millionaires to also have nice lives and high income, otherwise your own net worth would inevitably crumble.

I get the impression that you think a millionaire literally has millions in his checking account, like hoarding millions in [insert currency] is what makes him a millionaire.

In reality, business is not a zero-sum game. Commodity-prices, currency-swings, geopolitical turmoil, totalitarian governments (commie-watchamacallit) all affect us; on the other hand, efficient production (capitalism, desu), effective incentives for production (greed, if you will), and a goverment willing to let people flourish on their own also create wealth and opportunity for everyone

>> No.8730040

Ah yes, mass murder/terrorism the antifa way.

So if the government isn't killing them how exactly are you going to get away with it? How much money will be wasted dealing with your murders, and if you kill people society martyrs their beliefs and aligns with them more than with the perpetrator. That's why whenever there's a terrorist attack the ideology of the shooter becomes everything even if it shouldn't change an ideological debate. If you kill people because they're poor or stupid or communist society will regrow around the wound like a muscle repairing itself and make the problem bigger than before.

If you want to kill people to promote something kill your own people and get it labeled a hate crime I don't see any argument against that other than
>muh feels

>> No.8730052

>Have fun being a wage slave for life buddy
>I have kids and a house

Well, what do you do for a living? Also, nice wubadub-dubs

>> No.8730054

If you read a fucking book or two about how communism works you could probably pick up on the fact that people have been refuting these high school-tier arguments for a solid century, but /biz/ doesn't read and would rather write EBIN BTFOS with le suber funny stoner voice xD
Anyone with enough empathy to feel for others and enough intelligence to not fall for every ad they see can easily notice that capitalism is quickly accelerating most lives into the wall. Whether communism can fix that or not is up for debate, but holy shit do you sound like a bunch of smug retards.

>> No.8730074
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So can we agree that Poltards are the biggest cancer on this board?

>> No.8730085

refute my highschool tier arguments then

>> No.8730116

oh my god it's you again
i remember you posted that in a thread a few weeks ago and tried to convince everyone that it isn't a bait image but is actually based on a real study.
I'm still not sure if you're just trolling or an actual retard but either way, well done

>> No.8730120

> in nature, only the strongest and fittest animals survive those with inferior genetics tend to die off, causing the species to evolve and improve

Dude, that is not how Darwinism works. Species don't evolve, and when they do it's a new fucking species. A species goal is to strive and survive, to self-preserve. Incidental genetic mutations are sometimes bad, but sometimes very good. That creates better fitness, and when those new mutations are bred with a common ancenstor, a new species can emerge.

All mammal species tend to be communities. They very rarely cannibilize one another, and that goes across the board of pretty much even single-cell organisms. Because it's self-defeating to destroy your fellow species; it is its absolutely priority to prosper at any cost and replicate.

There is a biological argument for cooperation. What you're talking about is an extreme form of Social Darwinism, except you clearly have very little understanding of what Darwin was actually saying. Furthermore, this mindset has been tried before in the early 1900s, it was called the Eugenics movement. Even in the U.S. it was taking place. And it eventually led to the Holocaust and killing of 10 million "inferior" people.

>> No.8730123

>Individuals take us to the stars
Pure bullshit. All of our advances in space have been made with massive amounts of government funding poured into them. Even if you want to talk about the minor advances that some private companies have made those were with large governmental subsidies. You might wish that this were not true but it flies directly in the face of reality.

>> No.8730124

Communism is natural progression from capitalism.
Brainlets who were force fed public school textbooks can only view Communism/socialism as a creeping black Web that was the "reason" for invading Vietnam

>> No.8730152

>trying to argue with statistics
Its legit dude. Lurk more you reddit refugee rthedonald cuck

>> No.8730187

>How communism works
But communism doesn't work and neither do the people living under it.

>Capitalism is accelerating most lives into a wall
Capitalism created an industrial revolution which revolutionized the standard of living for everyone on the planet. The reason capitalism is falling short in modern times is for the same reason a democracy falls short - the people themselves are failing. In older times peoples desires were more firmly aligned with their needs, people wanted more food, they wanted more shelter, they wanted more clothes, more goods, and they wanted to not die all the time from shitty illnesses. Supply/demand systems create supply to match consumer demand and consumer demand at the time was exactly what humanity needed to prosper. Modern consumer demand is unproductive and unnecessary, people fulfill base pleasures that don't progress humanity in anyway and waste all their times on these things.

In the same way that democracy fails when the voters are inept or not interested in democracy capitalism fails when the public demand is inept and out of touch with real human needs. Communists arrogantly assume that their system will work better instead of looking at the hard reality that the problem with capitalism won't be solved by attacking it's greatest benefit to the world - production. If you want to fix modern society you have to figure out a system that generates the most progress and most production and if humans themselves can't adapt to the new environment they've created the system we sort them with won't matter.

>You sound like a bunch of smug retards
I'm not sure how that's relevant to who is right and who is wrong this is another shitty MUH FEELZ argument.

>> No.8730229
File: 186 KB, 1000x1000, Pandalaugh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/lit/ is the most intelligent board based on my totally real and accurate study
>Please remember it is poor form to argue against scientific fact

>> No.8730232

Human nature is pretty fallacious to base your worldview on. Where do you draw the line on what we define as human nature? Driving cars and flying are absolutely not human nature at all, but we do that every day. Savings accounts, housing loans, investment banking, and damn near every other feature of a modern capitalist life are inarguably not natural.
You can reduce capitalism down to "survival of the fittest" if you want to be a child about it, but that 1) ignores most of the criticisms levelled at it, like the fact that the fittest absolutely aren't always the ones surviving, and 2) ignores the fact that communism can also be childishly reduced to something like "the tribe works together to cooperate and survive," which sounds more like human nature than the definition of natural selection (you seem to have the two terms very confused).
See, I understand where you're coming from and am actually having a grown-up conversation with you about it instead of shitflinging. Try to write a response that doesn't involve your greentext stoner strawman character.

>> No.8730243

yes, that's the basics of evolution. How does that defend the idea of creating a massive safety net to ensure that the lowest tier survive? How would that advance evolution? A basic principle of evolution is that the inferior ones don't pass on their genes.
>the holocaust killed 10 gorillion
you kikes crack me up

>> No.8730267

Go to lit and read a couple threads
Then go to pol and read a couple threads
Then try tell me the image isn't accurate

>> No.8730350

It's a pity you couldn't fit /r9k/ on there maybe if you zoomed the chart way out you could've done it.

>> No.8730354
File: 40 KB, 700x368, McLeans-triune-brain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That we can drive cars and shit doesn't mean that we aren't animals with animalistic natures. What happens when "SHTF"? we revert to our natural state.
I understand that idealists think that communism should be basically a rural tribal system where we all live in a big hut and share the harvest or whatever, but the reality is that most hippy communes fall and every single large communist attempt has resulted in disaster, precisely because it ignores our basic animalistic instincts. Don't think that the portion of our brain that allows us to do calculus and read newspapers is all there is.

>> No.8730356

Just letting inferior people die off isn't beneficial to us. The best thing would be something between capitalism and socialism, where the weak have a chance to grow strong and benefit humanity.
While we're talking about inferiority, what's your position in humanity?
Do you have perfect health without bad genetics, like prone to acne, balding, sciatica...?
Are you physically fit?
Are you well educated in your chosen field and have higher than basic knowledge in other fields?
Do you have many skills like cooking, hunting, gardening, computer science, engineering...?
A perfect, strong human has all of the above, while the average person has 1 or 2.
According to you we should kill the majority of the human population, because they aren't strong enough to survive on their own and you don't realize you're on the list too.

>> No.8730364

>The Holocaust killed 10 milion, did you listen goy? 15 milion, your kind anhilated 200 milion, explain me now how are you going to make reparations to 1 bilion jews killed?

>> No.8730370

i get that you're trolling but it's pretty lame desu; it would be much better form to simply post the image and then let the bait do the work instead of trying to argue about it with everyone
on the off chance that you actually think that image is real: it's not. Don't argue with scientific fact, buddy

>> No.8730371

So far the commies in this thread havent made any good points. Helicopter rides when?

>> No.8730445

Shit hitting the fan doesn't result in capitalism or any economic system beyond complete anarchy, why do you keep focusing on that?

>> No.8730449
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>/fit/ average IQ 131

lmao, was my former main board. That place is literally /v/ trying to get laid

>> No.8730452

ever notice how all the winners are pro capitalism?
and all the losers are pro communism

modern age communists are the political version of your little brother getting angry you're kicking his ass in monopoly and deciding to flip the board before you win.

Modern age communists hate their reality, they never deal with the root of the problem (which is themselves). They suck at the game of life which is capitalism, and whine that they want to play a different one.

>> No.8730478

Isn't that and /sci/ the boards that try to claim a cool and objective analysis of investigation and information is necessary to gain understanding in the world, but then they flip THE FUCK OUT when someone starts going into race and intelligence and the wealth of information on the subject showing we're not all equal?

>> No.8730487
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there is no way to prove or disprove this so believe me or don't, it's not really important to the argument. That being said, i do fit each of those traits
>6'1", 165 lbs, quite fit
>good hair, my grandpa is in his 90s and still has a full head of hair
>some acne but i'm in my early 20s so that's to be expected
>majoring in 2 business fields
>have a great relationship with my gf, she regularly talks about getting married having kids, etc. Only my cock has been in her
>i'm a good cook, a videographer and musician, have raised farm animals, helped build a house and several other structures, regularly build things in my dad's shop when I'm home
>regularly go innawoods, I can make a fire with dry sticks, am familiar with local flora and fauna
like i said, this is an anon image board so i'm sure you will assume i am larping but that isn't really important to the argument. I also never said we should kill the majority. I said that trying to counteract survival of the fittest is dumb.

>> No.8730507

>Notice how all the winners are pro capitalism and losers pro communism
Well duh, a system that tries to make everybody equal only favors the weak a system that lets people make decisions favors good decision makers.

The only good arguments I've ever heard from communists are criticisms of capitalism not reasons communism could work as an alternative.

>> No.8730514

Watching /pol/ destroy /sci/ in a thread on /sci/ was funny. Illuminating too.

>> No.8730544

>The only good arguments I've ever heard from communists are criticisms of capitalism not reasons communism could work as an alternative.
That's what makes them so dangerous though. All they do is destroy things, criticizing without offering a proper alternative.

>> No.8730553

It works better when you push it
Trust me

>winners are pro capitalism
Most people in support of capitalism are those who have seen inflation rise and rise and rise while their wages stay stagnant and the gap between the working and upper class grows larger, yet don't care at all because they have been brainwashed into believing that they could be the lucky ones who win the jackpot and become a 1%er... which never happens

>> No.8730680

Wow you even say it's not important to the argument then puff yourself up on an anonymous hentai board anyway.

While I agree with most of what you've posted, survival of the fittest really doesn't work the way it used to, there is no longer a reproductive penalty for performing poorly and a failure to address reality is not reflected on in the human population. We have already created a society already that doesn't work with survival of the fittest, you can apply these same principles in a political system but the only thing that creates "survival of the fittest" in the free market is consumer demand. If consumer demand becomes insane as society becomes insane the market will lose the majority of its productivity producing garbage and the population will not suffer serious consequences for their unrealistic views of reality.

Survival of the fittest isn't just about surviving, it's about reproducing and since survival is no longer an imperative increased sexuality in the population is inevitable. Similarly in businesses the things that "survive" are not necessarily good anyone who has worked with genetic algorithms knows how easily you can find yourself stuck in a corner with one.

>> No.8730708

Reading this again I took way too long typing this and sound like a retard god damn it.

>> No.8730724

>things that "survive" are not necessarily good
Yeah it's disgusting to live in a place with such prominence of trash like mcdonalds, walmart, and mexicans.

>> No.8730753

Serves you right for being a retard.

>> No.8730765
File: 59 KB, 750x537, 98787574778.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am the guy that posted the comment in OPs screenshot and apparently offended him so much with some simple truths.
>1. I'm flattered this upset you enough that you have to make an entire thread about it
>2. suck a dick
>3. you are arguing with human nature and our instincts. it's 'human nature' to do a lot of things including theft, rape and a plethora of other nasty things that we as a society are trying to overcome. That is exactly what advancement of human society is. Overcoming our limiting instinct and our default. And that is why we will have fully automated luxury gay space communism one day
>4. start reading a little. Banks, Piketty and Harari are great places to start

>> No.8730825

What the fuck does this have to do with cryptocurrency? 100 replies? Fucking bait gobbling faggots.


>> No.8730829

You seem like some affirmative action proponent. Do you consume products containing soy?

>> No.8730834

>/biz/ 124
yeah... no?

>> No.8730865

>what does the government taking my crypto gains from me to pay for diversity quotas have to do with crypto?

>> No.8731090

That's a pretty good life you have and it's something more people should strive for.
I agree that counteracting survival of the fittest is dumb, but it's hard to develop a system that won't be abused by the trash of society. The only way is for good people like yourself to step up and change the world, instead of the greedy politicians and ceos.
What currently waits for the majority of my generation is a life of wageslaving in a low-paying job where degrees are worthless, not making enough to buy a house in 20 years, much less start a bussiness, and a small portion of what we throw away at 3rd world shitholes and welfare qeens, would change more for us than anything they accomplish.
But unlike the libtards, I'm not gonna bark at the rich to help me, I'm going to crawl out of the gutter and improve my life myself.
Good luck to you and remember, you won't improve the world with posts on 4chan.

>> No.8731101

>communism is when the government taxes investors to pay for diversity
You really don't know a damn thing about what you're arguing for

>> No.8731183

And what was the culture like during those advances? Im not opposed to collectivism for small synergistic advancements and large scale projects but its necessary to have a strong masculinist homogenous europeaan culture to do this. Ill ive it to you communism has produced more raw geniuses than capitalism. But national socialism is a healthier place one whhich elimnates the corporate corrupt power complex of capitalism, and the starrvation of communism and is developed for all facets of society.
BTW first liquid rocket robert guddard
v2 missile Wernher von Braun

>> No.8731212

So yeah individuals led the way.

>> No.8731298

Guy from >>8730765
You kids talking about 'survival of the fittest' and its benefits for evolution don't know the tiniest bit about how evolution has or has not affected us in the last 300000 years. I know this is an italian strawberry picking forum and my expectations are naturally low but please, read a book for once before you voice unsupported opinions.
>as I said, Banks, Piketty and Harari are great places to start

>> No.8731402

>Hey there redditors i'm user from X
Your ID is on the post, you don't have to say this

>You guys don't know the tiniest bit about anything I'm going to post a generalized and nonspecific criticism then tell you all to read a book
We got a commie all right.

>> No.8731430

you sound like an edgy insufferable faggot

>> No.8731442

I dont know what this thread is about, but this persons right. From time to time theres like extremely intelligent or innovative people who happen to get the resources and push us further.