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8727634 No.8727634 [Reply] [Original]

I lost 330$ of Bitcoin by sending it to the wrong address
That was all the money I had and worked for in my entire life

I think I will Livestream my suicide.

>> No.8727656
File: 21 KB, 258x245, 4A67D1DB-3849-41B0-8413-DF4BF7DC3C4E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>worked his whole life for $330

>> No.8727669

>lost $300
>That's all I had saved in my life

Either you're 13 and work selling lemonade in the street or you are a loser and killing yourself is not such a bad thing

Seriously what kind of poor money is that, just get a job and buy now during the bear

>> No.8727681
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hey he might be venezuelan or something

>> No.8727689

Do it in a gruesome way.

>> No.8727703


why, if that's all your money, wouldn't you send it in chunks of say, $50?

>> No.8727721

The other day I received $330 worth of bitcoin on my address. I was wondering were that came from. Thanks anon

>> No.8727740

are you venezuelan op? must be hard.

>> No.8727767
File: 113 KB, 768x768, 78139FF4-CA77-481E-B98D-2591753D76AF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember OP, you may be sad because your $300’s is gone but, someone is happy because they just got $300.

>> No.8727790


the chances that he sent the coins to an address that is in use are almost 0%

>> No.8727792

Soyboy mindset

>> No.8727807


So in a way he actually donated to all bitcoin holders by sending his coins to a burn address

Thanks for your donation OP.

>> No.8727818

what are the chances someone open a wallet one day and it has the $300 inside?? is that even possible?

>> No.8727825

>by sending it to the wrong address
How did you manage that?

>> No.8727845

$330 is my monthly salary
t. slavshit from slavshit country

>> No.8727861

Not necessarily, there are lots of dead addresses. Most of them, to be precise

>> No.8727875

lol 330$ is nothing you cant recover.
I had 240$ sitting in my wallet when bitcoin dropped from 14k to 9k cad no clue what its worth now.

Idk how you sent to wrong address but a full 330$ to it? maybe you shouldnt be spending that much on stuff or be more awake when you do lol.

>> No.8727898
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>> No.8727979

Sending something to the wrong address is my biggest fear in crypto.
I always make sure to triple-check or quadruple-check everything and I don't do it if I'm too sleepy, stressed out or stoned.

>> No.8728003
File: 20 KB, 258x245, 1436554449721.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holyy shieet, that's like pocket money here

>> No.8728013


lol yes it's possible that someone will one day generate the key that has the $300 on it. but the chances are incredibly small

>> No.8728421

should have just scammed people online then, he clearly has access to the internet.

>> No.8728515


Fuck you, you privileged cucks. You haven't got a single fucking clue how it is when you can't save any money because your income can barely cover the living costs. There are enough shit countries around the world where monthly wage is just a few hundred bucks a month. So yes, you can only save maybe 10-20 a month, which is about 120-240 a year. So you might need to work 3 years and save like crazy to get these $330. You will never understand that. You should be grateful that you weren't born in a shithole country, instead of exhibiting your ignorance.

There was even a study that showed that most Americans have less than $1000 saved for any kind of emergency. So even in 1st world countries people can live paycheck to paycheck.
Fuck you and you fucking 'muh crypto gains'-ivory tower tier ignorance.

>> No.8728541
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>> No.8728561

Fake begging thread.
btfo OP

>> No.8728575


I was just thinking about sending OP a hundred bucks, but your anger post changed my mind.

>> No.8728579

Wages are lower, but so is the cost of living. Also, the person never said where they were from, so get off the soapbox, reverend. Truth is the guy is a real idiot, and I'll break it down for you since you're in a similar boat:

Guy can only scrape together 300$, yet thinks the place to put that is internet money. Then he wants to send it somewhere, objective unclear, but is too retarded to understand the concept of double-checking.

How is THIS guy the one you're gonna defend aggressively? He's a fucking poor idiot and always will be.

>> No.8728620

OP dont do it!
I can give you the $330 worth of crypto that you lost. In return i ask only for a picture of a sharpie in your pooper. Anon you still have a full life ahead of you, There are people that care

>> No.8728630
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>> No.8728673

Op is larping. He would not measure his losses in USD if he were from a shithole.

When was the last time you measured your losses in rupees? Literally never. Do not pass, do not collect $330, get the FUCK out of this universe.

>> No.8728712
File: 171 KB, 625x565, 1408229722469.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>lost $330

If you're really that cheap just go suck some people off and you'll make the money back in not time.

>> No.8728756

OP your life is a fucking monty python sketch
>I had to get up in the morning at ten o'clock at night, half an hour before I went to bed, eat a lump of cold poison, work twenty-nine hours a day down mill, and pay mill owner for permission to come to work

>> No.8728814

If I killed myself every time I lost a good chunk of money to some stupid bullshit I would have killed myself a hundred times already

>> No.8728815

Thanks to mommy and daddy, yes it is.

>> No.8728844

>most Americans have less than $1000 saved
it might be true but understand Americans don't put money in their saving account because shit returns. They rather put their money on investment, property, stocks etc so only dump people who have more than 1k in saving account which was what the study got the figure from

>> No.8728910

I don't think that's true. Could you provide a source? I truly believe Americans are just retarded and poor but would love to be disproven.

>> No.8729148

mommy and daddy? i work and make 60k€/year wtf are you talking about?

>> No.8729166

Why weren't you more careful if thats all your money. Retard larp, just kys poorfag

>> No.8729220

There's retard and poor people in every country. I'm here to call out the study he read is false. All they considered is the amount in saving account. Americans put money elsewhere. Not in fucking saving account for that 0.5% return annually.

>> No.8729318

Same chance as generating the satoshi wallet...


Audrey sinclaire

>> No.8729369

I understand the point that you're making, I just have never read that they intentionally misled the narrative by omitting that in the initial study. Would you happen to have a source to back up your claim?

>> No.8729397

what?Did you even read the study? it's literally written in the study.

>> No.8729452

I don't know the exact title in order to find it. In summaries of the study, like this one:


It seems to imply that they don't have access to 1000$ without going into debt. I doubt these people have a lot elsewhere that they simply can't afford to transfer to their savings.

>> No.8729464

Top kek
I lost 40k and I'm not even mad

>> No.8729704
File: 595 KB, 960x960, B88F4D12-7BF1-4938-8C93-71E01019A74F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Call this number. They MIGHT be able to get your bitcoin back. Worked for me once, second time it didn’t


>> No.8729712

Do it, Venezuela

>> No.8729809

Oh yeah his name Hank. Ask for hank.