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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 7 KB, 259x194, db.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8721610 No.8721610 [Reply] [Original]

So this is how the West ends. Deutsche Bank collapse will destroy the Euro

>assets amounting to approximately 1.65 trillion U.S
>largest bank in Europe
>£436 million (€497 million) loss for the year, marking the third consecutive annual loss
>massive derivative book and potential insolvency
>revenues have fallen 10% to 12% in the last two years
>stock down 30% in 3 months

Germany will either be a world power or will not be at all
- A. Hitler

>> No.8721741

There are 2 Options:

a. DB will collapse this year
b. or 2019

>> No.8721779

Good, I hate Germans

>> No.8721822

They'll be ok. immigration will save them.

>> No.8721830

Germaner here.

We helped Greece banks with German tax money.

What do you think we would do with a German bank in trouble?
There would be no money on earth our government wouldn´t touch to save that bank.
We would raid poland a 13th time to get the money if it is needed.

Dont worry about German banks at all lol.
Our goverment will save it at all costs.

>> No.8721841
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>> No.8721844

>100 years later the Weimar Republic comes back

>> No.8721850

How do i short the germans?
What ever they do they fuck everything up

>> No.8721852

Even though Deutsche Bank raises the bonus payments for manager by times 4.


It can´t be that bad LUL

>> No.8721856

>Raid Poland

You losers can't even catch Arab gangs that are running your criminal underworld lol

>> No.8721868

You guys don't have the money to bail out DB without hyper inflating. Poland will invade you if you destroy the Euro on their dime.

>> No.8721871

Why not raid greece instead ?

>> No.8721877

You think one meme european bank is going to bring down the WEST lmao?

>> No.8721882
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Are you saying that Germany's economy is a meme?


>> No.8721888

DB going down would be a fucking miracle.

>> No.8721912

That is correct. Everyone knows it.
>what is Bitcoin?

>> No.8721913

meanwhile DJ drops like a stone

>> No.8721925
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>> No.8721928

>Poland will invade you

Said nobody ever in human history

>> No.8721933

That is correct.

>> No.8721934

it's called economic colonialism

>> No.8721942

yes correct, but arab king buys our tanks and boats and guns for a lot of money so i guess were good.
some arab gangs are ok and desu i like to have sex with their hijabs wifes when they are not at home

>> No.8721960


>> No.8721961
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picture in attachment shows the economy power of each german region compared to other narions.

>> No.8721968

Enjoying collapsing the Euro and EU with it if you bail out DB AG

>> No.8721975

DB and the Euro cannot be saved. Ask Martin Armstrong, he knows.

>> No.8721981
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>> No.8721998

This, there simply is no exit. All options are fucked up. They Know it, Dragi knows it.

>> No.8722010

How to profit from this shit?

>> No.8722016

I thought it showed closest ethnocultural similarities.

>> No.8722017


>> No.8722025


Thread theme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YZgtAa9f7a4

>> No.8722040

That's a little simplistic. "Exposure to derivatives" doesn't mean much. They could just as well end up a gift to whoever takes them over.

>> No.8722050

Max out your loans and default.

>> No.8722051
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yeah well unless we enter another major crisis that shit don't bother nobody. and abenomics and qe seem to be working out. they have for 20 odd years in japan at least.
but then sure, one day things will pop. and that's gonna be a bad day for our banking system, the world wide economy, capitalism and the people living within it

>> No.8722065
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no it would be more like this

>> No.8722068

That neme bank happens to be so big it is at the centrum of financial web. If it falls, the losses it incurs to other structurally important banks are so big it could probably tear down the whole global market economy

>> No.8722079

Remember when Leman Brothers trigrred the GFC? Now, this time a likely candidate is Deuch Bank. It’s like being hit by a bicycle andspending all you money on medical costs, then, as you walk out of the hospital you get hit by a Truck.

>> No.8722080

yeah but basicly this is a fact for every top10 banks in the world because they are all interlaced

>> No.8722088


>> No.8722094

>We would raid poland a 13th time to get the money if it is needed
Except this time when you try to come back your country will be called Syria II instead of Deutschland

>> No.8722101

>being this alienated.

>> No.8722121

so be it, as i said, i have a very high fence around my house and i like to fuck arab hijab wifes when their arab husbands are out stealing food and stuff

>> No.8722122


>> No.8722124

>implying it would be possible to take them over
*laughs hysterically*

>> No.8722125

>d LUL
This one 100%
£41 trillion derivatives

>> No.8722129

You're right. But its not easy to calculate their exact exposure - and with the volatility at the moment I don't think they even know where they are vulnerable, and for how much,

>> No.8722132

Fucking lol

>> No.8722164

Abenomics hasnt done shit, Japan's economy has died in the 80s and has been bleeding ever since

>> No.8722202

bleeding but not crashing
best we can hope for, son. in a super conservative, aging, xenophobic society that is.

Show me the system more successful than Abenomics (bearing in mind that the west adopted it in 2008 (with the exception of Germany forcing the south into austerity - which didn't go too well))

>> No.8722222

I don't care for Germany in its current state. It can die off desu

>> No.8722244


>> No.8722258

Who cares Germany is dead

>> No.8722283

tell that the countries who are such a shitshow that they buy everything from us because they can´t construct a single thing without failing hard.

>> No.8722303

>come to thread
>wtf everything sounds retarded in here
>none of this makes sense and is borderline a trump speech
>check board
ooooh now I understand ok carry on guys here's a bump

>> No.8722312

I actually came and warned you about all this a few weeks ago including the DOW, DAX, FTSE, deutsche bank, citigroup, Italy and what is unfolding (crash bandicoot image). I wish you would listen sometimes

>> No.8722316

Yeah the traditional way.

That's DB's problem and only German taxpayer's problem if there are structural problems in the derivatives (like 2008). This is a simple problem and isn't the root of their misery. They just keep losing, they're losers.


>> No.8722325

>Dollar crashing for weeks
>Euro stronger than ever
>It will be Germany that is going to make our economy crash
Top fucking kek. America is going to drive the world economy into the ground and Europe will be the only part of the West that will adapt and thrive. America is going to burn hard in the next 3 years, with your increasinly militant political divisions, your crashing stock market, your incompetent reality TV star of a president and declining military power in the world (Russia beat your asses in Syria and Ukraine hard). Also let's not forget the dollar will lose its dominance in world trade. China just introduced the 'petro-yuan' considering they know the dollar will crash at some point.

Yes, America will be in flames. You haven't seen anything yet. I foresee mass protests, riots, stock market crashes and extreme left and right wing groups openly clashing on the streets. Have fun Amerimutts, at least you have your television with every 5 minutes a commercial break to distract yourselves.

>> No.8722334
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Nice one.

>> No.8722336
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fucking checked
t. german

>> No.8722342

Force Ireland to bail out commerzbank Germany from their taxpayers for stupid 'investments' made by commerzbank Germany a unsecured bondholders. Ireland bails out german bank, germans claim the bailed out Ireland.

Never ever forget the germans and the French are colonists and should be preyed on as such. Shooting germans, French and english is a national pastime throughout Europe for very good reasons

>> No.8722344


wait, which hitler said that?

>> No.8722357
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>> No.8722358

>fucking checkedt. german

Cleaning my rifle.

>> No.8722385

What was that EU inter bank loaning that stopped?

>> No.8722397
File: 58 KB, 420x489, ze_germans.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

collapsing Amerifat financial institution will be bailed out by amerifat taxpayers
collapsing German financial institution will be bailed out by the lesser european nations taxpayers
you dumb amerifats have no fucking idea what's EU is all about

>> No.8722400
File: 79 KB, 923x895, 56%.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you only come to chan for /biz/

>> No.8722401

hahaha you are the most butthurt little paddy that has walked the earth since your potatoes got rained on and the english stole the few you dug out

>> No.8722407

>collapsing German financial institution will be bailed out by the lesser european nations taxpayers

With what? Potatoes?

>> No.8722420

>He thinks other yuropoor nations would agree to saving a G*rman financial institution

>> No.8722458

US Taxpayers will bail us out.
It doesnt matter for them, look at the debt clock.
It's a 0 more or two, peanuts.
They helped '45 - they will do it again.

>> No.8722472

everything points to a major chaos in 2018-2022, perhaps even ww3. what do?

>> No.8722496

duck and cover

>> No.8722521

net =/= gross exposure, most of those cancer bets are covered.
>the bank's net exposure to derivatives are far lower, at around 41 billion euros.
The goymans will bail that shit out like good goyim and wouldnt bat an eye

>> No.8722665
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>tfw Swiss
>tfw Swiss National Bank made 54 bln CHF profit in 2017

>> No.8722707



>> No.8722713

you guys are a thieving mafiaesque bunch of mountain dwellers that help criminals all across the world embezzle money and dodge taxes.
should have invaded you
>but sure, yfw

>> No.8722756

Underrated, kek

>> No.8722759

Fuck off retard. New paradigm, this one doesn't crash.

>> No.8722800

Where you at? Thinking about moving to Zermatt when I make it.

>> No.8722826

Your grandkids will be Muslim in your scheiss multikulti refugees welcome land

>> No.8722842

Lucerne, studied in Zürich and worked in Basel

Zermatt is expensive as shit obviously so you'd surely need a couple of mil

>> No.8722846

The teanigs did give the bogwogs potatoes in the first place.

>> No.8722859

>First voted for a degenerate scumbag like Hitler.
>Then vote for Merkel four times.
>Always cause shit that destabilizes Europe.

I am very sorry

>> No.8722885

Hitler was the last pure soul in human history, show some respect you filthy degenerate

>> No.8722925

Look Muhammad, thats not gonna happen unless you want to be carting around a wheel barrow of bank notes to pay for your morning halal certified bratwurst.

>> No.8722946

That does make sense having Syria in the heart of Germany.

>> No.8722987

Yeah so I've heard. Any other place you can recommend? I just want to be in a /comfy/ town in the mountains near the slopes so I can ski, paraglide etc.

Also, how is the immigration situation in Switzerland? I know this isn't /pol/ but it would be nice to know.

>> No.8723169

>Deutsche Bank collapse will destroy the Euro

That's like an oxymoron squared.
First of all DB will not collapse

>bbut my Lehman Bros
LB was only allowed to collapse because
a) there was no political will to provide money for a bailout
b) the whole market was in turmoil

Nothing of the sort is happening now. I'm hearing stories about DB's imminent collapse for 3 years in a row, guess what - it hasn't happened and will not happen.

>failure of one bank collapses the Euro

This statement makes OP even more retarded, even though it's already impossible.

DB =/= Eurozone. DB =/= ECB.
Also, the time when Deutsche was a purely German bank is long gone, it's been an international investment bank for a long time now, right now DB is not very different from Goldman Sachs or JP Morgan.
Therefore the statement that DB would break Euro is as retarded as statement that "Lehman bankruptcy will destroy the USD".

TL;DR OP is a monumental retard and a happeningfag, who drinks too much cool-aid (ZeroHedge and YT videos).

>> No.8723192
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>> No.8723211

Geneve is infested with niggers like France
Towns in central Switzerland/in the Alps are still pretty gud (you have the occasional kebap shop even in hardcore Swiss towns but atleast not that many teenie raping refugees).
Zurich is pretty international and some sandniggers but all in all still clean
Basel has lots of French/German immigrants, not that many niggers

all in all, Swiss nationality is hard to obtain and asylum is not given that easily

there are still some Africans that chill around and look like Rae sremmurd wearing red shoes for 200 CHF

all in all based country

>> No.8723222

Can you explain it to me?
Why would it even bother the euro?

We saved Greece banks with tax money and it doesn´t even bothered the euro, because it is all just imaginary money.
Do you think there is "real" money behind this shit?

Same for Deutsche Bank.

Nevertheless there would be a lot of help from several countries because almost EVERY bank is doing busined with Deutsche Bank.
The USA alone would help us out because when Deutsche Bank goes down, their whole banking system will go too because they are all huge involved with Deutsche Bank.

Germany will not have to save this bank alone all the countries which have a big finance sector would help. Because otherwise, they will pay even more when their finance sector goes down with Deutsche Bank.

>> No.8723231

>We helped Greece banks with German tax money
lmao you destroyed and completely drained greece's economy to bail out german banks that thought they would be able to make business in greece

but this time you can't destroy another country's economy to bail out german banks again

so it's game over for germany

>> No.8723258

>but this time you can't destroy another country's economy to bail out german banks again

how often do i have to explain it to you?
Deutsche Bank is not a German Bank it is an international investment bank with a German name.
Every big bank is involved with Deutsche Bank and every fucking country with a big finance sector is linked with Deutsche Bank.

>> No.8723295

>but this time you can't destroy another country's economy to bail out german banks again

and please let not forget that german work untill 67 untill they get their retirement while in EVERY FUCKING country in europe people reitre with 55 max.

so shut the fuck up greece manipulated their stats to get in the euro zone in the first place this shitshow country has the luck if the irish to be our gulag.
we can stop all the help today and we will see how far your economy will come around with gyros and zaziki as the best exports.

>> No.8723318
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>> No.8723339
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Interesting, thanks. Will go there this summer to check it out personally.

>> No.8723352

>while in EVERY FUCKING country in europe people reitre with 55 max

This is total BS btw. There a just a couple of countries in Europe with the retirement age that low.

>> No.8723392

DAMN Hans-Mohammed got wrecked

>> No.8723501

u can level this country again but there is no way they won't rise back twice as strong. I am not german I just live here but these cucks have some serious work ethic. Their big flaw is is that they are not interested in breeding. I know a bunch of people mid 30 without a child they would rather spend the money on new cars and holidays. So they need to import arabs. They will repopulate.

>> No.8723591

ok you are right but don´t tell me greece is not responsible for their mess of an economy.

>> No.8723618

lol at hans above, as clueless now as they were when they invaded poland. that sure did work out well for germany...
no wonder the bongs are prepared to bankrupt themselves to leave their retarded club.

>> No.8723629

Does it have to be this year though? I'm kind of planning a trip... if EUR collapses this year I'm going to be pretty salty. I never had this much EUR before.

>> No.8723705

so why did you bail out the niggers of europe? Was it out of the kindness of your hearts?
You're fooling no one fritz.

>> No.8723751


Sauce for this pictures?

>> No.8723800


>> No.8723801

Maybe give your 21 trillion dollar national debt a look. Our problems are a drop in a bucket.

>> No.8723858

what do oyu mean with bail out?
germany is the biggest donor of greece.
Germany helped out with a lot of money.

The requirements for that money are structural changes in the greece finance, economy and social sectors.

the other option would be to retire from the euro zone and print as much greek drachme or whatever they money was called back in the days to pay the debts.

if you do not realize that Germany is the biggest reason greece is still able to survive, you are not informed anon.

>> No.8723876
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Kek has spoken. Bye cruel world.
t. germanfag

>> No.8723890


Amazingly /Biz managed to have a half-decent discussion on economics. Well done lads!

>> No.8723939


>> No.8723983

Economic power is a massive meme. That image is just showing what Poland could gain by rolling their tanks into Berlin. Germany has no military while Poland has been steadily building theirs up. And don't expect trump to come to the aid of Germany when he already hates them BEFORE they've crashed the world economy.

>> No.8724141

>We would raid poland a 13th time to get the money if it is needed.

Lol you should visit /k/ and ask about the state of the German military sometime. Unless you can coerce France into helping you, Poland will wipe the floor with you this time.

>> No.8724175

ok the explain me what would be the benefit for poland.
what do they do after they invaded us.

they can´t run the companies if they could, they would have their own companies with sucess.

they can´t run our finance system, they would have their own if they could

they can´t run our car industry, they would have their own industry

they can´t do SHIT with German ressources because Poland is way behind intelectual and educational.

They would run Mercedes with Poland people?
Making cars with Poland expertise? Poland quality and Poland accuracy?
Poland engineering?

Should I tell you something else?

Who do you think made your Leopard2 tanks?
Your Poland engineering pros?

And if wikipedia is correct Poland has 47.193 active soldiers.

There are more and better armed islamic/arab gangs in germany than your country has soldiers I can tell you that much.

>> No.8724234

The absolute collapse of Europes economy might save them in the long run. No welfare state would completely remove the ability for third world migrants to exists in the west. Would also make the native population much less likely to freely hand over their resources to outsiders.

>> No.8724280

Germans are pussys and would get rolled over. Fighting takes heart and courage, both of which German males lack.

>> No.8724286

i guess it needs one call in riad or ankara and our muslim friends will make some dschihad in poland to save their mohameds in germany.

not worried at all

>> No.8724365

You Germans allow muslims to invade. Allow muslims to mollest and rape your women. Es ist schade.

>> No.8724370
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as i said.
one call to riad or ankara and mohamed will bring dschihad to poland and it will be same as usual when poland tries something.

>> No.8724395

they do not rape our women, they will breed the fat and ugly one so we do not have to do.
we have sex with hookers from poland which are not the prettiest but they try hard and only want 20€ for everything.

>> No.8724420

>implying the EU dying won't be a good thing

>> No.8724502

im not polish.

>I see muslim physically sexually assaulting german girl in the streets of Hamburg.
>German males just watch
>I choke Muslim
>Germans come as if I'm the bad guy

German manner sind große liberal pussys

>> No.8724547

>Allow muslims to mollest and rape your women
I have yet to meet one single German in person who allowed someone else to molest and rape "our" women.
So far whenever it happened legal actions followed.
It must be nice living in a made up fantasy world that justifies voting for a brainlet called Trump and yet bash others.

>> No.8724567

>We would raid poland a 13th time to get the money if it is needed.

Go ahead Helmut. Try it.

>> No.8724597

>not american, therefore couldn't vote for Trump
>I've seen first hand women being molested by muslims in Germany
>laughs at Germans as they deny the truth that surrounds them.

>> No.8724604

>still based buying Mercedes while the European Union was adopting stringent economic policies
holy kek!

>> No.8724645

Don't you remember the german New Years mass sexual assault that wasn't reported on until weeks later?

isn't it odd that Germans can't release names of criminals anymore?
You know his name is Mohammad anyway.

And you elected Merkel again as she destroys Europe under german rule thinly veiled as the eu

>> No.8724666

t. newscuck troglodyte

>> No.8725078

>they would have their own if they could run them

Typical IYI, thinks Germans are wealthy for any reason other than controlling the EU. Only true geniuses can run financial institutions, that's why 2008 happened.

>> No.8725188

It is necessary that I should die for my people, but my spirit will rise from the grave and the world will know that I was right.

-Adolf Hitler

>> No.8725384

Kek alm the triggered pol*s in the reply section are hilarious. Your 3rd world country would completely get wiped out even by an islamic germany

>> No.8725403

I'm going to beat a kraut today just for that.

>> No.8725415
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inb4 Weimar 2.0

>> No.8725463

>they will breed the fat and ugly one so we do not have to do.

>I'm perfectly okay with my country spitting out lower IQ mixed race shits, this surely will not affect me in the future. I can bang polish whores afterall.

>> No.8725544
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air superiority > tanks
I thought we taught you that lesson last time around.

>> No.8725576

You cucks sold nuclear missile capable subs to Israel.

>> No.8725620
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we all make mistakes.

>> No.8725768

I can't believe nobody's mentioned brexit.

>> No.8726217

it's not really worth mentioning at this point. the teanig people wanted out, but their government clearly don't so it's a none starter.