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8721128 No.8721128 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.8721130

Right now.

>> No.8721142

falling till summer, sideways until 2019

>> No.8721168
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>be mutt, grocery shopping
>see 56% discount on a 10 pound bag of cookies
>stand in checkout line
>reach in pocket, burgers fall out
>grab phone, check blockfolio
> -2%
>bags instantly slip out of tiny hands
>sell it all at a loss
>sharts in mart
>everyone claps
>ride fat scooter home
>get pulled over by cops
>have to play a game of twister
>fall over
>cops empty their AR’s on me
>they claim self defense
>everyone claps
literally you right now

>> No.8721204

>somehow not making money in a bear market

>> No.8721209

Now, obviously.

>> No.8721527

in 3-5 years time. Look at the dot-com bubble recovery it took around 3-5 years (2000 was the bottom true recovery began between 2003 and 2005 with the first "Web 2.0" services such as Youtube starting then.)

>> No.8721546

mid may, but first we'll capitulate below 6k.Then;

We'll see bull run like no other, we'll break 20k 30k 40k as if it's nothing, btc will go up to 80-90k eoy.

cap this.

>> No.8721573

The .com bubble was on much slower timescale. For example, the bull run portion of the bubble was about two years long; crypto's bull run, in comparison, was about 5 months.

Crypto moves at 4-5x speed, which means we could be bottoming out now (~3 months of crashing, which is equal to about 1 year on stock timescale).

>> No.8721594
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>> No.8721631

I'd argue that the bullrun portion of the crypto market started late 2015 and ended late 2017 almost exactly 2 years just like the dot-com bubble.

>> No.8721691

You can make a case for the bullrun starting probably as far back as March 2017, perhaps. That's 11 months. About 95% of Bitcoin's bullrun value was gained during that period. But Late 2015 is bullshit; the price was virtually stagnant throughout the entirety of 2016 when compared to what happened in Q3 and Q4 of 2017.

>> No.8721714

I should have said 11 months AGO, which equals about 8-9 months of bull run. Only about 1/3rd the length of the .com run.

>> No.8721770
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The bullrun started mid-october 2015 and ended in December 2017. I should also mention that I was into crypto since 2011 and I clearly noticed a bull run trend happening late 2015. Sure is slowly accelerated over the 2 years with a crescendo in December 2017 but I feel like people saying the bullrun started in 2017 is just their bias because most people here are new into crypto and thus didn't experience the past growth.

I think it'll be 3-5 years before a real recovery happens.

>> No.8721947

Simply repeating your thesis that the bullrun started on date X and ended on date Y isn't a counter-argument. The fact you were here for Z years doesn't matter.

Bottom line: the vast, VAST majority of upward price action happened in late 2017; the gains made in 2015 and 2016 aren't even close to comparable. It is true that the market was bullish in that period but it was not part of the tulip-tier bubble we'd later see form. In any event, if you really want to force the startdate of the crypto bubble that far back, then you must also logically extend the .com bubble's origin to 1994/1995; that gives the .com bubble a SIX year run, versus crypto's two.

I've been super bearish on crypto in other threads (and remain bearish overall) but claiming there's a 1:1 timescale comparison between crypto and the .com bubble is absolutely retarded and unsupportable. There are other reasons to think that crypto may not recover but this dumpster-tier analogy isn't one of them.

>> No.8722091

Which dotcom exchange had a crazy jap fuck dumping stock everytime the market recovered? I cant quite recall.

>> No.8722144

Pretty sure that would be Oracle execs, on the NASDAQ, in early 2000.

>> No.8722198

>cops empty ARs
An AR is a civilian model of the M16, besides, most cops that are certified in use in long arms use the M4 carbine since it's easier to put into and take out of the police vehicle. Even SWAT prefer their compact size.

t. Crypto-trading burger cop

>> No.8722269

Hey, we'd get details wrong in the reverse. Like saying Europoors heat up water in the microwave.

>> No.8722300

It will never reach dec 17 / jan 18 levels agaim

>> No.8722306

Right now dumbass you don't want it to retard moon just yet

>> No.8722327

What's your opinion on bump stocks? Should I invest in smart guns or will that never happen?

>> No.8722561

There's nothing wrong with bump stocks since all it does is make it easier to do a bump fire:


And smart guns? Good idea in theory but a massive risk in privacy. I don't think that's ever going to fly in the US. Maybe wise to invest in companies that produce AK-47 style rifles since if there's an "ASSAULT WEAPONS BAN!" again, it disproportionately affects AR manufacturers.