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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 14 KB, 225x225, 402EFAC5-A720-427D-8644-3085D18A0EE6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8719220 No.8719220 [Reply] [Original]

If you don't buy Cardano, then you are a bigot that won't pay this lovely woman's salary

>> No.8719245

Joke's on you OP, FUD all you want, you'll hate yourself even more than you do already soon enough.

>> No.8719248

The EOS Marines do not show mercy to their opponents. The weak already fear the strong in this space. Vitalik “CP on my PC” Buterin is writing several frantic anti-eos blogs as we become gods and destroy his beautiful creation. It’s time to throw this old shit into the trash where it belongs. Ethereum is over.

>> No.8719264

EOS fanboys need to shut the fuck up about ETH and Cardano. Is EOS so worthless that they have nothing good to say about it, so they need to focus on FUDing the competition?
>durrrr we'll sell all the ETH we got during the ICO to crash Ethereum and take it's place durrrrr

>> No.8719278
File: 1.50 MB, 1722x1212, cardano.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She was hired before she transitioned. They didn't hire her to be an equal opportunity employer or any bullshit like that. No one cares about her gender identity besides you guys.

>> No.8719281

No EOS will scale to millions of free transactions per second and give god tier airdrops to holders.

You’ve made a grave mistake, haven’t you?

>> No.8719299

I've made a grave mistake when I accidentally deleted my filters, which makes me have to deal with EOS and Chainlink shills again, yes.

>> No.8719309

>you GUYS.
Seem 2 me u also care about gender anon

>> No.8719315


>> No.8719326

>posts picture of bald fella with beard

>> No.8719415

"she" is a freak and I will never unironically use his preferred pronouns. Trainees like that need to be GASSED

>> No.8719427

That isn’t a trainee it’s a high level employee in charge of hiring people.

>> No.8719430
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>> No.8719451
File: 996 KB, 1000x752, twinpeaks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a business and finance board. It's unprofessional to carry that attitude into the workplace, if God-forbid you ever get out of your basements or minimum wage job and enter an office setting. It's not even that I care about a social justice cause, I don't. I just can't imagine caring at all, I don't know what it's like to give a shit about what pronoun to call someone, so if someone asks me to use one, it's so irrelevant to me that I'll use whatever they want since they obviously care more.

Tell me anons, what's it like having a stick up your ass?

>> No.8719466

Who the fuck cares? If they write good code why does it matter how they choose to dress or present themselves to the world?
This community constantly defends eccentric autists like Larimer or Vitalik, but transexuals is where you draw the line?
Stay poor reactionary morons

>> No.8719497
File: 82 KB, 530x480, adapoligize.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

majestic af

>> No.8719503
File: 2.85 MB, 4032x3024, FC6FC6B8-0D14-494B-8F6B-DAFDD09AF783.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trannies are awful programmers because their mind is on degenerate sex 24/7

>> No.8719512

no thanks i don't want aids

>> No.8719537

Buy High?

Fuck you, will wait for this shit to hit below $0.13 before I even consider buying this shit again

>> No.8719539

is this what we call shaving your beard, putting on contacts and wearing makeup? i do that every now and then but i'm not into gay sex

>> No.8719570
