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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 362 KB, 530x674, Screen Shot 2018-04-03 at 1.33.07 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8718108 No.8718108 [Reply] [Original]

I'm seeing a major shift in sentiment on 4chan. People are talking less and less about chainlink and more and more about EOS.

Is there a 4chan flippening from link to EOS?

>> No.8718117
File: 17 KB, 780x405, brock-pierce-eos-io-780x405.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

EOS - Make pedophilia great again

>> No.8718123

This is the most transparent shilling since powh

>> No.8718125

EOS and Chainlink are both good but let’s be honest

>> No.8718127

You're getting it confused anon. EOS is replacing the NANO fad, LINK has been here since Pre-ICO and will keep getting shilled until Sergey makes us millionaires or gets diabetes from Big Macs.

>> No.8718129

EOS is fucking retarded and the founders are cuck betas

>> No.8718138
File: 499 KB, 785x757, E22A11AB-68D4-4954-A886-B274F5E30A33.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Brock left the company

EOS doesn’t need to be shilled. EOS marines aren’t shilling, they’re bragging and trying to help you at the same time.

>> No.8718144
File: 78 KB, 452x395, EOS+Team.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothing beta about diddling little boys anon

>> No.8718151


yeah the 6th largest market cap is just like powh

>> No.8718153
File: 115 KB, 644x535, collins-rector.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Brock left the company
But the stain will stay there forever

>> No.8718165

NANO doesn’t support smart contracts and is 100% obsolete June 1st. Don’t ever compare NANO to EOS. That makes you look very not so smart.

>> No.8718197
File: 15 KB, 251x242, 6dBt2Oj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chainlink has and always will be the coin on which a lot of ico OG's made money by dumping on top of new wave /biz/ retards and buying in again on new wave /biz/ retards. That loop has concluded 4 times now and the new wave retards are now grasping what has happened to them.

Now we wait for the next normie storm and we pick another coin we can trick suckers into.

It's a bit like a Hazing, only instead of only your dignity, we tend to also fuck up your savings

>> No.8718196

I'm not comparing anything idiot, I'm talking about how EOS is a fad and won't be shilled in 2-3 months similar to how NANO was shilled nonstop for 2-3 months unlike LINK which has been consistently shilled for the past 6 months.

>> No.8718202

imagine being so butthurt about eos that you cry pedo without doing research. brock was 17 and got funding from a pedo. he was innocent and left eos anyway.

do you honestly think calling a former eos employee a pedo is going to effect eos?

desperate, sad soy boys. if you unironically fud eos you need to check your t levels in a lab.

>> No.8718215

Chainlink is just a meme. EOS has a good chance of achieving great things

>> No.8718217


they're just still accumulating

>> No.8718216

> the Ethereum killer is a fad
> sub second block times are a fad
> the fastest blockchain ever produced that also processes smart contracts is a fad
> it’s just a fad

>> No.8718237

Enjoy getting bags dumped on you, Korean's have been stockpiling and shilling EOS on ilbe for the past 3months.

>> No.8718259

> Collins Rector
You realize it’s not even the same guy right? Brock was never convicted of anything. He was a child actor and sexually abused then there were rumors that he was in a pedophile gang (of course, never proven)
This has nothin to do with EOS, Brock Pierce has been in Fintech for 10+ years and trying to smear him because of his past as a way to attack EOS is a cheap shot

>> No.8718261

Koreans are psychotic about EOS and EOS holders have the strongest hands in the market. I wonder why that is.

Stay shockingly impoverished. No EOS in your wallet no food in your belly, bitch. You are a boy made of SaltySoy.com faggot

>> No.8718280
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how many EOS do I need to make it?

>> No.8718298
File: 189 KB, 940x1275, 438689BF-E101-4E41-91C8-33F43F7473D0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s unironically decentralized af too

>> No.8718300

At LEAST 1k. EOS will save crypto. Normies expect use cases and impressive technology now. EOS will deliver.

Novogratz motherfucker.

>> No.8718344
File: 556 KB, 641x549, eos_brock.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's one of his pseudonyms.
> smear
Are you sure defending a child molestor is a good strategy for EOS? They should have never hired that person in the first place

>> No.8718356

Shut your whore mouth

>> No.8718368

No it isn’t one of his pseudonyms you retard. Pedo FUD has been BTFO. This is all you’ve got? Shit we’ve already dismantled? Lies?

GL fudding EOS with obvious bullshit. You’re probably baiting skills and it’s working. 7/10

>> No.8718373

One of the biggest reasons I’m bullish on EOS is that it’s going to bring crypto to a more legit point. Shitty projects can no longer blame their problems on the slow blockchain or fees or whatever. There are no excuses on EOS. Your project lives or dies on its own merit. We’re about to see crypto transform from proof of concept to legitimate value. That “95% of coins won’t be around in the future” saying that gets tossed around a lot is going to happen because of EOS.

>> No.8718377

He really should have teamed up with Vitalik.

>> No.8718386

baiting shills*

>> No.8718410
File: 35 KB, 619x453, DD7893A0-7048-4D89-9ACE-01261E150B04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The more I learn about EOS the more I believe this. EOS might actually kill Ethereum and that scares the shit out of me. What if the EOS killer pops up tomorrow?

>> No.8718427

Nigga shut up the EOS dev invented DPOS. EOS is unironically maxing out the scalability ceiling on what is possible with blockchain and smart contracts.

>> No.8718434

chainlink always sucked

>> No.8718440

this. other than talking like a nigger you are correct. eos is the final boss.

>> No.8718446
File: 575 KB, 934x557, brock_pierce.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The "pedo FUD" will never be BTFO. It's an eternal stain on EOS and it's going to kill it. Normies will never touch a coin associated with child molestors.
> This is all you’ve got?
No lmao I can get into the technology, don't even get me started
> centralized
> made by a solo developer, who jumps from project to project. Doesn't have the team behind Ethereum
> doesn't have the network effects of Ethereum
> is useless since Ethereum will scale with Casper
> literally depends on Ethereum to exist as an ERC20 token
> Block.one pumping the price and using paid shills to generate hype
You want more?

>> No.8718456

>Shitty projects can no longer blame their problems on the slow blockchain or fees or whatever
Actually, they can, because EOS will throttle their performance unless they spend an exorbitant amount of start-up capital hoarding EOS.

>> No.8718475

>deluded linkies switch from one get rich quick scheme to another
So I shouldn't buy this token, right?

>> No.8718507

>except everything is owned by eos itself
decentralized just like XRP

>> No.8718509
File: 222 KB, 940x1275, 00DDC0C8-0692-4AA3-AB8C-9899E49D3994.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Brock was a teenage victim and left EOS anyway. Vitalik wants CP legal. There aren’t paid EOS shills just bag holders. I’m happy that you will be poor.

> muh pedocoin

BTFO. Dan has also stated he won’t leave EOS due to big money benefits at block one. BTFO. They’ve said repeatedly they aren’t wash trading. You’re just angry an ICO has earned over a billion dollars. Centralized? See attached.

EOS is the Coin of Gods baby get down or lay down peasant

>> No.8718534

>see attached
>counts pools as single entities
>ignores the fact that all 21 block producers could literally be the same entity on a given EOS-based platform

>> No.8718535

You didnt btfo anything you ignoramus

>> No.8718546

hey imagine if all eos fud devolved into debunked conspiracy theories.

thank you based saltyanon. i’m officially bullish.

>> No.8718564

That’s fair, but there are ways around it. There’s a proposed token rental/loan dapp in the works that could help. Or if it’s a good idea pitch it to Block.One for some of that billion dollar VC fund. It’s also up to devs how they want to allocate the dapp bandwidth costs. Ideally they would hold EOS tokens themselves so users can use the dapp for free. Worst case could be a hybrid model, or a user paid one that slowly transitions to a feeless model as popularity grows as a sort of fundraiser. I think we’ll see some creative monetization methods be tested on EOS.

>> No.8718575
File: 102 KB, 710x473, 4B04A657-6F6E-4E65-A848-989329B596EE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty sure you actually got BTFO. EOS FUD has become conspiratorial in nature because there’s nothing bad to say about it. It’s been structured as flawlessly as possible to make blockchain work in the real world.

>> No.8718580

> There’s a proposed token rental/loan dapp in the works that could help
this was never done before and never ever turned out to be a massive shitfest
oh wait

>> No.8718588

Brock Pierce was 17 when that happened to someone he knew and Brock was never charged or even accused of anything. I knew a pedo when i was a kid too.

If Brock had sex with anyone under 18 it would of been legal cause he was not an adult at that time.

>> No.8718596

its garbage

>> No.8718605

Okay strike that one then. Still more monetization options than any other blockchain.

>> No.8718607

mETH head conspiracy theories. The desperation from you obsolete retards and ADA trannycoiners is revolting. EOS fud is only posted by visibly upset conspiracy theorists who are afraid of change. Get rekt.

>> No.8718628

Why even debate fudders? If they actually believe what they’re saying, they’re confirmed retarded. The only reason Vitalik keeps frantically blogging at Dan is because he’s terrified of what is coming.

>> No.8718647
File: 41 KB, 715x959, 1522519502181.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes and just like LINK, the real profits of hodling pre-shillfest are long gone.

Jesus Christ it's one of the highest mcaps and still erc20 shitcoin. It's priced in already IF it lives up to the hype. Smart money says that if it doesn't overdeliver (and it almost assuredly can't, they've overshilled and overhyped the fuck out of it) it will dump HARD.

It's ADA (at $1.30) all over, the mcap has far outrun any real development or adoption. Ripe for a massive dump.

Could be worse though, I mean it's not like it's IOTA.

>> No.8718653

I just imagine some of these same people shit on Ethereum during its ICO, only to fomo in and defend it later. Now they’re doing it again. Lol af.

>> No.8718666

Yes, I'm sure we will see some very creative scams, I mean, "monetization methods" indeed.

>> No.8718673

Don’t be retarded it’s going to wreck Ethereum’s MC. Mainnet is definitely not priced in. That will be $15 or so. Good luck brother. Make the right call for the sake of your well being.

>> No.8718703

> conspiracy theories
Fucking kek. You people are so delusional it's not even funny. Enjoy the ride to 0 when Larimer dumps his bags on you.

>> No.8718722

>Fucking kek. You people are so delusional it's not even funny. Enjoy the ride to 0 when Larimer dumps his bags on you.
Larimer already has 1 billion in eth, why would he need to dump his bags?

>> No.8718730
File: 551 KB, 1440x1280, 1522427563841.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>doesn't understand returns are inversely proportional to mcap

Look I wish EOS all the best but everyone who wants to own it already does. I'd rather just keep hodling my platform coin that has had a working mainnet for 8 months already and is 1/50th of the mcap since I've never even seen it mentioned here and everyone will want to own it as soon as they learn what it is.

>> No.8718775

Not to mention Dan said they are making it easy for erc20 projects to easily port over to the EOS blockchain. If projects start doin so it will be a fomo if biblical proportions and siphon ETH market cap with it.

>> No.8718841

Cmon, what is it?

>> No.8718906
File: 187 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180306-174211.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


10% proof of stake rewards, no masternodes

NTP1 token creation, which is basically ERC20 but creation is as easy as WAVES (more expensive to discourage squatters claiming token names)

Devs are former Cisco and HP execs, well connected in tech.

And it all fucking works, and every deadline on the roadmap ships 2-6 weeks ahead of schedule.

Got 15k worth staking on my raspberry pi

>> No.8719129


Dan will abandoned it

>> No.8719139

>will abandoned

watch the ivan on tech interview with dan and then apologize.

dan will never leave eos.

>> No.8719150
File: 17 KB, 221x228, 69ED1161-1C85-404F-9209-4E0A854891A6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> everyone who wants to own eos already does

Best tech in blockchain. Kneel

>> No.8719722
File: 14 KB, 512x279, download_20180228_095608.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just bought 1.25 BTC worth

>> No.8719742

>EOS doesn’t need to be shilled
Right... this is why they post about 30 threads here a day, and also invade every single ADA, ETH, ICX, etc. thread.

>> No.8719783

/biz/ always switches to the next coin to drop massively in value.

>> No.8719784

Remember block time is irrelevant if it's centralized

>> No.8719843

Selling my EOS was the worst decision ive made, it's stayed very resilient through this crash still trading over $5

>> No.8719886

lmfao, have you ever seen brock pierce? dude is like 4 feet tall
besides, it's hardly pedophilia if your "victim" is bigger than you

>> No.8719942

>Ethereum token is an Ethereum killer

>> No.8719967

Yup. Seems like the Bazinga Coin threads

>> No.8719982

EOS has the best tech in crypto and you're mad that people are talking about it on a crypto board?

Cool. Where do I also sign up to be a retard?

>> No.8719992

>>Ethereum token is an Ethereum killer
if you think eos is an eth token you really understand nothing about cryptocurrency tech.

eos uses eth to raise money (1 billion $), and will use it to airdrop the real EOS coins when main net launches in 2 months.

>> No.8719993

Why weren't you talking about EOS so frequently 1 month ago? faggot have fun getting paid pennys per post

>> No.8719998

I was.

Here is your daily reminder copypasta:

1. Dan Larimer is the new king of /biz/
2. EOS will deliver what Ethereum promised and scale to millions of free transactions per second
3. One Billion Dollar capital injection program for new tokens
4. Those tokens are airdropped to EOS holders
5. Not vaporware. Active testnet and dev community
6. Launches June 1st - it's being priced in
7. Google co-founder Eric Schmidt and Mike Novogratz working with $1B EOS VC fund
8. They will pick winning projects to airdrop
9. EOS has no user transaction fees
10. User transaction fees are now obsolete
11. EOS is sustainable through < 5% yearly inflation for block producers
12. It's more decentralized than Ethereum (21 rotating voted in nodes - verified identities)
13. Zil, Hashgraph, Plasma, everything will be dead on arrival
14. Brock left the company even though he was never charged with a crime and is a good man
15. This is like owning NASDAQ and receiving huge amounts of free stock in all of the emerging blue chips.

>Don't forget to register your tokens before June.

>This has been your daily reminder.

>> No.8720007

I don't get paid but I do have over 10k EOS that I got for a dollar because I'm smart and holding it for years.

>> No.8720100

So what you're saying EOS is still all running on Ethereum and the mainnet is still "coming soon"?

In two months it's gonna be a year since EOS "the Ethereum token/killer" has been released and I still don't see It killing eth

>> No.8720122
File: 612 KB, 541x604, 1522213069532.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>best tech in crypto
>erc20 token


>> No.8720150

>So what you're saying EOS is still all running on Ethereum and the mainnet is still "coming soon"?
EOS is not running on ethereum. EOS is not running at all (except on its test net). It merely uses ethereum to raise money and distribute itself.

it's not an erc20 token. It uses the ERC20 token mechanism. There is an ERC20 token called EOS. But EOS is not that token. It simply uses that token as a mean to an end.

The ERC20 token mechanism is quite good and is ethereum's only successful use case.

EOS will be the eth killer because it will allow every other use case that ethereum promised but failed to achieve.

>> No.8720159

EOS is centralized vaporwave.

>> No.8720175

there's literally already dapps using it right now on the test net.

>> No.8720194

the eos chart is just wishful thinking, splitting the pie up into 21 even pieces. you actually think it will consistent 21 independent actors? how precious.

>> No.8720221

autocorrect: consist of

>> No.8720271
File: 288 KB, 1300x2000, 1522369984730.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Exactly. It's a several billion dollar testnet plus some hypothetical numbers and a whitepaper.

Y'all EOS shills acting like this is some kinda groundbreaking achievement when in reality it's not even off the ground at all and yet is already one of the most overbought coins in crypto.

At this point, those anons who are vulnerable to shilling have already bought as it's been top 3 most shilled for MONTHS now. The rest of us who've seen what overhyped overshilled /biz/ coins tend to do (bleed out slowly) will wait for EOS to actually release a mainnet to the public and get a few working dApps before we buy.

>it's totally groundbreaking
>best tech in crypto
>lambo, moon, stay poor faggots, etc.
We know, just like VEN, ICX, TRX, XRP, ADA, LINK, everything else /biz/ shilled this hard.

Kindly stfu

>> No.8720285
File: 17 KB, 258x312, 134356677878.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another huge ass circulating supply coin propping up it's market cap.

>> No.8720348



>> No.8720388

If you have any sense you can see all this influx of eos chatter for what it is. Nobody posts on biz in droves about the same coin to make strangers on the internet money. Only a legitimate few, who's posts are usually saged. Use your head anons.

>> No.8720475

Post recent screenshot

>> No.8720730
File: 188 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180403-061700.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'll not part with a single coin

Staked another 20-25ish that I'm not counting

>> No.8721776

You gotta look for the more discreet shilling like QASH, XCM, SKYCOIN etc. Those are the true moon missions senpai

>> No.8722140

Is this the new Chainlink?

>> No.8722230 [DELETED] 

What you should be asking is:
"are shilling group that were previously paid to shill LINK are paid to shill EOS?"
The answer is: YES

>> No.8722246

EOS so much more better than stinky linky

>> No.8722311

What you should be asking is:
"are shilling groups that were previously paid to shill LINK paid to shill EOS?"
The answer is: YES

EOS is objectively centralized and it's what going to destroy it.
It's easy to destroy EOS - just store music on it, 'decentralized megaupload!11 can't be deleted because it's on the blockchain'.
Nodes are going to get DMCA notices/otherwise sued/ by copyright holders and are going to delete stored content.
Repeat uploading until node owners can't deal with notices manually and have to institute an automated system - like youtube - which automatically deletes content and allows reuploading only after explicit manual permission.
At that point EOS is kill as even dumbest normies realize it's just another centralized cloud.
These nodes are going to be in datacenters which is why these requests can't be ignored.

>> No.8722356

REQ and LINK easily hold 80% of fud and shilling
10% powh
10% rest

>> No.8722393

I know this is a shill thread and all but the guy is a pedo and.... C'mon /biz/ shitposting aside, anyone who will buy this is a retard.

I would go as far your money is safer with Chainlink and that pajeet coin is a meme.

>> No.8723010

no. EOS is TRX tier shitcoin.

>> No.8723148

Now that EOS is getting a proper shill campaign I can relax. The only thing stopping EOS is if Dan catches fire and explodes like in an old war movie.

>> No.8723190

Its hundreds of nodes trying to become the top 21 or something like that. I think steemit uses a similar system.

>> No.8723237

>Exactly. It's a several billion dollar testnet plus some hypothetical numbers and a whitepaper.

Its a more robust open ended version of steemit. Steemit is fully functional and very effective for what it is. You can look at steemit to get an idea of what EOS may be like down the road. EOS will have new social media platforms just like steemit as well. It will have exchanges, games and god knows what else.

You cannot overhype this, EOS as it stands right now is the only crypto you should seriously be looking at. Its the only coin that will be pushing barriers in such a significant way.

>> No.8723257

And for the record, I have been saying this shit for months and months. I am not part of any shill campaign. I am just glad to see people finally shilling it as hard as it deserves to be shilled.

>> No.8723270
File: 7 KB, 225x225, index.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Is there a 4chan flippening from link to EOS?
Yes, please, buy EOS now. It is the new LINK. Next conference will be big. Partnerships with major USA banks are certain to be announced.

>> No.8723280

Can't find a straight answer to this

You can't benefit from holding without registering on binance right? I've heard rumors but they sound wrong

>> No.8723289

Yeah there is a registering thing you need to do. But I hear Exodus wallet is going to implement a one click solution so I am waiting for that.

>> No.8724169
File: 425 KB, 2248x2248, 1522079780821.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you been here for 2018?

Constantly top 3 most shilled

Steemit and bitshares I will admit have decent scaling, but neither are top 20 mcap even with that.

It COULD be a decent platform, and any usable platform will make money, but acting like EOS will instantly make all other platforms obsolete is very naive. Different platforms are going to attract different projects for different reasons. Not every blockchain project needs to do thousands of tx/sec and the centralisation compromises that EOS makes in order to be able to do more tx/sec will not be appropriate for every project.

There's other platform coins out there that haven't gotten the attention EOS has with tiny fractions of EOS's mcap and just as good of tech, just different use cases.

There isn't just gonna be one winner dude.

>> No.8724504

This is an ETH token... Guys are you autistic or just simply shilling this as the next "Chainlink"?

>> No.8724895
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>> No.8724950


it was to create new bagholders and a massive dump scheme by ico buyers

>> No.8726029

I've been holding since ICO and I'm still buying. stay poor anon.

>> No.8726096

we don't need a dozen dapp platforms. in the end there will be 1 or 2 winners, like iOS and Android. maybe a few smaller regional players for china, korea, etc but the vast majority of all dapps will eventually wind up on the winning platform. you're just mad you missed out on ethereum and now you're missing out on eos so you're desperately trying to find the next "hidden gem" even though its far too late.

>> No.8726119
File: 148 KB, 1080x1244, 1520178827904.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thots for 100 $ EOY

>> No.8726472

I unironically think this isn't larp. This is literally what happened with DBC. Me and many newfags who bought it at 7 cents on release shilled it daily on biz

Slowly it got engrained in the minds of biz. They started making memes and having high hopes of $10 EOM

It is now worth like 4 cents when people bought at 50..... All we wanted was anons to pump our coin.

You dumb fags, this is no doubt what happened with CL. But the memes live on because there are hopeful anons still shilling it not knowing they got rused.

>> No.8726560
File: 2 KB, 125x125, 1522429990852s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cardano ADA is 1000x better than this piece of shit, any vaporware is better than EOS

>> No.8726633
File: 82 KB, 536x598, 1522588887999.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sounds like you're really emotionally attached to this coin, anon.

Careful there, that's usually one of the first symptoms of bagholding!

>> No.8726941

nah he nailed it desu

>> No.8727281
File: 1.79 MB, 3353x4472, EA012EC0-33F1-42DE-8FC4-B91B0E3F0C42.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is true

>> No.8727524

You don’t know the meaning of the word decentralized

>> No.8727589

Anything you can’t mine is centralized. Money is an equivalent of work produced. All you centralized token fucks are the worst.

>> No.8727755
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>We'll ever stop shitposting link.

>> No.8727809

Skycoin offers more utility with their fibre technology. Zilliqa offers better throughput with their sharding solution. EOS is a decent play on hype alone but I think those 2 will offer greater gains.