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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 25 KB, 679x275, como-funciona-amway-679x275.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8715095 No.8715095 [Reply] [Original]

What do you guys know about amway?

>> No.8715112

enough to stay the fuck away

>> No.8715180

that their ideas about network marketing or the strength of networks totally applies to crypto. what brings value to anything is its network of users, whether its facebook, walmart or crypto.
amway is all about shilling shitty overpriced products to anyone you know, and after that strangers on the street.
crypto is the same thing, shill, shill, shill and grow the network so your ponzi coins grow in value.

>> No.8715200

Betsy DeVos' family are billionaire because of Amway.

>> No.8715227


I guess crypto is officially dead now. We're back to shilling for real life pyramid schemes.

>> No.8715339

They will tell you to sell their products which are no better than other products but are twice as expensive to your family and friends. They will tell you to go to their meetings and then charge you money for every single meeting that you go to. Your family will hate you, your friends will hate you, but above all, after you've been fleeced for most of your cash and realize the terrible mistake you've made, you will hate you.

Don't work for Amway

>> No.8715356

Memories. I remember 5 years ago a pajeet at a gas station tried to shill amway on me. It's a scam, but I guess it could work if you're a master shill. But you might as well get a real job for the actual amount of effort it takes to get your friends, family and total strangers to hold your bags.

>> No.8715654
File: 274 KB, 1275x1920, 1519625239283.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

breathes in



breathes in


>> No.8716256

One of my best friends from college wasted her entire life to this cult. And yes, it's a cult. She spent every dime she made since graduating, with the usual "Gonna be the big year!" bullshit every year, for over 15 years.
I mostly ignored it, until I found out she was still living at home because she spent EVERYTHING on it. She was single because boyfriends would find out and be horrified. She was a solid 8, too - blong, big boobs, total milkmaid type. I thought she was smart too, but she went down the rabbit hole DEEP.
I started looking into it, and figured it out pretty quickly - total ponzi. The whole things is funded by the lowest level, who pay out of pocket, and hope to resell their shitty products, and usually take a loss to keep their numbers up. Then they have to go to endless conferences and seminars and have a "mentor", who resells them binders and books and audio tapes. I told her, the only way to make money is to be the one making the binders and shit. That led to a long argument lasting months, and we stopped being friends.

It's ten years later. She's been sinking her husband's money into it since then, but since he makes a decent amount of money as a contractor for the Air Force, she gets away with it, and her social media is all about Amway, or whatever they call themselves now.
25 years, and she's probably never made a penny in profit that entire time. She sucks at recruiting, so she never build the pyramid below her, to feed off.
In other words, it's PERFECT for /biz. I'd love to see this place be an Amway cult in a year.

>> No.8716276

The products are secondary to Amway. The money is in selling motivational binders, books, audiotapes, and meetings. People at the higher levels don't touch the products, ever.

>> No.8716469

im convinced, time to start daily amway general threads

>> No.8716560

I think it has potential. There are amway forums to steal copypasta from.

>> No.8717474

They have refined scamming brainlets to an industrial process.

>> No.8717638

I also like the way they have managed to convince governments that they are a legitimate marketing firm. It's genius, really.

>> No.8717752
File: 69 KB, 568x800, 6CBFFF04-9F88-4BDD-96CC-23034F6406C7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh multi level marketing. Fell for one myself once. Had to learn the hard way.

>> No.8717888

I almost got scammed by a similar company, WFG.

>> No.8717903

Any MLM company which convinces governments they are legitimate has to be admired - at least from a marketing standpoint.

Fuck their business model though.

>> No.8717925

It's a scam

>> No.8717932

I wish I am-way up in that pussy right now.

>> No.8717949

this shit cult still exists?

>> No.8717978

Amway is a middle man, cut them out and buy direct from China. Now you're already in a better position than all of those Amway retards.

>> No.8717986

Anyone have screencaps of that underage kid that fell for a MLM scheme and bragged about it here? Dunno why I didnt save it.
>not pretending to be lured in so you can fuck her.
>instead autistically alienating her with obvious truths.
Come on man.

>> No.8718055
File: 249 KB, 637x480, EBE984EF-DF29-47CD-99D7-B7D2FADEE5D3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>requires talking to other people irl
>perfect for biz

>> No.8718064

The antiwagecuck mentality is a meme. If you have a skill that earns money someone will pay you for it. If they don't pay you enough apply elsewhere. If no one will pay you more you arent worth more. If any job requires a financial investment from you, it is a scam. The only time you should be self employed is after at least 10 years of industry experiance a full degree, and contacts coming out the ass. And even then you should only make the jump if you can make enough more to cover the risk premium. 8f you are "self employed" by a logo ie Amway, you are not self employed, you are not their employee, you are their customer.

>> No.8718578

bitcoin is similar to amways as they are both MLM schemes