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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 349 KB, 890x795, Screen Shot 2018-04-02 at 6.07.47 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8714553 No.8714553 [Reply] [Original]

You either blieve this or not.

If you don't get down to this you need to get the FUCK out of Crypto. I've dedicated my life to this future. I'm sick an tired of you fucking Lambo faggots, and I was one of the people posting about Crypto on here years ago trying to give you anons a fucking break. I'm in deep in a major company for Crypto and you are fucking shit up.

Invest and chill.

No more fucking children.

>> No.8714587

Hi OP, glad to see someone who believes in crypto for more than quick gains. God speed.

>> No.8714847
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This. Even people like Vitalik were getting sick of the lambo bullshit and threatened to leave Eth back in December.

Is it too soon to break the news? See photo.

>> No.8714912
File: 25 KB, 541x569, bart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this sounds so scary. maybe because it seems like life would be so different. some black mirror type of shit. I hope to god that this will be a good thing and it doesnt get corrupted

>> No.8714914

>jews are literally genociding whites at an ever increasing rate
>ww3 starting this or in the coming years
>50 year prognosis for the western world: absolute dystopia

but yeah anon keep believing in your fairytale future.

>> No.8714936

can you tell us what the powers that be have in store in order to stop this from happening?

>> No.8714958

This sounds like a pain in the ass for humans, and a waste of time for machines. If the technology advances to the point described, then people are unnecessary. What's the point?

>> No.8714968
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>single decentralised global computer
>single computer

>> No.8714980

The retarded shit you tell yourselves this is why this shit is only good for shorting it. The oldfag investor that was telling people about crypto years ago but has to steal posts from reddit that aren't a week old


>> No.8715028


>> No.8715032

Kys please and take vitalyk with you

>> No.8715039

>You wake up, and see that $17.27 was automatically deducted from your primary wallet, as you had authorized to happen every day, to pay the rent for your apartment.

>If you cancelled the authorization, then after a warning period ownership in the land registry contract would automatically transfer back to the landlord and the door lock would no longer recognise signatures signed by your smartphone’s private key as valid for letting you in. Of course, your landlord is bound by the same restrictions—if he shuts off his account paying the local government $6.60 land value tax per day, then he loses ownership and the contract automatically switches over so you are renting from the government instead. The government itself is simply a large decentralized organization, and you can see in real time the $6.60 moving on the blockchain and eventually getting into an account to pay for a medical research program trying to extend the human lifespan from 170 years to 230.

>The internet that you are using to access this information is based on OpenGarden, which by then is a mature decentralized and incentivized mesh networking platform; you also paid $0.0009 to access the information, but your laptop also earned $0.0014 transmitting other people’s packets at the same time.

>> No.8715056
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DBC is the solution to this.

>> No.8715060
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>You then get up, and get into your Mastercar self-driving car to go to work. Originally, all self-driving cars were made by Google, but Master Corporation, a decentralized autonomous entity that automatically uses a combination of futarchy and liquid democracy to determine how the company should spend its funds each day, proved that its governance mechanism was so efficient that it overtook Google on some core services within three years, and alt-Mastercorps took over most of its other operations.

>You get in, and Mastercar runs a optimized version of the A* search algorithm (for which James Wilbur automatically got a bounty of $782,228 worth of MSC from the Master Contract) to determine the optimal path to your primary workplace. Given that your self-tracking app has detected that you value your own time (or rather, the delta between time spent in a car versus time spent at home or work) at an average of $14.18 per hour, the Mastercar’s algorithm chooses a route which takes an extra 11 minutes in order to avoid road tolls and also on the way move a shipment from one side of the city to the other.

>You drive out, and 30 minutes later you have spent $1.04 on electricity for your car, $1.39 on road tolls, but receive a reward of $2.60 for moving the shipment over.

>You arrive at work—a location which is a hybrid living/working space where “employees” of five different alt-versions of Master Corporation are spending most of their time, except that you chose to live at home because you have a family. You then get to work, running simulations of a proposed new scalability algorithm for the now community/DAO-driven Ethereum 6.0.

>> No.8715102


lol fuck this shit, nearly 70% of what's listed is done more efficienctly and cheaper on a sql server.

however I believe that we'll have another 20x bull run for bitcoin - alts I expect to gain 30x-50x, given you selected the right ones.

that will bring me to around 3 million USD after taxes, and I will sell. I fell for the HODL meme this bull run, and I've learned my lesson.

Next time I won't be so easily fooled.

>> No.8715121

Brainlet confirmed.
Do you even know crypto fundamentals?
A "computer" does not have to be a single box like a PC. A computer can be thousands of boxes working on the same task (such as a supercomputer).
In this case, the single "computer" is the decentralized network through which consensus is reached.

>> No.8715126

i'm not your diary faggot shut the fuck up

>> No.8715561
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>> No.8715616

This is so fucking retarded.

Get out, techbro shit.

>> No.8715706
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>writing in second person

>> No.8715847

>all this automated buying and re-selling, probably at a loss
sounds kind of fucking stupid for how "idealistic" this totalitarian nightmare situation is supposed to be. as if its better if we're all ratting ourselves out quasi voluntarily (sign on the dotted line! re: your free agency!) than the surveillance economy we're already a part of

>> No.8715849

Bump more threads like this are needed

God I hate the faggots on this board chasing lambos and posting pink wojacks

>> No.8715856

so you want to live in a retardedly complicated, wasteful, individualistic, elitist society, simply because of the convenience that comes with it
I bet you have never, ever lived outside of a big city

>> No.8715910


Nobody cares about rednecks, go back to your trailer park jimbo

>> No.8715943

Sounds like a great way to ensnare normies who will be algorithmically destined to never make it.
Chad's won't buy this shit. Chad's will run this shit.
But you and I are not Chad...

>> No.8716023

>No more fucking children.
Tell that to Vitalik

>> No.8716031

you know, there are alternatives to the blind city dwellers and the rednecks, and not everyone in the world lives in the US.


>> No.8716066

so... what coin do i buy? plz help the dog is hungry and the cat ran away.

>> No.8716125
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>> No.8716196
File: 139 KB, 679x960, c52d890dec33918b86a75672a2f07d5c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>books you an taxi

>> No.8716230

black kids can't abstract
don't blame them, just smile and agree.

>> No.8716636

This whole thing sounds gay as fuck but whatever is needed to get you nerds to dump money into these coins.

In reality we'll keep on going as successfully as we have over the past 200 years without the burden of the (((Federal Reserve))) on our shoulders. All this gay utopian shit will be organized by companies because to organize all this shit will take a millennia where corporations will do it in weeks leveraging the same tech. Not that there's anything wrong with creating value.

>> No.8716742
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>> No.8716758


>> No.8716779
File: 59 KB, 598x603, d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

EVERYBODY. Have fiat aside for the big dip. Not these corrections. Stop buying alts.


If you ignore this, you don't deserve crypto. You can get out right now.

You have two options
Continue to deny Bitcoin is being suppressed or manipulated.


a. Recognize the threat
b. Understand the strength of the enemy
c. Play the Cartel’s cards
d. Protect your capital now
e. Buy Bitcoin DAMN cheap later
f. DO not sell your Core position (I am still hodling 70% of my position because I cannot tell when it will turn)

-from @Super_C

>> No.8716944

oh thanks some faggot who calls him self Super_C on the internet.

>> No.8716946
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what's your core position? just bitcoin?

i'm listening, senpai.

>> No.8716950

homosexual future confirmed

>> No.8717246


>> No.8717511

Ethereum is a single (virtual) computer

>> No.8718305

what a gay fantasy you faggot soyboy

>> No.8718355

I believe either this happens soon (within 10 years) or corporations force governments to start ww3 and set us back another few decades.

It'll probably be the latter.

>> No.8718402

Not him. Passing it on because it sounds too good to be true which means it is true.

It was deleted on Medium for violating something. That's a little suspicious don't you think?

Not saying don't continue to trade. If you're good at it, by all means proceed.

Tether, Bitcoin, and Bitcoin Cash.

>> No.8718524

I mean this sounds great and all, but it doesn't take away from the fact that it's slow, can't scale, and is used for scam ICO's.

>> No.8719205

Literally how redditors think.
he future is about war, destruction and exploitation though.

>> No.8719207

Why was it deleted on medium

>> No.8719360

>I dont understand it!!
>Its a conspiracy of Illuminati?!!


Fuck this oversimplified cartel medium post. Its so retarded. Learn to think for yourselves you sheep

>> No.8719632

Not being information agnostic.

>not making it

>> No.8719868


Why the fuck are there people working in a coffee shop? And who wants to deal with a retarded "agent" constantly trying to sucker you into stupid bullshit?

>> No.8719911

Sounds a bit zeitgeisty. Even if someone does come up with an infallible supercomputer that justly allocates resources and stuff, you have to take into account human greed and other irrational behavior.

>> No.8720446

>builds up a picture of your needs from your browsser, activity, location and social activity
>universal identity system
>rents out your unused internet access or storage capacity
>selling data from your IoT devices

Hahaha, fuck off with this dystopian crap

>> No.8720450

Holy shit. I didn't know that neanderthals could grok blockchain tech. Color me surprised.

>> No.8720624

>Miscegenation and immigration are genocide
Immigration is conquest and miscegenation is sexual freedom. End women's rights to stop it

>> No.8720747

as it always been

the narrative is that common folks/plebs always find some bs to clinge to:
>muh god will help us
>muh be your own god/american dream will save us
>muh distribute the capital among the workforce
>muh AI will save us
>muh decentralized supercomputer will save us

Stop being a pleb and realize its a zero sum game like all those corrupted fags in power have been realizing since the pyramids

>> No.8720749

PPL should stop gambling on bitmex and similar. when the position goes south they take the funds. If you buy crypto you can sell when you like. You guys are just giving them your money in hopes of getting rich quick, most ppl don't get rich quick. Most get rich slowly it is a lot more reliable.

>> No.8720763

Top Kek. Fuck redditard hippie plebs

>> No.8720769
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>new technology will free us from existing technology that is enslaving and exterminating us
haha none of this is possible as long as jews are in control

>> No.8720786

>Darwinism is irrational

>> No.8720847
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They don't take the funds. The funds are taken by traders holding positions in the opposite sense of yours. The BTC goes to them. When you earn BTC is because someone was liquidated in your favor. It's a *futures* exchange not a BTC exchange. The BTC you got when leveraging is from the margin of others. This why there are periods of funding, you don't need funding for futures contacts interest rates are for money. The funding periods is for when there is more volumen put in one direction than another so liquidations can't make up to pay for the leverage of winning traders. Unbelievable a literal nigger understand this better than you

>> No.8721211

It is definitely the cusp of something.
If centralized it is dystopia
If decentralized it is Utopia
26,000 sealed indictments
Either could be incoming