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File: 6 KB, 225x225, link.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8701254 No.8701254 [Reply] [Original]

Chainlink will be the biggest tech revolution since the industrial revolution.

I hope you all had a nice easter weekend, especially link marines. Next easter we will be able to eat the best chocolate available.

>> No.8701267

future me is going to be a good me to be

>> No.8701287


ok i hold over 10k link but this is so autistic it hurts. "the best chocolate available"? really?? like wowee im rich now i get to eat nice chocolate instead of the pathetic hershey kisses ive been stuffing my face with. jesus christ this is degenerate

>> No.8701299


>chink link $0.01 EOY screencap this

>> No.8701307

>Being this mad over chocolate
Someone's mummy didn't get them any eggs this year did they?

>> No.8701310

swiss chocolate.

>> No.8701316

kys you god damn reject

>> No.8701328

Yeah? But thats $0.01 ultra maximus dollars, fart face.

>> No.8701345
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Link marines endure cause they know the future is bright. The present is harsh though.
Who doesn't like chocolate?

>> No.8701441
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Anyone knows how's oatmeal bro doing? Is he even still alive

>> No.8701469

nigger chocolate, meaning we'd be owning slaves by that time. and we'll eat their asses

>> No.8701509

Probably not

>> No.8701532
File: 52 KB, 630x583, Hyde.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

give me a reason to believe. I've read everything already, but I need more

>> No.8701545

The top 250 wallets kept getting bigger throughout the bear

>> No.8701655

do you think its normal the president of imf mentions the startup of sergey in 2015, in his book, cause he found it on google? or that he is mentioned in reports of technological consulting firms in 2016 about the oracle issues, way before chainlink was released, cause they though he was a clairvoyant? Dude got clout and his involved in this shit for quite some years.
Oracles will be the new miners of the next mania of blockchain tech.

>> No.8701942

fucking kek m8

>> No.8701970

hersheys is gross anon
tastes like vomit

>> No.8702784

How do you compare this? Screenshots?

>> No.8702824


>> No.8702887

I know etherscan is used to look at wallets but is there a feature that lets you compare the growth in wallets? Or would you just have to record them manually and compare later?

>> No.8702910

Yeah, you'd have to keep track of it yourself over time, however you can always click each address for it's recent transactions and figure it out that way, although it would be time consuming.

>> No.8702931
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Aight. Gonna put my investigative autism to work.

>> No.8702941


>> No.8702945

My hands are getting weak.
I earn no income and am all in on LINK.
Should I sell and buy back later to accumulate???

>> No.8702947
File: 222 KB, 970x980, 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LINK is intrinsically worthless. Node operators can be paid in existing cryptocurrencies. Just look at the testnet right now, it only accepts ETH instead of LINK lmao. It means that ETH can easily be substituted for it, that is, if someone wants to fork the token to accept ETH (an established cryptocurrency instead of some fucking ERC20 token made with a two-man team), LINK is basically useless. That is besides the fact that everything LINK aims to do can be easily done by cryptographically signing the data from the API source.
>muh next ETH

Uh oh, pissed stinker incoming HAHA....

>> No.8702975

>selling the bottom
>earns no income yet is willing to throw away a passive income opportunity
Wow, I guess poverty really is a mentality

>> No.8703001

I just have to buy back in before the singularity

>> No.8703004

Happy Easter, 25k link marine reporting

>> No.8703012

Lol this has been posted about ten thousand times now. Been debunked multiple times. So annoying to see the same shit everyday.

>> No.8703040

Maximus kekimus

Yet you reply giving it a you and startingit all over again

>> No.8703079

16K LINK Reporting



>> No.8703343

Either it or its competitor will be for sure.
The problem is, memes aside, we can't be sure we've picked the right Chainlink

>> No.8703381

i really hope this meme takes off

if chainlink isnt at least $5-10 EOY ill be depressed............................................... v_v

>> No.8703756

>Oracles will be the new miners

well said, m8

>> No.8703758


>> No.8703774
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How likely is $10 or am I fucked?

>> No.8703804
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why the fuck is this team so silent they havent said jack shit in the slack channel for days

>> No.8703931

$10 within a year or two is pretty conservative for link 2bh

>> No.8703944

theyre on easter vacation sergey is a deep follower of christ. he needed a long weekend to enjoy some chocolate bunnies and yummies and told all of his friends to relax and come back to work later on this week

>> No.8703981

this coin is so retarded. All it takes is API support for a smart contract platform and the token is dead

>> No.8704051
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if only the normals knew

>> No.8704058

This, but brainlets willingly invest in memes anyway

>> No.8704174
File: 443 KB, 1600x1154, 1514313816226.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've tried walking through quite a few normies on Chainlink but they just give me that fluoride stare. They can't even comprehend the blockchain is ffs

>> No.8704263
File: 344 KB, 586x676, 1519123124029.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sergey just does that, last time he disappeared there was a good thread where everyone wrote out Sergey related lyrics to the tune of Eminem's Stan.

Trust the digits. 1k eoy nuggurs

>> No.8704288

How hard is it to run a node? Or should I just wait for Linkpool to do it for me?

>> No.8704316

If you have half a brain and can follow instructions you should manage

>> No.8704329
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>> No.8704589

this is still better -

>> No.8704685


>> No.8704825

Somebody refute this. Isn't the whole point to decentralize API data feeds so instead of trusting 1 feed you can take 100 feeds and have a lot more confidence that the data you're being fed is correct?

>> No.8704840

ayo check em 1 billion eoy

>> No.8704848

>muh oracle button
This has been refuted over and over

>> No.8704856

Brainlet here. No programming or coding experience, but I'd like to run a node. I am learning how to use Ubuntu because I literally have no idea where to start. Is this a lost cause or should I keep trying to figure it out?

Basically I am wondering if the dream of a random 18k Linkie running their own node and generating passive LINK is just a pipe dream or if it's something I should really work towards.

>> No.8704860

In addition to penalizing bad actors in comparison to what other nodes delivered from the call

>> No.8704946


Brainlet with minimal exp programming here. Setting up a node is about as difficult as building a computer. Maybe easier.

If you can't do that, just hodl and sell your bags when LINK hits $1K.

>> No.8704961

You don't need to know how to code, I don't. Just follow Thomas's instructions on youtube. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UClIWFp4FV1QuYmnc8FcFDWw
It will take hours of your time following these videos and practising but it will be worth it. Any error codes you get while doing it can be googled, or you can always ask in the slack. I recommend learning the 3 videos first in this order
Then do the others at your own leasure

>> No.8705002

All right thanks. I hope this shit blows up so I can use my mining rig to run a Link node. Good excuse to stop mining haha.

>> No.8705026

>use my mining rig to run a Link node
Why would you do that? Just use a VPS, that way you can turn your computer off

>> No.8705264

I genuinely hope oatiebro is still with us? oatiebro please let us know if you are OK?

>> No.8705386
File: 139 KB, 900x900, 80314F22-4349-4097-B5D2-D6EE39D2F6DD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You post your portfolio quite a bit. It is god-tier, esp. those 100 XMR. Stop worrying your little head.

>> No.8705466


Every easter Sergey goes into the mountains and wanders until Christ appears and tells him the path forward. Chainlink is literally guided by the son of god. Jesus also controls the private key to top wallet #6 and has been accumulating since SIBOS.

>> No.8705642

thatd be cool

>> No.8705660

can we set up nodes already? i-im sitting on some link and im not making money off of it?!

>> No.8705683


No... please tell me you're just a kid with like 300 Link and not an adult.

>> No.8705770

>the year is 2030
>you wake up one morning
>have breakfast with your qt wife and kids
>get ready for your meeting, you get on your private drone jet
>flown into shanghai to meet xi xuang zhengzhou the finance minister of china's #3 bank (chingping express)
>they want to discuss using your chainlink node for some interbank transfers with some europeans
>sign a smartcontract with them, they will be able to have exclusive use your node for the next 5 years
>go back home, open a bottle of champagne, smoke weed, eat some donuts, and bang your wife
>call sergey and thank him

>> No.8705916

So give a one liner to refute this. At least

>> No.8705965


No. Your reasoning ability is abysmal. I'm guess you aren't smart enough to understand the whitepaper or you haven't even read it.

Just throw your money in whatever 4chan is currently shilling and hope for the best you retard.

>> No.8706051

I have only 10K LINK which ranked chinese bank do you think will want to use my node.

>> No.8706185

im sure that with that much you'll be able to get the mid tier banks grovelling at your feet. but who knows how much link you're going to have by 2030

>> No.8706301

sell all your link and kys fuckface
Hershey’s kisses is plebbit-tier chocolate, faggot

>> No.8706377

Blah blah blahhhh. Since you can’t sum up your ideas then you suck at reasoning and logic.

>> No.8706416
File: 208 KB, 500x500, 1522429913852.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>had 10k link in november
>tried trading it, now 4.2k link

>> No.8706634

thats a rough feel

theres probably still a lot of time to buy more honestly.

>> No.8706785

Should I keep my LINK in multiple paper wallets or all in one hardware?

>> No.8707083

How many do you have?

>> No.8707101

This sentence broke my brain at first, but I hope it works out for us. Good luck anon.

>> No.8707332

Happy to wake up monday and see a LINK thread.

>> No.8707670
File: 78 KB, 375x500, 1276222350609.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This bear market is killing me lads. When I saw it hit 80c in february I thought it was about to start. I still plan on holding for like 2 years minimum, and I have hope for the mainnet launch soon though.

>> No.8707695

Then you have nothing to fear

>> No.8707724

Yeah, it's just checking in on the charts now and then just to see it still dropping kinda sucks. I guess my id is telling me to suck it up and not be a bitch though. I will acquire enough LINK to become Captain POTHO.

>> No.8707746

How much do you hold?

>> No.8707749

fluoride-free master race

>> No.8707790

A little above 12k right now. Might not seem like a lot, but it's all I could put in with everything else I got going on. It's like half of my portfolio.

>> No.8707824

You are good, no need to worry.

>> No.8707939

haha youre welcome

>> No.8708002

Hardware wallet. Multiple if you have a lot of link.

>> No.8708581

Hardware wallet. Multiple if you have a lot of link.

>> No.8708807

Suck it up, cap'n, we've got a lot of struggles ahead of us before we reach the promised land

>> No.8708866
File: 5 KB, 230x219, 1518758424404.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


i was talking shit on hershey you genuine fucking retards. getting excited for chocolates is for 5 year olds and fat adult autists. please please lay down in the street you subhuman filth.

>> No.8708985

Kek you post your folio everyday you will not make it

>> No.8709008

>Next easter we will be able to eat the best chocolate available.

that was just so cute that i had to (you)

>> No.8709063
File: 128 KB, 512x512, 1500069376029.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw champagne truffles
if you haven't tried em, you're missing out

>> No.8709291

To grow from $1 to $1000 in 200 days would mean an average growth of 3.45% a day. Could it happen?

>> No.8709336

could? yes
will? no

>> No.8709337

if it goes to 1000 or anything close to that, it'll be because of some insane partnerships / clients using the network. it'll be a massive spike (the singularity) followed by a massive correction. it won't be dependent on average growth over a long period of time or whatever.

>> No.8709431

Wow anon, way to be a fucking bitch. I bet you secretly love Hershey's kisses. I bet you smother your fuckin face with kisses, pleb.

>> No.8709667

Worst portfolio I've ever seen kys

>> No.8710155


>> No.8710857


ya i shove them up my ass and jack off to blacked.com

>> No.8710878
File: 104 KB, 951x972, 1517853965668.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just a reminder that you actually cant read. stay poor dipshit

>> No.8710967

This, oracles are not that hard to program folks

>> No.8710975

Your centralized oracle services are no threat to LINK.

>> No.8711228

Unironically buying 4k more in a few days.

>> No.8711626
File: 28 KB, 531x669, Uned.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

up or down?

>> No.8711684

Based on the level of intelligence displayed in your post I don't think you are a good candidate for Link, you should consider something like Doge.

>> No.8711852
File: 41 KB, 734x648, meme lines.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can add more meme lines

>> No.8712967

Blockchains aren't hard to program, just use an SQL database instead lmao

>> No.8712980

9pm est

>> No.8713320

OKex/Hitbtc...buy TRUE. Hidden