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8706619 No.8706619 [Reply] [Original]

what did he mean by this?

>> No.8706633

Zoom out to the election faggot

>> No.8706641

Trump won :) You lost

>> No.8706645

Correction is needed anon.
Lets the steam blow.

>> No.8706646

>dude just zoom out, bitcoin is going to 50k any day now
>dude just zoom out, djia is going to 30k any day now

>> No.8706660
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>this happens every January
>Its just Chinese new years don't worry
>tax season obviously, every tax season this happens
>just a correction we need to cool off from our last rally

>> No.8706685


>Implying we win anything

>> No.8706687

I’m not living in the US. Suffice to say it looks like you guys are headed for a recession. Dow, Nasdaq, and the S&P500 are all tumbling down. Next to hit will be the employment market followed by housing. Better tighten your belts and save those greenbacks in your bank. I’d also sell what profits you have in stocks and lock them in the bank. Don’t make the same mistake some people did with crypto and hold too long.

>> No.8706708
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>Guys just HODL, it will come back up

>> No.8706739

Dont worry, Im well aware youre retarded and dont even live here

>> No.8706752

market doesn't know what to bet on the child president
maybe cash in while it's still possible ? cut losses ? probably the best bet

>> No.8706753

Why would I hold an inflationary currency when I can go all in on crypto?

>> No.8706775

it's going to be fun to see how the market reacts to the trump russian ass to mouth video (they got the pee part wrong, it's really A2M) in a month when it gets released on bittorrent with the magnet link engraved in the BTC blockchain.

>> No.8706783

I’m an American you fucking moron, I’m just living abroad so I’m not invested completely in the US right now. It won’t affect me like it will affect YOU. Stop getting so defensive. The stock market is crashing slowly, trade wars, rising interest rates, big box stores closing (see toys r us), next will be unemployment followed by defaulted mortgages. You are in denial if you don’t see what’s coming. Stop and think when the last time America has had a recession? 10+ years ago? Its time

>> No.8706847

Trump won, and you lost :)

>> No.8706881

This has nothing to do with politics. I could care less who the puppet is lying to you on national television. Nice counter argument though, you sound like the average trump voter. Only thing that I like that he has done is ban Muslims from the US. Everything else I would say he is pretty much shit at.

>> No.8706891

Strange how crypto is following the same pattern

>> No.8706909
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Trump Won loser, get over it already holy shit

>> No.8706926
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heys its a red just likes my hat

>> No.8706949

But I don’t have any problems with Trump being president.
Doesn’t negate the fact that the American economy is headed for the toilet. You are a delusional fuck.

>> No.8706962

That never happened you uneducated dullard.

>> No.8706964


he meant "buy the fucking dip"

>> No.8706968


>The state of /r_theDonald

>> No.8706971

spoken like a true moron
>muh markets are too high, crash soon!
>im not american!
>I am american!
>this isnt about politics I just hate trump and want to see the world burn

Just shut the fuck up loser. Trump won, and theres nothing you can do about it :)

>> No.8707026
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I see your same comments in other threads and you’re getting roasted there too. You drank too much kool aid faggot. The election was back in 2016, it’s over. Nobody cares about your cult. What matters is the economy and the people of America. Hillary was a twat as well.

>> No.8707223
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>> No.8707240

4d chess into cup and handle

>> No.8707250

Trump won :) lmao keep seething

>> No.8707261

You should tether right? Right guys? Tether fast lock those savings. Right?...

>> No.8707306

If the economy here goes to shit so does yours, it doesn’t matter where you live. 2008 was a shitshow for everyone, It’s really not something you should wish for a repeat of just out of spite for a 70 year old businessman.

>> No.8707308
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Exactly what he said

>> No.8707319

Keep pretending he hasn't destroyed an Obama-era economic trend by slapping tariffs on a country that the US doesn't have the capacity to directly compete with. You're going to die poor.

>> No.8707341

> Keep pretending he hasn't destroyed an Obama-era economic trend...
Obama propped up prosperity through borrowed money. Any economy looks wonderful when it borrows more than it repays.

>> No.8707351
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How many times do I have to tell you so that you get it? Trump won, he will win the next election, and theres nothing you can do about it
Stay mad :)

>> No.8707368
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>the absolute state

>> No.8707397

Trump. Won. :)

>> No.8707453

>Obama-era economic trend

>> No.8708300

We have the best president don’t we folks.

>> No.8709377

He means the coming crash will lill the free market bullshit and return us to the New Deal era and socialism like Western Europe. Once people get hungry they will vote for a raft of new benefits and entitlements

>> No.8709448

>Obama-era economic trend
Yea, borrowing money and dumping it on the stock market or give away as welfare is a good strategy.
Even better when you're forced to have mass immigration so that the number of consumers is always increasing. Fuck yea those economic policies sure where good!

I'm not a burger but you're fucking retarded.

>> No.8709502

>Don’t make the same mistake some people did with crypto and hold too long.
This. Crypto was practice for the real deal very soon.

>> No.8709871

Nothing last forever you stupid shill

Trump will fox this somehow

>> No.8709900
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Happens every fucking time a republican egts elected.

Withdrew my money half a year ago lol. Done this for 23 years

>> No.8710053


The Great Recession was Great

>> No.8710089

And so was the Great Depression

>> No.8711254

Screenshotting this so I can laugh at burgers in 2 years max. You're economy is running on fumes and you will get fucked hard. So will the rest of the world in a lesser degree, but I will love seeing you getting knocked out of your seats like the blind retards you are.

>> No.8711769

policies from Obama, wow

Trump is an absolute idiot

>> No.8711785

>use american tech
>go to american site
>speak/write english
>obessed with american media/music/entertainment
>forced to follow american politics

what 3rd world shithole are you from, Muhammed?

>> No.8711902

bro, just because he was a better candidate than hilary/bernie doesnt mean he is exempt from criticism

the reason I voted for him was because he told the truth- in the debates he said " the stock market is a total bubble, jobs numbers are phony, economy is a wreck under obama"- this was all true

fast forward to him taking office... he changes his tune! everything is great! markets are great! now he is taking CREDIT for the stock market bubble pumping slightly harder, when during the election campaign he rightfully criticised it

he rightfully criticised wasteful government spending, another reason i voted for him- what does he do upon entering office? cut taxes and INCREASE military spending!! cutting government revenue whilst increasing expenditure!!

US debt is rising ($21 trillion now) and rate hikes are on the horizon- America will default on its debt, and then the real stock market/housing market crash begins

Again, I really believed in Trump coming into 2017, but his actions have been pajeet tier

>inb4 plebbit spacing

>> No.8711936


>I can look at a graph and figure out if the country is headed for a recession

The dunning kruger affect strikes again. You have no idea how many factors need to be considered when evaluating risks of a recession. Otherwise anyone could be rich, just buy put options that expire in a year, surely the economy will tank by then? Except you're wrong, just because every recession starts with a stock market dip, doesn't mean every dip leads to a recession.

>> No.8712236

Kicking the can down the road again. World economy should explode any day now

>> No.8712289

>put money in the bank
>fdic is insolvent
>hyper inflation sets in
>dollar plunges in value
>1 million is the new 100k per year
>$50 for a gallon of milk
>FED raises interest rates now they owe more debt
>FED lowers interest rates they bubble gets even bigger
>bitcoin goes to 1 million dollars
>link takes over world smart contracts go mainstream and financial markets are fully transparent
>sergey becomes president

>> No.8712308

> implying you are the owner of a silicon valley tech company
google losing money is good, fag