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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 16 KB, 216x270, drumpf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8706157 No.8706157 [Reply] [Original]


WHAT THE FUCK IS TRUMP DOING???????? HE IS KILLING MY 401k!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


>> No.8706176
File: 122 KB, 600x600, 1521904674691.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>is 4b chesz guyze

>> No.8706187

Trump claimed credit for stock market rally

now he has to own it when it crashes. I doubt he will be reelected if this turns into prolonged recession.

>> No.8706190

calm down it's 4d chess

>> No.8706198

Relax everyone's just selling for their gym memberships so they can get a beach bod for the summer.

>> No.8706199

Told you to buy crypto asshole

>> No.8706203

Its not trump its whales accumulating

>> No.8706205

honestly surprised he hasn't tweeted about shorting the market yet, you know that's what he's doing

>> No.8706214

He needs to be killed imo.

>> No.8706233

>crypto is kill
>traditional market is kill
>gold is kill

Where should I put my savings now /biz/? I don't wanna work til I die 2bh

>> No.8706238
File: 25 KB, 600x512, nick-young-confused-face-300x256_nqlyaa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he didnt cash out for memorial day

>> No.8706239

can we hang everyone who voted for this faggot?

>> No.8706259

She didn't win, let it go.

>> No.8706271
File: 39 KB, 638x540, 1522604745595.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Trump's election boosted the markets to unseen heights
>You buy high
>Now there's an overdue correction and you hate him

Go hate yourselves instead. Losers

You could also short if you 're not a pussy

>> No.8706277

go long on soybeans

>> No.8706282


actually its obama's economy so this is his crash

>> No.8706293

No one cares that she lost. Fuck off back to your containment board

>> No.8706298
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>> No.8706302

top kek, mad little bernieboy

>> No.8706314
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>> No.8706319
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>> No.8706339
File: 552 KB, 1200x800, yellen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This guy and Powell are the twats that are going to sink you anon. Why pay back debt when you can inflate your problems away?

>> No.8706354

Rddit misses you.

>> No.8706358
File: 12 KB, 142x142, dolan2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But can everybody win their pensions in a zero sum casino? That is why you need rates up and quickly

>> No.8706380

He was retard for taking credit when stocks were going up.

>> No.8706381

He literally gave us a sale on stocks. You idiots will never ever get a chance to biy at this level ever. BUY NOW. I literally used 20k today to buy everything.

Best president.

>> No.8706385

Buy salt

>> No.8706401

>muh zero sum

>> No.8706413

Actually it was Obamas economy until this mook decided to start a fucking trade war. We're due for a market correction but Drumpf will make it so much more painful, if not full recession. The guys an idiot, and a conniving idiot.

>> No.8706423

He's stopping China from creating a global reserve currency and giving the rest of the world a reason to return their greenbacks. He's saving you from a future of hyperinflation and the end of Western ideological dominance. You will get to serve in heaven instead of ruling in a hell of Xi's make.

You should be helping him by shorting the markets and cheering on the trade war.

>> No.8706427
File: 308 KB, 2065x1735, 18ps27.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i told you dumb mother fuckers like 10000 fucking times. When they bailed out the bankers this thing was just propped up and will collapse. Blame Bush and Obama, for causing this massive bubble because hurr durr to big to fail. Might as well stock up on ponzi bitcoins nah. just buy gold

>> No.8706432

>Muh infinite growth

>> No.8706437

you could've stopped that sentence after three words

>> No.8706452

Don't worry my niggas. Reporting season is this month. We should should see some nice runs with the massive profits thanks to cheap money.

>> No.8706454
File: 542 KB, 499x455, donald-duck-smoking.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that is why I always recommend buying beer and a a nice sports car with your cash, at least youll have a good time, most people suck at investing anyways.

>> No.8706463
File: 107 KB, 1000x647, muhleader.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>'murifat voted for an attention whore

>> No.8706483



>> No.8706485

if you don't buy bitcoin you deserve to be poor at this point.

>> No.8706492

gotta love brainlets that work like a dog every fucking day
Only to not spend their money on comfy products... instead spend all their money on 'investments' and be happy by the illusion their money is growing.

Put half in, spend the other half on.... life retard
Go enjoy some high grade weed on a hike.... go buy a new drone or something.

>> No.8706551
File: 496 KB, 500x455, 1522419443597.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

vast majority of people loaded their cash reserves during bubble. same with stocks and real estate is now mostly financed with debts :P pajeets and reddit are out of cash now. it's time for institutional money or nothing

>> No.8706586

this literally happened to a guy I know during elections lol made the same post, FBI visited him within the week. Had to have his close friend, read out aloud what he wrote, promise to never say it again, and vouch he was no threat to our democracy

>> No.8706653

I remember threads like "I'm finna diversify muh crypto gains into the stock market"
Can someone please find them and make a meme pic?

>> No.8706665

lol, people actually believe this.