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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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8705667 No.8705667 [Reply] [Original]

US stocks are entering the new bear market.
Do you think that it will have a positive or negative impact on crypto market?

>> No.8705698

Positive. When the economy comes crashing down, deflationary assets like bitcoin will be seen as the only save investment.

>> No.8705707

no impact but it will make me happier knowing that boomers are also killing themselves and posting their own version of pink wojaks on facebook

>> No.8705823
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it is already 10% off from the tops (daily close) and will continue to drop for a while

>> No.8705837

positive, considering the size of the US stock market ($61.9 trillion) v crypto ($250 Billion) if only a fraction comes our way, BULL RUN

>> No.8705886

sage Low IQ threads

>> No.8705931
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Deutsche bank trading in near all time lows again. Not looking good. Based on latest financial disclosure Deutsche Bank Aktiengesellschaft has Probability Of Bankruptcy of 48.0%

>> No.8705991


do you know how fucking strong this duck would have to be to swim through coins like that?

let me tell you: pretty fucking strong

and that's a fact

>> No.8706014

>Deutsche Bank bankrupting
Please, God make that happen.
It would be so funny.

>> No.8706048

>Probability Of Bankruptcy of 48.0%
that number seams low to me
is it 48% this year? 100% by 2021

>> No.8706059


>> No.8706075
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buy weed stocks

vice stocks do good during bad times- cigarettes, alcohol, now weed thanks to Canada

>> No.8706091

They consider this a high risk gamble
They would have got in by now
They consider stocks a comfy safe investment
Why would they get rekt in stocks and pull their money out and put it into this shit hole

Only the degenerate gamblers will put their funds in crypto hoping to double their money and put it back into stocks

>> No.8706104

Yeah really funny as the world plunges into a recession making rich richer. The only people to get fucked over are the commoners.

>> No.8706115
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Bitcoin was created in response to financial crisis. We've only seen it in the stock bull market of 2010-2017, so I think it's impossible to make conclusive statements about how "correlated" it is given that we haven't seen how Bitcoin reacts in response to a prolonged recession.

>> No.8706128

Weed stocks haven't been around long enough to be tested in bad times.

>> No.8706161

do you have no sense of intuition whatseover? people like drugs in bad times. plus a lot of LPs are producing medical products that the boomers will always need. the lack if history of the market makes it more lucrative

>> No.8706256

What the hell is with that picture? Sessions hates cannabis fucking a

>> No.8706268

who the fuck cares about this stupid made up money worth nothing.

buy something that actually has worth.

its called bitcoin you fucking idiots.

god learn how to fucking read and read the white paper and maybe you'll see why none of this shit u guys are talking about matters.

Crypto is replacing you dinosaurs. We're literally going to put stocks and the internet ON the blockchain.

have fun when the asteroid hits BRAINLET-REX

>you did this to yourself.

>> No.8706291


Weed stocks have historically done poorly for a number of reasons....

1. They're run by potheads
2. They fight the confusing conflict between national and state law
3. The increase in supply floods the black market with cheap weed, which undercuts their sales and profits.

If you think the market is going to crash, you're better off putting your money into garbage haulers and toilet paper manufacturers, both of which are solid industries and pretty much recession-proof.

>> No.8706365


When I read a post like this, I'm reminded of that fact that biz is mostly populated by children.

>> No.8706373

Likely bad as people take out the money they need to cover for their job losses.

>> No.8706384

What the fuck am I reading.

>> No.8706476

/expert analysis/

>> No.8706522

Negative. Risk off. People don’t seek risk when markets decline, they run from it. Cash is king and might I remind you that’s where everyone wants to be when stocks show signs of recovery so they buy those cheap shares.

>> No.8706593

People are pulling out of the stock market in a mad scramble for bitcoin

>> No.8706594

Don't worry my niggas. Reporting season is this month. We should should see some nice runs with the massive earning reports thanks to cheap money and tax cut.

>> No.8706743

delusional. America is headed for a definite recession. The writing is on the wall; investors losing confidence, stock market deflating, trade wars, divided country. Next will be unemployment rise followed by a housing crisis as families won’t be able to make payments.

>> No.8706925

time to get on EBT and be a leech
Trump dun fucked up, now i need those tax dollars that i paid

>> No.8707100
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