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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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8705056 No.8705056 [Reply] [Original]

What do /biz/?

>> No.8705062



>> No.8705079

This. Don't report and for the rest of your life worry about not getting caught and thrown in jail with Tyronne.

>> No.8705092
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>Start the van jeff

>> No.8705095

Just dont pay until later this yeae. Odds are you'll only have to oay an extra grand or two.. The max they can penalize you is 25% but thatd for large offenses.

>> No.8705104

maybe declare bankruptcy if they bother you. make sure to keep a full inventory of your holdings to be auctioned off to cover as much of the bankruptcy as possible. DO NOT shapeshift it into monero and try to tell them it's lost. they have easy ways to deal with people who try that and it will get you caught right away

>> No.8705111
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d-does bittrex report trades to the irs?

>> No.8705123


>> No.8705140


>paying taxes

what are you a fucking socialist?

>> No.8705143

it's the same in europe

>> No.8705149

Only if there's some law that says they have to. Otherwise I don't see why they would bother.

On the other hand, you're playing with a fucking PUBLIC LEDGER for fucks sake so dont be surprised if they suddenly have a list of every single transaction you've ever made.

>> No.8705168

can someone track/get all my trades on bittrex knowing only the my deposit address?

>> No.8705187

Sell and rebuy right now, deduct your capital loss from tax owed. There is no wash sale law in crypto

>> No.8705198
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When collections calls you just pretend you're retarded and talk like a nigger.

If the my ask about crypto say "I ain't a crip! Chyu mean?"

Then talk about your life with your cuzins and they will leave you alone forever.

>> No.8705201

UK is fine though- CGT is either 10 or 20% depending on ur income, meaning NEETs pay 10%
and tax year ended jan 31st for self assessment, after the huge crash so we dont have the same problem as OP
britbongs for life

>> No.8705202

those would only be deductible next year though, no?

>> No.8705205

different tax year...
I'm afraid gdax might report my trades one day and I will be thoroughly fucked, I want to kill myself

>> No.8705218

careful. they might send someone to meet you before giving up completely and if that's the persona you went with you'll have to back it up and the jig will be up if they walk in and see your anime pillows and gaming rig

>> No.8705222

Have you filed yet? Ideally yes but if you're stuck, fuck it. Chance of audit is low and you're in prime position to plead ignorance if it is an issue

>> No.8705242

>dont report anything
>irs contacts exchanges instead
>massive bill untop of the massive tax debt

oy vey, just like the kike wants

unironically report your gains, but only realized gains, aka shit you've cashed out, they dont give a shit about anything else unless you are suspicious af

>> No.8705249

no, i've got until may to file mine
i'll probably end up filing the shit i've bought and sold on etherdelta with my metamask wallet because its the standard deposit for my crypto, though i have no idea how i'll explain deposits to binance, bittrex, cryptopia, hitbtc, and other shit sites i've traded on
probably just deposits to exchanges and then say i havent traded on them yet but i dont know
this shit is scary, i've never done my taxes before because i've never had an income apart from my neet salary before

>> No.8705260

>the IRS will just "give up"

wtf are you guys smoking?

>> No.8705303

I reported like a fag, I owe 20k, portfolio is now worth 50k
feel really sad about it, but you can carry back a loss 3 years op if it all goes wrong i guess, in canada that is

>> No.8705311

>the irs has the resources to care about every neets 5 figure portfolio

What are YOU smoking?

>> No.8705328

It does actually. That's their only job.

>> No.8705373


It always worked for me, those agents are hoping and praying you're an intelligent person who can work and pay them money. If you keep them on the phone for 3 hours talking like an alcoholic and keep making up stories about "MUH KEEEEEDS" they will realize they are wasting there time and go try to meet their quota with someone else.

If they ask you where you live just keep giving them single word answers.

>Sir where do you live


>Beverly hills California?


>What? Sir where's Beverly?

>LANE! (sound agitated)

>Sir what state is Beverly lane?


>California or New York?


>Which one?

>Das right, you had it right.

(Then from this point just randomly say "yeh" and ask stupid questions about their questions until they fall into despair.)

>> No.8705383

Talk to a tax consultant
Tax for 2017 is covered under like kind exchange in case of crypto
You only pay on what you put into your bank.
But do keep a record of your trades which can be easily found on the exchanges your trade

>> No.8705404


Can't squeeze water from a stone m8.

>> No.8705446

Please be trolling.

>> No.8705479

No but they can force you to log in to your account and hand over all your transaction history

>> No.8705510


They don't waste their time on people they believe to be homeless, drug addicts, or the mentally ill/handicapped though.

>> No.8705524

because those people dont usually make a million dollar kek

>> No.8705542
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Ah then /biz/ should be alright

>> No.8705545

Also in the UK, we get a tax free capital allowance of £11,700 (2018/19). If your gains from selling in a year are under this then no tax and you don't even have to report it.

>> No.8705561
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>force you to log in

Just say you forgot all your info. Say you wrote it down on a piece of paper and lost it.

>> No.8705587


Calm the fuck down, if you were on a foreign exchange ignore it. Just report your normie Coinbase shit. If you still don’t know file for an extension.

>> No.8705595

yep, its great
If corbyn wins he has stated CGT will revert to 18%/28% though( and the youth in the UK truly are brainlets, so i think he will win next election)
enjoy low tax rates while you can

>> No.8705602
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Hang out with Sayori!

>> No.8705645

wow its another thread of useless tax fud

>> No.8705646

So report $20 of bitcoin I sent to coinbase and didn't buy directly from? Also under $1000 total invested in crypto with 90% losses. Made less than 10k income all last year. Over 1,000 trades on Binance. Report or not? Already leaning on not. In the lower tier or poverty level.

>> No.8705680


Nobody cares about your pocket change m8

>> No.8705682

imagine having to chose between a broom up your ass or logging in

>> No.8705720

I usually just lurk on 4chan, however I do have to tell you that you should really seek professional help. You're delusional.

>> No.8705747

Imagine being so retarded you can’t setup 2FA and remove Google Authenticator

>> No.8705759

what's with the IRS and tax shills' obsession with physically violating your anus as the penultimate punishment for noncompliance? as if that actually has ever happened to anyone who could afford a lawyer

>> No.8705842

That nigger fresh as fuck

>> No.8705877
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Any other wagecucks here like reporting tax evasion posts to the IRS?

>> No.8705899


> people are buying imaginary coins and not even trying to understand what the tech even is

never change /biz/

>> No.8705902

Can you earn money for doing that?

>> No.8705934

>not automatically squirreling your 40% tax away

It's like you TRIED to fuck yourself.
you have nothing you can do but liquidate and pay

>> No.8705933


you can't claim this £11700 if you have a job though - your salary has this deduction as well.

t.Payroll Manager

>> No.8705948

I pay my taxes. They don't pay theirs. The thought of them getting sodomized by Tyrone and the gang while they quote Atlas Shrugged is worth more than money.

>> No.8705979

lol stay poor forever jealous little cuck

>> No.8705986

Also, this time with some actual help
>you made that money in your home-based business' office, the largest square foot room in your dwelling.

>> No.8705993

But I'm not poor Anon. How'st hat blockfolio going'?

>> No.8706022

I like how somehow everyone believes that of the millions in uncollected taxes from the 'normal population' is going to be overlooked and the IRS is somehow going to focus its already under budgeted office on tracking down cryptographic backed currency which may or may not be extremely difficult to find.