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8701007 No.8701007 [Reply] [Original]

Anons. Please, I feel like all those that are left in this board are still trying to make of and most have good intent.

Buy some Verge. Look past the FUD and lies. The partnership is real and will put Verge in a top 5 position.

Just put in a small stake. A few % at most in case you are worried. I am 100% confident this will put Verge on the map and all the paid FUDsters will be put to rest. Even if you think its fake (which it isnt) just sell before the announcement on 17th of April. The odds of profit are outstanding.

You have been informed. I consider this my good karma for today.

>> No.8701034
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>Just put in a small stake

>> No.8701053
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> just buy the scamcoin with the worst tech
> just buy it lads, look past the truth and buy this absolute crap

>> No.8701071

Albeit your arguments being quite convincing I will not buy xmr.

>> No.8701076

buy verge please sirs

>> No.8701152

Verge is the least pajeet coin currently in existence. Its fully Americans development with a large European community.

Have fun with your LINK though

>> No.8701247

>buys bitcoin instead

>> No.8702040

Its 20% of my portfolio, had it since September when I looked behind the fud and realized its potential.

>> No.8702292
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XVG VERGE. The Lead DEV's account (Justin Sunerok) was frozen by Coinbase. Kek. Exit scam incoming.

>Archive of full post can be found here:


>> No.8702879

>being this fucking deluded

Its a months old ticket. Also exit scamming in your own currency and with a public wallet is simply impossible

>> No.8702902

After the whole "we need 75 million or else no partnership" shit I am staying far away from this coin.

>> No.8702943

>the paid FUDsters


>> No.8702984

Paid fud
You motherfuckers are so delusional.

MAYBE xvg will pump before the 17th.
People will sell the news + the news will not be as expected thus a gigantic dump will begin.
Do you truly believe its a cooincidence the partnership announcement wasnt only delayed from the 26th to the 16th but after that to the 17th? The day after tax day?

>> No.8703148

Theres actually evidence for this - a lot. Just Google it and you'll easily find the truth behind the McAfee blackmail and Marquis Trill FUD. I have been in crypto two years and have never seen such a coordinated fake news campaign.

Do not believe me - just seek the truth and actual evidence itself.

>> No.8703221

>I have been in crypto two years
>but remained retarded

#nextbitcoin #wraithprotocol

>> No.8703250


I feel only pity for fools. I hope for your own sanity and quality of life you will educate yourself. Do good and good will come onto you.

>> No.8703259


>> No.8703587

Here you go brainlet.


>> No.8703637

4chan gonna FUD Verge then buy chainlink l000l legit pretentious virgins

>> No.8703726

Is Verge shit? Yes. Am I riding this pump for some rent free satoshis? Yes. Stop limit sell order already set on binance. Wew. It's not quite the Twentya pump but I missed the Thanksgiving explosion and once whales get involved there is really no fucking telling what can happen with this stupid shitcoin.

Nothing makes sense.

>> No.8703742


what you selling at anon? Im quite unsure how this will pump

>> No.8703775
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Here we go again.

Verge does not have a real blockchain based private ledger. They only define using a "private ledger" by using stealth addresses which is tech from 2014 which basically just creates a new address for each transaction and you can still follow it.
TOR implementation is something you can do to a BTC wallet. Hiding IP is irrelevant when it comes to private blockchain transactions, it's just the basic stuff.
Fast/cheap transactions are only because Verge skips the blockchain privacy functions.

I understand that you showed off to "FUDsters" in the past with your pump, but no matter how high the price was/will be, Verge tech is vague and shit.

>> No.8703793

I'll wait until the 17th or just before it when the dump commences. So wherever we are around the 15th or 16th I'll sell provided my stop loss isn't triggered in the meantime.

Honestly I don't think it can hit 1900 sats again. That was insane and definitely the product of some heavy players coordinating on that pump. It's a completely different climate now and the cat's out of the bag that XVG is not the greatest privacy tech. I can't imagine what kind of MASSIVE PARTNERSHIP could overcome the news dump that will happen.

>> No.8703853

I agree with all of this re:privacy but I do wonder if there is a market for a low fee, fast transacting crypto like Verge to carve out a niche for itself in e-commerce. Dogecoin was nothing if not reliable.

The following Verge has on social media is also a force to be reckoned with but I'm not quite sure how it got so large.

>> No.8704052

Hilarious that people are still buying this shit.

Literally had read some shill compare Satoshi Nakamoto to the anons behind verge.


>> No.8704118

How heavy are your bags OP? this project has an excellent track record of delivering failures

>> No.8704218

Theres isnt any and people are very aware of this.

Literally the lightest of them all considering Verge is the only green in this sea of red.

>> No.8704265

product is subpar and the developers blackmailed their own community to give them money
why should I trust it?

>> No.8704283


It was never forced, but it was beneficial. I only donated 3% of my portfolio. Verge is not a company. Its an open source community project.

You do not have to trust it. Its a trustless decentralized currency which will live on even if all the devs die tomorrow.

>> No.8704301
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>> No.8704733


No need to convince people of something so obvious..

>> No.8704976

>about to release Ring CT

KEK so they are stealing Monero tech when all the shills said Verge tech was better

>> No.8705035
File: 3 KB, 90x95, Verge.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Verge. unlike Monero is run over Tor by default.

Besides this - Monero is slow and expensive - compared to fast & cheap with Verge.

It's not really competition anymore, the battle is over.

>> No.8705124

Tor is garbage anyways since the gov't controls most of the nodes. Good luck with that shit.

Monero is working on i2p integration which is way more private/secure. Also Bulletproof will greatly reduce TX fees.

>> No.8705183
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LOL No it's a recent post and Verge is a scam just like Bitconnect. Verge' Lead Dev is fucked.

>> No.8705241

Yeah pajeet, just look at all those deepweb markets switching to Verge, the battle is over

>> No.8705279

April fools is already past mate.

No it's not - read the post, brainlet. The ticket is months old.

Such a huge market. Wow. Who the fuck cares about them anymore? It has a market cap of only a few million - compare that to the PUBLIC AND LEGAL anonimity Verge can provide with Wraith Protocol. The community behind Verge is fucking huge.

>> No.8705396

>Muh TOR
It's literally nothing, how can you not see this? It's IRRELEVANT.
It's fast and cheap thanks to not having a private ledger.

>> No.8705439

>Such a huge market. Wow. Who the fuck cares about them anymore?

People who actually NEED privacy, you fucking brainlet shill. Hurr who cares about a billionaire market who needs privacy and already elected their privacy coin of choice. Kill yourself fucking retard, sick of verge shills shitting up this board. Go suck McAffee dick, maybe he will pump your shitcoin again so you can dump your bags you bought at ATH

>> No.8705517


Nope verge shill. Your lead dev had to create this fake partnership and donation funding because he had to had to file taxes in the us as unfortunately for him, his account was frozen by coinbase as they're investigating him.

LOL have fun being raped by the SEC.

>> No.8705813

You sound like a guaranteed increasingly nervous upcoming FOMO buyer. Not worth the energy.

With RingCT - Monero literally has 0 advantage over Verge.

If it's nothing - why do Monero dev's suggest you run it over Tor anyway?..

Damn.. I can't even imagine how this must feel.

>> No.8705854

yes sir, verge to the mooooon boys

>> No.8705859

XVG and TRX both shitcoins, but now XVG is becoming a scam coin

>> No.8705930
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Buy Verge, sir. Good coin, sir. Good tech, sir. Future of private, sir.

>> No.8705985

Verge is the least pajeet coin currently in existence. Its fully Americans development with a large European community.
>Have fun with your LINK though
Verge is the least pajeet coin currently in existence. Its fully Americans development with a large European community.

>> No.8706116

bullshit. that would be easily proven and verge would be dead by now. boring FUD.

>> No.8706181

Verge has a rich list, you stupid pajeet.


>> No.8706269
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So? Sending over Wraith Protocol obfuscates your transaction information.