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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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8699540 No.8699540 [Reply] [Original]

Three days ago, 4chan’s /biz/ banded together and created a cryptocurrency Ponzi scheme: Proof of Weak Hands Coin. They advertised it as a legitimate pyramid scheme, and surprisingly its value quickly grew to over a million dollars, and over a thousand Ethereum. A few hours ago, 866 Ethereum vanished from the contract, however, due to a flaw in the code.


You fucking idiots.

>> No.8699554

I totally called it, 2 fucking days.

>> No.8699556

I fucking warned about this.

>> No.8699558

Top lel I remember than night and the shadow fork that had a bug which froze everyones funds then someone managed to drain it top kek , I lost 3 ether on that shit and when ETH was 1000 a piece but you know what the entertainment I got that night was almost worth it.

>> No.8699567

Zero sympathy. You deserve this you fuckfaces.

>> No.8699568

Ancient FUD. Try harder, the new PoWH has no bugs and is past 11k ETH.

>> No.8699573

Low-quality bait

>> No.8699577
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>> No.8699578
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>> No.8699581

I bet that russian guy who got his money stolen still killed that hacker even though he refunded him lel

>> No.8699599

The hacker even posted a thread earlier that day before the contract got drained that he found an exploit and everyone ignored him kek there was some powh pajeets calling him a fudder

>> No.8699610

The originals powhs is the reason why I never got involved with the new one fucking regret it so hard almost bought in at 300 eth but pussied out

>> No.8699611
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Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.

>> No.8699623

LMFAO!!! Suckers

>> No.8699624

>it's ETH's fault that amateurs write code for it

>> No.8699626

>Ancient FUD.

t.site gets hacked lose all your shit coin.

Such a good use of money.

>> No.8699634

it is always getting fucking hacked.

>> No.8699639

Guess you better stop using that OS written in C then bucko

>> No.8699644

remember how they tried to play it off like every erc20 token was vulnerable to an exploit so people wouldn't pay attention to how they got jewed by powh? now they're jewing a fresh batch of suckers. anybody who buys deserves what is going to happen

>> No.8699653

hah fucking faggots fell for the PoWH meme.
Worse then linkmarines faggots

>> No.8699675

My operating system is not based on a ponzi scheme to make a ponzi scheme

>> No.8699687


>> No.8700604

>become a scammer
>have successful scam
>get 800k because impatient
>don't even make it
what a brainlet

>> No.8700619

Why would anyone refund anyone in crypto?
You get scammed you get fucked

>> No.8700625

This happened so long ago, lol. Not even anywhere close to 3 days ago. I also turned 5 ETH into 9 ETH from this shit when it was going on lol.

>> No.8700629

It wasn't the same person
The guy who reported the bug on reddit wasn't the hacker

>> No.8700663


>> No.8700678

Brainlet here, wouldn't this be pretty serious for everything if there are flaws in the smart contact? Or was it just written poorly?

>> No.8700704

They literally did this same scam like what, a month ago? Why is anyone surprised

>> No.8700737

It means this individual contract had flaws, not that ethereum smart contracts are all vulnerable to this.