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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 126 KB, 1024x683, April 18th.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8694786 No.8694786 [Reply] [Original]

Hi biz, I started working at a rather large trading firm after they recruited me from a blockchain convention last year. I'm part of a team purely trading cryptocurrencies for clients. I've personally brokered hundreds of millions of dollars, we deal direct with several large mining operations and institutional level exchanges. Meanwhile my coworkers deal in billions within the traditional markets and laugh at our shitty celebrations kek. Anyway now to the reason of my post...

Firstly, I love biz, y'all are what got my gaming ass into crypto a few years ago and so I visit every now and then to try and give back; yeah fuck you whatever lol. Okay so, we're assigning another 8 traders to the crypto desk this week because demand has increased ridiculously. Some of the big fish traditional clients are now placing buys for crypto. Here's the catch though, buy orders are pre-booked for come April 18th onwards. This current market is tax selling, with the intent to purchase again come April 18th for nice clean book profits. They've been selling anywhere between 40-60% of their positions since December, it's blatantly obvious their intent to suppress the market, other firms have concluded the same, making it ripe for pickings come April 18th. I would advise taking exposure to BTC/ETH/LTC and to initial stage infrastructure projects, this is where the orders are and trust me it's going to be a shock when these buys start.

>;TLDR Tax Cut Sellers end April 18th and BIG fucking buys are booked thereafter, STOCK UP NOW BROS

>> No.8694822
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>> No.8694834

I don't get what do you get from putting this much effort into a larp. is it for the (you)s? or do you believe shitposting on a nerd forum can affect the market? weird t b h

>> No.8694855

tax year starts jan 1

>> No.8694862

Was tax selling also partially the cause of the stock volatility we've been seeing?

>> No.8694864
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>> No.8694874

where is your evidence sir

>> No.8694885
File: 113 KB, 1080x720, forgivemeee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just want some of you to make money it's fucking karma for me okay lol, makes me feel all good inside after knowingly fucking biz over by helping rich old faggots dump for months. Please forgive me.

>> No.8694900

he's waiting for us to ask "infrastructure projects?" "which ones?" "please tell"

then he shills his bags

>> No.8694915

No, I won't go into detail there. I have no bags to shill.

>> No.8694922

Infrastructure projects? which ones? please tell

>> No.8694944

Just fucking buy anything really before the 18th

>> No.8694950

this but ironically

>> No.8694963 [DELETED] 

Since youre implying this is you in the pics, can you post a time stamp with this hoodie anon?

>> No.8694965

Indeed it was, they are doing the same across all markets pretty much.

>> No.8694969

Thanks for this larp bro but I know you're lying and it's not helping

>> No.8694973

New tax year already started on Jan 1. This tax is for year 2017 faggot

>> No.8694989

i get payed on 22nd how much will i miss out

>> No.8695006

no coiner whos been watching crypto for 3 years ready to jump in, how the FUCC do i get started

>> No.8695014

You'll miss the intital wtf is going on holy fucking shit pump but you will be able to ride the wave upwards for the months to come anyway so you won't be too late to the party bro

>> No.8695016

can you please wait til june 13'th i need my summerpayday nigga

>> No.8695023

what do you want to buy?

>> No.8695029

this is a larp and is not going to happen FUCK

>> No.8695040

ok quick litmus larp test.
whats your average realized sharpe?
alpha, beta or alpha/beta strat?
why exactly did they recruit you out of all people?

>> No.8695051

Fuck you, I don't care if you in particular miss out kek

>> No.8695128

Working at the local pool this summer?

>> No.8695157

Your language betrays you

>> No.8695178

btc and eth and just get my account set up so i can hopefully create a portfolio later

>> No.8695235

>stock photo #2

Do you have an infinite supply of these or...

>> No.8695246

If dubs OP is not a larp

>> No.8695285

haven't had to deal with registering in a while but Gemini is the best for solely BTC & ETH. Coinbase is likely the fastest way to get either of them (higher fees but you can purchase with a card).

Binance is all the rage these days but I've been on Bittrex and IDEX when it comes to shitcoins.

>> No.8695333

Damn, let's try it again. If trips OP is not a larp. Check em

>> No.8695340

suppose i have 6-7k of remaining tax burden (I could use my cc and drop that to a few thousand) . . . so you're saying i should eat the penalty and hold an extra btc until the end of april?

>> No.8695342


>> No.8695346

o shi

>> No.8695349
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the fuck

>> No.8695351

this is not good for my delusion

>> No.8695355

Kek’d and check’d, bless you OP

>> No.8695366



>> No.8695372


>> No.8695375

OH FU- confirmed not a larp

Also to the retards asking what OP means by infrastructure he obviously means platforms and protocol based coins/tokens Like ETH/ICX/NEO blah blah.

>> No.8695379
File: 42 KB, 600x732, get in boys.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Better start buying, trips don't lie.

>> No.8695385


Check'd and kek'd

>> No.8695393

what institutional grade exchanges are you trading crypto on? there are non

>> No.8695398

come on LARPER faggot, answer this guys questions->


>> No.8695407
File: 82 KB, 579x523, 1522383002652.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek has spoken. thanks op

>> No.8695426


lol give him time to wiki

>> No.8695440
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>> No.8695442
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>> No.8695463

Lmao the market has beaten everyone down last couple of weeks

How long have you been trading crypto, how did you get recruited and are there opportunities like these in Europe for novice traders?

>> No.8695501

I think OP is afk

>> No.8695508

Who cares, someone got REPEATING DIGITS yo

>> No.8695540

>OP is afk
>afk = Actively Feeding on Curry

>> No.8695541

>buy orders are pre-booked for come April 18th onwards.
wasn't AB talking about something along those lines too? but I think he was talking about the exchanges themselves mostly

>> No.8695556

So the time to buy is on my birthday? Sweet, thanks for the tip.

>> No.8695558

>April 1st
Nice meme

>> No.8695614
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Ohhh shit nigga

>> No.8695625
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>> No.8695670

It's April 1st. Post SOME kind of proof if this isn't a goof.

>> No.8695691
File: 34 KB, 675x694, 1519171899982.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Give us a tangible proof.

Post your Wallstreet creds + timestamp.

I am inclined in believeing you but you could be a larp.

>> No.8695723


>> No.8695734
File: 143 KB, 750x1334, 2A57D04B-D5BB-41CF-983E-1DF96944C9B2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Advice on what to do anon? Portfolio is down 28k from January. Have only put in 1.5k though

>> No.8695737

April 18th, huh? You do realize that tax year started Jan 1 right? Explain yourself anon.

>> No.8695762

businesses have fiscal years they can file whenever they want

>> No.8696003
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>> No.8696026


Quit violating your NDA

>> No.8696040

taxes are due every 3 months m80

which is why april 18th is a fucking lie, shit goes up TODAY

>> No.8696084

I bet you're actually Tyler 1

>> No.8696109

>>Thanks man, keeping this in mind. A quick search makes me think you aren't blowing smoke. Appreciate it.

>> No.8696142
File: 1.47 MB, 300x225, clapping.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>OP is not a larp

>> No.8696162

uhmm, I am not an accountant but this doesn't make a lot of sense in terms of long term capital gains tax which is figured 1 calendar year from entry into an instrument. Nor does it make any sense for the tax year as that would be a fiscal year which ends December 31st. Why would anyone have incentive to dump their crypto going into just the filing deadline? It literally has no ramifications, maybe people selling to pay their taxes, any entity moderately professional doesn't need to sell their crypto to pay for their taxes.

>> No.8696295


>> No.8696365
File: 871 KB, 1829x954, 2cab39e6e5d14def4f1dc48147f211ef.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Screenshot'd, I will see you all anons on the 18th.

>> No.8696376
File: 43 KB, 445x503, 1514783207831.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well I be dam look at those trips Jesus christ!!!
well, gotta take risk in life, I just might take OP advice.

>> No.8696423
File: 136 KB, 560x577, 1515025308595.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Larping does not work anymore at biz, im amazed. This board has become immune due to constant year to year Pajeet larping

>> No.8696505
File: 6 KB, 250x250, 1518911557335.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8696515

so post proof of id badge or something. You cant make claims like this and expect people to believe

>> No.8696562

op is a lying a faggot. i work at a firm and the tax year ends on Jan. 1st for big businesses

>> No.8696599

Ok this is likely a faggot larp but I am from the UK and need to get into cash by April 7 for UK tax. Am selling solely for this reason, it happens. OP are there any niggers, pajeets or Jews in your company?

>> No.8696612

>i work at
what OP thinks hes larping
>I need a win so buy or I get fired
what I read

>> No.8696626
File: 1.57 MB, 932x934, 1521407099354.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I shall buy coinz