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File: 26 KB, 420x358, Hitler-Roto314-@-wikimedia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8691892 No.8691892 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.8691899

would hate it

>> No.8691904

Love it.

>> No.8691938


Love it

>> No.8691950

Love it!

>> No.8691965

He would pump it so hard we all would have lamobs in our backyards

>> No.8691968 [DELETED] 
File: 34 KB, 500x477, DZUGhh2WkAAUTH8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh hell yeah, Hitler in Team Cream

>> No.8691984
File: 776 KB, 450x450, 1503183048709.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8691991

depends. if he were actually like 120 years old he'd not understand shit about it and wouldn't care for it cuz he'd have like 1000 living braincells left.

otherwise, depends on his generation/background.

if he was an early adopter crypto millionaire he'd make it national currency.
if he got gox'd early, he'd outlaw it.

>> No.8692011
File: 71 KB, 500x468, 1475682777470.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw we just got overtakenn by chocos


>> No.8692040

>Bitcoin in 2018

Jewish plot

>> No.8692094

he would shill link

>> No.8692109
File: 65 KB, 311x340, 1522601278697.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8692117

He would like it a lot. It was born to counter all the financial bullshit the jews pull, and it would be a currency fit for the greater Reich.

>> No.8692120

He'd hate it and probably declare it degenerate.

The National Socialists political economics relied on planned economic control. So, he'd want to be able to control the money supply.

He did not have objections to central banking, he just wanted the side he supported to be the ones in control of banking.

Bitcoin would be a threat to that control. He would have outlawed it.

>> No.8692182

well aktually, youre retarded because he was trying to experiment with new currency after the hyperinflation happened from the weimer republic

>> No.8692191

He'd buy Neo

>> No.8692242

He would find real Satoshi Nakamoto and they would gas the kikes who short BTC together after having a lengthy discussion of blockchain and fiat money.

>> No.8692254


>> No.8692274

He would create MEFOcoins

>> No.8692371

Hitler would de-jew it and make it great.

>> No.8693253

He'd buy Gas

>> No.8693306

he'd love it initially. the poor guys getting one up over the rich.
he'd become very disappointed though that none of you sold when you should have, so disappoint in fact he'd invade poland after promising everyone he wouldn't.

>> No.8693445


He would strongly support the PoW aspect.

He would also understand that to preserve it, there would have to be a small scale of centralization with the highest intent of serving the people.

China is doing exactly what he would do with Bitcoin Cash. Rely on sovereign credit and state resources to help make it strong, then as it grows it will attract foreign investments.

>> No.8693708

was good until the Jew got to it

>> No.8693802

Oh yes the Authoritarian Nazi government would totally love an alternative currency that they cannot influence or control

Back to /pol/ stormweenie

>> No.8694019
File: 22 KB, 137x150, 1502657820752.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8694025
File: 437 KB, 571x581, Binance distributes GAS again.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8694202

he would probably try to convince everyone that he is satoshi nakamoto like he lied about being an academic artist. and ppl would be stupid enough to believe him.

alternative ending: he would ban the shit out of everything thats not German and invent teutsches reich keun. we'd have another shitcoin to gamble with, it would be a better world today really.

>> No.8694216

Jewish tricks that would undermine the aryan race

>> No.8694254
File: 60 KB, 500x333, lel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was going to congratulate you on doing such a great edit of that image.
I found the original image.
It was edited.

>> No.8694260
File: 71 KB, 634x522, 1413107757922_Image_galleryImage_Eva_Braun_and_Adolf_Hitle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>still spreading lies about /our fuhrer/ in 2016 + 2
Trump won.

>> No.8694276

wasn't edited*

>> No.8694289

He would put jewcoins on the blockchain, and do a massive coinburn

>> No.8694305
File: 122 KB, 300x392, meinKampfy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8694307
File: 51 KB, 590x565, Adolf-366812.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/our guy/

>> No.8694555

He would hate it because it’s not state-controlled and would make Germany susceptible to foreign influence. Why would he support a currency that could undermine his economy if an enemy nation overtook Germany in mining operations?

>> No.8694559

"The Jews hate it?"

>> No.8694731

Hitler would love the concept of blockchain -- a distributed and immutable ledger which is open for all the world to see, a means of managing money seamlessly without involving the goddamned kike bankers, etc, etc -- but he would demonize miners for being just as bad as the banks, and would therefore create a new crypto.

It would be tied to labor, so that 1.0 HTC (HiTlerCoins) would equal 1.0 hour of unskilled physical labor.

>> No.8694772

oh damn, better get the gang to start clearing out roadways with spoons -- we can get a fuckton of laborcoins for fuck all work

>> No.8694835

He'd gas it

>> No.8695528
File: 14 KB, 627x554, 1510766374545.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pedal to the metal

>> No.8695615

Could very well be. We don't know the intentions of Satoshi.

>> No.8695860

hitler would've loved the blockchain technology..

>> No.8696008

Damn I miss him. Just to imagine, the city I am living, 70 years ago people were mass marching in brown shirts, singing patriot songs surrounded by larping roman style art and svastikas and yelling on top of their lungs to the jews who would be stopped once and for all.

>> No.8696204

The truth is he would have made his own blockchain and transferred the mark into deutchcoin. Hitler was very antibanking schemes and the technology helps remove banks.

Hell he probably would have endorsed Chainlink to help with the oracle problem of taking loans.

>> No.8696249

This 100% other than the coin naming part.

>misunderstanding that the labor would be done with the most efficient tools available
If you disagree then how did the Nazis holocaust the Jews in such an incredibly fast rate?

>> No.8696276

Is anyone buying SlavCoin?