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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 1.22 MB, 1128x1022, F97E29FF-8558-40F4-995E-F291698D99B1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8692904 No.8692904 [Reply] [Original]

/biz/ senpai - Critique my concept - push it to its logical edge - stress test it - I must be able to cogently defend it.

My background is in marketing.
Additionally, I am a goldsmith.
I have a production pipeline which utilizes highly specialized expertise at each step.
I have trusted materials sources.

The concept is this:
I would like to shitpost with some of the most historically valued materials on Earth.

I would do this in a fine art context, which would allow me to sidestep the traditional industry issue with price competition. (A complaint heard loudly around the contemporary jewelry industry.)

The market I think would be most receptive to some of my initially planned projects are people who are pop art, and rap music aligned culturally. I generally consider myself culturally intuitive, I participate deeply in both of these spheres and have been assured of other actors confidences as well.

Off the bat, a 3x return on production cost is a reasonable expectation, however this can grow as personal notoriety grows.

I am currently looking for investment through a few venues, and am offering a 50/50 profit split on a per-project basis. As someone who’s raised investment before a short term 2x is generally a respectable offer.

Additionally, my assessment is that the projects are fairly low risk, as a majority of capital is held in precious materials with highly established values.

>Anything I didn’t cover?

Thanks guys!

>> No.8692996

Hope I can engage you in a good conversation about the merits or potential pitfalls of this plan.

>> No.8693131

On mobile, still OP. Really curious if this forum talks about anything other that crypto.

>> No.8693238

It's a form of art

You will not get investors as one person just starting out. Build a portfolio, sell some custom pieces. If they don't suck then you can fund yourself. I wouldn't worry about looking for capital.They will find you

>> No.8693379

I have a broad portfolio here, moving into a new tier requires more capital than I can front personally.

I think the beauty here is that I can angle as an artist without having to rely on personal prominence at start, as the medium is popular in mainstream culture now.

>> No.8693441

First projects were selected for potential hype, incl. collaborations with larger brands that I have connections to. Buyers have been floated but not confirmed.

>> No.8693583


>> No.8693618

Can you give us an example op you caught my attention

>> No.8693698

The content would range from references to hentai and art history to veneration of cultural institutions.

The goal is that, not only is the content culturally relevant, but the technical execution on par with historic jewelry houses.

>> No.8693725

This shit again? Did you not find enough "investors" on your 1st go through? Stop spamming your stupid jewelry project and lame ideas on /biz/.

"Note: /biz/ is NOT a place for ADVERTISING or SOLICITING. Do NOT use it to promote your business, ventures, or anything you may have an interest in. Anything that looks remotely like advertising or soliciting will be removed. Begging/asking (including tipping) for cyptocurrencies or asking for money/capital is also strictly forbidden. Want to advertise? Buy a banner /biz/ targeted banner ad: https://www.4chan.org/advertise?selfserve"

>> No.8693735

This isn’t an advertisement, this is a conversation about an approach to business. If I’m soliciting anything it’s critique.

>> No.8693741

OMFG its this same fag again phoneposting conversations with himself.
All of them
You cant escape you scammer fuck

>> No.8693758

Posting from my phone now.

>> No.8693765

samefagging and scamming, that's all you do. reported.

>> No.8693770

Posting from my WiFi now. These are my two IDs. None others.

>> No.8693796

This is ridiculous, you’re intentionally ignoring any of the content of my post, to further some fictional narrative about how I’m a scammer. Nobody’s asking for anything other than critique. Kys.

>> No.8693816

>*eye roll* bump

>> No.8693817

reported, told you to fuck off many times. no one gives a fuck

>> No.8693855


>Present idea ask for critique
>Not breaking any rules
>Triggered much?

>> No.8693914

Oh hey it's Goldsmith guy again.
Sup OP, sorry about the cold reception you receive here.

I really like your idea, but to be honest with you, it seems doomed from a marketing perspective. The demographic of people interested in your ideas are basement dwelling poorfags who mooch off their parents and can't even pay their own WoW subscriptions, much less buy luxury jewelry.

Rich people don't care about weeaboo memes, nor do they want to be seen wearing them.

>> No.8693919

Retard the problem isnt posting from different ids its that you were pretending to be different people when you got caught lmao
Fucking idiot

>> No.8693936

I hate all these fucking people who derailed my thread. They burry good content behind useless bullshit.

>> No.8693987

Your content is fucking brainlet scam garbage.
Its not even a good scam, its overcomplicated and stupid and you are a moron.

>> No.8693993

I disagree with you. I participate deeply in these areas of culture and my assessment is that it’s something that’s got a lot of mainstream potential. Irony and edge are wildly mainstream.

This certainly isn’t for basement dwellers.

>> No.8694007
File: 57 KB, 1006x1006, FB_IMG_1521169121601.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a good point op. If you want to make jewelry out of memes you have to first assume that there are a plethora of rich memelords trying to spend a few k for a joke piece

>> No.8694026

>Ask for advice

>> No.8694087

It’s a fair point, but my approach is generally unconventional. It always is. Too many predictions have been executed on before I was able to, I’m tired of letting that happen.

The content isn’t exclusively memes, it’s more culturally directed, drawing from memes because they’re a large part of culture. Framing it as art I think further removes it from basement dweller market.

>> No.8694120

fuck off, you got caught samefagging, bumping your own thread relentlessly, and you drop your email in the thread for “investor” follow up. and most importantly, your ideas are shit, and you’re so autistically hard headed you can’t see that they’re shit.

>> No.8694128

Nonsequitur about me, that I think helps to describe my approach and gut as an individual. I make things happen.

I snuck past the secret service in high school onto an airport tarmac to see Obama.

>> No.8694161

>One person says my idea is shit.
>I should quit.

Don’t like my thread? Ignore it. Having conversations about business are fully within the scope of appropriate behavior for this board.

>> No.8694200

I wasn’t deterred by the fucking snipers on the tarmac in high school, I’m not deterred by your annoying ass now.

>> No.8694204

how about you go out into the real world and follow through on your shit ideas? how many "critique" threads do you need before you feel like your shit ideas are validated? oh it takes money to get your venture off the ground, i see, that's why your here...

>> No.8694223

You want to produce golden pepes and sell them online? Why not?

>> No.8694240

Listen, I wasn’t initially aware of the rules of the forum, but now I’m abiding them.

>Please fuck off.

>> No.8694284

>Pink diamond encrusted necklaces that say HENTAI, or SENPAI

>Fully diamond covered Tamagotchi.

>Things with shitty flames on them.

The content would range from references to hentai and art history to veneration of cultural institutions.

The goal is that, not only is the content culturally relevant, but the technical execution on par with historic jewelry houses.

>> No.8694314

Art is going to moon guys. Don't miss out this time. Invest in meme art.

>> No.8694356

I would like meme shit like rings with DEUS VULT on them, pepe beads and rose gold wojaks

I actually own a jewelry store btw

>> No.8694386

Lol. I’m serious about angling it that way.

>> No.8694407

Word. I don’t know how well this would perform in a traditional setting such as a jewelry store. I think it requires the creation of another narrative and figure to bring it to people.

>> No.8694454

The trolls are correct that I need funding for it. If anyone, by their own prerogative would like to follow up with me about that, I’m open to it, though not asking for it.

>> No.8694466

ah yes, it was only a matter of time

>> No.8694493

It’s important to me that this discussion is approached within the rules of the board, and I believe that I’m fully above board in acknowledging that.

>> No.8694552 [DELETED] 


>> No.8694629 [DELETED] 


>> No.8694699

how long until you samefag as an interested investor, asking for your email address?

>> No.8694739

Give me like 5 more minutes, THEN I got you.
>*eye roll*

>> No.8694801

Actually, new plan. I’m gonna start samefag LARPING as you.

>Shut up OP! I hate you.

Am I doing it right?

>> No.8694819

Why would you try to get money on a Japanese hentai board instead of just taking a loan from the bank? Loan is also way cheaper

>> No.8694853

This is a way better story to tell.

>> No.8694899

Have raised 6-figures for other projects. Legit means are not beyond me.

>> No.8695042 [DELETED] 


>> No.8695131

Any other questions?
Would love to keep discussing.

>> No.8695156

what kind of revenue are we talking about?

>> No.8695188

First few projects are between $5-15k for which I would expect a 3x return. I would expect this to grow as my identity and work becomes established.

>> No.8695199


Yo -- I'm the guy from chanmail.

You still haven't found anyone to fund you?
I see your approach has changed, though. Interesting.

I'm still interested if you can figure out a way to add trust.

>> No.8695271

Has developed an idea that I planned to sell to rapper Lil Yachty. Postponed funding funding for it. 12 months later he announces on GQ that’s he’s having it done. Lost out on $200k that day. Not letting that happen again.

I’ve spoken to a few people, one of which I’m meeting in person soon.
If you’re in the LA area I would love to meet face-to-face.

What makes each person comfortable in a scenario is super subjective. I would be more that willing to hear you out on any requirements you had.

You still have my email?

>> No.8695358

For lurkers:

Yes, it’s a throwaway. We can move to my personal email after.

>> No.8695448 [DELETED] 

OP here, I’m gay

>> No.8695477 [DELETED] 

Any more more questions? Love discussion

>> No.8695599 [DELETED] 

About to sit down for dinner.
I’ll be touching base to answer questions after.

Love discussion
Thanks guys!

>> No.8695857 [DELETED] 

After dinner bump!
Keep it up senpai

>> No.8695926

Keep it up senpai.
Love the discussion

>> No.8695933

Note: /biz/ is NOT a place for ADVERTISING or SOLICITING. Do NOT use it to promote your business, ventures, or anything you may have an interest in. Anything that looks remotely like advertising or soliciting will be removed.

Want to advertise? Buy a banner /biz/ targeted banner ad: https://www.4chan.org/advertise?selfserve

>> No.8695978

>Asks for discussion on approach to business
>Hur-dur “No advertising”
>Cool, holding a discussion isn’t advertising

>> No.8696016

Miss that part about soliciting investors? Keep it up senpai-fag.

>> No.8696043

Lol. Acknowledging that a business needs funding is not equal to soliciting investment. Kys

>> No.8696129 [DELETED] 

More questions?

>> No.8696220 [DELETED] 

Op here, more critique?

>> No.8696425


>> No.8696655


>> No.8696668

This is an overly complicated scam and even if it weren’t no one is going to buy retarded pepe necklaces and no one in their right mind would invest in making them

>> No.8696696

Still not a scam, and it seems like you only skimmed the OP, not making pepe necklaces.

>> No.8696802

>Notice me senpai

>> No.8696837

Oh for fuck sake are you still here

>> No.8696852

Yes I am.

>> No.8696875

Absolute brainlet. Cant you be banned for samefagging?

>> No.8696938

Incorrect and nope. Kys

>> No.8696969

kys arsehole. any "investors" yet? kek

>> No.8696995

Read the fucking thread. I’m here to discuss the merits of the idea. If somebody wants to invest, that’s their own prerogative but it’s not what I’m here looking for.

And yes, met 4 fucking people off /biz/

>> No.8697144


>> No.8697186

>And yes, met 4 fucking people off /biz/
was that before or after you dodged sniper fire on your way to see obama?

>> No.8697223

It’s a true story. Didn’t dodge sniper fire but they were around, on high ground in tactical gear.

And obviously my 4chan connections were after. Obama’s hasn’t been President for a while man.

>telling truth
>doesn’t believe me
>eye roll

>> No.8697264

Like, you can fact check that and find my story. Was covered in the OC Register.

>> No.8697499


>> No.8697524

>Asks for critique
>How is that possibly a scam idiot?

>> No.8697526

>Note: /biz/ is NOT a place for ADVERTISING or SOLICITING. Do NOT use it to promote your business, ventures, or anything you may have an interest in

I remember you faggot. Fuck off.

>> No.8697584

K. Again. No one is soliciting anything but critical thought. Totally within the rules of a board about business topics.

>> No.8698117


>> No.8698468

I like the idea

but no money to give you aha.

>> No.8699469

Haha! I totally appreciate it!

>> No.8699545
File: 571 KB, 445x676, real_boy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


So, you wanna be like TV Johnny?

>> No.8699592

TV Johnny is the tackiest person that I’ve ever seen. I could, as it stands, produce better executed work than him and I wouldn’t look like a desperate idiot doing it.

>> No.8699598
File: 5 KB, 166x250, 1522600396994s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Arguably the most retarded OP I've ever seen

>> No.8699603

Lol short answer: No, would be at a fully different tier.

>> No.8699612


Pick one person who you'd love to have as your first big customer.

>> No.8699630

>I’m not really going to feel bad about you know having the creativity to see units of culture interacting in new ways.

>> No.8699664

Until recently I’d have said Lil Yachty. I had planned to remake his hair beads, covered in diamonds.

Unfortunately he revealed in the latest GQ video that he’s now having it done. Had I acted 12 months ago when I first conceptualized it there would be an extra (roughly) $200k in my pocket today. But I postponed finding capital.

I could see others in that vein appreciating and purchasing my work, however angling as an artist will ultimately be far more profitable if well executed.

I have a collaboration with a skate brand for which the details are being worked out. There have been a few big skaters floated as purchasers.

>> No.8699754 [DELETED] 


>> No.8699931


>> No.8700002

My favorite thing is when people ask good questions then bounce.

>> No.8700023

My favourite thing is when you bump your own threads like a pathetic retard and then kys.
Daily reminder this is a scam.
See you next thread.

>> No.8700047

>Asks for critique
>How is that possibly a scam idiot?

Unless you think anything not about crypto is a fucking scam.

>> No.8700048


I'm concerned that you're underestimating how much networking will be absolutely critical in you even contacting your potential customers.

If access to rich celebrities isn't a problem for you, then what the fuck are you waiting for? If it doesn't work just melt it down and try again. Isn't scrap value extremely high for jewelers?

>> No.8700078

One of the things I’m totally wealthy in is connections. Fucking steeped in it. Access is no problem at all for me.

The thing I’m waiting for is enough capital to make the work. What I can front personally wouldn’t impress anybody.

And you’re right with that last understanding. I’m the unlikely event that a piece is a total flop, the materials can 100% be recycled into new work.

>> No.8700109

I can get a personal intro to anyone I would need to.

>> No.8700147

This is a scam

>> No.8700158
File: 65 KB, 400x400, 1520234414141.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have still not sold me.

>> No.8700168

No matter how many times you say it’s a scam doesn’t actually make it a scam.

Glad you’re skeptical about people online, but honestly, that’s a basic fucking skill.

Go be annoying somewhere else.

>> No.8700177

I’m not really trying to sell you anything.
Want to dig into your concerns?

>> No.8700226


To further this a bit, in my experience, everyone wants you to be financed, no one wants to finance you.

>> No.8700257

He's probably concerned about it being a scam.
Unless thats just you samefagging again

>> No.8700259
File: 53 KB, 503x720, painting-chains-gold.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How much capital do you need for the piece? Do you present your investors with a resume of previous work? What does your year look like if you only make margins on pieces, and you don't become popular?

The people who you're asking for investments are numbers guys. It sounds like you're trying to communicate that you see an angle into this industry that's hard to communicate with numbers. You'll have to demonstrate to them that you've had success at this in the past. I think you're better off not even trying to convince them from that angle, focus on a top-down view of the industry. Give them the same 'ol shit. Jewelry industry is "x". I want to build a jewelry brand. It involves using celebrities/influencers/etc. I have access to people through these channels.

I bring up scrap value as an assurance you can provide your investors. If scrap value is so high, why not just get a business loan? You make a $100,000 piece, insure it, yadda yadda. If it doesn't catch the eye of someone wealthy, the bank still owns the gold in the part. You're just out your own labor.

Sorry if any of that sounded patronizing, can't tell your actual experience level.

>> No.8700281

Nice image anon, very suitable for this thread.
Almost like you have a folder of jewlery images ready to samefag in your own threads.

>> No.8700305

Not OP, it's called Google.

Actually looked up New Slaves for some Kanye pic, this was way better.

Give OP some credit, he seems to have an entrepreneurial bone in his body. Not just playing the crypto lottery like most of you useless fucks.

>> No.8700315

Poor effort OP. This is why your scams are so bad.

>> No.8700345

I'm too baked to be mad. This is funny

>> No.8700356

Does not sound patronizing at all. Let me break this apart and answer questions individually. Bear with me, as I’m on my phone.

>How much capital do you need for the piece?

I have a list of between 20 and 30 projects with calculated production costs between $7k-100k. My initial focus would be on the projects that fall in the $7k-20k range as it’s a mid/high-tier that would be useful to establish an audience in.

>Do you present your investors with a resume of previous work?

Of course. One caveat is that my previous work isn’t reflective aesthetically of future direction. Which is another communication challenge but obviously not an insurmountable one.

>What does your year look like if you only make margins on pieces, and you don't become popular?

Calculating on the low end, one piece every other month, with a production cost of $5k nets $50k/year. Obviously no investor is getting wet over that, but that’s a ridiculously slow pace, and a price point under what I’d establish for my work.

>> No.8700393

In terms of experience level.
24 years old

Just under 10 years in the jewelry industry (Started with production work for a company that made jewelry for Sundance catalog transitioned the relationship to more valuable pieces which are sold through at the boutique at their resort.)

I founded a publishing house that made its $150k seed capital back in 12 months. On track to do a $250k this year.

That said, the finances including fundraising have been largely handled by my partner. So I need to learn more about those areas specifically.

>> No.8700421

As a 24 year old, my credit isn’t bad - it’s unestablished.

I’m having to learn a lot of this as I go, my parents, who are successful in their own ways, have always been an enigma to me financially.

>> No.8700461

It seems like you have a strong aesthetic vision. Separate this slightly from the business case. You're not asking for much in start-up costs. Turn that list of projects into 5-6 concept pieces, complete with sketches, and whatever storyboards the idea. This is where you can be creative.There are many ways to communicate the essence of your brand. Just be confident in what you present. Investors will sniff you out based on their gut, 100%. If they like you, and the numbers work, you'll get the money.

The fact that you have sold expensive pieces is important. Get your concepts as far developed as possible to the point where the next step is capital investment. You'll seem new, so you'll have to assume they don't trust your word.

The exact aesthetic is not important to an investor that you want. Someone who's tied to the aesthetic of your concept will have strong opinions about aesthetics going forward. You'll want to retain creative control, so find an investor who cares about money. Sell this concept to investors who care about returns, preferably ones who augment your social network.

Separate your project into phases. Phases of investment, and milestones that have actual dates on them. Realistic goals, all less than 1 year. Present these clearly. Think most about what you're missing, and how an investors money can fix that. Tooling? Raw materials? Advertising?

Do you have shit credit or something? Start an LLC and approach financial institutions with a good pitch deck and see what they say. $100k ain't shit. They won't give a shit about aesthetics, just that you'll be insured, scrap value is high, and what your projected budget/cashflow/income statements look like.

>> No.8700514
File: 803 KB, 2400x1500, photo3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you have the means to make some examples of these pieces in non-precious metals? Are they CAD modeled or hand-crafted? Can you model scaled-down versions to make prototyping cheaper?

Many jewelers today use CAD tools to generate SLA prints of casting wax. Using these techniques will show your investors that you're capable of scaling as volume increases. If you don't have these skills, get online and start learning them asap.

>> No.8700568


Projects are fleshed our to the point where what’s needed is capital. In fact, if I had capital tomorrow, I could have work done by the end of April.

I have found such significant challenges in convincing the money side that anyone will buy a diamond covered Tamagotchi, or a necklace that says HENTAI. It’s these cultural arguments that I have to make that have been stumbling blocks.

I have the entire production pipeline dialed. Access to any jewelry technique and equipment and actual master craftsmen.

I want to point out though that scaleability isn’t baked into this model. I don’t want to make many of a piece, in fact, I would argue that that detracts from my marketing efforts. It would (and does) work very well for lower priced work though. Which is something I know very well.

>> No.8700588

As an aside, I really appreciate your time, and your recognizing me as being of entrepreneurial ilk. Way too used to be trolled here.

>> No.8700740 [DELETED] 

>Impulsive thread-fell-below-the-4th-page Bump

>> No.8700890

Not sure if you’ll see this, would love to keep in contact.
>Obv you can have my personal email, I just dont want to post it.

>> No.8701200

*snap* lost him

>> No.8701663


>> No.8702268

Laat time you needed 5-10k for your projects, also show sample of your work

>> No.8702442

Projects range in production cost.
No way this thread is lasting all night. Email me if serious.

>> No.8702746


>> No.8702765

So after reading this. OP has be full of shit. All these connections all this knowledge. Been working for 10 years. Again has great connections! OP can contact anyone guys! OP gets shit done! His parents are roch &succesful too! But!!! OP just needs your money to make it all happen!!
Why try so hard OP. This is like a nigger prince scam but then autistic.