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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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8687046 No.8687046 [Reply] [Original]

What went wrong /biz/? I bought LTC in $20s, saw it moon to $300s and didn't sell......anyone else here make a lot of money then lose nearly all of it

>> No.8687089

you didn't "lost" it since you never had it. i've had my blockfolio go from 1000 to 30k but i cashed out only at 6k, and i lost all that by daytrading

>> No.8687120

I bought 15000 miota @ 0,3$ and didn't sell the top. So I lost around 75 $ k gains.

I would have loved to 5x my miotas but failed.

>> No.8687153

went from 360k ATH to under 100k now. it was all unrealized gains but it'll still haunt me for the rest of my life. unless i become a multi millionaire later or something

>> No.8687173

$30k? I lose that every hour
I'm down $6.5m from peak
$10m to $3.5m

>> No.8687186

Do paper gains count? Went from half a mil in December to about $100k right now... I'm freerolling though, only invested $3500 and cashed out over 20k

>> No.8687188

just trying to filter out the people who bought in December at ATHs

>> No.8687192

post wallet faggot

>> No.8687221

down about 36k from 45k to 9k now... reeee. 80% loss

>> No.8687253

My bitcoins aren't in one address, candyass, and even if they were, I wouldn't post it here. I'm been hodling since 2014. I have iron hands forged from the depths of hell. I will never sell. Not at $20k. Not at $50k. Not at $100k. Not at $1 gorillion

>> No.8687268

>I'm been
I've been
God fucking damnit

>> No.8687279

what the hell is your endgame then?

>> No.8687292

Damn fellow cremeboi, you haven't cashed out anything? You realize you can retire comfortably in the US once you have about 2M.

>> No.8687317

LARPing on /biz/

>> No.8687354
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>> No.8687365

I lost hundreds of thousands since my 'ATH', but selling the ATH I would have to had liquidated everything and sold the exact top.

I'm just going to keep trading, keep stacking BTC. Same as I've been doing for years.

>> No.8687374
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>> No.8687405


Bullshit : The Post

>> No.8687449

to buy everything with Bitcoin without the need for fiat

I have a few hundred thousand to sustain myself for the time being

There are several people here with more than me.

>> No.8687453

Same boat as you anon, albeit smaller scale. HODLING BTC since 2013, total portfolio down from $1.8MM at peak to 600k now. Not selling shit until I'm filthy rich or dead trying. 30k is peanuts.

>> No.8687541

Hang in there, anon. The industry is bigger now, and I think the LN will shake things up, so I have good hopes for the future of Bitcoin. I doubt we'll see sub $1500 Bitcoins ever again

>> No.8687884

same here. had 320k at one point and even though I knew the bubble was about to burst and was even telling others it was time to sell I didn't take my own advice. now at 70k and dropping.

>> No.8688542

lost around 28k
want to kms lads

>> No.8688647

glad to know i'm not alone. i started with 3K in august. got up to 60K break even, watched REQ cross $1.12..... sat there guffawed. did nothing. held all the way down, and sold the dead cat after 6K. fucking sucks.

60K < 30K.

but, at least i am still not holding. would be.... a lot worse now. and i'm buying back in soon.

>> No.8688724

Good on you dude
>There are people trading their discontinued BTC for the inflationary fiat


>> No.8688865

What did tou trade, and why have you lost?

>> No.8688949

Was up to 320k, currently at around 70k. I trust the projects I'm in, so not selling any time soon. End goal is around 4MM, and I'm fairly confident I'll get there in the next 18 months.

>> No.8688995

$530k of unrealized gains lost here.

>> No.8689127

btc mostly. i lost because i didn't have a proper trading strategy and because daytrading is fun.

now i have a proper strategy, so i just sit and wait for signals once a day, and i get my daily dose of dopamine from videogames instead of daytrading

>> No.8689149

-120k in unrealised gains
but yeah, wasted potential is not the same thing as actual loss

>> No.8689172

are you me???

still comfy, it aint my money anymore

>> No.8689241
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You know what went wrong. Buying at 1 letting it go to 20 and back to 1 doesn't feel like a loss but the account has actually lost a lot of money, someone has stolen that from you. It's good to at least notice it. Losers will keep blaming manipulators and everyone but themselves. It feels good to call anything that surpasses our own imagination and belief system a ponzi. Must of us have fallen for the HODL bullshit at some point. I'm still trading alts with the objective of getting some BTC, do I trade better than BTC loses against USD? Not always, sometimes the better trade is to hold USDT to buy BTC on the way up which is why I'm not rushing to put more capital inside this market. Keeping 30k out to buy in the middle of the next bullrun could still make you a milli even if the bullrun starts at $1. And if you don't make that much if you pay attention until then you'll still realize some profit, you'll see.

Or maybe not because Peanut Butt is inferior. Only Team Mini will make it, manlets stack together.

>> No.8689762

team coco

>> No.8690427

who is this semen demon??

>> No.8690800

bump for the semen demon

>> No.8690858

Sorry it took so long to reply, mimi developers gave up on android 4.4.4< maintenance. Did you margin trade by any chance? What sums do you play with, and what exchange do you use? Do you have any advice for beginners, I want to get my feet wet but I'm afraid the water is too cold.

>> No.8690908

my advice is don't trade real money until you have a working, backtested strategy. not even 10$.

then do paper trading by using you strategy, and if in 1 month you haven't lost money then start trading with the money you are comfortable with.

i use bitfinex and its 3.3 leverage. just be sure to use an exchange where you can short stuff, so you will make money during the upcoming bear market

>> No.8690914

lost 500k on lost profits selling kucoin and coss to early, along

>> No.8690943

I exited the market in December with a profit, but FOMO'd back in.

>> No.8691030

3.3x is way too low, I'm looking more for a high risk high return type of strategy, I'm looking for a 10-25x leverage exchange. But I live in Romania so my options are limited, and I don't want to be burned by the equivalent of the irs, in case I trade from another EU country exchange.

>> No.8691054

use bitmex then. you can make a 10-25x strategy that makes money in the long run. but personally i wouldn't touch anything bigger than 5x

>> No.8691096

google's best guess is 'breast'

>> No.8691137

godspeed anon

>> No.8691412

Literally nobody knows

>> No.8691497
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what went wrong is the same answer for everyone who invested before July last year:


That is all you need to know. Take fucking profits next time and you won't suffer this fate again, that is IF THERE IS A NEXT TIME.

>> No.8691639
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Lost "350k" gains
Feels pretty bad

>> No.8691927


I have no sympathy for idiots who didn't sell months ago

>> No.8692391

I've done similar with LTC

Bought in @ 40 and have still been hodling it since.

Going to hold on to it for at least a year, probably buy some more whilst it's cheap.

>> No.8692514

How could anyone sleep with a tranny knowing it used to be a fucking ugly, probably smelly, loser dude?

>> No.8692524 [DELETED] 

Ana Cheri, just had a great wank to her


>> No.8692536

ive lost 100k

>> No.8692548

you won what you cannot afford to lose

>> No.8692587
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>> No.8693045


how could you be this retarded

>> No.8693111

i will kms by the end of next week, waiting for.. actually dunno why i'm waiting, maybe just hoping for a miracle. i don't really wanna die, but have to. you guys are trash, team gainz over and out