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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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8689587 No.8689587 [Reply] [Original]

So, if any of you guys are paying attention the left is sperging out with a force we've never seen before. What's interesting though, is their attempt at strangling the opposition financially: citi group being fags, blatant Youtube demonetization and banning of conservatives and gun channels, boycotting of Laura Ingraham's show for a benign comment, etc.
This sort of shit will keep accelerating as they attempt to financially cripple anyone with an "incorrect" opinion or occupation (especially gun related). How does this help us? It's quite obvious; soon a large portion of business oriented conservatives will be forced to do banking with credit unions OR the new and exciting world of crypto. Perhaps many will try a mixture of both. People are tired of being fucked with from large leftist corps and it's becoming painfully obvious to everyone. Finally "decentralized" currencies, storage, social media, etc sound REALLY GOOD. I'm not saying we are in for an explosion of new crypto folks RIGHT NOW, but they will ultimately be forced into this world as the financial chains of leftist oppression stangle them into finding alternative ways of doing business. I'm still dollar cost averaging in with little worry. The future is bright.

>> No.8689610

this bipartisan shitshow will be the downfall.

>> No.8689625

Downfall of what? Civilization?

>> No.8689735

You know the left doesn't own anything. Like all the corporations which are owned buy rich who are mostly conservatives. You'd think gun owners would realize america has more guns than any other country in the world.

>> No.8689807

how do you bank with crypto? you can't bank with crypto
>"welcome to hobby lobby, in order to buy anything here you're gonna need to download a Nano Wallet, make an account at an exchange, send bitcoin or ethereum to the exchange, purchase Nano, withdraw, pay the withdraw fee and then you can pay us through the exciting financial revolution that is crypto-currency!"

>> No.8689854
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>> No.8689883

Venezuelans and Zimbabweans bank with bitcoin. Millenials don't give a fuck about other investments, they bank with crypto. I've swiped crypto credit cards at my work but tell me more about how hard it is to spend. There's over 50 ways to spend crypto you idiot.

>> No.8689973

>large leftist corps

By definition, there can't exist large leftist corporations, you idiot. Jesus, you know shit about organizational structures.

Go back shopping to Hot Topic with your mom, faggot.

>> No.8689997

That’s not “the left”, it’s just capitalism. YouTube, instagram and whatever other time wasting shitholes you spend time in aren’t demonetizing and banning for political reasons, it’s just a way to maximize profits.

>> No.8690034

the rich pay both sides you dumb fuck, power concentration on either side will upend their institutions.

>> No.8690079

Sorry that most people aren't brainlets like you.

>> No.8690091
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ok now...take it easy Eugene.

>> No.8690124

They buy republicans before the elections and buy democrats when they win the elections. The republican ideologies sell out the working class from the start. Democrats at least fake it like they will help, with "hope" and "change"

>> No.8690151

Clearly wrong.

>> No.8690184

kill yourself

>> No.8690219

try drinking less /pol/ koolaid

>> No.8690231

boycotts and youtube demonitization wont do shit. nobody is going to be financially crippled and even if they were conservatives wouldnt go to crypto, they are by and large technologically illiterate. theyd waddle down to their local baseball card and coin collector shop and buy $100 gold coins

>> No.8690255

Minds.com just recently made it so you can buy views with ETH.
Steemit is still growing stronger every day and its probably impossible to ban someone from that platform without buying a few million with of steem power.

>> No.8690292

>soon a large portion of business oriented conservatives will be forced to do banking with credit unions OR the new and exciting world of crypto

no they won't

>> No.8690304

>By definition, there can't exist large leftist corporations

Found the retard. Left and right have little to do with economics, it is individualism vs. hierarchy. The current dominant school of thought states that individualism produces more profit, therefore corporations will tend to leftism by default.

>> No.8690323

Substratum is a good one for the libtards, theyre even running ads on cnn next month.

>> No.8690333

Wall Street bankers funded the Bolshevik Revolution. The rich are actually very far to the left.

>> No.8690337

>>Large leftist corps
Holy retardation Batman. Is this what /Pol/ truly believes? That Google and Hillary Clinton are leftist? lmao

>> No.8690345

Lassie faire apitalism is communism in disguise. Read Animal Farm.

>> No.8690359

wall street bankers fund a lot of things /pol/lack

>> No.8690363

gosh you are stupid, it's incredible

>> No.8690385

This nailed it on the head. Conservatives aren't buying crypto, it's millennials who are buying bitcoin and they are overwhelmingly progressive like no other american generation. Internet has changed shit kid, conservatives are dying at much faster rates. sorry grandpa

>> No.8690392

Wait what? The left is more about hierarchy than the right. The right is more about individualism.

>> No.8690412
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It's the same shit underpinning it, they've just been stupid enough to focus their efforts on freakshows.

>> No.8690419

bankers fund anything dummy. theyre goddamn bankers, they go where the capital is.

>> No.8690429

If everyone understood fractional reserve banking and money creation they would support a thousand bolshevik revolutions until we purge of all bankers.

>> No.8690440

Democrats gave up on the working class in the last election...why appeal to a dwindling class of white laborers when you can appeal to the fat invalids and the ever-growing minority populace? My state went red in spite of the labor unions shilling for Hillary because nobody cared.

You're absolutely right that the rich have no allegiance besides themselves, though. They're conservative for tax breaks and then next year they're progressive for tax incentives for job creation. It never ends.

>> No.8690445

fractional reserve banking is great

>> No.8690463

Bankers only like revolutions away from home

>> No.8690479

great at lowering the value of the currency the use.

>> No.8690515

that's not what it does

>> No.8690516
File: 90 KB, 422x594, Dan+Schneider+TCA+Tour+Cable+Day+3+-HbP8_XLjk7l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>have main savings wallet
>send as much as you need for the day to your phone wallet

>> No.8690600

They do that cause their currency is worthless. On the other hand the dollar is the world reserve currency and relatively stable.

>> No.8690647

Yeah the dollar has never crashed

>> No.8690649

>of all bankers
You mean jews right?

>> No.8690658


>> No.8690701

Think about it you stupid fucking fat inbred nigger faggot jew. Create exponential more $ through computer clicks. What happens to value of all $ in existence. Every time a bank takes a deposit they have the ability to loan out 10X that. Keep printing dollars though, they drive up the cost of everything else scarce

>> No.8690718

>Anything that I don't like is capitalism.

>> No.8690750

>Think about it you stupid fucking fat inbred nigger faggot jew

are you literally 12 years old?

>Create exponential more $ through computer clicks

that's not what happens

did you just watch zeitgeist or that south park ripoff cartoon for the first time?

>> No.8690784

Explain fractional reserve banking. I understand it very well after years of research. You tell me where i'm worng

>> No.8690837

>after years of research

translation: a few hours of watching wingnut youtube videos

>Explain fractional reserve banking

that banks only need to hold reserves for a fraction of their deposits

>> No.8690942

God you're dumb. Banks only have to keep a fraction of the deposit what do they do with the other 90%. They lend it to others. But my balance is still the same. How did that happen?

>> No.8690952

How do you maximize profits by rejecting money-generating vloggers? You’re fucking brain-dead. Leftists are subhuman

>> No.8690976

It's really only bipartisan in the sense that there is the left and there is "everyone against the left", aka the Great Satan which must be genocided without the word genocide
I value protecting the environment above all, I like strong social nets with intelligent economic incentives, I think sexuality can be fluid and I believe the government should disrupt the free market to break monopolies as need be. Yet I'm a white male and I don't believe in any moral imperative for me to be subservient to faggots, cuckolds and niggers, so that makes me "far right"
anyone sane, and that's with a wide definition of sanity, ends up pushed out of the left

>> No.8690977

My money is always in my account but forms a loan for someone else and they can deposit where? In a bank that only keeps a fraction of that and spends the rest on investments it deems smart. learn more you conservative fools.

>> No.8690982

whose balance? what are you even trying to say?

>> No.8691081

if i lend you money and you spend that money where is my money?

>> No.8691132

my balance on my bank account, the one we just put fake dollars in, damn keep up you idiot. we're talking about banks, do you know what a bank account balance is. How can they loan MY $ but my balance never drops? Think!!!

>> No.8691185


>> No.8691253

If I am a bank and you lend me $ and I spend it? It's still in your account because I'm a bank and only have to keep 10% of your balance. You just learned something. Right? God I hope you're not but I bet you're American and think you know finances very well

>> No.8691295

see https://www.investopedia.com/terms/f/fractionalreservebanking.asp

>> No.8691323
File: 51 KB, 609x328, 4E93834C-066C-4442-ACB1-504DD8A39BEC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA my god the absolute state of /biz/. Take your head out of your Econ professors ass for 2 seconds and *try* to think for yourself.

>> No.8691358

nothing to do with that sophomore

>It's still in your account

but i thought you just said they only had to keep 10%? so which is it scandi mong

>> No.8691414

Your account says "balance: 1 million dollars" but 900k of the dollars that you put in have been physically given away to other people asking for loans

>> No.8691420

The value of the dollar has been dropping because the Fed prints money indiscriminately as per the dictates of (((fractional reserve banking))). It’s simple supply and demand. As the money supply continues to be expanded the value of each dollar drops. Fucking retard.

>> No.8691482

good, so we agree that the number in my account and the money in the economy is not the same thing

again, nothing to do with frb

the central bank maintains a low and constant rate of inflation for many different reasons, and this is fine. you're not entitled to any free money

>> No.8691535

Complete bullshit. Google is currently involved in a lawsuit where they were purposefully rejecting qualified asian and white candidates. If they wanted profit, this is not what they would be doing. It's political.

>> No.8691744

>not realizing that PR is part of business

>> No.8691852

You're confused again you stupid fuck, how many of us have to tell you that you're wrong.

Central banks aim for a steady inflation rate. How often is that achieved?

Everyone is trying to help you.

>> No.8691896

for the western world, pretty much constantly ever since the 1970s

>> No.8692172

It's steady 2% and it's never been done back to back, ever! go back to class you make americans look bad

>> No.8692187

>rejecting whites and asians is good PR

>> No.8692608

You're delusional if you think a bunch of old, conservative boomers are ever gonna flock to crypto. They'll just keep crying about fiat inflation. By the time they die out crypto will be everywhere.

>> No.8692611

You can believe many things they agree with but once you stray on one of them, its some travesty and now you get a horrible wrong think label with an -ist after it.

>> No.8692881

Sorry I phrased that wrong, I meant corps are bending to the will of the left, cutting off "right wing" leaning people financially. The corps themselves are indeed apolitical faggots mostly trying to jump on the bandwagon of whatever side is more profitable. The point I tried but failed to make was that the conservatives will literally have no other options but credit unions and crypto, especially those leaning VERY far right. It's next to nothing now but my thought is that it will feed into crypto as things get worse for "incorrect" and "offensive" ideas.

>> No.8693411

>welcome to hobby lobby
>in order to buy anything you're gonna need to walk into a bank, give them your social security number and other details, wait a few weeks for a card to arrive and then use it