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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 24 KB, 900x472, breaking.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8688635 No.8688635 [Reply] [Original]

Expect DOW fall 1000 on next trade day.


>> No.8688737

why does this article have no text?

>> No.8688767

Thats funny. Didn't we start this because of their tarrifs and now they're doubling down? I hope trump deport Chinese next

>> No.8688780

What does China import from us?

>> No.8688783

classic modern """"""""""""journalism""""""""""" tactic

You create the title with an empty page so your site is the first one to publish it and people share it all over the web, and then for the next hour or so you type in the text

>> No.8688794


>> No.8688875

The US is dead and burried, its over for you losers, empires have an average lifespan of around 250 years, its all downhill from now on.

>> No.8688909

I'm curious what shithole you live in that you think is better than America.

>> No.8688946

Good China are fucked they have a massive credit bubble that is about to pop.

>> No.8688956

Burgers are going down son!

>> No.8688963

Can't wait to see the futures

>> No.8688969



>> No.8688970

>he unironically thinks america is the greatest country in the world

>> No.8688980

Teeka was right

>> No.8689024
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1. Soybeans: $15 billion
2. Civilian aircraft: $8.4 billion
3. Cotton: $3.4 billion
4. Copper materials: $3 billion
5. Passenger vehicles (small engines): $3 billion
6. Aluminum materials: $2.4 billion
7. Passenger vehicles (large engines): $2.2 billion
8. Electronic integrated circuits: $1.7 billion
9. Corn: $1.3 billion
10. Coal: $1.2 billion

>> No.8689033

so now we pay more for pork and chicken?

>> No.8689046

put your money into crypto screencap this it will rise when everything is falling
Save yourself

>> No.8689062

No, you'll pay less, farmers will be making losses

>> No.8689063

It might not be. But I've travelled to 15+ countries and haven't seen a place I'd rather live. I'm pretty sure it's like 95% poorfags who hate on America.

>> No.8689069

Don't forget this

>> No.8689085

Don't talk to me you fucking subhuman.

>> No.8689088
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>> No.8689097

Lel, they are taxing their own food imports

Us doesn’t send them anything tariff away, also enjoy the currency explosion and debt bomb, China is the big bubble

>> No.8689125
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>tfw I'm richer than you, smarter than you, more attractive than you, happier than you
>you still want to pretend like you're superior because you live somewhere else
>still don't want to say what country it is because you know people will laugh at you

>> No.8689133

far less than we import from them

that is why they are in the weaker position

tens of millions of out of work chinese would really hurt the communist party

>> No.8689170

China is unironically the byproduct of thousands of years of soy consumption. Only recently have Americans had soy in all of the their food products. It's no wonder China is full of feminine manlets.

>> No.8689196

>far less than we import from them that is why they are in the weaker positiontens of millions of out of work chinese would really hurt the communist party

I prefer the US to be world police instead of China any day but the Chinese can crash US treasuries and wreck the US in a day. They should never have been allowed buy them

>> No.8689197

I always hear people say America isn't the greatest country, but they never actually say which country they think is greater. Is almost like they can't name a better one.

>> No.8689219

I demand we nuke those chinks right now.

>> No.8689224

Oh yea, it’s definitely a europoor

>> No.8689235

This. If people think US is unstable, wait for china to miss a single growth target.

>> No.8689240

Almost any Euro country along with Aus, HK, Singapore etc

>> No.8689248

How is the caliphate coming along?

>> No.8689275

>lose every war for 400+ years
>invaded successfully by literally every no-name mongrel race
>world police

America has been BTFOd by random groups before but at least we had a win streak or two

>> No.8689330


>> No.8689385

Thinly veiled shitposter. Every yurofag knows this shithole is beyond saving.

>> No.8689465

Central Europe is dope as fuck. Not to mention how cheap it is. You can live like a kang in those countries without having to worry about the brown hordes, high taxes and left wing luniacy.

>> No.8689470

It is 21.120 trillion $ now jumped for 70 billion this week due to latest treasuries sale.

>> No.8689483

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16T 12 T 9T

China’s GDP

>> No.8689492

My puts should do very nicely next week then

>> No.8689588
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>Aus, HK, Singapore
What's the difference between them?

>> No.8689635
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why is china bullying us?

>> No.8689644

>a nigger calling the poo brown

>> No.8689663

um... is this legit? well fuck my ass i'm all in on the market at the wrong time don't even have money to average down when it all goes south

>> No.8689866

Invest in some really cheap put options just in case

>> No.8689871

I'm a fan of Japan, but they literally surrendered to America.

>> No.8690284

Switzerland or Norway (depending on your political views and priorities) > the US. Ireland and the UK are pretty great too. There are many good countries in Europe.

>> No.8690327

>have tarrifs on country's goods, restrictions on their IP rights, and generally force their companies to act disfavorably to their nation of origin
>nation tarrifs your goods 5%
>get butthurt about the unfairness of tarrifs and restrictionism

I don't believe the chink for a second, they're playing hardball because they know whites are soft cuckolds

>> No.8690527

50% income tax
literally a Muslim caliphate, go to jail for teaching your dog a trick
nothing but autists, also see Switz.

you have to be kidding, or possibly stuck 30 years in the past.

>> No.8690544

How will this affect the price of forex?

>> No.8690576

April Fools!

>> No.8690586

Eat yerrow dick, muttsharts

>> No.8690614
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First the drop of the petro dollar, now this

china is finally fucking up those burger niggers

>> No.8690672

You clearly don't know what you are talking about. Switzerland doesn't have 50% income tax lol. Use google. Switzerland has one of the lowest tax burdens in the world accord to OECD. Also, no capital gains tax which is more important than income tax if you're not a poor fag.

>> No.8690854

>manufacturing jobs 2000 - 17 240 000
>manufacturing jobs 2018 - 12 648 000
No wonder people are struggling to get a job.
>median income in 2000 $31 286
>median income in 2018 $31 744
If it's accounted for inflation, this is extremely fucked up
>more red than green
>unfunded liabilities - $112 592 209 695 000
When is this whole shit going to blow up? It cannot continue like this forever.

>> No.8690917

U.S. goods and services trade with China totaled an estimated $648.5 billion in 2016. Exports were $169.8 billion; imports were $478.8 billion. The U.S. goods and services trade deficit with China was $385 billion in 2016.

China is currently our largest goods trading partner with $578.2 billion in total (two way) goods trade during 2016. Goods exports totaled $115.6 billion; goods imports totaled $462.6 billion. The U.S. goods trade deficit with China was $347.0 billion in 2016.

>> No.8690938

>yes goy you should keep shovelling money to foreigners to make plastic baubles and industrial tools, this is real economic sovreignty!

>> No.8690997
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lmfao wow burgers be poor

>> No.8691139
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>poisoned food
>poisoned media
>poisoned press
>poisoned hollywood
>poisoned education
>poisoned economy
>poisoned water
>poisoned culture
>poisoned government
>poisoned pharmacology
>poisoned foreign policy
>As a result of all the above, poisoned people and poisoned future

Israel is my best ally, I will die for it.

>> No.8691195

Norway, Switzerland, Singapore, Netherlands, Denmark, Iceland, Canada

>> No.8691239


>> No.8691241
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oh good idea
that will totally save the economy

>> No.8691392
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I get such a chuckle reading anti-trump comments by foreigners, rt has a nice real time updating of comments with ppl with anti-us or anti-trump names like cheering and foaming at the mouth for US to go down.

>> No.8691651

How do you make money in a trade war scenario? Invest in American companies in the top 10 industries that used to be handled by Chinese imports? Gold commodities?

>> No.8691725

Short those that will be affected.

>> No.8691740

That's the real question

>> No.8691768


>How do you acquire currency sinking into an inflationary spiral?

Want actual wealth? Aquire water, food, gas, ammo, crypto, silver

>> No.8691778

REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE my deposit to my broker isn't processed yet I want to short everything

>> No.8691830

Not much, since the tariffs are so high our stuff can't compete. Whoops. Nice job, chinks.

>> No.8691840

Without a doubt it’s poorfags. US is the best place to live if you think otherwise you either have shitty ass dental hygiene or you eat dogs

>> No.8691889

As an American, there are places that are nicer to live in, Taiwan for example. A lot cheaper, more convenient, nice people, low crime, etc. Of course there's no Taiwan without America, so....

>> No.8691908

Nice to visit, but only a certain personality would enjoy staying there. Japanese are fucking weird.

>> No.8692012
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Good , maybe now you fags will get back to work.

>> No.8692045

you have never left the states have you?
You could not pay me to live in the states again.

>> No.8692052

>he thinks living as a god among normies is bad
>he would rather live somewhere where everyone has a better chance to beat him at the game of life
You are dumb as fuck cuzz I love all of those things and avoid all of those things lmao enjoy your migrants, sharia law, and no funz

>> No.8692073

same, I had to stay there for two years then I couldn't get out soon enough

it's good for making a quick buck but living there? NOPE.gif

>> No.8692083

This is old news. Why did RT just post this now? It's over a week old.

Heck, it's why the markets tumbled like crazy before Easter.

The market ALREADY has reacted to this "news". Move along, sirs.

>> No.8692330
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>t. pic related.

>> No.8692347


a--a--pril fools right? guys?

>> No.8692382
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literally meme news, they dont even attempt to hide it and i respect that.

>> No.8692388

>he unironically thinks its not

>> No.8692426

nigger we only "lost"for political reasons. Look how fast isis got cleaned up with a real president.

>> No.8692447

>lmfao wow burgers be poor
we still have more than the rest of the world though.

>> No.8692495

>Look how fast isis got cleaned up with a real president.
fuckin mutt thinks trump did that, have you not seen Haley in the UN?

>> No.8692528

>we still have more than the rest of the world though.
yea, you have more fat fucks with a limited eductaion than the rest of the world!
'america is the freest country in the world' yea Anon you got lied to

>> No.8692533

what exactly did trump do

>> No.8692563

Time to invest in real war before the contracts start bidding
>brb buying 100k lockheed martin

>> No.8692582

still more than the rest of the world. Our culture shaped the rest of the world as well. Get over yourself

he changed the roe

>> No.8692981

>team chocolate
Opinion disregarded

>> No.8693017
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>mfw you can bypass tariffs with btc

>> No.8693061

you really have never left the states have you. if you make it plz travel Anon. you need to get over yourself

>> No.8693105

If Russia can ramp up soybean production it can take over some of the Chinese market.

>> No.8693122

Futures open in 15min. I was promised -1000 dow. Is OP a fag? I guess we will find out.

>> No.8693357

No China retaliating is recent you absolute tard
A week ago the US first imposed the tariffs

>> No.8693382
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shh subhuman, nobody interested here, back to pol

>> No.8693390

Let the retards think as they do, better have them do their role as literal goyim debt slaves than the old world peoples

>> No.8693394
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>state of biz
it wasn't much better before that pol influx admittedly

>> No.8693419

what about the frozen orange juice market?

>> No.8693451



>> No.8693492

Flat. Confirmed, OP is a fag

>> No.8693600


> Billions of dollars of product imported into China to support entire population
> Random shitcoins that no body uses have larger market caps.
> Crypto not a delusional bubble.

>> No.8693641

I don't even understand why DOW would decrease for..
Not to mention that China literally has an average wage of $300/month, them increasing tariffs on their largest exporter means that the citizens will have a much harder time paying for the more expensive goods.

China will back down in a year or something when citizens starts to screech because food is too expensive on their current wages.

>> No.8693659

Dow +50. OP confirmed fag AND liar. Hope he shorted.

>> No.8693670


Liquidity and fashion

>> No.8693716


mate, china doesn't want citizens buying anything not home made. their homegrown market is inane. everything is being made in a Chinese equivalent and it's made their economy really successful lately. its definitely paving the way for independence form foreign exporting. anything you can think of has a Chinese equal. some are shit but soon enough cream rises to the top and given enough time they too become global brands which china will export to the world at a premium possibily. its par tof their long term strategy for 2050.

The Chinese government have tried hard to limit wealth leaving the country. they dislike their citizens moving money outside the boarders. its a big reason why crypto is semi banned.

>> No.8693893

specifically where?

>> No.8694229

I don't know if Russia has a significant orange crop but they already have large soybean farms in Siberia near the Chinese border. If the Chinese provide capital and manpower it would probably be easy for Russia to ramp up soybean production.

>> No.8694604
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China literally does not need US soy. Brazil is right behind the us in soy exports to china and it has the capacity to fulfill demand alone, the only thing holding it back is US competition. Try some other product

t. Brazilian
By the way they have been wooing us for years now and the US showed no interest in keeping its allies' favour. We will not hesitate to undercut the shit out of your soy and trust me, this tropical wonderland can grow soy from top to bottom

>> No.8694669


>> No.8694712

Invest in Vietnam

>> No.8694769

Cool, how is this biz related? I see nothing about chainlink in this article. sage

>> No.8694953


>> No.8695002
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>Trumptards thinking a trade deficit is bad

lmaoing at your lives

>> No.8695067


>> No.8695171

I’m a burger too man but I would imagine Switzerland and Norway to be nice places, if only because they’re smaller enthostates which makes logistics a lot easier. I’d like to visit the U.K. sometime, every bong I see post here complains about it though. Or at least London and bigger cities, stuff like slags and chavs and refugees all over the place. I did see a funny post from a guy complaining about how unsafe London was getting and his whole story was about how some drunk guy was rude to him one evening, had a good chuckle at that.

Still wouldn’t live anywhere but the US despite its flaws

>> No.8695196

Team behind relex is doing that. RLX. Partnered with people there and are building condos. One of the under the radar tokens in crypto.

>> No.8695201

mate london has metal detectors in schools its a shithole

>> No.8695209

A couple of euro countries as pretty good living standard
Portugal for example

>> No.8695244

Norway is an Arctic frozen over shithole with ugly architecture and autistic people but it's "nice" in the same way Saudi Arabia, Qatar and other Petrostates are nice

>> No.8695266

Is that throughout all of London? Detectors in schools here stateside are basically a litmus test for the trashiest underfunded inner city ghetto schools

>> No.8695297

But soy sauce tastes fucking good man

>> No.8695839

I love Japan but wouldnt want to live there. they basically just work 24 hours a day until they die. their economy is on the decline too.

>> No.8695864

>market has been climbing for nearly a decade straight
>still all in
didnt you learn anything from 2008 or the crypto bubble anon?

>> No.8696055

those are nice countries but they don't produce shit and are irrelevant in the world. US wins in technology, innovation, economic output, military, sports, music, film, etc. the only reason nordic countries have better quality of life on average is because they are majority white but those days are numbered now that europe has laid down and allowed the muslims to invade right in front of their eyes like the cucks they are

>> No.8696078

Living anywhere that's isn't around the equator is fail, the weather is most important trust me.

>> No.8696149
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>> No.8696179

plz explain

>> No.8696191

Ignore that guy, markets climb for ever and everythings fine.

>> No.8696206

Good. Get this crash over with already. And don't blame Trump because it started a long time ago.

>> No.8696343

markets are cyclical. stock market has been on an uninterrupted climb for nearly 10 years straight. guess what happens next?

>> No.8697148
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>> No.8697219

Conservatards vote against their own economic interests

>> No.8697290

muy soy latte

>> No.8697342

The US won't become China by having manufacturing jobs back, it would just make a new semi-skilled, larger middle class

>> No.8697480
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Trump doesn't give a fuck about steel or tariffs, he's just trying to get China to try and cooperate in order to cut some sort of deal, just like North Korea. This is all a negotiating trick.

The Chinese may have ninjas and Confucian proverbs but nothing beats a poker playing quick on the draw cowboy.

>> No.8698257


>> No.8698282

kys nigger

>> No.8698361

As I grow older my distaste for Asians increases, especially chinese. These fuckers are everywhere. They steal our jobs. I don't know what the fuck China does to people but these chinks are smart too. We need to stop this shit.

>> No.8698416

Oh boi, here we go

>> No.8698450

learn to better yourself then you dumbass monkey

>> No.8698491

Trade war to start soon. Good!

>> No.8698748

South Korea is lit. Writing this from my hotel room while a girl is sleeping in my arms

>> No.8698817


i own part of a farm in kansas. we do mostly soybeans. this is going to be a shitty year for certain farmers. i know they import our corn as well.

also fuck trump.

>> No.8698960

its 130pm in south korea larping faggot

>> No.8699179

>good, by any metric


>> No.8699202


>> No.8699209

/smg/ on suicide watch

>> No.8699221


More like economics, when the shit hit the fan US always leave and let the groups they created and tried to liquidate raise again, Al Qaeda is literally growing stronger than ISIS because US didn't finish the job.

>> No.8699261
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economically, yes. politically, no.
mini-trade war tanks the market. trump gets wiped out in nov and impeached.
emperor xi holds the cards.

>> No.8699281
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>Slapping tariffs on the US when we could basically destroy their entire empire by defaulting on the money we owe them

Kek they're bluffing

>> No.8699339
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Fucking hell. Every time the market looks like it might be ready to stabilize, another bag of shit appears.

inb4 DOW breaks more loss records this week.

>> No.8699352

lmao US culture is brainlet teenage garbage
The oscars are a joke
Your music is trash
You're shit at any sport that doesnt involve breeding black people

>> No.8699364

KEK butthurt gmo farmlet detected. GET REKT FAGGOT

>> No.8699384

jokes is on China we don't make things anymore

>> No.8699395

that feel when you have $50k+ in SOXL.

about to get fucking REKT

>> No.8699400

> Defaulting on the money you owe them
You might as well shoot yourself in the balls and then the face.

>> No.8699423

really debatable. Xi doesn't have to worry about dissent since he has the longevity and authority to crush dissent. Trump on the other hand has only 3 years left on his term and if the midterms don't go his way, he'll be in a even weaker position. at best, he gets 7 years left on a re-election.

a trade war won't benefit anybody, we're all going to get screwed one way or another in reduced trade and higher consumer prices.

>> No.8699431
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>wer werrly herding rite dow

>> No.8699473

Food, and machinery, mostly. They're our biggest trading partner, and the same for them. A lot of money flows between the two countries. They import 460 billion dollars worth of good from us, so this 3 billion tariff is symbolic, in all honesty. They can't live without our food, no other country has the surplus to supply it.

The market will probably shit the bed, AGAIN, but it's just panicky petes, and it will recover by week's end. There's no way China can win this, and they know it, but they're gonna talk tough to try and get Trump to back down - which Trump won't, it's a total clash of egomaniacs.

>> No.8699479

I didn't realize there was a curfew for cuddling. We already had sex three times yesterday.

>> No.8699489



>> No.8699497

Is it wrong to think the U.S. was always wrong about invading other countries for their own selfish and greedy reasons? Forcing young men to shed blood for no other reason than to take resources from that part of the world. Nobody wins. Human disconnection is getting worse.

>> No.8699529

I read they value the blockchain part of crypto and dislike the currency part since they see it as a threat to the yuan. What do you think their stance will be for Chinese ICOs and the public market going forward?

>> No.8699563 [DELETED] 

you do realize China exports more food products to the US then they import right?

2016, China imported 2.63 trillion $US worth of food products. China exported 3.58trillion $US worth of products to the US

>> No.8699575

Flyover and working class manufacturing states deserve the impending cuckery

>> No.8699584

Soooo not true then?

>> No.8699596

t.brainlet amerifag whos never been abroad.
Fucking guaranteed this guys never left his fuckin state

>> No.8699625
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>Forcing young men to shed blood for no other reason than to take resources from that part of the world.
We haven't had a draft since Vietnam.

>Is it wrong to think the U.S. was always wrong about invading other countries for their own selfish and greedy reasons?
Now you're just starting to sound like a gommunist

I suppose someone's gotta push drugs into Russia

>> No.8699654

I've been to Korea, no one speaks English, miserable architecture, beautiful landscapes. It's no paradise for white dudes like Malaysia, Vietnam or Taiwan.

>> No.8699669

depends, looking into it. food products and animal products China exports more then it imports.

vegetables, china imports more then it exports. but the US is 27% of china's imports of that category. so wouldn't say they are dependent on Americans for food

>> No.8699765

Why do some people have an issue with metal detectors? That could stop someone from shooting the place up,which is happening more often these days.

>> No.8699798

Metal detectors only belong in banks and airports where people who are actually important to society conduct business

>> No.8699896

...Until some mentally unstable nut job goes on a massacre. Just my opinion though.

>> No.8699949

We shouldnt need metal detectors in schools.
That fucking sucks.
How do you not understand that?

>> No.8699995

We've had to have them in nigger schools for decades. NOW all of a sudden, they're a problem.

>> No.8700003

fake news, /pol/ didn't cover this at all

>> No.8700285

>Until some mentally unstable nut job goes on a massacre.
In what, a public school? In a church? Who cares? We'll just continue to push other bullshit distractions to the commoners through NRA campaigns

>> No.8700317

In Seoul people do speak English and women go on dates with me, so if they speak it, it makes it easier.

>> No.8700327

I meant if they speak Korean they can help me. The girl I'm banging now does not, so I'm stuck with going to places with pictures on the menu, kek