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8686260 No.8686260 [Reply] [Original]

I'm bible NEET; haven't fucked in over a year b/c of cryptocuck and am horny as fuck.
My brother has been in a relationship with his spouse for like 10 years and they have 3 kids.
His spouse has a younger sister, we are about the same age and she is cute but has a kid. I'm getting vibes that she wants to fk, but I dunno if I should even try to make a move or commit because dunno if it'd be weird since we're kinda like family. BUT I've always had this lowkey fetish of fucking stepsisters and shit.

Would it be weird if i tried?
Also, if we did, I wouldn't fking want anybody else to know. Last thing i want is weird vibes between our familys and im already awkward as fuck as it is.

>> No.8686276

Nice just bought 100k

>> No.8686379

>pretend to be a chirstcuck
>want to fuck his brother's wife

kys ASAP anon. Of course she want the D, she is a degenerate female, you are the one supposed to have standard. brb, preventing your bro about whats going on here.

>> No.8686411

not his wife, his wife's sister. :^)

>> No.8686902
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oh yeah my bad... then it's totally ok to fuck her. The worst thing who could happen is the sisters speaking about which one is the best in bed. Sorry OP i'm retarded