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File: 54 KB, 700x782, DYq-QsNX0AAuuAo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8686232 No.8686232 [Reply] [Original]

>bitcoin at 6500

haha okay good prank guys
you've had your laughs
now send it back up where it belongs thanks

>> No.8686285

that girl has nice legs

>> No.8686286

Show some tits and we have a deal.

>> No.8686295

im finna nut

>> No.8686323

>team peanut butter, always begging, no faith in digital gold

>> No.8686326
File: 98 KB, 1200x801, DSJECAfVoAAH_9I.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

of course she does, shes asian

>> No.8686330


>> No.8686359

How in the hell do people like that even get women? Or is that just photoshop?

>> No.8686374

trust me, i know. my gf is asian and her legs are unbelievable

>> No.8686376

Im white, why the fuck did I get butter?

>> No.8686383

he's really nice

>> No.8686463

He buys her everything?

>> No.8686474
File: 84 KB, 600x801, 1522590251777.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


He is probably rich and confident. A pair of medium-small balls in Asia automatically transform you into an Apex beast in comparison with the other tofu eaters.

>> No.8686492

>really nice gets women
Kek nice joke anon. By the way, that Asian is considered a "beta", "loser" and an "autist" here like you have with creepy guys in the west. His mannerism, body shape, body language and posture all indicate to this. This is why I'm asking how in the hell he got this girl. No way a woman would go for what is considered an autist here.

>> No.8686500

they are candies not races numbskull

>> No.8686509

its going back to $300 so id sell now for $6.5k

>> No.8686516

>rich and confident
>with that body posture and body size
Nice joke anon.

>> No.8686520

Goddamn go back to wakanda you deluded fuck
Checkem tho

>> No.8686541

Arent all asians autists?

>> No.8686546


we have unbreakable nintendium support at 6k

i am considering buying more here

>> No.8686548

We are going to 5k and there's nothing you can do about it
typical penis butter

>> No.8686552

he's definitely confident

>> No.8686560

He ate more tham just soy

>> No.8686576

Being rich has nothing to do with posture and size, and I have seen too many ugly pigs with crazy confidence to know Unicorns do exist.

>> No.8686624

>No way a woman would go for what is considered an autist here.

>> No.8686703

his or hers?

>> No.8686864

>he's definitely confident
His posture tells of a beta male. He is slouching and leans on his woman instead of just leaning his arm over his girl while acting all chill. His size tells us he gorges on food to cope for his insecurity. His way of dressing tells us no self-confidence, and if you are actually observant you can see he's the one carrying the loads of bags (and probably buys this girl tons of stuff too to buy his love) for the woman. He was also probably bullied a lot too. Westerners like to think all Asians are meek and gentle but bullying is so rampant where I come from.

Like I said, he's considered a beta male here. His body language and appearance screams of it though I'm one of those Asians who don't bully and judge people by their appearances but the vibes he's portraying are clearly that of what is considered a beta male here.

>> No.8686890

Yeah being rich definitely has nothing to do with posture and size. I was alluding more to his self-confidence. Let me rephrase and clarify further, his body posture and size doesn't indicate he is self-confident.

>> No.8686926
File: 442 KB, 808x805, 1511969447061.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Poor girl, the big boii gonna fucking eat her

In other news:
I'm turning into a wojak. Help me, please.

>> No.8687002


>> No.8687037


She likes that Peanut Butter.

>> No.8687043

i don't understand how a young yet obese man CANNOT be confident. it's your only choice, groom properly, wear clean clothes, and just carry yourself like you're King Shit and you're an instant alpha.

try it and see for yourself. give yourself a nickname like Tex or Dallas (i.e. something big and rich) and people will assume you're just a big guy.

>> No.8687068

he looks pretty confident, he's holding her like he owns her.

>> No.8687114


Ugh how do white women even compete? My yellow fever is terminal

>> No.8687128
File: 355 KB, 1000x800, subwayexperience.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking same

>> No.8687129

>groom properly, wear clean clothes, and just carry yourself
He has none of those mate. You're deluding yourself if you think he grooms properly, wears clean clothes and carries himself. I can't stress enough, if you're observant he's being made as a personal chaperon. Just look at the loads of bags he has to carry in his seat. He's probably bought those too with his own money to "buy" the girl's love. Does that look "alpha" to you?

>> No.8687135

You guys have shit taste. She doesn’t have nice legs, she simply has legs.

>> No.8687159
File: 120 KB, 1200x841, C_oMNW7VwAEvX-y.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8687166

Do Americans actually find untoned pale lanky chicken legs hot?

>> No.8687190
File: 131 KB, 1200x801, DGSDzrrUIAA95dR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the paler the better my friend

>> No.8687199

It's not an American thing. People with asian fever find every aspect of those insectoid women attractive

>> No.8687220

he's on target for a college age new-rich chinese. in a few years his nickname will be "mountain" and he'll be a sex tourist in south america.

it's so easy for fatties to level up. it makes me sad when they don't. it's all in their head.

>> No.8687250

His parents are likely rich. Probably Chinese boomer parents as well because they all have the old mentality of being fat equals wealth. You need to remember not even two generations ago the Chinese were mostly farmers with oxen and shit and food were scarce.

Being rich gives you confidence. Don't listen to what the poorfags say. Being rich allows you to take a girl anywhere you want and buy them anything. It creates a relaxing positive atmosphere and allows you to be yourself. You don't have to worry about the drinks costing X amount or you spending XX amount on her she better fuck me etc.

This dude fat as hell and he knows it. But he doesn't give a fuck because he's confident and rich as hell. In that picture he's telling her he's going to crush her womb with his fat obese asian dick with 300lbs of force behind it. She's intrigued because his family is rich and has close ties to the PROC.

>> No.8687287

my girlfriend too, also no hair.
Also, I barely looked a bit thinner than the guy in op's picture

>> No.8687301
File: 116 KB, 636x600, d402ed92e357156b8e4e0fc249802b02--asian-guys-fat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bullying is very extreme is Asia you know. People like that get made fun here to the point where they break down and destroy their self-confidence. He's not one of those guys who look tough and hard despite being fat. He's one of those "soft fat" type ones that look submissive and easily bullied.

By the way here's a fat asian who looks tough and you don't want to mess with. Now THOSE types of Asians I understand having tons of women ready to be part of his harem.

>> No.8687439

Eurofags, like me, as well

>> No.8687689

anon, I...

>> No.8687827
File: 394 KB, 1976x900, 1515360258694.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

By looking like normal human beings.

>> No.8687828

im canadian, and yes I do

good thing I live in vancouver

>> No.8687848
File: 63 KB, 960x540, 1510830317689.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Compared to this

>> No.8687868

maybe cause women just want to connect with a guy intellectually?

>> No.8687927
File: 123 KB, 761x974, 1510830975457.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Asian "women" look like nothing because their faces are flat as fuck and thus used like a canvas.

They can NEVER compete to white women. The only men that want Asian "knock off brand" girls are balding inferior beta men that deep inside know they will never be able to get a high quality white women so they have to settle with Asian "women"

And before you are going to come with "White women are materialistic and cheat more" Please see the following links that show that Asian "women" are more materialistic/gold digger and cheat more than white women.

Fuck off balding beta faggot.


>> No.8687954

Never will be able to fuck such a chick without paying for it.
Also can´t pay for it because I lost all my money in the Bitcoin crash.
Fucking kill me!

>> No.8687985

i get way more attention from 8/10 asian chicks than I do from 6-7/10 white girls so that pretty much decides it

they're also a lot more likely to want to talk about things that aren't getting smashed at the last party they went to (i know from personal experience)

>> No.8687986
File: 23 KB, 280x259, 1522564826920.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

n-no my asian qts that I haven't met yet until I get rich are pure and virginal, all of their surgeries and makeup to look white and take selfies on social media is so they can find their prince in shining armor (me)!

>> No.8688062

yeah you're obviously not going to get any girl if you're a beta fuck

>> No.8688266

Where can I find an asian qt like this? I live in Europe so there aren't many asians around.

>> No.8688569


the city I live in is 40% chinese immigrants

>> No.8688595

Which city?

>> No.8688651

vancouver, BC

>> No.8688955

Thanks, I might look into this. Belgian girls are hideous.

>> No.8689162

a lot better than brown and fat legs

t. white roastie
asian girls also don't look like they are fucking 35 when they are 22

>> No.8689269

>asian girls also don't look like they are fucking 35 when they are 22

That's because they look 12 you fucking pedo. Also I'm not a roastie just a guy that understands what REAL women are.

>> No.8689503

>"send it back up where it belongs"
>it belongs down to 1k

>> No.8689741

>That's because they look 12
No they don't
lmao at calling those fat, entitled, loud, arrogant, masculine, unhygienic pigs "real women"

>> No.8690237

Nice try team chocolate

>> No.8690253
File: 3.86 MB, 1242x2208, 1517962906511.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Also I'm not a roastie

>> No.8690264

>it's your only choice

or you could you know, work out and not eat like a fat fuck

>> No.8690271

you have to be 18 to use this site

>> No.8690299

>assuming she's his woman

desu he just looks like a creep

>> No.8690342
File: 73 KB, 960x720, 28429704_1812445649052458_6582530022458785792_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol assmad nazi virgin that will never meet his aryan wife and stops it lineage
while the rest of us are making sweet sweet mixed asian babies that will rule the world


>> No.8690378
File: 1.42 MB, 274x209, 1519605927975.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8690409

who is this semen demonnnnnnnnnnnn!!!!!!!!!!?

>> No.8690451
File: 141 KB, 922x1024, 1519249510352.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this fuckin thread...

I hate this timeline.

>> No.8690517

can we agree both races have hot bitches?

>> No.8690771


The top Asians manage a max 8/10. I have yet to see an Asian without tons of makeup and special lighting ever to go past this point.

>> No.8690810
File: 212 KB, 940x627, shanghaibeautys.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thats bullshit. I've never been blown away by a conventionally attractive white woman yet I fall in love when I see qts like this in Shanghai

>> No.8690813


Where are the 10's of any race that don't use makeup or favorable lighting in their pictures?

>> No.8690823


>> No.8690842

be a professional league of legends player

>> No.8690851


>> No.8690862
File: 142 KB, 1061x1280, 1514057528582.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Do you honestly find those pan faced chinks attractive?
That girl you posted is max a 7.5/10

>> No.8690870

>that manchin

were you trying to prove a point with this pic or...?

>> No.8690922

she's like an 8.5 max. i bet her personality is vapid too. she probably only talks about pop culture

>> No.8690924


>> No.8690926
File: 108 KB, 593x1024, 1511541247096.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It's really not that noticeable anon

>> No.8690951

>He is probably rich
riding a train

>> No.8690963


some actual asians from asia really like 'big' guys
they think the fat is cute and don't consider it to be a mark of ill health, like in the west
rather a mix of prosperity and excess vitality
remember that to them, men are accessories
a chubby guy is like an extra fluffy dog


everybody rides trains in asia, the alternative is to sit for 4 hours in city traffic to get 5 miles

>> No.8690991

he's a big guy

>> No.8691009
File: 68 KB, 609x907, 582064_10150958332308717_757412658_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Nobody should accept being fat, no woman will ever be attracted to fat rolls.

>> No.8691021

Jeff pls go and fix ur gyno

>> No.8691023

when everyone is a pencil neck soyboy, even a fat fuck seems like a chad

>> No.8691065
File: 401 KB, 700x700, 1420516946151.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


> Ignore the obnoxious music

you were saying?


>> No.8691100
File: 2.85 MB, 445x247, 14570e8a8a6168a40e95b8d75b65c80d72939d92a623798bc0bc2d02c06d88cc.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


> when everyone is a pencil neck soyboy, even a fat fuck seems like a chad

Only if your builtfat

>> No.8691122
File: 372 KB, 1493x1567, 1487891064976.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying i'm not tree trunk legs status

>> No.8691218

why does it belong higher? you cant even buy anything with bitcoin other than ketamine on the dark web. its pointless

>> No.8691266

>shoots the hostage dummy in target practice, exclusively
you really can't make this shit up... kek

>> No.8691306

>everybody rides trains in asia, the alternative is to sit for 4 hours in city traffic to get 5 miles.
I know a lot of people in asia, rich people. No one ride trains. A little waiting is better than being near poor people.

>> No.8691320

fuck dude is he 7% body fat or something

>> No.8691337

shes not very attractive anon and her legs look lumpy

>> No.8691371

you would rather stick your dick in that pale soulless ginger than an asian girl? you are a literal faggot

>> No.8691381

>fat white retard lecturing other fat white retards about what is really "asian"
i am so done with this fucking website...

>> No.8691390


>> No.8691438
File: 228 KB, 1064x1600, 1413699186980-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I highly doubt any of you ugly neckbeards ( unless your loaded) could score yourself a 8/10+. But for those hu-white anons out there you'll be doing yourself a favor by avoiding the asian gf meme.
Unless you want Eliot Rodgers and kids that look nothing like you.

>> No.8691606

I'm more loaded than most people my age, but I still can't get any

Where do you go to meet 8/10's? Bars, clubs, what kinds of places? Ever since I graduated I basically don't know where to look anymore.

>> No.8691608
File: 454 KB, 704x922, d1d83defa992ae4dbec592937a9eb4d9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what you are is a faggot. most white girls are feminist pigs that act like dudes and have to pump their face full of botox by the time their 30 cuz they look like shit. meanwhile asian women are way more feminine and submissive and have perfect skin that doesnt age plug higher iq on average.

>> No.8691631

high school graduation parties

>> No.8691666

I graduated from college

>> No.8691709

manish jawline. bad body. freckles. you have some shit taste anon

>> No.8692065


>> No.8692240
File: 8 KB, 677x351, 9dcceb0f7479c21dc8d56ea12bfa2e6c24b5810bf62c1ec16a1b459989bc3fd5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


> freckles are bad

are you a shitskin by any chance? If you are please stick to your sheboons.

The face is the most important feature of a woman. Tits and arse come second, a skinny frame and good proportions can look good. Everything considered she's well above a 6.5/10.


You spend too much time on the internet my beta friend. While western women tend to be a bit more entitled and fat if your in 'Merica. Asian women are the most materialistic and the biggest gold diggers.

Also enjoy your Eliot rodgers, go over to r/ happa to see your future kids.

>> No.8692283

Wtf is going on

>> No.8692310

He probably isn't such a judgmental bitch like you and worried about how other people conduct themselves

>> No.8692360

only beta males like asians be cause they arnt man enough to handle the high smv of a quality white woman

>> No.8692641

You do know that we're all human beings there is no "normal" concept. For asians, asian women are normal and occidental women are different

>> No.8692672


>> No.8692725

So long as we focus on the fact they are bitches we won't be deceived.

>> No.8693242
File: 57 KB, 650x650, 1521563527748.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you mean down?

>> No.8693307

genetic diversity produces the strongest offspring. you're just a white supremecist with bad taste in women.

>> No.8693359
File: 39 KB, 960x741, obesity_races.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8693526
File: 151 KB, 1024x1349, BgHzdWZCAAAkPJB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8693805
File: 733 KB, 1000x600, no-makeup-asians.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No Makeup Asians

>> No.8693826

19 000 to 6 500. I can barely fucking believe it.

>> No.8693930

Unironically yes. BUT this lovey type is infinitely more attractive if the girl is white instead of Asian. Asians have bad teeth, hygiene, and are greedy, trifling status hungry bitches.

All the fags here think chunks are innocent but mostly they are just conservative. And they believe in wealth and status in the most disloyal fashion.

>> No.8693946

> left - 33 yrs old
> middle - 26 yrs old
> right - 31 yrs old

>> No.8694091

nigger what. They look part Asian. Left and middle don't look more than 25% Asian

>> No.8694194

>has never been to Asia
>has not been the waves of bad asses who elope asian 10s
>clench your fist every night wishing you could experience dragon qts
>too beta to travel

Keep coping, mate

>> No.8694197

They are asian mestiza, from the Philippines.
Philippine has 3 types of women:
30% mestiza (spaniards + malay)
30% chinay (japan/chinese + malay)
40% malay
it's been like these for centuries.

>> No.8694207
File: 60 KB, 620x413, Bgzf5xw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8694313

What a stupid thing to say since asian girls have a higher SMV in both the west and also in Asia among white guys.

>> No.8694374


>> No.8694416
File: 3.13 MB, 775x7566, 0af16a536c9e7dd4b99296e9feef03be851cb20c31606de73e6b20b6f99a49a6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Actually that isn't the case. There's a mirriad of health problems with mixed race kids. Apart from having difficulty finding blood and organ doners they also suffer mentally. Don't believe the Jewish propaganda.


There's many studies on this matter, I encourage you to do the research if you don't believe me.

My cousins are mixed race asian and their fucked in the head m8. Mixed races kids have difficulty fitting in with any racial group. Plus you'll have to deal with the cultural bullshit as well. The grass isn't greener on the other side.


for more info on chinks.


None of these females is pure Asian, they look like happas.


Try if you will to imagine the average 4channer if your mind. After you do that everything starts to fall into place.


Post pics of those asian 10's you've been banging anon. I'm very interested.

>> No.8694451

serpentza is married to a 7/10 chinese cutie

>> No.8694494


But it ain't all sunshine and roses, which you'll know if you watched his videos. Most of the time the guy look depressed and regrets going to chink land.

>> No.8694550

were not talking about mexican asians here, true pure asians, japanese only, no south east or mainland mutts.

>> No.8694602
File: 35 KB, 500x498, angery neko.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Thread is entirely about women

>> No.8694614

Watch his videos with his wife Sasha a little closer. His depression and sad dog eyes disappear and he seems genuinely happy to be around her. Otherwise I agree to an extent and have watched the majority of his videos. Mainland China seems pretty shitty and wears a person down. And Food Ranger... he fucking loves China and has a qt Chinese wife.

>> No.8694621

im sorry

I never meant for it to be like this

It was supposed to die hours ago

>> No.8694717


> Posts example picture of white girl to show their superiority over asians
> Girl in picture is using winged eyeliner to make her eyes more exotic and asian looking.
> Fail

>> No.8694720

and a subtle pedo
lol needs to use drawings

>> No.8694743


> The reason why she's attractive is because of a bit of eyeliner

I think you may be retarded.

>> No.8695456


I never said the only reason she is attractive is because of eyeliner.

But well done white knighting for a freckle girl who would never give you the time of day IRL.

>> No.8695499
File: 42 KB, 700x444, makeup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>actual no makeup asians

still qt

>> No.8695686
File: 211 KB, 328x1384, 668YmgZ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

these legs are basically ideal and if you disagree you are a faggot.

>> No.8695803
File: 67 KB, 682x1024, DYDvw-iU0AAnibC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hairy women
>age like milk
>sue you for 90% of your wealth
>mentally unstable
>low iq

>> No.8696049
File: 1.93 MB, 1242x1428, 1520699966679.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8696188

I just wonder when i see cute asian girl n dorky guy wht if its make up

>> No.8696205

Wat up 604

>> No.8696228

>Also I'm not a roastie just a guy that understands what REAL women are.

Go back to tumblr obeast

>> No.8696241

Arguably hottest race of women unless u throw in latinas.

Black indian arab abo polynesians n injuns nawww

>> No.8696253

Nice but take away make up n style....shell be a 6

>> No.8696475


You are wrong. You also don't know 'rich people in asia'. I literally work with them, and we ride the fucking MRT because the traffic is bad, and parking is shit in most places.

>> No.8696549


Be a man and get a scooter and lane split and ride on footpaths to get past traffic like normal Thai people.

>> No.8696709

>confident body language with legs open and facing her
>eye contact
>physical contact
>fat, so you know he was overfed and comes from a rich family

nigga you probably stutter and look at your feet when a woman so much as glances in your direction and you're criticizing this alpha beast?

>> No.8696754

stop posting these trashy freckled cumsluts please.

>> No.8696855

God you fucking nerds are pathetic. Lurking this board too long really fucks with your heads. No one is this judgmental about shit in real life, only you pimple popping nerkbeards. Take a look at yourselves for once, faggots.

>> No.8696877
File: 41 KB, 474x355, more like belongs in the trash.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>send it back up where it belongs

>> No.8696907


And they appear to be under 20 years old, once they get into their 20's they lose their youthful cuteness and deteriorate rapidly while Asian women retain it..

>> No.8696927

what is this team faggot shit

>> No.8696961


>> No.8696980

i almost never see white hot or good looking women and i live in the US. Asians on the other hands, i live in a college town, and i see hot/cute korean women all the time. What am i supposed ot make out of this? White women put no effort on looking nice. While east asians are always properly dressed with skirts and always looking nice