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8684165 No.8684165 [Reply] [Original]

Give me a quick rundown on the news and absolute state of JNT Jibrel.

>> No.8684191

Shitcoin for morons, just like every ”project” in this space. Wave goodbye to your money

>> No.8684193

a pajeet coin.

team's missing deadlines. I hold some but took profit after I realized they couldn't be trusted at all

>> No.8684201

Went from an easy 500X to an extremely likely 30X.

>> No.8684226
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>took profit
Yeah """"""profit"""""".

>> No.8684229

Its dead

>> No.8684232

This. Anyone who by now hasn't learned to distinguish these constantly shilled "muh 10000x lambo" shitcoins deserves to lose money.

>> No.8684361

Never seen so much coping and some delusion in a telegram group than in this one.

They are all in deepest state of denial. jBond makes absolutely no sense and will fail exactly like jCash has. That's why you need to ditch JNT to be able to tokenize assets via jCash.

Good luck to everyone who is still holding and believing. Sold my fucking huge stack at a slight loss, but you need to know when it's over. Never be emotional bounded

>> No.8684410
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it's obvious, none of them were able to address why it wouldn't be the same problem for jbonds, now they're probably thinking about some damage control strategy and even more smoke an mirrors

kind sirs pls buy, good scamel coin

>> No.8684423

In one year from now, theads like this will be posted in screen caps and will all wonder if these pajeets killed themselves.

They are building a platform that's useful for their clients. This includes the use of both centralized tokens and decentralized tokens for different circumstances. I'm not worried about it.

>> No.8684566

slowly selling off me 100k stack. thought this was the one man. fml

>> No.8684569

I hope you are true.

People talking about scam can't be serious considering the wealth of the team, it's more about the lack of knowledge and experience in crypto currency market than anything else.
And I don't see the point to sell at the loss, especially in a such bearish market except if you went all in (which is totally stupid).

>> No.8684783

They will be wealthy but bag holders will not profit

>> No.8684836
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>Never seen so much coping and some delusion in a telegram group than in this one.

Look at this madman, people are voicing good concerns and he's biting everyone's ankles like a little dog.
Dude is too far gone into his delusion, even if the team openly announced they're totally ditching the JNT he would be still happy. I don't think he even understands what's going on anymore.
Crazy people in telegram

>> No.8684939

The absolute state is turbo uncertainty.
It looks like pilots resulted in big shift in project and we don’t know if it is for better or worse.
Yazan claims that SEED deal is doing better than ever and that majority of SEED money will go to jbonds, but this is not what was promised in the beginning.

>> No.8685002
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Spoiler it wont. Smoke and mirrors.

>> No.8685047
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>this project is a long term project
>we need to wait 1 or 2 years before getting real profit with JNT

Where did all those guys went ?

>> No.8685072

>>we need to wait 1 or 2 years before getting real profit with JNT

Almost right. But we need to wait 1 or 2 years before getting ANY profit with JNT

>> No.8685361

with the old plan it was definitely right. With the new one it is dead in the water.

>> No.8685526

Who the fuck is Hans Muller on the Telegram ?
He sounds like a bot, he is not helping anyone.

>> No.8685569

he is a very faithful soldier fighting for our jnt overlords

>> No.8685683

Quick rundown still required

>> No.8685730

Things are fucked but not totally. But maybe they aren't but they could possibly be.

>> No.8685769

It’s now too cheap to fund terrorism.

>> No.8685844
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jCash doesn't influence the value of JNT anymore so instead of having a big potential, it's a smaller potential with jBonds.

Many people invested a lot in JNT considering the huge potential and they are now double JUSTed, by the crypto market crash and by JNT. I mean it's not like you can recover your loss in a such bearish market. It will take months if not years.

>> No.8685866

welp, there it goes. that was my one chance to make millions of dollars in crypto. i went all in. back to wagecucking.

sure we'll get a 5-10x or some bullshit but prior to the changes this was the smartest move in crypto. now they've given institutional investors a way out by allowing them to invest in something NOT BACKED BY JNT. it's over.

>> No.8685945

>5-10x or some bullshit
I wouldn't be so optimistic, a gas token is worth pennies, so unless we get some crazy and completely irrational bullrun in which even confido moons 5x I don't see that happening

>> No.8686012

that's weak fud, it's not a gas token. seed group alone will give most of us a 3-4x

>> No.8686043

SEED will not out any money into jbonds. Do not fall for their lies.

>> No.8686050

can we also fucking laugh our asses off at the mental gymnastics being performed in the telegram as the coin crashes and burns:

>It is clearly now a two tier solution with jCash backed with FIAT and jBonds backed with JNT. Like in a normal world both jCash and jBands will have demand and irrespective of direct linkage to JNT, Jibrel as one-stop-shop will always help Jibrel’s balance sheet/ total assets and in turn with JNT branding and speculative pricing (business gets more business)!

>While I understand the frustration caused by this (timely) course correction, however let’s be also aware that the JNT backed jCash is not viable for now (at least in the bottomless bear market). Jibrel financial viability is most important for JNT and in turn for the JNT investors and the community. I am sure with a very sound Jibrel’s balance sheet jCash backed with JNT could be a possibility in the mid term.

>> No.8686056

shit nigga i dun get it but this shit is about to moon know what im saying nigga this stuff da BOMB

>> No.8686074
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Stage 4 Barganing

>> No.8686146

another gem
>Yo NARRATOR, actually, I can, re-read my post, I just did .. folks like you bring little to the table ... we cannot possibly in our wildest dreams and imaginations know more or better than TAL & YAZ and their team ... they are exactly at the market/tech/customer nexus ... we gave them resources to do a job, i.e., "TOKENIZE EVERYTHING" and that´s what they are doing ... if they did not tweak, fine-tune, iterate, and / or pivot according to changing dynamics, business case, customer demands, market conditions, then, sure, I´d be pissed but that´s not the case ... GREAT TEAMS know how to do that and that´s what they are doing AND sharing it with us in responsible timing with full-transparency ... we cannot expect more ... you think the ZUCK was up and up with his FB investors? or any one 100 rich and mature companies that rip your eyes out with a straight face or even in front of their own CONGRESS? Those lying cheats cannot hold a candle to our guys ... YAZ and TAL are just as smart, experienced, and clever but our guys are HONEST!!! I invest in teams, GREAT teams ... so,a gain, my wish is for people who invested "food" money to go back and buy that food and for the rest of us to just "CHILL" and let our team do it´s job ... anyway, would you have sold at $1,00? me? No, the potential is for "generational wealth" (for the kids) level of success and performance ... I can wait years for it to arrive. Best sucess to you, bruh! ... ;)))

>> No.8686157

What other tokenized assets aren't shit?

>> No.8686199

Moria. Allegedly a gold backed asset based in US, registered with the SEC.

Other than that I don't know much about it other than the out sold their ICO from 30mm to 50mm and just created the tokens recently.

>> No.8686203
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>Hold my beer

>> No.8686211

What the fuck does it even mean that jbonds are backed with JNT? What's backing JNT?

>> No.8686240

absolutely nothing and it's gonna be revealed pretty soon.

God this "Max" soyboy is even worse than crazy Hans

>> No.8686266

i'll honestly watch this crash and burn just to see their faces

>> No.8686312



>> No.8686446

Max drinks Almond milk btw. 100% non-soyboy

>> No.8686461

his logic is almost right but he forgot that tokens are not equity

>> No.8686590

What I find funny about this is that back in January most investors didn't even think jCash was going to be JNT backed. If you asked on the Telegram, most people would tell you jCash was different to the asset-based CryDRs and would be fiat-backed only. Now that this is actually going to be the case for a single class of tokenized assets people are acting like the sky is falling. Short memories are hilarious.

>> No.8686626
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>> No.8686688

I remember this post.
He posted his portfolio, about $800k with 50/50 LINK/JNT.

>> No.8686720

He prob invested early. Else I do not know how a neet has so much money. Still makes me laugh how arrogant he was.

>> No.8686745

oh boy, giving no coiners such good ammo

>> No.8686787

They are backed by a buffer of JNT. Something like the stable DAOs currently

>> No.8686814

should this be posted to buttcoin now or wait till the dump after the next medium post?

>> No.8686856


>> No.8686868

I wouldn't give any ammo to them.
Or maybe you are one of these reddit cucks.

>> No.8686870

I hate those buttcoin fucks but I would wait for the next damage control medium post to add more salt to the wounds and post it then to watch it all burn kek

>> No.8686938

I am sorry but that's exactly what you have done. I have had a look at the project and this is what I have learned:

Jibrel Network is not a licensed bank nor does it follow any financial regulations. They have a rather grandiose roadmap that mentions the phrase "full regulatory compliance" without even attempting to spell out what exactly that's supposed to mean.

Jibrel Network Tokens (JNT) aren't backed by anything. It's yet another ERC20 token with a pretty basic contract. I am not going to read it in full because I've got better things to do. You, however, put actual money into this and unless you understand exactly how this contract works, you cannot claim to understand what you wasted your money on.

CryptoDepository Receipts (CryDR), which are the supposed point of the entire project, don't actually seem to exist yet. I might be wrong: Jibrel Network's launch announcement is pretty unclear on what they actually launched. In any case, CryDRs are redeemable in JNT only. This means that if you happen to hold CryDRs pegged to some asset and the real-world value of that asset goes up, you will still lose money if the price of JNT takes a nosedive.

On the team: none of the developers have a public record of successfully delivering or even just leading large-scale projects. They don't seem to have anyone with a long-term, high-level involvement with financial products nor anyone with the necessary expertise in financial regulations. I can't say that I share your optimism.

In summary, you have exchanged your hard-earned cash for an ERC20 token that as of today is pretty useless. You are putting your trust a team that has no significant public track record and, as far as we can tell, lacks the domain-specific expertise, and furthermore has so far produced very little that would convince anyone that they might, against all the odds, turn their vague, lofty roadmap into reality.

>> No.8687044

Btw Bibox JNT market looks full of bots, totally manipulated.

>> No.8687053

it's funny how you can tell this anon never once considered the obvious possibility that JNT would pivot or straight up fail

>> No.8687093
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same thread some anon btw

I honestly also did not think it would fail and was ready to put my lifesavings into it. Just waited for larger Ether price drops.

>> No.8687160
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>MFW the buttcoiners were right about everything afterall. Bitcoin is a bubble and JNT is a scam.

>> No.8687224
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I think Hans must be posting from some psychiatric hospital

>> No.8687265

wow, the threads are coming loose there...

>> No.8687351

>In more recent weeks, subsequent moves in the market have indicated that the current jCash / Proof of Solvency mechanism may be insufficient to withstand extreme market conditions (+95% / market crash).

It only occurred to them now that crypto is highly volatile?

>> No.8687375

nah, they knew about it before the ico but waited for such crash to fool the hodlers

>> No.8687393

no they knew it from beginning but tried to get some ico money/foolish investors

>> No.8687428

Why didn't they just market buy JNT? With that trading volume the price would have easily stabilized.

>> No.8687521

cause it would not have worked once that 250 mil had been tokenized. The coin would have larger volume

>> No.8687726

yah its obvious bullshit. It would have taken pennies to drive the JNT price up, IF a clear statement about being used as proof of solvency was made

>> No.8687755

i'll bet you 500m that i can drive the marketcap of JNT about 250M if I have 250M to spend

>> No.8687769

also, how is
>the current jCash / Proof of Solvency mechanism may be insufficient to withstand extreme market conditions
solved by introducing jBonds?`How are they not subject to the same market conditions?

>> No.8687791 [DELETED] 


>> No.8687814

they are. The purpose of jBonds is to fool bagholders

>> No.8687819

it's smoke and mirrors, they think that coming up with some obscure assets will make things different from cash (buy them more time for bamboozling).

>> No.8687913

Don Tapscott is a fucking joke. Every project he touches turns into to shit,

>> No.8687976

he's just some boomer hyped up about this whole crypto shit, but he's irrelevant, all those advisors are just website decorations to fool normies into their icos, You know how many times I see one of those "advisors" in 3-5 different projects? lmao

>> No.8687996

Anyone that bought ICX early enough is still doing very well for themselves. Not sure what you are talking about.

>> No.8688695

if the market wasn't so shit and they kept up the smoke and mirrors we could have gotten a good pump out of it even if the fundamentals were flawed

>> No.8688934

I am still holding mine, because i am holding too many to sell them off on the low volume exchanges. 300k to be exact.

I have written them off. All of them. But i don't have any srs hope for the project. This random change with one medium article is ridiculous

>> No.8689112

that sucks, I was able to sell mine without much slippage thankfully but I still suffered a decent loss because I bought in during february

now that btc is taking a shit I'm thinking of getting out of alts completely

>> No.8689981
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OP here.

Did my own research, concluded FUD is unsubstantiated; accumulate more.
Next medium article will clear things up about jBonds.

Have a great day.

>> No.8690099

I think Jibrel has a bright future ahead of them.
We as investors got fucked in the ass, however.

>> No.8690121

Congrats anon. You're not a brainlet. This is still a high risk project and it's a long term play, but you're more likely to make it than the rest of these fuckers.

>> No.8690136

but the jnt is a fake bro, should I sell??

>> No.8690148

Why are you asking me?

>> No.8690192

tell me sir

>> No.8690277

When you get rekt just remember that not everyone was laughing you, that a lot of us are actually trying to do the right thing

>> No.8690332

I too am waiting and seeing till the medium post, but this is the first time I feel doubt holding JNT.

>> No.8690369

No, I understand that most of the fudding here is coming from real fear, uncertainty and doubt.
I'm not feeling it right now though.

>> No.8690489

the thing is we don't know shit about how jbonds will work, like why wouldn't jbonds be subject to the same problems that made jnt backing for jcash not work and we don't know if financial institutions or investors will even use jbonds

I would have held but since this has no volume I'd rather sell now and buy back if the article removes a lot of uncertainty, odds are jnt might be cheaper in a week and btc might be cheaper as well

>> No.8690562

No I mean I do think the project will fail, but personally I hope it doesnt and that you and all the other bagholders get to keep your asses.

>> No.8690794

As long as you don't justify your belief it is not worth considering as an opinion.
So we are left with your best wishes which are appreciated.
You may follow up with arguments for your belief if you wish to input your opinion based on reality.

>> No.8690864

I knew the risks with the project before I put money into it and I didn't put in more than I can afford to lose. Odd are, it will fail...most startups do.

I do see their pivot as cause for alarm though. They are crafting a platform for their customers....it's an iterative process. They obviously have big clients who have a specific need for jCash in it's current form. That doesn't make jBonds worthless. They're separate instruments for different purposes. It makes a lot of sense for the team, and SEED as an early investor, to advocate for the use of jBonds in the future. I'm still bullish.

>> No.8690883

Edit....I do *not see their pivot as cause for alarm.

>> No.8690907

It's funny when you fud this coin constantly because you want to accumulate but then start to fud it because it actually sucks.

>> No.8690934

I feel so good dropping this shit for NAS.

>> No.8691112


This is the rational approach. Knowing the team, article will be in 2 weeks and all that happens between will be selling. Is there a single reason to buy JNT right now? Everyone knows it will go lower and lower until the article, and the team is notorious for delays.

>> No.8691236

yeah now it is true fear, uncertainty and doubt.

>> No.8691636
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