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8671882 No.8671882 [Reply] [Original]

>You missed the Earth launch
>You missed the Moon
>You're missing Mercury

You can still board at Venus!

>> No.8671891

most coordinated shill I've ever seen

>> No.8671908


10K ETH is a pretty big milestone, my dude. It's not too late!

>> No.8671912

Do you have to pay 4chan to be allowed to advertise?

>> No.8671913

>thousands of people in a multi-million dollar contract celebrating a milestone is coordinating shilling

>> No.8671917

Pretty much is, in fact, too late:

Assuming contract holds 10,000 ETH


Anyone buying in now will just about break even (actually a 3.8% return) if/when the contract hits 20,000 ETH (i.e. doubles from here). If it continues to 45,000 ETH in total, then you will enjoy a 50% return.


Over the next 10,000 ETH into the contract, you will receive around 4% of your original ETH as divs.
Invest wisely. P3D fudders pls feel free to copypasta this.

>> No.8671919

it's like 5 retards in the discord. they're getting desperate. ponzi collapse imminent. will be glorious.

>> No.8671928


>> No.8671942

pretty disgusting desu

>> No.8671950

>Posting on a non-https site from (I would suspect) the United States in order to get people to buy into a Ponzi scheme
I hope you evade taxes, because if not then you're going to pay some massive fines. That is, if you avoid jail time.

Also this: >>8671917

>> No.8671953

Actually u only need 16k in contract but your math is wrong in your own fud

>> No.8671957

if another 1k comes in you will profit. The contract is not showing any signs of stagnation

>> No.8671969

You mean a few people in ponzi discord shilling on 4chan

>> No.8671983


> Bit a ponzi scheme by definition
> >>8671917 is wrong about the 20,000ETH calculation (See desmos.com/calculator/fzuirhfejx )

>> No.8671986

lol, absolute rubbish. Show me a worked example or fuck off. The guy above saying 16k I still think is wrong (would like to see his working) but yours is just nonsense.

>> No.8671999

Not a ponzi scheme.

haha hands are shaking from my gainz

>> No.8672000

PoWH 3D is not a scam, so there are tradeoffs compared to a normal investment. It takes more market cap fluctuation to get 2x, 3x, etc. But you get dividends and also security from market crashes.

>> No.8672056

who cares i am making money and this is not going to stop anytime soon. The normies are just starting to get in. Black is now shilling this all over youtube. This is just the beginning. See you at 100k. Just don't invest more than you can afford to lose and be smart when you want to cash out. This is not investment advice.
I bought in again yesterday evening and already in the black again with that investment.

>> No.8672061

>PoWH 3D is not a scam
>I'm not a thief

>> No.8672088

Not an argument.

>> No.8672124

>Guys I swear it isn't a scam!

>> No.8672151

>Guys don't you want to be rich? This is FREE money guys! Please come and join us. PLEASE.

>> No.8672212

>This is FREE money you guys!
I literally stated the tradeoffs in my post. You trade 20% of your initial investment for dividends.

>> No.8672269

Muh .01 eth divs
Aw the lure of passive income that will get you no where

Listen pajeets . Even if I wanted to join in I feel it is too late now. So all I can say is scam, the moment I enter it will decline and ppl will pull eth out. It will then tank and I will be left with ponzi coins and no divies

>> No.8672291

> *made up ROI figures*
> who cares i am making money and this is not going to stop anytime soon

Typical p3d shill, "stop asking questions, shhhh, just give us your eth, shhhh don't worry about needing another 10 fucking 000 ethtards to buy in before you can break even. Shhh stop asking questions, just buy. I got in this morning and am already up 10x!!! I can't believe it works!

>> No.8672294

Unless PoWH3D's contract is completely destroyed, people pulling eth out will be temporary. If people see that the coin that went to 10k in contract is back down to 500 and still intact, they will want to get in on the ground floor and it starts all over. That's why it's called Proof of Weak Hands. It can survive any panic crash, but stagnation can kill it.

>> No.8672341
File: 12 KB, 258x245, 1519624705935.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not free money
ok got it

>> No.8672346

You know stocks give dividends in real life, right?

>> No.8672393

From profit of their operations, not simply from subsequent share buyers, lol.

p3d average IQ <65

>> No.8672413

You don't trade fiat for stocks that you can't turn back into fiat.

In brainlet terms, you don't trade ETH for P3D tokens that you can't turn back into ETH.

>> No.8672419


The hype will have died by then, people won't just ride it up and down endlessly. And all that does is zoom out and assume that if this pump won't last forever, then don't worry because there will be an infinite number of other pumps to come.

>> No.8672429

Its share buyers and share sellers. PoWH3D rewards volatility. In a ponzi they take 100% of new investments to pay the first holders. PoWH3D simply taxes everybody 10% and distributes it to everybody as a reward for hodling through volatile trends.

>> No.8672437

>The hype will have died by then, people won't just ride it up and down endlessly.
That's literally what the coin is designed for. That's why it's called "Proof of Weak Hands." It's a perpetual game of chicken.

>> No.8672536

You can press a button and convert all of your P3D to ETH. What are you talking about?

>> No.8672544
File: 18 KB, 248x189, 1520100345881.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>convert all of your P3D to ETH

>> No.8672560

Well, 90% of it. the other 10% goes to feed the div sneks.

>> No.8672596

So I automatically lose 10% as soon as I join. Wow amazing investment.

>> No.8672693

get out from this board literal newfag

>> No.8672711

And another 10% when you sell, don't forget.

>> No.8672721

KEK you powh retards are so stupid.

>> No.8672753

you dont have to larp here if you are a nocoiner fag or write something that doesnt look like a brainlet wrote it

>> No.8672800

Please explain how losing 10% is a good investment.

>> No.8672803

False, read the `sell()` function. It does not return your original ETH, fuckwit.

>> No.8672833

You recover that 10% in a day or two, after that its pure profit. The purpose of the token is to hodl, if you want to daytrade go trade link, but this is the safest bet right now.

>> No.8672956

How would you know if I would recover 10% of an unknown value in 1 or 2 days? Stop talking out of your ass already. It's embarassing. Even more so when this shit collapses on you.

>> No.8672965

No it returns tokens - 10%fee (and now its 20% total)

>> No.8672990

kek, we need another 10,000 eth to break even at this point.

>> No.8673038

At this rate we'll get there in a week.

>> No.8673089

But it's going to collapse before then.

>> No.8673108

Just like it collapsed at 1k, right?

>> No.8673135

Please tell me how I can make back the 20% powh takes or are you still trying to figure that out yourself? KEK

>> No.8673183

You wait for the contract to hit 20,000 ETH or so, then you'll break even. People who bought a few days ago have already broken even but it's much further to go now.

>> No.8673206

So, never. Got it, thanks.

>> No.8673249

Who knows - could hit 20k in a week at this rate, or it could stagnate well before then. You need it to hit about 50,000 ETH in order to double your initial investment.

>> No.8673278

So, maybe I'll get back my ROI and never double my investment. Got it, thanks.

>> No.8673292

Same as any coin, I guess. I regret not buying in by now but there we go.

>> No.8673309

>Same as any coin
Nope. I'm not guaranteed to lose 20% when I buy any other coin.

>> No.8673434

lol, well I'd say that's true but actually it does seem like I drop 20% the moment I buy any other coin :/

>> No.8673437

You aren't guaranteed buy/sell dividends from other coins either. It's a tradeoff. It's paying off for me so far, PoWH3D is green and everything else is red.

>> No.8673471

P3D tokens are worthless

P3D tokens never go green because they're worthless

>guaranteed buy/sell dividends from other coins either
Because this shit is a scam. You don't take dividends from other investors.

>It's paying off for me so far
Post wallet with your ID in the tx.