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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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8670395 No.8670395 [Reply] [Original]

I will be interviewing with McKinsey soon

Any strategy consultants here or is it just crypto bag holders?

>> No.8670404

just use the most meme bschool buzzwords

>> No.8670409

How did you get the interview? I want to apply for their graduate roles

>> No.8670557
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So up front, I'm interviewing for a post-undergrad position coming from a non-business major.
I think there are 3 key things:
- excellent grades (I had the equivalent of a 3.89 GPA)
- previous internship experiene at a brand name company
- extracurriculars with focus on demonstrating leadership

With all of these handled and coming from a target uni, you "should" get interviews. Probably cant help to attend company events, which I did for 2 companies (got interviews with all MBB)

>> No.8670837
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tfw there are 3 datawallet threads but no one cares about actual jobs

>> No.8670987
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>> No.8671005


Try actually being smart and useful, they tend to hire those people.

>> No.8671057

why would you want to work 80-100 hours a week in a cubicle doing power point presentations and sucking your clients dicks?

jesus christ. also 90% are literal brainlets there coming from a business school and have this idea of seeing themselves as patrick bateman junior.

>> No.8671135

pretty much, you get paid good money to waste the best years of your life in busywork.
t. 28 year old who is stressed and looks 40

>> No.8671202
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I don't think you're right.
From what I've gathered, 1) the hours aren't that insane (~60 hr probably more realistic average), 2) you're not doing PPPs only (easily outsourced) and 3) sucking your clients dick can actually be a worthwhile investment of your time (not trolling, can learn a lot from experienced people). Also, I don't think a brainlet is able to get hired.

>> No.8671321

I'm the ALPHA lawyer from the other thread m. Know your case studies and you're good. Don't be an aspire far in interviews

>> No.8671344

>Also, I don't think a brainlet is able to get hired.

yes, ou just have to be a MOTIVATED brainlet, i.e. the type of people who attends business school anyways.

anyway, to put some substance into my posts:

1) i work in an IB
2) i work 40-50 hours a week. its relaxed though.
3) i have friends from my degree (studied math) who entered the big 3. they work 80-100 hours, from 8.30am to 10pm-1am. weekend usually off (but not always)
4) you better want to do power point. if you dont, you end up being a grunt doing the analysis underlying the presentation which sucks even more. what do you think our MDs (partner equivalent at a bank) do all day? administration and powerpoints for the c-level.
5) the worst thing at a big 3 are the retarded colleagues. like, literally retarded patrick-bateman wannabes. fucking annoying. no personality other than wanting to appear important and make money. zero intellectual curiosity. absolutely disgusting.

but good luck.

>> No.8671579

How the fuck are you working 40hrs in IB? I've talked to a few people at MBB too and they say 60-70/week on average, yes weekends usually off so that's quite nice in comparison to banking too

Personality-wise, the people I've met were pretty fucking cool desu. I think if it leaks that you don't have other interests in your life and just want to be a Don Draper you won't pass all interview rounds/promotions.

I'm really not trying to attack you, but you sound really salty about consulting. Did something special happen that you think this way?

>> No.8671884
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>> No.8671893

Tell them you think fiat is a scam, the Jews own 99% of the world's wealth, and that DB is going to default early 2019.

They will give you a job on the spot.