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File: 120 KB, 1024x768, 1522111716181m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8667060 No.8667060 [Reply] [Original]

I'll start:
>getting them circumcised

>> No.8667102

same here...

>> No.8667112


>> No.8667113

>snipped as well
>lol there is no college savings for you
>be 17, have to move out because mom decided to remarry, mive in with new husband, new husband has no space for me. THANKS. I hadn't even finished highschool yet.

There were three specific instances where i could have easily wound up homeless thanks to my ever so responsible parents. I always found a way despite them.

>> No.8667114

>have them

>> No.8667123

Make me exist.

>> No.8667131

lmao marked as jew slaves since birth

>> No.8667159

>die when i'm 14

>> No.8667199

Let me drop out of high school and be a NEET for 10 years. Enough gaming for a lifetime. My kids will be working for me and making me money. We plan to homeschool and I won't even let them have a smartphone or the internet.

>> No.8667209

Lol @ your I.D
>Buy CP

>> No.8667219
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ur penis got chopped up


>> No.8667224


>> No.8667226

>Chase them around the house and beat them with belts
>"lose" their inheritance money from their great aunt that was supposed to pay for college
>let them rot away playing WoW when they should be making something of themselves

>> No.8667231

They won't beg for internet or the latest device because they won't have friends. Mom and dad will be their friends and they won't need to leave the compound.

>> No.8667242

>we did it to make you stronger

>> No.8667246
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Raise them as gendervoid

>> No.8667248

the mark of the goblino

>> No.8667257

>let them rot away playing WoW when they should be making something of themselves

You did this to yourself boy, don't blame ur parents, I payed for my own college too and my parents beated me with flip flops and a couple times with a belt.

I played wow and wasted part of my life until I realised I was wasting my life and took a shit warehouse job to save for uni.

Grow up

>> No.8667263

Your fucking ID is literally "buy child pornographic" KYS

>> No.8667268

So you're training them to be antisocial austistic freaks? Got it.

>> No.8667270
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>mfw I actually own this car in black and red

>> No.8667278
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beat and blamed their unhappiness on me

>> No.8667283

Hahahahahahahahahahahahahaaaàaaa... yeah.

>> No.8667304

>be 17, have to move out because mom decided to remarry, mive in with new husband, new husband has no space for me. THANKS. I hadn't even finished highschool yet.
Yeah, had a friend that this happened to. My parents let him crash at my house until he graduated high school and went to college. Its crazy that some parents pull this shit.

>> No.8667316 [DELETED] 
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>> No.8667320

This was 13 years ago when I was still in high school. I was using it as an escape due severe depression and an anxiety disorder which no one ever cared to ask me about. Yeah, I figured it out and got myself out of the rut on my own, but it would have been nice to have some support from my parents so I didn't waste so many years of my life. Teenagers are fucking dumb and will destroy themselves with hedonism if given the chance.

>> No.8667339

>son sorry you're going to have to move down to the basement now.

>> No.8667340
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>> No.8667341

>Don't let their dicks get mutilated
>Teach them things like money management at an early age
>Don't force them to go to college
>Don't let them become products of the average american public school (You don't learn shit and it's so easy you're basically taught how to cheat rather then actually try)
>Explain to them that you should never chase a paycheck
>Get them interested in reading, to the point where they seek knowledge more than cheap highs
>Homeschool, but not in the autistic way that makes it so they never interact with other human beings and become introverted retards
And the most important one:
>Force them to get out of their comfort zones and do things besides be home all day

>> No.8667347

Not open up a savings account for when they get old.

Not let them make any decisions for themselves.

Be irrationally mad sometimes just to keep them in check.

>> No.8667361

OP, find me one woman who prefers uncut to cut. It's aesthetically unpleasing and less hygienic. I'm glad I was cut and will cut my kids. Inb4 kike.

>> No.8667376

We had a guest bedroom. I really don't have any complaints about how my parents raised me. They didn't spoil me but they also only whipped me when I really fucked up and deserved it.

>> No.8667387

If your son (s) want to be cut for aesthetic reasons they can do so when they're adults. Their choice. Not yours.

>> No.8667398

It is his choice though, maybe it shouldn't be but that's not how it works in practice.

>> No.8667400

You faggots need to man the fuck up. Your parents didnt have crystal balls. They couldnt have prepared you for events that werent a thing when they were young

>> No.8667407

KEK legendary ID

>> No.8667417

>t.failed parent boomer

>> No.8667418

>find me one woman who prefers uncut to cut

Most of the world, kike. Also, cutting your sons for women is cucktier behavior, basically sacrificing your son for a woman's fickle opinions.

>> No.8667419

Its a buy signal. ETH reversal imminent

>> No.8667433

Every girl I've ever been with has been enthusiastic about me being unmutilated. Circumcision is a Jewish ritual that was invented to reduce sexual pleasure and prevent men from masturbating. You're literally jewing your kid out of having naturally functioning manhood.

>> No.8667442
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i wonder (((who))) is behind this post

>> No.8667449
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I love my parents but dam they are shitty with money

They gave me 3 grand to go to the university...

Mfw my daughter is 3,5 years old and already got the double saved in their college fund

>> No.8667455

fuck you

>> No.8667461

I know it makes it sound like my parents were horrible but I'm just saying the things that made "growing up" very hard for me.

I have a job, my own house, all that jazz. It was just hard as fuck to break out on my own because my parents basically coddled me for my entire life.

>> No.8667479

my parents circumcised me because theyre muslim. hasn't really done me any harm desu. people are always going to say that it harms the nerve endings, won't feel good during sex blah blah blah but it's not like i have a point of comparison anyway, nutting still feels good. they just thought they were doing the best for me so whatever

>> No.8667502

Idk the only thing really is go to a public school which I def wouldn’t s to my kids

>> No.8667503
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Mangled penis detected.

>> No.8667507

wtf Anon, why so antisemitic?

>> No.8667512

>hasnt done me any *haram

>> No.8667556

Hahahha it fucking is. Praise kek.

>> No.8667572

It depends so much on where you live though. My public school district was one of the highest rated in the state and had a massive tax base so it was probably better than even some private schools in big cities. I live in a city now and sort of ironically it's cited as one of the worst in the state. I would never sent my kids to this city district, but would for sure move somewhere in the suburbs when the time comes. I had no idea how terrible some public school district in the US are, especially is big cities. A lot are corrupt from top to bottom and the kids get dealt the ultimate shit deal with anything that happens, from teachers unions, school boards, creep teachers, employees, the list goes on.

>> No.8667594

We said we DONT want to circumcise our kids you dipshit

>> No.8667596

I'm more concerned that I won't be able to provide for my kids like my parents were able to do for me. They're literally millionaires.

>> No.8667600

learning from the mistakes of the past is how we build a better tomorrow. there's no need to be butthurt

>> No.8667608

But your parents do on you. ;)

>> No.8667635

yuropoor here in a relationship with american girl who loves my intact dick
objectively, most women probably form their preference based on the men they have loved more than whether it's cut or uncut
there's no hygiene problem unless you're some disgusting slob who doesn't shower at all

>> No.8667638

im circumcised and i have hair growing halfway up the shaft of my penis.
my life is hell.

>> No.8667858

same FUCK
dad literally went from the village to millions, i cant even compare

>> No.8667937

That's the point you mouthbreather

>> No.8667974

no idea

first step is actually finding a gf to make them with

too bad im literally deformed so fuck that lma0

>> No.8668018
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He uses bitcoin irl

>> No.8668035
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>> No.8668045
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But they are right.
Kids are a misfortune.
I ditched 3 hoes who poured me 3 lil' hoes and now I'm happy. Not so sure about them though.

>> No.8668099

R u me? Dad was born to working-class parents in Brimingham who didn't love him and managed to be a professional rugby star, a doctor, AND a CEO of a billion dollar company.

>> No.8668110

You know she will get dat BBC raw in college, on your hard earned dollarios.
That is only available if there won't be a major Crash™ and you lose all her money.
In this case she will still get dat BBC but in your house.

>> No.8668151

Is this a real ad or a meme? Is American really that consumer oriented?

>> No.8668157
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What did kek mean by this

>> No.8668171

nice just bought 100k

>> No.8668177

>drink alcohol EVERYDAY and disrupt studying and sleep, even when an exam is the next day
>give them unhealthy food and garbage full of sugar
>teach them absolutely fuck all (and i mean LITERALLY absolutely fuck all)
>keep trying to take away things that they love (e.g. a computer)
>try to make them become like you if they're completely different
>call them names and make fun of them
>abandoning them and seeing them once every month or two (my dad after i turned 12. i cut him from my life 4 years ago)

...and the list goes on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on...

>> No.8668217

Not sure if it's real and it would obviously be a bad joke if it was but it absolutely would not be out of place. Shit is pretty fucked here with that kind of stuff. It wouldn't be so bad if there was a functioning not retarded/not scammy safety net, but we don't even have that

>> No.8668369

dad was born into a village in Malaysia, did some busking, then got into a few bands, some of them got famous, when they broke up they got into production, from there he and most of the people from a record label bought an airline and he became a high ranking member of the company which is highly successful now. so yeah, basically, just the other side of the world

>> No.8668395

>father left when I was 11, never saw him again
>both grandfathers are dead
>no uncles in country
>no brothers

I grew up with no male role models, everything was guess-and-check. I fucking hate it and I hate myself. A happy life seems like an impossibility

>> No.8668420

My dad hated the soviet union so much he prevented me from learning formal russian/ukranian while loving stateside. I'll make sure my kids know their mother tongue better than me

>> No.8668441

Modern society doesn’t understand how valuable good male role models are, it’s a tragedy

>> No.8668449



Worse thing you can do to a child is sexually abuse them but after that it is abandoning them all together to fend for themselves without ever knowing the love and comfort of parents.

>> No.8668512

I was self conscious about my uncut chad my whole life till i finally got laid. Turns out, a dick glides better into vagoo with that skin sheath and girls take notice, especially American whores who've only had cut dick

>> No.8668664

Fucking selfish fucks.

>> No.8668665
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>We plan to homeschool and I won't even let them have a smartphone or the internet.

>> No.8668840

raise them

I have 5 kids in 3 different countries, and I am only 30
going for 6 right now with a 20 y/o that started begging me to knock her up the second time we slept together
she thinks I work here and that I want to stay with her
I will be gone as soon as she confirms she is pregnant
objective is to have 10 kids around the world
then when the youngest reaches age 18 I will contact them and invite them to a private island. There I will explain that they are here to receive their significant inheritance,
and the way the inheritance is determined is through battle royale - the last one alive will receive everything
a countdown will begin, and I will leave on my helicopter to my yacht, where I will observe them from afar.

in this way I will determine who is the most ruthless and clever, and therefor is going to use my wealth in the most interesting and possibly evil way

>> No.8668874

you must be black

>> No.8668876

Cutting a part of their penis will help them in life - logic

>> No.8668898

left me uncircumcised

>> No.8668960


I assure you, I am extremely white. Colonial, oppressive, patriarchal anglo-saxon that is rebuilding the empire of his forefathers. They lost everything by 1910 and moved to the USA. I will have it back.

I desire a ruthless Asian son to manage my ventures in the pacific region, and keep these seamonkies in check. Only a child raised here will hate it enough to want to crush it into dust and squeeze a few drops of gold out of it.

One day I might start a white family, but only after I have seen what direction North America of western europe takes in the next decade.

>> No.8668974

>black person
>planning for the future

>> No.8669170

This is a weird larp

>> No.8669204


No larp.

>> No.8669228

You can think feminism for that.

>> No.8669245


>> No.8669266

Fuck off pedo

>> No.8669290

This, I can't wait to fix their mistake.

>> No.8669319
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About that circumcision thing

>be like 4
>parents explain to me what circimcusion is
>"do u want to be circimcused anon?"
>"why would i want part of my dick cut off"

And that's how I avoided circimcusion.

>> No.8669345

Seek out and befriend men of virtue. Find good mentors. Do Not. I repeat DO NOT date/fuck their daughters or sisters.

>> No.8669351

Your father was right faggot

>> No.8669360

Circumcision makes it easier to rape. My ex used to produce about 0ml natural lubricant, felt like fucking agony every time I put it in her, like I was tearing my dick. Why do you think Jews and muslims are over represented as sex offenders? It's because they don't need a woman's arousal in order to penetrate her. Why jew doctors have got away with this shit on us is beyond me.

>> No.8669371


You Americans have to start fucking watching this series. Seriously, are you all fucking brainlets that can't find out the truth: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gCSWbTv3hng

>> No.8669382
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nice larp

>> No.8669388


No he wasn't. The right to do is shipping him back.

>> No.8669394

I actually have decent parents, only thing I would do different is push my children to be less lazy(I refused to take extra math classes for some national contests when I was 11 and that fucked a lot of things later on). It's not their fault I was born a psycho I guess

>> No.8669418


Kids who have less do better later in life on their own merit.

t. Kid who didn't have much and had to work odd jobs to afford a few things.

I'm not too worried about resources. As long as my children are intelligent, and I provide them with food/safety/security/education, they will figure the rest out on their own. Giving them too many toys or nice things will only spoil them and fail to prepare them for the world.

Honestly, that is the worst thing a parent can do for their kids. Spoil them and fail to prepare them for real life, because it's easier at the time to just shower them with gifts.

>> No.8669423

Why learn your mother tongue if you are never going back anyway? It's pointless

>> No.8669480
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Why not? It's a marketable skill. I speak 2.5 languages and it comes in handy. Employers love it when you speak something other than Americanese.

It's significant harder to learn a language as you get older. If you have children it's best to teach them your native tongue when they're young.

>> No.8669486 [DELETED] 
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>procreate at age 40, so that they don't have to be burdened at age 25 with the problems of a 65 year old

>> No.8669717

Fair point, but ukrainian isn't the most marketable language.

>> No.8669836

hello redddit

>> No.8670085
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This but unironically.

>> No.8670261

So, you got a mangled penis, kike.

>> No.8670360
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>> No.8671266

Dude, every day I'm mad about it.
The first time (((they))) fuck you is at birth.

We need to start a legalize FGM movement, so that people wig out and have to face facts

>> No.8671356

sex is better for both people with uncut. that's a fact my man. more sensitive for the man, more comfortable for the woman.

>> No.8671407

>They couldnt have prepared you for events that werent a thing when they were young
What does this have to do with NOT beating your own child with a belt?

>> No.8671414

>Mom's a big Jew
>Big Jew doctor
>Both thought it was best not to snip
my dick
I honestly feel really lucky sometimes. But I guess shit she fucked up on.

>Be a single parent grasping at any relationship
>Fed us right out of a can when pans were readily available
>Let us eat whatever
>No discipline
>Never had chores other than trash
>Never made us shower
>Bought me porn rags when I was 11 and she caught me jerking it
>Resorted to prostitution
>Heavy crack user after
>Had too many kids
>Never ratted out my aunt for raping me
>Left me and five of my siblings all younger home alone for a week out in the country, had to walk a few miles to the nearest person for food and to call child services

At least I could read at a high School level by 4, but holy shit basically my entire childhood. My 12-year-old is doing fucking fantastic, though. I guess she taught me about everything that can go wrong.

>> No.8671418

>Brought me into world.
>spoiled me never taught me how to be independent, became neet

>> No.8671431
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>> No.8671434
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>> No.8671462

>Cutting off parts of your childs penis without their consent was what they thought was best
Were they siblings or something?

>> No.8671479
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Get divorced with a son at age 14, removing his father figure entirely from his home, who happened to be the person that forced him to buckle down and work hard on his academics, leading him to do complete shit in high school and end up at a shit tier college where he got a worthless Big-Brain Certificate in Comp Sci but no real connections

>> No.8671597

Your mom had you at 40?

How's the autism?

>> No.8671624 [DELETED] 

Pretty bad.

>> No.8671654

I mean, it's true in a technical sense.
It should still be outlawed to protect the innocent; almost noone in their right mind would want anyone to keep old records of one's child pornography days.

>> No.8671655

Can I make a movie about this?


>> No.8671683

>which no one ever cared to ask me about

>> No.8671705

Looks like someone forgot to take their pills this morning

>> No.8671864

That id...

>> No.8672243

im gonna cry

>> No.8672554

>Wouldn't spoil them too much
>Wouldn't let them get fat (tfw fat 6'1 250lbs)
>Wouldn't be in my 40s when they're born, you're too old to keep up with them in their teen years of you have them that old, also autism. (I'm fine but my older brother got fucked over with Aspergers)
>Wouldn't let them stay at home until they're 25 (unless they're in grad school, then it's okay)

>> No.8672582

My parents never really spoiled me with toys and shit, but what they really were able to do was get me into private schools, pay for college, and use their connections to get me a job. That's what I'm primarily concerned about not providing

>> No.8672616

Oh, and they were able to send me abroad for schools and trips and such. That really gave me a perspective I don't think many have.

>> No.8672695
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>> No.8672869

your gfs like cut cuz they love you, and it's not an important enuff factor to be an issue

but they'd love you even more if you were uncut.

>> No.8672880
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>sna buy cp
>NSA buy cp

>> No.8672981

im too triggered to watch, but its about harvesting foreskin for the stem cells isn't it?

>> No.8672984

>tell them they can do anything they want in life

>> No.8672999

i think we should crucify every doctor willing to perform the procedure.

>> No.8673127
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I'll start by not beating them with shoes

>> No.8673154


>> No.8673285

Dad didn't teach me shit about social situation meaning stuff like girls, getting in with a crowd, fighting, stuff like that. Had to learn all these social cue type stuff on the playground and later in jail.
I'm going to start red pilling my son early. He has to know how to treat women and what to do when you're in the big house

>> No.8673357
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>> No.8673809
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I'll never put them in public school. No fucking way will I put them in those low security prisons to be taught by authoritarian-leftist cat ladies.

>> No.8673841

>what if the other boys b-bully him about his normal, unmutilated penis?
>h-how will he keep stacey interested once she sees his foreskin? Everyone knows it's normal for women to have been fucked by dozens of jamals and mohammeds by age 16! She'll laugh at him if his penis looks different!

>> No.8673855

Why not, they need to socialize. Just start redpilling them early that way they can make comparisons and come to realizations with what they see at school and confirm that you're right

>> No.8673881



>> No.8673984
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So i dated a floor of nurses. One day I had one laying in bed with her hand on my cock and she tells " I'm so glad you're circumcised."

She wasn't the only one to tell me that. She and the others were under the impression that a flaccid uncircumcised cock looked the same as an erect one.

>> No.8674105
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I like Varg's take on the socialization issue.


>> No.8674158

You are me.

>> No.8674354

fuck off pajeet

>> No.8674396

Yeah...holy fuck. Anon, the fatherless upbringing is seriously becoming an epidemic.

I come from single mom home myself and I constantly catch myself seeking approval of a potential father figure.

It's so fucked up.

>> No.8674424

Be a responsible parent. I have a father that can only talk big and he isn't even trying hard to find a way to earn money to feed his family while literally every one of his relatives is growing and becoming richer.

>> No.8674444

He is saying the exact opposite of what you are saying dumb nigger

>> No.8674514

>cutting your son's dick because women prefer it.

This is the weakest reason I've ever heard.

>> No.8674920

Most of that show is actually Kosher bullshit, even the circumsition stuff is deflecting from the true motives.

>> No.8674977


Also, desu have you ever compared a cut to an uncut dick? Especially the tip of a cut dick looks disgusting. You can say whatever you want about "women's opions" (worth less than nothing) but Ill guarantee you that they will love a smooth shiny pink tip over a dry deformed skinless tip. Also, it's easier for sex and handjobs.

Not even joking btw. What you cut idiots tend to forget is that the skin of uncut is basically always rolled back during any sexual anything. This will expose exactly what you cut people have only it will expose it in a far superior way.

>> No.8675012

>trying to be Genghis Khan
pick one, retard

>> No.8675128
File: 20 KB, 80x70, 08-18-28-1522146146988.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Satoshi Nakamoto buys Cp

Horee shet. Just sold 100k

>> No.8675129

Take them to a shooting range at age 12 or 13 with no hearing protection and give them permanent tinnitus.

>> No.8675141

Raising me non jewish

>> No.8675212

Genius. I am now stealing this plan.

>> No.8675262

No girl wants to suck an uncut dick, been there done that, its fucking gross

>> No.8675416

I'm never going to be able to convince a girl to have kids with me so I guess I'll make sure to put the slave I buy in the third world through college or whatever.

>> No.8675431

adopt korean kids to come live with you

>> No.8675433
File: 153 KB, 1920x1080, [AK-Submarines] GIRLS und PANZER das FINALE - 01 [BCEC3F02].mkv_snapshot_18.06_[2018.03.28_22.55.14].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My parents didn't pay but I don't blame them. They are poorfags.

>> No.8675822
File: 84 KB, 800x800, BeegBrane.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What about what you WILL do? I will not neglect to teach them about the basic things in life.
My parents raised me right but they never taught me about economics, taxes, or basic shit you need to get through life despite them having a bit of knowledge about them. I have no idea how I pass exams or invest in shit so I browse /biz/ in the hopes anon's moneys advice wasn't some LARPing bs. I just do stuff and get lucky. My last investment was purely based on how shiny the business' logo was. I am a lucky brainlet.

>> No.8675885
File: 4 KB, 227x250, Branelit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait nevermind I just realized I won't be able to teach them about these things because I still don't know how to do them myself and I don't think I ever will. wtf /biz/ I thought with age comes wisdom or am I just ratarded?