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8663349 No.8663349 [Reply] [Original]

As we all know, marriage as an institution is in fact a general partnership. A contract between families of farmers as well as lords, to merge their assets. But what use is it today? When most marriages end up in divorce. The obvious perks such as tax benefits do not cover the costs of divorce rape for men.

>> No.8663362

The ghost is still there

>> No.8663366

>Benefits of marriage today

or a man none. fathers have no rights.

>> No.8663380


>> No.8663384


Indeed there are no benefits besides a marginal tax savings. The modern marriage is a no-win scenario for a man, considering that a woman cannot even be legally compelled to have his children or make his home.

>> No.8663417

why is there a ghost by the door on the right hand side of the picture

>> No.8663593


>> No.8663919

That's their kid. Mom entered the cat video layer of YouTube for a couple of weeks and forgot to feed him. Tragic really.

>> No.8664033

That would be pretty gay if you became a ghost and then your family moved away and some fat slob moved in leaving plates of food around and shit

>> No.8664209

Right to benefits while married:
Employment assistance and transitional services for spouses of members being separated from military service; continued commissary privileges
Per diem payment to spouse for federal civil service employees when relocating
Indian Health Service care for spouses of Native Americans (in some circumstances)
Sponsor husband/wife for immigration benefits

Larger benefits under some programs if married, including:
Veteran's disability
Supplemental Security Income
Disability payments for federal employees
Property tax exemption for homes of totally disabled veterans
Income tax deductions, credits, rates exemption, and estimates
Wages of an employee working for one's spouse are exempt from federal unemployment tax

Joint and family-related rights:
Joint filing of bankruptcy permitted
Joint parenting rights, such as access to children's school records
Family visitation rights for the spouse and non-biological children, such as to visit a spouse in a hospital or prison
Next-of-kin status for emergency medical decisions or filing wrongful death claims
Custodial rights to children, shared property, child support, and alimony after divorce
Domestic violence intervention
Access to "family only" services, such as reduced rate memberships to clubs & organizations or residency in certain neighborhoods
Preferential hiring for spouses of veterans in government jobs
Tax-free transfer of property between spouses (including on death) and exemption from "due-on-sale" clauses.
Special consideration to spouses of citizens and resident aliens
Threats against spouses of various federal employees is a federal crime
Right to continue living on land purchased from spouse by National Park Service when easement granted to spouse

>> No.8664221

Court notice of probate proceedings
Domestic violence protection orders
Existing homestead lease continuation of rights
Regulation of condominium sales to owner-occupants exemption
Funeral and bereavement leave
Joint adoption and foster care
Joint filing of taxes (see filing status)
Insurance licenses, coverage, eligibility, and benefits organization of mutual benefits society
Legal status with stepchildren
Making spousal medical decisions
Spousal non-resident tuition differential waiver
Permission to make funeral arrangements for a deceased spouse, including burial or cremation
Right of survivorship of custodial trust
Right to change surname upon marriage
Right to enter into prenuptial agreement
Right to inheritance of property
Spousal privilege in court cases (the marital confidences privilege and the spousal testimonial privilege)

For those divorced or widowed, the right to many of ex- or late spouse's benefits, including:
Social Security pension
Veteran's pensions, indemnity compensation for service-connected deaths, medical care, and nursing home care, right to burial in veterans' cemeteries, educational assistance, and housing
survivor benefits for federal employees
Survivor benefits for spouses of longshoremen, harbor workers, railroad workers
Additional benefits to spouses of coal miners who die of black lung disease
$100,000 to spouse of any public safety officer killed in the line of duty
Continuation of employer-sponsored health benefits
Renewal and termination rights to spouse's copyrights on death of spouse
Continued water rights of spouse in some circumstances
Payment of wages and workers compensation benefits after worker death
Making, revoking, and objecting to post-mortem anatomical gifts

>> No.8664668

Wow anon, much benefit if you are a disabled veteran NEET. However, if you earn a ton of money kicking ass at life, all this shit is totally meaningless next to Stacie’s ability to check out with cash and prizes the minute she gets unhaaaaaaaaaaapy. I’ve seen it happen to way too many guys.

>> No.8664861

Most of that bullshit only helps the woman.

>> No.8664890


>> No.8664952

Planted on purpose

>> No.8664953
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>> No.8665163

Meme implanted in you by nature, abused by modern society to siphon labor (or the fruits of) from you to the government via your wife spending your money after leaving you alone, at which point you're expected to find another one that'll do just the same. The point of the system is to abuse you until you are of no use, morals, honor, discipline, our traditional ideas and the lack of their mutability has caused this crisis. This is proxy slavery. There's a war going on for your mind, you're bound to lose. The only logical move is to not play.

>> No.8665253

There are many benefits.

Most obvious one is you have more money.
But also the feeling is nice to have someone who you can trust always and spend the time with them.

I married the women who was my GF since we where 19 and now we are 29.

Ofc you will have some smaller and bigger fights on the way but it doesn't take a genius to notice when a women is serious with you and when she is just playing or using you.

But yeah In short its nice to have someone who takes care of you when you are sick or cooks you nice things.

Spending the weekends with my wife watching movies,traveling or just playing some games together can be fun and specially for me its nice to see the 10 years that we spend together and I still see how she sometimes acts as a little kid when we play games even if she is 29 now.

I was even at 1 point depressed and didn't have a job for 2 years and she supported me still.

If a women will stick with you even when you don't have money or you have other problems you know she cares about you.

>> No.8665307

she probably talks to tyrone when you are at work

>> No.8665320

kind of hard when we are working together now.

when I was jobless 2 years , she quit her job and started a company and said I should work with her and now we are working together and doing pretty good.

>> No.8665379
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>Most obvious one is you have more money.
>nice to have someone who you can trust always and spend the time with them
>someone who takes care of you
what fairy tale are you living in

>> No.8665389

It's an out-of-date institution which only really exists as a formality. The benefits of being married are marginal at best if you're a man and gives you the law equivalent of a spiked metal dildo if you're a woman. It doesn't always end up this way, but exceptions don't break the rule.

The benefit weighed against the risk involved makes it clear that modern men should avoid marriage at all costs. If you want to have children, pay for a surrogate pregnancy. You can't get fucked for child support or have your kids taken away if she isn't related to them.

>> No.8665405

This guy knows what he’s doing. GF since 19 and married later, that’s the way to do it.

>> No.8665422

Just finished reading the entire post—same exact situation here, including the depressed period where she took care of me. Good job anon. Wish I knew more people like you guys IRL.

>> No.8665433

Living with the same girl for 10 years :)
Not my fault you are too depressed in your own world to actually go out and meet some interesting women and not just sluts or fairy take stories from /r9k/ or /pol/
Thank you, I know most of teenage loves end up with a breakup but we somehow pulled it off.

>> No.8665462

Did you copypasta this from somewhere you absolute moron? I mean you've got child support listed for fuck's sake.

>> No.8665483
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Literally every benefit listen can be achieved without the up front cost of a wedding or the inherent risk of divorce rape. Keep coping. Why buy the cow when you can get the milk for free.

>> No.8665500

You're pretty arrogant, you've been with the same girl since you're a teenager, don't lecture people to go and meet new people, it's certainly not 100% luck but you have to admit you've been blessed in a way. It's not the same for all of us.

>> No.8665700

Maybe I don't know.

MY boyfriend was together with the same girl for almost 5 years and they broke up, my wife did try to talk with her to bring her to sense but she still left my brother.

Point is things like this happen, some people find the love with 19 some with 35.Instead to complain about women on a chinese cartoon paper cup board its better to go out and just risk it, you will know when you find the right girl to marry when the time comes.

My brother is still searching for a new girl but for the time being he just have fun on the weekends with new girls for some casual sex and nothing more until he finds the right one.

Most of you are still very young here and you shouldn't listen to some old faggots here who never had a girl and despise all women.

Use your young age and get exp. try out things and make your moves on the opposite sex.Probably many will reject , some will cheat on you and what the fuck I know what they can do to you but at least you are living your life instead of complaining about it on the internet and watching how the time flys away and once you realise you area old guy who wasted his life away on complaining about girls instead searching for them.

tldr. Live your life and don't listen to some old neckbeards here who wasted there life when they where young closing themselves to the rest of the world.

>> No.8665714

>My boyrfriend

I mean my brother... sorry lol

>> No.8665814

the fuck is with that furniture placement

>> No.8665863
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Lol one relationship and thinks he's the authority on the subject. Get a fucking grip man. You sound suspiciously like a guy who married the first girl he could because dating scared him. "get out there and meet new people"...like you did right?
But she just a sweetie from the get go and there was no point in trying elsewhere. sure bud.

>> No.8665883

>you will know when you find the right girl to marry when the time comes.
It seems obvious to you, but it really isn't. You're taking your position for granted because it's how your life has been for 10 years, you have no other perspectives.

>risk it
Right, so I can get accused of rape if I don't recognize the girl is psychotic, or get divorce raped of everything after I marry a gold digger that acts really well. (Or hell, genuinely loves me but also has the morals of praying mantis)
Solid tips.
You're like a boomer giving tips to finding a job.

>> No.8665914

No, I'm pretty sure you meant boyfriend, because so far you've proven to be an utter faggot.

>> No.8665949

for me it just sounds like you are afraid of meeting women, keep doing what you want but remember you aren't getting older if you want to waste your best years of your life alone and bitter at women, please do it.

>afraid of accused of rape
Lets be honest this is like a 1 in a trillion chance
Make a contract if you are that afraid or just don't marry the girl who didn't go trough some bad times with you first to see how she is when you don't have money or other problems?
>gold digger I think this is the most retarded thing you are afraid off if you cant notice a gold digger then you deserve to get raped.

Anyway you will probably ignore everything I say and keep living in some delusion while every year you will get older and age faster until you are bald and ugly and wasted your life literally alone on this planet.Not even money will remove that feeling.

>> No.8665969

this but unironically

>> No.8666087

>Lets be honest this is like a 1 in a trillion chance

>Make a contract
prenups aren't worth shit, proven in court

>while every year you will get older and age faster until you are bald and ugly
Because you don't get older and age? Until you are bald and ugly? How would a woman help me with that? She'll insist I stop lifting (so other women won't look at me), and get a job, literally straining my body & mind. I'm good like this, thank you.

>gold digger
silver digger then, these women can genuinely love you, but deep down they love themselves more.

>> No.8666143

Fine if it makes you happy, live how you want but you and me know about what you are thinking every night when you go to bed.

Have fun being alone in your life, I go out now.

>> No.8666187

>you and me know about what you are thinking every night when you go to bed.
Anime, video games, and technical analysis? How'd you know?

>> No.8666195

No wonder he works twelve hours a day.

>> No.8666259

Most of the real 'benefits' are only that last paragraph. Unless you think most of us are veterans or federal employees.

They're also mostly oriented towards women.
>Veteran's pensions
>Survivor benefits for spouses of longshoremen, harbor workers, railroad workers
>Survivor benefits for spouses of longshoremen, harbor workers, railroad workers
>Additional benefits to spouses of coal miners who die of black lung disease
>$100,000 to spouse of any public safety officer killed in the line of duty
>Payment of wages and workers compensation benefits after worker death

Men are 93% of work place deaths.

Your list is a list of the benefits towards women, mainly.

>> No.8666296

Nah, you're women larping. That's not a mistake anyone would make.

>> No.8666307

I've been polite throughout the conversation, and I've got a good idea of what you are.

>marry girl at 19
>become a depressed NEET with no job or money
>wife can't divorce you because she'll get nothing from you, and a divorced woman looks worse than an unmarried one in the market
>whips you into shape
>SHE starts a business and drags you into it so you can be useful

Your wife is more of a man than you, and both of us know it, so you lecturing anyone is laughable. The road to hell is paved with good intentions. I see what you're doing, trying to improve the lives of others, noble, but your initial financially inferior situation put you into a state where you're oblivious to the world.

You're on /biz/ so I assume you're making money somehow? Be careful.

>> No.8666320

Lol it is funny to read the massive copes from guys who have never had a girl friend much less a long term relationship where you live together.

If you unironically believe ideas cultivated on internet forums by inexperienced losers and bitter jilted MGTOW's then you will never make it.

t. attractive chad

>> No.8666324

>you and me know about what you are thinking every night when you go to bed.

Meditating and achieving higher states of being. You honestly have no perspective on the world.

>> No.8666348

Thats what haunting's for anon. I'm personally looking forward to the haunting phase if the market doesn't turn around this year

>> No.8667274

Your capacity to conquer a woman is tightly related to her quality as a human being.
By putting women on a pedestal and not only giving them everything they want but assuring them that this sort of treatment is the normal and eternally justified state of things regardless if they actually desserve it, our society and government has turned many women into virtual sociopaths, but, instincts are impossible to remove, women are natural followers, they only follow what they deem powerful and worthy, and most of their nasty behavior comes from being "psychologically married" to the government, rendering YOU a secondary handmaid bound by law to provide for her and ensure her FUN forever, the trick lies in destroying this notion, if you don't want your future wife or girlfriend to destroy you, you need to be a man she can admire and feel she can actually rely on you.

Have you ever noticed how women in abusive relationships hardly ever leave, while women in equitable ones file for divorce at the first whim? well, it's because fear and violence can be confused with admiration and reliability, even more so in a world of retarded soy boy nu-males.

My point being, you need to be strong but kind, stern but noble, fearful but just, authoritative but reliable, all of this is so she doesn't see daddy government as her pimp and you as a interchangeable and disposable money machine.

tl;dr: if women cuck you it's mostly your fault for being a non assertive cuck, women love power, it makes them feel safe, if you don't appear powerful you won't get a woman's respect, and if women don't respect you, you won't be able to change them for good, which is your duty, all of you are having such a hard time with girls because your ancestors prioritized cummies and psychological strategies to get laid over familial stability and societal health.

>> No.8667282

pickle rick

>> No.8667329

>doing pretty good.
It's, " doing pretty well"

>> No.8667350

I'm unwilling to risk my "wealth" for this. Even if I somehow become assertive and there's only 1% I'll get screwed over.

>> No.8667406

>there's a war going on for your mind
Between who? Why does everyone say this?

>> No.8667484

numale detected

>> No.8667534

>Between who? Why does everyone say this?
You really don't feel like multiple sides are trying to sway your way of thinking? Your actions? Not even society trying to bend you to conform against your deep personal will?
We adapt and change without necessarily realizing it, you don't always choose to which direction consciously.

>> No.8667838

>tax benefits
there is no benefit when both spouses work. you only get a benefit if one spouse doesn't work or has meager income, ie: housewife

>> No.8668015

Girlfriend of 3 years here, we live together and split costs halfway. We get home from work and I cook, we eat, she cleans up and Ill have a couple beers while playing videogames or working on my project car, shower, tv/videogames, sex, sleep repeat. We go to the gym twice a week and go out once a week to a nice restaurant or something. I got to put up with woman crap every once in a while but its not bad.

>> No.8668061

Benefits of marriage:

>> No.8668077

>Make a contract if you are that afraid
I hate when people say this shit
It's fucking 2018. Most people know by now that there have been several instances where judges have thrown out prenups during divorce proceedings because the wife claimed out of nowhere that she was pressured into signing it or didn't understand the terms
Those "contracts" are worth less than the toilet paper you use to wipe your ass

>> No.8668084

fucking fatfucks

>> No.8668302

Thats some co-op. Sounds great. Keep it simple. Sometimes go on a vacation.

>> No.8668305

>don't listen to some old neckbeards here who wasted there life
>you are afraid of meeting women, keep doing what you want but remember you aren't getting older if you want to waste your best years of your life alone and bitter at women
Honestly, fuck you and your "any man who's against marriage must be a basement-dwelling virgin" viewpoint
If you truly believed your bullshit argument you wouldn't feel the need to automatically categorize people with a different opinion under the most negative, pathetic category you could think of in your mind
You're just like the women out there who love to make it seem like the only men who care about men's rights are ugly loser virgins
I can't stand people who take the "this person has a different opinion from me so let me shame and belittle them to try to make their beliefs seem silly to everyone else" route

>> No.8668522


>3 years

try 15 years buddy and we'll see how happy you still are

>> No.8668859

It feels like the caliber of women your wife belongs to are virtually non-existent these days

>> No.8669047

Pathetic how everyone blames women and not the kike system that rewards them. America deserves everything happening to it.

>> No.8669145

fuck the system its designed to destroy families. it's a simple but destructive psychological game. they inverse the roles and power of both sexes. men become women, women become men in the sense that now women are deciders and men are caretakers. its fundamentally wrong on psychological and biological levels.