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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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8663225 No.8663225[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

is /biz racist?

>> No.8663246
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Of course not my mutt/black friend. Biz is an open and welcoming community to all those with higher crime rates and mental inferiority.

>> No.8663255

My favorite coin is GAS.

>> No.8663258

8.5 some niggers are funny

>> No.8663262
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No because ironically blacks allowed me to sell TRX ath when I bought at $0.03 so they're ok in my book (for now)

>> No.8663265

Lern Deutsch du Schwuchtel

>> No.8663279


sog amoi oachkatzlschwoaf

>> No.8663295

>learn a language that will be dead in 2 years
This isn't gonna be like africa, they are colonizing you.

>> No.8663301

>20 years

>> No.8663316

kind of. I'm white, blue eyed, from a landed family and I hate germans, followed by the English lower classes and the french. I mean really hate them. Particularly german pensioners and their grandchildren. Nasty mix of Prussian and rape baby

>> No.8663318
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reichblocks / 10

>> No.8663388

Everyone is. It's natural instinct.

>> No.8663410

This and checked

>> No.8663447

My racism is based off of experience. Like, if you walk down the street of a city at 3am and encounter a black dude walking the opposite direction of, there is an elevated chance he'll want to hurt you over any other race.

>> No.8663460

I don't consider myself racist its a bit of a subjective term but there are always grey areas in subjectivity.

5 years ago I had no problem with my country (netherlands) accepting refugees and guest workers, but I am somewhat disgusted by the way they, especially ''refugees'' show their gratitude to Europe for this. I also agree with the Dalai Llama who says that the culture clash can be to big for it to work. He's a refugee himself but he resides in India which overlaps greatly spiritually with Tibet, same can be said for Christians and muslims but then there is a certain culture of peace to be found in Hinduism and Buddhism that can not be said for Christianity and Islam.

I also think its orchestrated by people in power that want to destroy European culture and heritage so that newer generations become astranged from their ancestors history and thus are more suspectible for new cultural identities which works in favor for anyone trying to reshape society and culture as they see fit.

>> No.8663468

Pretty much this

>> No.8663479

Dutch people don't deserve to exist anyway

>> No.8663498

I think we should definitely help eachother but I also believe in the philosophy of Marcus Aurelius to help those of own kind first before helping others.

Community and family over everything else. It doesn't make sense to help all these people when you can't provide for them or have to do so at the expense of people already living there. Students are having difficulty with finding affordable housing, starters are having difficulty aswell but refugees get them handed and built for. Now some might be media influenced bullshit but I think there's an underlying truth to it all. Europe has come out of a major crash which left many elderly without pensions or lacking care. And then we are helping people from the other side of the world and share no expenses? Thats weird.

I think Europe should focus on gettings its shit together helping the elderly and homeless to homes before helping some dude from Africa pretending to be from syria.

>> No.8663604


>> No.8663623

>implying German isn’t spoken in based Switzerland

>> No.8663680

nice butthurt

English is also dead I guess

>> No.8663688
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>> No.8663716

/biz discriminates stinky linkies

>> No.8663718

Niggars and jungle asians are not welcome here

>> No.8663802

>it's okay to be white
Guess I am raysist

>> No.8663878
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>> No.8663881

I want /pol/ to leave

>> No.8663962
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well you can always go to reddit if you can't handle others opinions

>> No.8663980
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10/10 My brother.

>> No.8664030
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English is a mutt language. With way to many words and stolen words from superieor european languages. You should be ashamed if English is the only language you know.

>> No.8664533

5. Im a moderate.

>> No.8664894

The full blown Nazi shit is mostly Kremlin propaganda. Also a few gullible virgins.

>> No.8664908

Im not racist, I love Will Smith.

>> No.8665051

Probably a 5.5 on average, I'm a bit of a closet racist. But I'm a 9.8 towards natives (I'm a leaf), they can go fuck themselves.

>> No.8665353

>Go away if you cannot tolerate my intolerance

>> No.8665376

/biz/ is basically more redpilled /pol/

>> No.8665399

In IOTA, i hate u all

>> No.8665403
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>> No.8665410
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i want my fucking roubles already

>> No.8665443

Around 3-4, since I don't like jews

>> No.8665456

Eurofag here, I'm ok with ALL europeans

Anybody else can fuck off

>> No.8665508

wouldn't you then just take your own advice? you know, since you can't handle others opinions and all

>> No.8665522

Not that I ever show it. I get along with people of other races very well actually because I'm always very polite.My racism allows me to predict with incredible accuracy what there next actions will be because they aren't to elaborate in planning out their next moves.

>prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on the belief that one's own race is superior.
I can cite multiple scientific studies proving the superiority of whites. In addition, whites have Neanderthal dna (which black do not) thereby literally making us not only different races, but different species.

>> No.8665779

Well, now it is and have been for quite some time since mid-2017. Here's how it happened—
>old /biz/ wanted money
>old /biz/ bought shitcoins
>old /biz/ shilled shitcoins to other boards, especially /b/ and /pol/
>other boards come to /biz/
>other boards brings their ideas with them
>newfags from other boards overruns population in numbers of old /biz/
>old /biz/ culture dies off
>/biz/ manifests into a new form of itself dissimilar to the way of thinking of its predecessor

>> No.8665845

>Muh peaceful Eastern Religions

If you honestly think they're more "peaceful" than Christianity, congrats on the New Age kike brainwashing being totally successful.

>> No.8665892

Since the bullrun ended /pol/fags all left so now /biz/ is swinging back toward libcuck territory

>> No.8665903
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>Kremlin propaganda

>> No.8665913

Biz isn't. But those damn Poltard refugees are.

>> No.8665967

0 out of 10, I wish they made assholes and idiots in only one color but that's not how they come. Variation within groups is larger than variation between them, trying to base your impression of someone on their race is really shortsighted and misleading.

>> No.8666008

All niggers and Jew need to be purged and cleansed from this world period

>> No.8666068
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Two years ago nobody cared if you are black, white, yellow or a smurf. It was about money, sometimes faggots from /b or /pol wanted to do some dropshipping, some needed advice for their starting business...

Crypto changed it. At the beginning, it was about BTC and good projects. Then, it was all about MOON and LAMBO!!!!

/pol created niggercoin, got rekt trading on badly drawn TA and neglected fundamentals, created memes, lost money left and right, while some less retarded brainlets made money from the completely retarded brainlets. I even tried to teach some people here about basic finance for about a week or two. But it kept getting worse and worse.

It hopefully will return to what it once was, mixed with a bit of crypto. After the market gets completely rekt in the next couple of weeks and some of the /pol/acks rekting themselves on camera over their delusions of being "traders".

>> No.8666079

Dude, it ok to name the Jew here.

>> No.8666090

Hide people l threads then.

>> No.8666110

The Fascist realized race was stronger than class is WW1 so you will need a citation for Benito.

>> No.8666144

Not really.
We just hate the Niggers, Spics, Kikes, and Mudslimes,

>> No.8666222


>> No.8666251
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Not a racist. Also I unironically love Jews.

>> No.8666276

checked, dubs of truth of the true emperor

>> No.8666290
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Niggers are extremely annoying to be around in person
>pic very related