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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 88 KB, 960x960, FB_IMG_1522435048691.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8664862 No.8664862 [Reply] [Original]

From another point of view BTC isn't dumping but fiat is pumping.

>> No.8664879
File: 429 KB, 600x629, pfffft.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a retarded point of view

>> No.8664899

wtf, that pic

>> No.8664932

It's just one of those daily reminders that the wrong side won World War 2.

>> No.8665019
File: 126 KB, 800x598, merchant.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Diversity and acceptance of peoples' differences are good things goy. You wouldn't want to be labeled a homophone would you? sure would be a shame if you were fired from your job and unemployed for eternity. Now go watch our interracial pornography and drink this gallon of fluoridated water.

>> No.8665055


>> No.8665062

disturbing as fuck

>> No.8665082

aight anon you win I laughed at that one.

>> No.8665108

That’s some pedo shit why are there two adults sucking on a baby’s arms. Even if they are the parents they’re both fags for doing such a thing

>> No.8665141

This pic perfectly sums up Millennial parents.

>> No.8665157

No one wants to see that neither MODS

>> No.8665164

More eye fuckery pics

>> No.8665177


>> No.8665189

well that's fucked up, and i browse /pol/

>> No.8665195

what the fuck is this pic
so many questions raised

>> No.8665224

How do you retards even function in everyday life? Try telling your beliefs to anyone in real life and see how they react

>> No.8665227

White people.

>> No.8665264

i wouldn't want to talk to you in public

>> No.8665272

>looks like a regular bi couple sucking dicks pic
>wait a minute...
>truth ends up being more disturbing

>> No.8665276

They don't function. Or they keep it to themselves. The ones that don't probably live in bumble fuck nebraska or nowhere Cali where they can be surrounded by other parasites.

The only political activism they engage in is putting up stickers, and flash mobs where they yell into a megaphone for five minutes and run away.

Absolutely pathetic larpers

>> No.8665287

probably the most disturbing thing i've seen on this japanese carbonated piss swilling forum

>> No.8665377

Accurate, I live in Manhattan, the jew capital of the world. If I said 1% of this stuff I'd be thrown in a gulag with the key thrown away.

>> No.8665393

Pretty much this.
faggots like this are either degenerate faggots themselves or just complete vapid retards that would be just as happy slurping industrial waste out of a feed trough if they didn't know any better.

>> No.8665407
File: 131 KB, 914x1208, 56.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8665426

Also what the fuck is Tumblr doing on /biz/ this morning? Holy shit.
I can't even.

>> No.8665496

Yes stay woke fellow Infowars viewer

>> No.8665593

Alex Jones is a disinfo agent yelling ridiculous shit as a means to categorize all people with a rational conspiracy theory as nut jobs. Anyone that takes what that fat retard says seriously is beyond stupid.

>> No.8665798

>Alex Jones
>Jewish Question

pick one Schlomo faggot

>> No.8665855

>The only political activism they engage in is putting up stickers, and flash mobs where they yell into a megaphone for five minutes and run away.

Bullshit, I vandalize things I don't like.

>> No.8665867


>> No.8665896

Probably because the baby also doesn't have hands. Just a guess. People have hinted the sick fucks like to see them cut up piece by piece. There is no justice enough for these savages. Public crucifixion plz

>> No.8666018

Wow so brave. So life changing.

>> No.8666038

I don't watch infowars.
But Alex Jones has always been consistently anti military intervention in the middle east. He's consistent in his views. He doesn't rush to the defense of pedos like you either. For all the shit people give him he's a better human being than you are. Sadly people like you never kill yourselves.

>> No.8666082
File: 1.29 MB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20180329-212351.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's a fictional character who had had to admit as much in court and is about to get wrekt by his wife

>> No.8666094

no shit sherlock. Of course he hams it up for his show.

>> No.8666393
File: 498 KB, 800x800, ECEE56A9-F58B-49DE-AE74-D3531F383EAA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Keep telling yourself that friendo. Right Wing/Populist/Nationalist movements are surging throughout the world. Brexit, Blumpf, Identitarians, etc. The left pushed too hard and overplayed their hand. People are sick of political correctness, everything is racist, the LGBTQTGFXZZZ12119193URAFAG99 movement, BLM, feminism, just to name a few. People, white men especially, are sick of your bullshit, sick of being told that we have no culture and cannot feel pride for the accomplishments of our ancestors, but we should feel crippling guilt because of their so called sins. Despite the best efforts of (((the media, the education system, celebrities, and scientists))) the White Giant is awakening, his eyes are open and he has noticed who is behind every piece of anti-white, left wing propaganda. And behind the destruction of the nuclear family, and the decay of their wealth. Ironically, by calling everyone a nazi, the left has planted the seed for the 4th Reich. The day of the rope is coming anon, make no mistake about it. And you have only yourselves to blame.