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8662843 No.8662843 [Reply] [Original]

I'm about to get liquidated on my short...
please tell me btc will not reach $7200...
i put $80,000 into my short order ... thats all my life savings...

>> No.8662849

Good riddance you spaz.

>> No.8662850

proof or fuckoff

>> No.8662854

Not lookin' good. I'm sorry.

>> No.8662860

Shit larp

>> No.8662886

it will and then it'll dump to 6k

>> No.8662919
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>> No.8662932
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yer fucked

>> No.8662940

Get liquidated boyyyyyy

>> No.8662950

Why did you do that?

>> No.8662958

lmfao get rekt noob

>> No.8662959

I'm quite new to this, but I in my understanding:

You're betting on the BTC price with 80k and you bet that it would go down. The more it goes down the more your return (?). When it reaches 7200 your bet is lost.
Can someone explain it to me/have I made some mistakes?

>> No.8662961

Why are you gambling your life savings? Tell me. No bullshit, I really wanna know because I'm doing the same for no apparent reason.

>> No.8662963

oh no no no

>> No.8662971
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I have a nice song for you to enjoy as the despair settles in


>> No.8662973

Think you're going to be ok. Looking weak and ready to hit 6K.

>> No.8662976

32??? You would have been fine

>> No.8662977

>shorts at the bottom


>> No.8662985
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Thank you for your sacrifice OP.

>> No.8663005

About to put in a huge sell order might get you to 6900 get out then

>> No.8663013

I lost 85% in leverage trading two nights ago

>> No.8663038

Sold about 5% just then, I made the whole market dip kek

>> No.8663043

Did you short btc with RSI under 30? Well I guess someone has to lose.

>> No.8663097

your only mistake was taking to time to type that out

>> No.8663114

It's called short selling, it's different from normal trading, in normal trade you buy low and sell high

>> No.8663123

that's definitely not normal trading in these parts

>> No.8663164

Ouch man thats gotta hurt. This last pump is a short squeeze. We are going back down. Goodluck mate

>> No.8663171
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>> No.8663172

did he die?

>> No.8663201

Why would someone squeeze shorts instead of letting everyone on the short side ride the wave? It's to their advantage if everyone FOMO shorts right?

Or do they wanna be the only ones still in the trade, even if it means less momentum on their side?

>> No.8663232

can you not take out half the margin to cover yourself to at least 8k or something?

>> No.8663234

if you long and short squeeze then the price rockets up faster

>> No.8663252

So it's mostly bulls that do it, not bear biased traders just evilly liquidating their over eager peers

>> No.8663268

I don't think of got liquidated, it is lying reached 7200, the liquidation was supposed to be at 7238.5

>> No.8663280

7150 was the high on bitmex, he's ok for now

>> No.8663285

next time don't be a degen

>> No.8663354 [DELETED] 
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>> No.8663415

thanks just opened a margin long
shorters will feel some pain, bounce to 7,5k incoming

>> No.8663476
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>> No.8663490


comfy long reporting in

>> No.8663524

Baiting stop hunters to temporarily reverse trend

>> No.8663568

I actually shorted 18k EOS when it was at the bottom, I lost them all.
don't do it op, you're gonna get fucked by random pumps

>> No.8663583

Nobody here know's what short selling actually is

>> No.8663597

What about low leverage shorting how would that work out? Does paying fees in position fuck that up?

>> No.8663630

Incredibly stupid

>> No.8663642

time to die now op

>> No.8663659

Ouch dude, well I'll let you know that there's an almost ancient support at 6400-6300, even if we go there we will definitely bounce before going lower, the bounce could result into a reversal if the push is strong enough. But You litterly picked the worst time to place an order. If anyhting I'd bet on a long right now as you have an almost guarranteed bounce to profit on and possibly even more gains if that pace continues, or you can get out with profit when things turn on you.

>> No.8663665

I shorted with 3,3x leverage, so that's why I got fucked hard by the initial pump from .5$ to 1.1$
I had 6k EOS at that time, to these 6k EOS were used as collateral for loaning more EOS to short sell them.
Well I got liquidated twice which got me to 600 EOS and then I traded them away by basically buying high and selling low.
They were my play money though, still have 80k$

>> No.8663667

I'm terribly sorry to say, but right now it looks like you're going to get REKT. Expensive lesson for sure.

>> No.8663683

Bitfinex right? What convinced you to short?

>> No.8664011


i have bad news.

it's going to $8000 at least and $9000 if we break $8000 convincingly. But probably just $8800

>> No.8664012

btc going lower seems like a done deal, even if it pumps a bit now. We are going to see sub 6.5k soon. Maybe 6k, if support doesn't hold there then 5k
Still a long time till may

>> No.8664028

Cut your losses right now OP it is about to go up very soon

Stay safe please

>> No.8664285

We came 38 bucks away from Liquidation mark.

He's probably still alive hanging on for dear life.

>> No.8664508

Holy fuck. Anything avove x10 is adking to get Bart simpson'd
t. got bitmexrekt on x20 (6% change)

>> No.8664520

But it was literally the botom. Holy shit.

>> No.8665209
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phew that was a close one eh?

>> No.8665329

what does he win if his bet holds ?
I don't get this gambling
crypto is already pure gamble, how do you make it worse ? please explain ? although there's no fucking way i'm signing up for this

>> No.8665471


If he's correct he makes a lot of money and can gamble like this 5 more times lol. Hard to understand but it's just like throwing a couple grand into a shitcoin ico and hoping people buy it.

>> No.8665805

Well with boneheaded moves like that it was just a matter of time until you lost your whole stack anyway

>> No.8665825

Nigga OP is still in the game!

>> No.8665852

Yes on BFX.
Read some analysis on EOS and he had the view that it would go even lower.
Aside from this I saw that the interest in EOS was extremely low, /biz/ didn't talk about it and eventhough testnet 1.0 was out the price even dipped lower.
I mean I also went long several times after words, only to get liquidated by a small dip following a massive pump after wards. BFX is just pure cancer

>> No.8665893
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You'll get liquidated and then we'll head down to 6k. Grats on getting completely fucked by whale manipulation.

>> No.8666158

just how many g's of coke did you put up your nose before coming up with this stupid ass move ?

>> No.8666380

short low long high!

>> No.8666650


>> No.8666660
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>> No.8666707

I understand gambling with crypto gains but gambling with life savings? Heck no.

>> No.8667025
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What a horrible thread.

>> No.8667050
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oh hey, I remember the previous thread like this that people enjoyed

>> No.8667057
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oh geez

why didn't you hedge your short anon?

>> No.8667086

WHY do you guys do this? WHY do I see you retards over leverage on Mex every time? Seriously what the fuck is wrong with you? You never deserved that money? 80 fucking grand? Man you would have been a millionaire next run. Now you're about to be liq'd by Arthur Nigger Lips.

Why not use 5x leverage with 10% of your stack? Why did you have to go ALL IN on high lev? you're fucking stupid man and I feel bad but at the same time this is beyond retarded. Your money is gone.

>> No.8668013

op riding near death