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8661448 No.8661448 [Reply] [Original]

>buy xlm

>> No.8661453
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>> No.8661471
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>> No.8661474

>prints 1 billion XLM to hand out to niggers
pssh nothin personell

>> No.8661484
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>prints 1 billion XLM to hand out to niggers

>citation needed
no handouts today jamal

>> No.8661514
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>> No.8661524

pump dat stellar whiteboi

>> No.8661538
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>fell for the nigger FUD

>> No.8661548
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>> No.8661575
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>this was taken in January

>> No.8661591
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>> No.8661606
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>> No.8661618
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>> No.8661630
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>> No.8661633

EOS: free, 1M transactions per second, supports smart contracts, proof of stake, governance: decentralized
FairX: pipe dream
eosfinex.com - actual decentralized exchange built on EOS
Bancor: dencentralized exchange already working, will be running on EOS

>> No.8661643
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>> No.8661696
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>EOS: free, 1M transactions per second, supports smart contracts, proof of stake, governance: decentralized
Stellar is everything that and more, your point? EOS is inferior to Stellar? Thanks bud.

it takes a while to make something better than coinbase. Regulations isn't easy, ask the 'decentralized exchanges' being built on EOS

>> No.8661764
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>> No.8661782
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>> No.8661802
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>> No.8661807
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you are retarded. Stellar does not support smart contracts. It's just a dumb token that could run entirely on EOS

>> No.8661852
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>Stellar does not support smart contracts.
>It's just a dumb token that could run entirely on EOS
lol EOS and all its shit tokens on Bancor and their decentralized exchanges WILL be on the Stellar Network whether you like it or not.

you know what else will be on it? Probably ever asset that you can think of, globally exchangeable on the Stellar network as quick as email gets transferred from one server to another

Better get on the train better FOMO kicks in and you lose your position EOS fan boi

>> No.8661865
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>> No.8661875
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>EOS fanboi can't handle the truth

>> No.8661886
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>> No.8661894
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>> No.8661900
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>> No.8661910

no you are fucking retarded and you don't even realize it. Stellar calls multi-signatures smart contracts. They are not Turing complete like EOS/Ethereum/NEO/Cardano. In that sense, even Bitcoin has "smart contracts" i.e. OPcodes and Multisig transactions. Do some fucking research man

>> No.8661940

Stellar is just a fork of Ripple created by a notorious scammer so he could get out of his binding contract with Ripple.
It has unlimited supply/inflation, no incentive to run nodes (i.e. centralized), does not support smart contracts.
If you want a payment only coin, use NANO or Ripple. Stellar has no reason to exist.

>> No.8661993

>Turing complete like EOS/Ethereum/NEO/Cardano
wow look all those coins and their great implementation and use of smart contracts. Look man sure you're right. Stellar smart contracts aren't Turing complete, they're better suited for people who want and easy plug and play. They can replace SWIFT with this level of smart contract and hey guess what, they're still developing the code so they can add complex functionality down the line anytime, but that's not really what they're trying to do if YOU did YOUR research

get the fuck out of here you stupid EOS fanboi spouting fakenews bullshit
>Stellar is just a fork of Ripple
Jed McCaleb made Ripple then he made Stellar. He made it a fork out of then they made a completely new code in 2016. Clearly you didnt do any research other than reading 100% FUD so fuck off you retarded brainlet
>It has unlimited supply/inflation
100 bill supply, 1% inflation a year (DYOR faggot)
>no incentive to run nodes (i.e. centralized), does not support smart contracts.
wrong wrong fake news bullshit. I guess you believe niggers are getting free handouts right? Lol kys faggot

>If you want a payment only coin, use NANO or Ripple. Stellar has no reason to exist
you're laughable for naming those shitcoins lmao good job for ruining your credibility and making EOS even a shittier coin

>> No.8662004
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>> No.8662029
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>> No.8662073

> Jed McCaleb made Ripple then he made Stellar.
He was FIRED by Ripple for being a snake (or snek?) and trying to cash out
> 100 bill supply, 1% inflation a year (DYOR faggot)
Inflation implies infinite supply. So like I said, infinite supply and inflation. And btw 80% of the coins aren't distributed yet, they are held by the SDF
> wrong wrong fake news bullshit.
So tell me, wise Stellar shill, what is the incentive to run Stellar nodes? What rewards do I reap for wasting my money in electricity bills and hardware to validate your transactions? Who is running Stellar nodes today?
> I guess you believe niggers are getting free handouts right? Lol kys faggot
That's a crude way to put it. But let's read the mandate
80% of the circulating supply is still held by the SDF. No currency on the market is in this situation, NOT EVEN RIPPLE. Their mandate, as a non-profit sjw organization, is to give it away to third-world countries. It's not FUD - it's on their fucking website

>> No.8662134

>Who is running Stellar nodes today?
Businesses that actually use the network
They don’t want that their network depends on greedy neets and chink miners

>> No.8662148

>He was FIRED by Ripple for being a snake (or snek?) and trying to cash out
He was never fired wtf. Post your source you fucking snake.
He tried to withdraw Ripple and RIPPLE FROZE HIS FUNDS. (Talk about decentralized huh)
>And btw 80% of the coins aren't distributed yet, they are held by the SDF
Yes they will give it to people who want to create services and design products to be run on the Stellar Network. This will create the new economy (hard for you to understand clearly, it takes 2 mins to read without bashing on it, I know)
>what is the incentive to run Stellar nodes?
>What rewards do I reap for wasting my money in electricity bills and hardware to validate your transactions?
>Who is running Stellar nodes today?
You don't necesarriyl get anything from running nodes. However, like I said, people can participate in this open-economy just like any other currency, except they have to create something and not just hook their computers up to the wall and drain the country of electricity just because 'muh rewards'. Look bitcoin was nice, but being a neet and hooking up computers to support a system is clearly not sustainable.

>here comes the saviour
Stellar will allow those who are worthy to run a node, and thus will be awarded if they create something big
>probably like what IBM did

you got much to learn faggot

oh and btw, Ripple has more than 50% of their supply locked up

>> No.8662157

>, as a non-profit sjw organization, is to give it away to third-world countries

no it's not, where did you get the audacity to think this is real? Stellar isn't a charity you brainlet

>> No.8662169
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>> No.8662194
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>> No.8662219
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> Stellar
Kek. I’m glad I sold that shitcoin at $0.60.

>> No.8662237

im glad you're going to have to buy it again or else you'll miss out on real profit. Or just FOMO, your choice

>> No.8662248

Dw I’ll probably buy again below 10 cents

>> No.8662293
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>he thinks a millionaire isn't waiting for the exact same opportunity

>> No.8662322
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>> No.8662373
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>> No.8662388
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>> No.8662801
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>> No.8662865
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>> No.8662910

That’s a news from December.

As far as I remember there is a milestone in the lighting network implementation coming soon.
Or maybe IBM is about to announce some big partnerships that they were talking about.

>> No.8662931

Eos is a scamcoin

>> No.8662952

sitting so comfy with 100k xlm. this will make me retire in 3 years max, when every currency and every asset of the world is tokenized and backed by the central banks of the world.

>> No.8662966

Was planning to buy this but the 24 hr volume was discouraging as fuck

>> No.8662978

That's a lot of XLM sir

>> No.8662984
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>> No.8663218
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>> No.8663832


western union partnership announcement tomorrow by lisa nestor in raleigh.
you have been warned.

>> No.8664107

enjoy your hollywood pedo clinton foundation vaporware, eosfag

>> No.8664859
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>> No.8664936

I'm still hodl-ing the coins you guys told me to buy at 4x the current price.

>> No.8664966
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The fact that Stellar is backed by IBM makes it a safe bet, almost all other projects in the top 20 are vaporwave bs

You won't regret it in a couple of years fren

>> No.8665025

Should have sold it when it was $1

>> No.8665069

It will be minimum 3$ by the end of 2019, it's a long term investment you'll look back at the price of January and be glad that you didn't sell

>> No.8665098

you said the same thing 3 month ago, and look at we are now. not that I buy that many coins.

>> No.8665179

I own quite a lot of XLM so I can understand your frustration.

Yes it would have been better to sell in January and re-buy it now, but nobody really knows how to time the market especially the crypto-market which is x10 more volatile and rapid than regular stocks.

This is a coin to truly HODL, many alts will die during this bear market and won't come back...a crypto which is backed by the largest blue chip company in the world is a safe bet. Research it and you'll realize how the FUD is all bs

>> No.8665273

If you are insecure, just read the leaked documents from IBM and the AMA from their blockchain head and you will take out a loan to buy more of Stellar. This will be the global standard protocoll of asset exchange.

>> No.8666058

>Ripple reportedly ordered bitcoin exchange Bitstamp, which operates a Ripple gateway, to freeze the funds of McCaleb when he attempted to sell 96 million XRP, worth roughly $1 million.
his tokes were in a exchange

>> No.8666099

eli5 pls

>> No.8666199


Stellar has a dex built into its protocol you nonce