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File: 282 KB, 800x800, IOTA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8661406 No.8661406 [Reply] [Original]

>Do not listen to all the FUD. IOTA works. Try it yourself.

I was under the impression it was shit, a blatant pile of broken code that did not even function with the basics of send/receive.

When I saw some of the partnership announcements I decided why not try it and see what all the autistic screeching is about. Guess what, I had no trouble at all, no issues with receiving or sending.

IOTA is on some of the biggest exchanges, why the fuck would Binance offer it if the shit didn't work? What a fucking headache that would be and it'd be removed swiftly.

Reminds me of all the FUD around Ethereum back in the day, look how that played out. IOTA is clearly a threat and so once again it's attacked and ridiculed. Take 5 minutes out of your time, download the wallet and actually test using it yourself to dispel all the FUD.

>IOTA is a threat. That's a buy for me and I hope biz bros can get in before the inevitable moonshot.


IOTA is the best trade right now, it will be #3 soon.


IOTA is the best trade right now, it will be #3 soon.


IOTA is the best trade right now, it will be #3 soon.

>> No.8661492
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Holy shit a real life whale on biz!

>> No.8661545

Fuk me nice stack bro I’m giving iota a download now I too thought it was poo poo. Will report back thx

p.s do u gib monies to plebs?

>> No.8661571

Give me your IOTA address and I'll send you treefiddy to try it out anon.

>> No.8661590

Op, im in

>> No.8661642
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>he doesn't know

>> No.8661675
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Op, any chance you could help me get started too?


>> No.8661695

OP you deserve death at young age for attempting to deceive people into buying your shitcoin.

>> No.8661731

>IOTA works. Try it yourself.
Wow! Working coin! Pump it!

Op. Iota is shit, deal with it.

>> No.8661732

It's legitimately too big to fail now. The Viking fag's team is too big and his connections too vast.

>> No.8661739

Stay poor anon.

>> No.8661773

Right. You know the way bitcoin is worried about being shut down by powerful state actors?
Iota could be shut down by anyone who finds Dom's laptop password.

>> No.8661809

What a load of shit lol.

>> No.8661826

It's only a very slight exaggeration. The devs have full control, a kidnapping could shut the whole thing down.

>> No.8661840
File: 589 KB, 630x981, 51f7dffc33f2987fa06ff1e8d993bc7c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

IOTA is the Theranos of the crypto world. It does not actually use the groundbreaking new technology that it's supposed to be famous for. Ever wonder why deposits and withdrawals for IOTA always go down whenever there's major market activity for it? That's because they're using private servers to simulate a mainnet, it is not the 'Tangle'.

All these people who think it's going to be the money of the future are getting hoodwinked, including the corporations it has some affiliations with.

If you want to put your money into a crypto that is already lying to its userbase, and which lashes out against academic criticisms against it, as it did when MIT underlined some serious vulnerabilities in the theoretical model.

But of course, IOTA shills will just tell you that this is FUD, because they want you to buy their shitty coin (in reality, a token).

t. Bought 40,000 IOTA in autumn 2017, sold in Jan when I realized it was Theranos: The Cryptocurrency

>> No.8661878

Expand on the private servers? I thought they had at least a testnet running

>> No.8661892


That is the Pajeet go to rebuttal. You are almost certainly associated with or on the team trying to dump bags. This coin and DAGs in general do not have the security of a PoW coin like BTC and it begins and ends there, not to mention the multitude of other problems IOTA has (coordinator, home-brewed/half-baked encryption, the shit team). Who cares if wallet send-receives works; that says nothing of the tech underneath. Even a 1 node non distributed ledger running on AWS like Credits will send/receive quickly.

>> No.8661905
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Their headquarters is in TEL AVIV
Are you unironically telling me to invest in a KIKE BACKED PROJECT?!
fuck you and your money, i would rather starve and eat rotten bread than to aid these jews with a penny.

>> No.8661924


FUD more.

>Post about IOTA FUD
>Include signed BTC addresses with over $500k to validate I'm no pleb
>Get called a Pajeet by FUD warriors


>> No.8661943

It's not fud you moron
It's centralised as fuck ie. 0% censorship resistant

>> No.8661963

Not at home right now, you will have to google it. There's a lot of technical details on reddit.

There's a lot to be concerned about around it. It says a lot to me as well that even mentioning exchanges or anything to do with actually sending or receiving IOTA can get you a ban on the IOTA dev's Stack.

Basically, they're marketing an idea. The problem is that they are selling the idea like it's already a product. That's what IOTA is.

>> No.8661975

>MuH CeNTraLiSeD NoT fUD dONt bUY sCaM

LEL biz

>> No.8661982


yea ur a dev

>> No.8661986

I hold IOTA. I buy IOTA every day.. but it's not an actual product? how have I been bamboozled?


>> No.8662007


why are you here? why do you even care what BIZ thinks or if people here want to buy your coin?

Oh you want people to get rich... hahahaha

couldn't be that you and the team have huge bags and want to improve sentiment regarding your shitcoin

>> No.8662023
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I think that's the most enraging part about IOTA, it doesn't matter how good the project can be if those in charge are the wrong people for it. And I've seen enough idiotic arrogance to give up on it.

>> No.8662054

Ok sorry for being concerned about censorship resistance and decentralisation. Who cares about that stuff right?

>> No.8662084

Try turning off coordinator

>> No.8662090 [DELETED] 

>says anon in a Btc dominated market

Gook miners have BBC by the balls. Decentralization my ass. If they collude they can kill btc with 51% attack, crashing every shirt ion with it.

>> No.8662097
File: 266 KB, 1280x1839, 001r.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know if they are the wrong people, but what they're doing is wrong. They are constantly lying and dodging questions and sperging out at anyone who criticizes them. Maybe they really can make their product, who knows. But that is a step they shouldn't have skipped.

At best, IOTA as it exists today could be considered futures as best, since the Tangle does not actually exist. Hence why it is a scam: these are tokens running on a stand-in.

>> No.8662100

>supposedly works
>supposedly instant transactions
>builds flash network because it can't scale

>> No.8662221

When shills know someone has posted compromising information, they abandon the current thread. Learned this from 2016 /pol/.

>> No.8662303

>Give me your IOTA address and I'll send you treefiddy to try it out anon.

I just downloaded the wallet, watching the videos. I'm going to keep it up and running 24-7, just to see how it goes.


>> No.8662330

Nah I just can't be fucked replying to fudster soyboys. I have actual money to go spend and have fun with so yeah I will now peace out.


>> No.8662348
File: 97 KB, 1024x576, 9odRu7X.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What I mean is that it's completely normal to make mistakes, a reasonable person will try to fix them. That's basically their job, finding solutions to problems. Ignoring them doesn't make them go away, some can be more serious than others. And when someone implies the right time to address security concerns is after a hack has occured it's always a good time to leave.

There is a car that's advertised as self driving. It runs fine with a driver, we remove the driver and the car doesn't start so we look under the hood to see if there is any problem and we notice that where we expected an engine there's a dead hamster in a running wheel. That's IOTA.

>> No.8662352


>> No.8662377

well done OP. I'm also looking forward to buying as much IOTA as i can. what's your address? wanna see dat fat stack.
I can't wait for the new wallet to come out. looks amazing and "muh shitty wallet" FUDsters will finally get fucked for good. keep up the good fight

>> No.8662418

Lmao I can't get over how hyped Iota bagholders are about having a functional wallet like it's some killer app. Which btw still hasn't been released. Hey does the foundation still confiscate funds at random or has that stopped now?

>> No.8662424
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Uh... well...

The analogy I would use would again be Theranos. They are claiming they are using a revolutionary new pin prick blood testing technology, but in reality, until they got blown wide open, they were just using conventional, ordinary testing equipment. Because in reality, their amazing new technology didn't really exist, it was just an idea.

Just like Tangle.

>> No.8662427

The most funny thing about this shittoken is that That token is useless

The dev said that he wants go "force" the companys to use his shittoken on the slack

>> No.8662436
File: 53 KB, 571x618, 1521019510552.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Allahu akbar, yes buy iota, provide for your Muslim bulls.
Idiota is the soygoy coin for redditfags.

>> No.8662445

A little bit of money doesnt make you not a brainlet pajeet

>> No.8662626

I've warned people to buy IOTA for 3 days now. Guess they don't like money.

>> No.8662739

We do not use slack any more. You should put more effort into your fud. Anyway, check our discord group where you should find some interesting information

>> No.8662757
File: 175 KB, 950x400, iotadeathcamps.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not even going to write about this shit anymore. It's the biggest pile of crap on the market run by a leftist psychopath.

>> No.8662766

>Try turning off coordinator
But then how does Sonstebo "seize funds"?

>> No.8662772

If IOTA starts working you better be holding PRL faggots. First truely decentralized storage. That means it will gain value even if the upload will be slow as fuck. Would you spend a few dollars to guarantee your confidential documents that need to be stored safely are in a good place?

>> No.8663046

You are absolutely right. However, I , personally believe that IOTA will be much bigger than it is now and it is the surest bet at the moment. That is why I hold a lot more IOTA than PRL.

>> No.8663353

>owners knew about exploits that allowed stealing funds

>> No.8663416

dear lord imagine being an iota holder in april of 2018

some people just arent cut out for crypto

>> No.8663883

Everyone who spent 5 minuts studying IOTA should have known not to use the same address after an outgoing transaction. This is because IOTA uses Winternitz one-time signature which contributes to its quantum resilience. It is a plus in my eyes, especially with Trinity wallet having a feature to eliminate the risk of the same mistake reoccurring.

>> No.8663996

We, IOTA holders, are generally not your average TRX holder. The projects are also far apart when it comes to quality and potential.

>> No.8664410
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Im sorry but TRINARY is the most fucking retarded idea i've ever heard of. It has no benefits and will be slower because it will be emulated on binary native hardware.

Makes me think they're trying to look smart when they're actually dumb as bricks. Good luck convincing microsoft and intel to buy these shit tokens for iot AND rewrite their os for trinary (basically from the ground up) AND produce trinary chips.

Infact IoT is a space filled with savants that think they're going to improve ppls lives by connecting their toliet to the internet. What a joke.

>> No.8664467

Go back to the table and do some research. Then, we can talk again on a higher, more based level. Will make a thread three days from now, if you are up to it. Some people may even learn something.

>> No.8664481

Ment for >>8664410

>> No.8664502
File: 112 KB, 634x665, 4A7218C900000578_5533031_image_a_42_1521743301352.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been shitposting all my life, how can i get a job shilling like you?

I mean you don't even talk like people here. I can do a much better job. Who is your manager? I want to speak with him.

>> No.8664747

>let me read on what "trinary" means and i'll get back to you!

>> No.8664826

I am not shilling. I am well aware that my use of language seems strange here. However, I am more than capable of appearing as your average shitposter when I have nothing better to do. It is fun, what else can I say. Tonight, this thread cought me in a mood to have a real conversation, because I’m obviously invested in it, know more about it than most people on biz and it’s current price. Therefore, I am trying explain to fellow 4chaners what this IOTA thing really is all about, so that I can sleep better in a few years, knowing I brought some people along. As mentioned, I will be making a thread in three days to make some arguments in support of my reasoning and you can prepare any arguments against or questions about IOTA.

>> No.8665037

It's associated with german industry which is about the most backwards and disconnected software development in the world. German software massively suffers from the not-invented-here syndrome. Like eg you want to send something to to Audi? Forget about ssl or pgp or ipsec or whatever standard you know. Enter VDA, a home brewed BTX over internet nonsense. Absofuckinglutely autistic. They even did still require ISDN until a couple of years ago.

Now look at IOTA and how these twats didn't just pick one of the existing, proven algorithms. No, once again Germans reinvented the wheel. See the pattern? Real crypto scientists at MIT already laughting their ass off.

>> No.8665817



Want this faggot OP to see how hard his thread backfired

IOTA fucking shitcoin. Unironically worse than TRX