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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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8658671 No.8658671 [Reply] [Original]

SjW kike whining about not enuff poc and hoes in crypto, jews complain and biz deletes. Wtf are nigger lovin kikes?

>> No.8658691

mods are faggots
they also delete my loli and anime threads

>> No.8658695

because /biz/ is not supposed to be /pol/ with crypto

>> No.8658697

>stacies and sjw's getting dumped on

yes PLEASE, they can buy our bags at the top of the next run

>> No.8658809

I unironically hate when people kinda expose our secret meme language (even though it isn't that hard to get into)

>> No.8658828

The mod hates the following threads
-anything trump related
-anything about fat people

>> No.8658846

I wonder what can we surmise about the mods from these few things???

>> No.8658881
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>> No.8659078
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>> No.8659094

Women are horrible with money. FACT

>> No.8659111

Who cares? The more people in crypto, the better for us.

>> No.8659132

>Stop buying early so WE can start buying early!

>> No.8659148

Thats ok, we need more dumb money to flow into crypto.

>> No.8659165
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w-whats left, just white males? do people not like us?

>> No.8659191

>/biz/ is not supposed to be...
Actually kill yourself faggot

>> No.8659194

I'm a Hispanic Jew and /biz/ never judged me for it, because most people in crypto are nameless and faceless.

>> No.8659234

they are trying to keep cancer contained to its own board?

>> No.8659356

This kike gets it.

>> No.8659504

niggers had their bitconnect, dont know what shes talking about

>> No.8659520

>Hispanic Jew

Totally fucked that stat roll

>> No.8659523

It's funny how incredibly racist and sexist sjws are being by literally listing off every race/gender there is except for white males.

>> No.8659527

nice b8 enjoy the (you)s

>> No.8659554
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Is he /our goy/ ?

>> No.8659736

>women have no ambition
This isn't completely true, they have second hand ambition. Their ambition is to get a man who is successful.

>> No.8659804

there are literally no barriers of entry to crypto except intelligence

the fact that some minorities and women are having trouble and blame men for it just proves this

>> No.8659806

doesnt take ambition to open your legs to a hundred guys until you find one

>> No.8659843

That isn't true. It takes hard work and determination for them to pretend they aren't heartless monsters who are incapable of love long enough for them to trap men with child support and alimony.

>> No.8659859

>crypto is overrun by bros, many alt-right so others aren't getting in
Fuck off, the information was out there for everyone. There's plenty of communist SJWs in crypto giving their money away to refugees as well after all.
Blacks can use computers, computers are made to be easy enough for even a child to use after all.

>> No.8660157

because /pol/ needs to be gassed

>> No.8660184

i want to dump on them

>> No.8660320

and east asians

>> No.8660327

El goblino del mercado

>> No.8660634

If a mod hates anime they are a newfag and whoever the fuck gave them mod perms has failed us.

>> No.8660806

Nevar forget

>> No.8660873

This is an obvious signal that crypto is loosing momentum: people try to get new, fresh money on the market to buy their bags.

BTW Imagine being a feminist, buying in at 12k to fight white boys and now we are at 7k...

>> No.8660900

Go back to /pol/

>> No.8660906

>newfags dont realise /biz/ was created as a containment board to get crypto threads off of /g/ and /pol/

>> No.8660912


>> No.8660918

gb2 reddit

>> No.8660920

>hispanic jew
I thought i was alone there my kike friend my family was casted out of Spain in the 15th century

>> No.8660923

Spoonfeeding newfags is a sign of deeper societal disease.