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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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8656838 No.8656838 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.8656872

Bitcoin has no double bottoms. We're mid-bubble pop. Cut your losses and buy back in when we reach despair at 4k next month.

>> No.8656902



>> No.8656981

There's nowhere enough volume for it to follow that 5th yellow line you drew.

>> No.8657027

>wall street bonuses and chinese new year will bounce us out of this mess.

>> No.8657051

The new money comes from new fiat onramps being established. Nothing else.

Just wait.

>> No.8657063
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daily reminder

>> No.8657079
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>trading volume can’t change over time
>forecasting future change in price must be based on assumed identical market conditions

>> No.8657094

Where will the new money come from genius? All those december normies got burnt theyre not coming back for a while.

>> No.8657114
File: 86 KB, 1280x720, 17052987523.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>december normies got us to 20k

>> No.8657125
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>he doesn't know about the second boom

>> No.8657134

>70% decrease isn’t a bubble pop
>below 300 day SMA isn’t below the mean
>BTC has never had and will never have a double bottom
Nigger pls

>> No.8657144
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>> No.8657170
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>> No.8657175
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We might be near the end, but I still believe we are in bear territory. There are a lot of short positions open. Looks like we will dip lower, then probably explode upwards.

>> No.8657182

I think we already broke out of this down

>> No.8657189
File: 214 KB, 1566x1388, Screen Shot 2018-03-31 at 11.49.19 am.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2014 bubble pop for some reference.

Dont let denial ruin your chances of financial success. Accumulate bitcoin low in the next few months and wait for next bull run.

>> No.8657226

Is Mt. gox bitcoin only market comparable to an overly speculative market we had in dec/jan now with tons of promising projects other than bitcoin? Not saying we won't go lower, but is it not different now?

>> No.8657240

based on my 157IQ brain TA i feel that we are going to hit 4-5k and stay there for couple of days until some big boys buy in and we are going back to 12k in a week or 2.

>> No.8657241

RSI just touched oversold line
usually when it happens price goes up

>> No.8657251

>short low long high
That's from people hoping they didn't sell at the bottom. Sentiment can change in an instant if certain news is spamed enough like with g20.

>> No.8657258

Yes its different. Bitcoin has proved to us that it cant do its job when too many people use it, its expensive, slow, manipulated, and only recently burnt a lot of new investors.

No one will want to touch this thing with a 10 foot pole, unless things change, which i cant see happening in the foreseeable future.

>> No.8657290

>Sentiment can change in an instant if certain news is spamed enough

Well of course, but we don't know what that news is until it happens, and it could be in either direction. Going by what we actually know, it looks to me like the bears are still dominating. This could change 10 minutes from now, but as of this very moment it looks bearish.

>> No.8657292
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>> No.8657682

i want to believe. chart looks ugly. chart rlly looks like its goingi to $4000

>> No.8657692

just a lil' fakeout to shake out weak hands

>> No.8657706


>> No.8657755

Litecoin tho

>> No.8657775

Litecoin will likely run into the same problems bitcoin faces if it were ever used as much as bitcoin was.

When lightning network is fully implemented, and we have some more good news, and everyone forgets about the past 3 months. That is when we will see our bullrun.

>> No.8657818
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>> No.8657851

What's your theory anon?
My new fav is that a certain someone pumped the price when the BTC network was not yet ready for the volume to deliberately harm public perception.

>> No.8657852
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It will continue crashing.

>> No.8657865

die already you fucking cockroach

>> No.8657883
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>> No.8657884

> He thinks a multi-year bull run based on speculation and no adoption will result in a bear market lasting ONLY 3 months.

The bear market will last atleast 2 years dumb fucks. Look at what happened in 2014, and that was not even when awareness peaked. This time, awareness peaked.

>> No.8657891

Good thing LN will come online this year :)

>> No.8657908

LN, in it's BEST form is garbage. you can only send less than 4% of your balance, and then the receiver is required to spend some money or else their channels clog up the system.

>> No.8657933


It'll come back after everyone pawns their easter presents.

>> No.8657955
File: 9 KB, 263x322, 1521770709472.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

WTF that is literally gibberish.
Do you think you're making some sort of point?
>Sergio has 4 open channels
Why 4?
>He has 100 outgoing channels!
Why 100?
>Unless he's 100 times richer than sergio & hopbaby this transaction can't take place
What? No.

Pic related is you anon

>> No.8657968
File: 384 KB, 220x220, its a trap.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this was NOT the bottom

>> No.8657970
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Investors hate him!

>> No.8657973
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literally fake news, no doubt orchestrated by bcash chinks

>> No.8657977

It's not my problem if you're too dumb to understand it.
I laid it out pretty simply.
>Why 4?
As opposed to what?
With 4 channels it's a well connected graph.
>Why 100?

Because he connected to 100 people? I took these examples from the real live lightning network.

>> No.8658007

>multi-year bull run
The price has crashed multiple times since the last ‘bear market’
>2 year bear market
That was back when MtGox exit scammed and everyone thought it was over. BTC May trade sideways for a while but there are too many projects launching mainnet on the horizon for this bear market to last as long. Crypto isn’t dead this time

>> No.8658016

lul deluded ln'ers don't even understand how their own shit "works"

>> No.8658017

this is the correct answer i think. it touched it on the daily and was oversold on shorter time frames.
this is just a necessary cooling off before it can fall further.

>> No.8658040
File: 110 KB, 1551x851, screenshot-1522462843.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bears are pushing back hard, but the price is holding. If we get to 7200 we may enter a squeeze.

>> No.8658062

>I laid it out pretty simply.
Aside from your incorrect points, the layout is absolute fucking garbage.
Really, really bad design.
Like, instead of having one clearly labelled image, you have a bunch of tiny ones that are not organised in any way.
You have several text boxed there that are literally unreadable. What is the purpose of those?

>> No.8658106

i'm not a graphic designer
you can't just say "your points are incorrect" without pointing to anything specific.

>> No.8658149

>i'm not a graphic designer
If you post absolute shit tier Bcash propaganda that's your responsibility
>you can't just say "your points are incorrect" without pointing to anything specific.
You're presenting your "points" in a way that is deliberately vague, unclear and wasteful of my time.
It's a bit like spamming transactions to clog up a mining network.

>> No.8658284

i'm not advocating for bcash retard
why the fuck do you guys blame bcash for all your problems?

guess i need to make a new infographic so even 80 IQ tards can figure it out. i think the problem is you don't understand how LN works at a base level. it's just shared addresses.

>> No.8658361
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btc will rocket soon; higher than ath

>> No.8658397
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>K E K

>> No.8658409

spot the bcash niggers

>> No.8658428

>can't make a working coin
>blame bcrash for your failures

>> No.8658435

If we hit 4k, miners will Exodus, and we'll drive deeper. Possibly 2.5k-3.5k range.

>> No.8658477

>gets butthurt about best investment opportunity of the century
>jumps on bandwagon of shilled coin with no use case trying to piggyback off of best coin
>shills stupidity on internet meme board
nice try pajeet, i had to deal with ctr niggers for a year during the election u bcash faggots are nothing.

>> No.8658528

why would i be butthurt?
my investments are performing much better than BTC
i didn't miss out on anything, I bought BTC at $200

>> No.8658539
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>my investments are doing great

>> No.8658549
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>> No.8658706

Oh shit are there fucking morons on here who think the lightning network is viable. What god damn degree of mental retardation are you plebs suffering from? Lightning network is completely fucked.

>> No.8658728

This, I cannot fucking believe anyone hypes lightning, what a piece of shit. NO ONE IS GOING TO FUCKING USE IT. Other cryptos have a better chance at becoming used for payments and purchases