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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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8653723 No.8653723 [Reply] [Original]

>im not happy with my bank

wtf do normies mean by this? In my 28 years ive ever had a problem with the bank. what is going wrong in their lives. i havent even been inside a branch in like 3 years

>> No.8653732

Because you are a NEET loser and you have no income and no significant spending.

>> No.8653761

Have you ever owned a business, went into the bank to handle large sums, and then get unnecessary run around that wasted time you could have been applying to your business?

>> No.8653779

I made $115k last year. I have a portfolio of $800k and have $25k in the bank. try again

>> No.8653792

normies dont own businesses and the scenario you depictsd would not be handled by the business owner

>> No.8653794

Before you could deposit via ATM or mobile device.
>go into bank, j-just deposit this thanks
>n-no, i dont want a personal loan
>n-no, i dont want a limited savings ultra account that connects to my debit and moves $1 over for each purchase
>n-no, i dont want a credit card
>no, i dont want to setup a meeting to go over my fiancials

Same shit through drivethru deposits. Same shit when I call to get them to let my purchases go through.

Only good banks are no-fee online checking accounts made for millennials.

>> No.8653891

What the fuck are you on about? Most business owners run very small businesses and lots of the owners do everything themselves.

>> No.8653906

My roommate used to work for a canadian bank in the call center, basically they just had tech support calls like cards not working and shit.

But even so they had to turn a minimum profit each quarter and the person with the least profit would get fired.

Banks are crazy.

>> No.8653914
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Still living at home i see

>> No.8653986

Well, some banks fuck around with your card if you make unusual purchases or go to a foreign country. I once had to spend 3/4 of an hour on the phone to my bank trying to pay a bar tab in Ho Chi Minh city.

>> No.8654035


usually poors with <$100 in their account that get hit with overdraft fees and then bitch about having bad personal finance habits. They should probably stick with the credit union down the street and an ATM card, and not an account at Bank of America / Chase / etc.

>> No.8654067

So I’m walking down the drag in Austin and duck into a smoke shop to buy some cigs. I used my Chase debit card to buy a pack, but everytime the cashier tried to run my card it gets declined. I had at least 1K in my checking account, so something was fucked. I walk out because I don’t have cash, and about a minute later I get an SMS from Chase telling me they froze my accounts because they detected fraudulent activity. I spend the next hour on the phone with Chase, jumping through hoops, answering all my secret questions, mom’s maiden name, etc. After an hour of hoop jumping they unfreeze my account and now I’m free to spend my own money, that I worked for 9 hours a day, and foolishly deposited with Chase.

They didn’t like that I was spending my money at store that sold bongs and legal drug paraphernalia, and shut down my checking and savings accounts. Fuck Chase and by extension, fuck banks. They have no right to tell me who and what I can spend my money on.

>> No.8654129
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>paying a tab with a card in fucking ASEA
oh my fuck

>> No.8654146

>everytime the cashier tried to run my card

That's probably what did it. When the cashier kept swiping your card your account at Chase got charged each time, detected fraud, and shut off. This has happened to me before at another large American bank when I was getting some Whataburger.

Also get a credit card. One screwup like this and you were left without money.

>> No.8654158

Actually they do have that right. Its their business and you agreed to their terms when you opened an account with then and asked them to manage your funds for you.

The card is not "your money". Its not "your money" unless it is literally cash in hand.

>> No.8654208

That could explain it. I do have a credit card now. Retail crypto adoption would be nice tho...
And now they no longer have my business.

>> No.8654213


Also Chase doesn't give a shit where you spend your $1,000.

From the sounds of it you're either a student and/or have an hourly wage between $7.25 - $20.00 per hour. You also carry a balance of ~$1,000 in a checking account. I highly recommend you look at a local credit union for your future banking needs.

>> No.8654257

>I made $115k last year. I have a portfolio of $800k
>have $25k in the bank. try again
wtf, I made much less than you, managed to save half my wage, and have 25k in the bank too...
how the fuck do you manage to spend so much?

>> No.8654272

37 y.o. working professional in Austin tech since 2007. Your powers of inference are shit.

>> No.8654305

you completely glossed over my portfolio retard

>> No.8654323

>not having an internet bank

>> No.8654350

Yeah well after the bank blocked my card I couldn’t go to the atm to draw cash out

>> No.8654378
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Millenials actually just hate banks. hating banks is a cool thing to do, because everyone agrees banks suck.

>> No.8654383

I was 20 and took out $5k and got hit with 21 questions. Fuck the banks and everyone else. I pay on my terms when I want however I want. Don't care if they ding my Goy Score

>> No.8654406




Power Gap


Power Gap
Power Gap
Power Gap


>> No.8654433

I'm a business owner and use boa for my business and two loval credit unions for my personal accounts. Never had a problem with any of them. I don't do nigger shit with money though, which is probably why most people have so many problems.

>> No.8654452

my bank is my BTC wallet cause that's where most of my salary goes every month. i heard banks ban crypto transactions or whatever but these are just normie problems cause i buy only from decentralized exchanges or OTC so the bank has no idea what's going on anyway. i don't keep much money in the bank and i never had a problem. when my card was stolen and they stole a couple thousand $ from my bank account, the bank refunded me pretty quickly.

>> No.8654462
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I went into my bank the other day with my cellphone dead and my car fucked up and I needed to call and the adviser lady let me call from her personal work phone, although she was a tad reluctant at first. I guess my smooth persuasion skills played a part but I'm not switching banks anytime soon.

>> No.8654499

No, Jesus what's wrong with the banks in your country? Why would you pick a shitty bank to partner with anyway? Did you never use a bank before you started your business? There's so much wrong with your post

>> No.8654560

>bank keeps spamming me with shitty investment offers ever since I had a decent amount of money
>savings accounts have basically zero interest
>pay for credit card yet still receive ads with my statements
>I can download games of steam at 40 megabytes/s yet bank transfers often still take days
>go to bank to set up retirement fund, while explaining clerk conviently leaves out the lowest risk tier they are legally obliged to offer in my country
>bring in some change to be counted and deposited, clerk tries to sell me more shitty investments

>> No.8654588


Apologies - your retarded decisions and lack of reasoning made me assume you weren't old enough to buy a beer yet.

>> No.8654651

Put your foot down. Take the manager aside and explain that if they dont immediately stop harassing you, you will take your funds elsewhere.

I havent been bothered in years after I did they.

>> No.8654779

Banks really really fucking suck
>Slow and expensive as fuck
>absolute shit tier customer service
>please provide us with birth certificate, proof of address, notarized copies of your passport and drivers license, parents full name, blood and urin sample if you want to open an account goy
>we will randomly ask you to fill out all sorts of intrusive questionnares btw
>oh you want to deposit more than 10k
we need proof of the source of funds, your payslips, tax returns, fingerprints etc etc
>oh you want to buy btc with YOUR own money
sorry, we cant let you do that
>you want to withdraw a huge sum of your own money as cash
sorry, we cant let you do that

seriously fuck banks

>> No.8654788

>YOUR own money
>still thinks he owns the money that he deposits in the bank

>> No.8655487

I got stranded in Kuala Lumpur once because my bank shut down my card for fraudulent purchases and I couldn't call anyone since I didn't have the proper sim card.

>> No.8655550

Sorry you're shit at reading people. I'm guessing it's the autism?

>> No.8655913



hahahahahahahahaha cuck

>> No.8656049

They just told me to give them $200 for no reason. And took it out. Never happened efore.

>> No.8656358
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Numbas BAD
>cannabis is the best form of payment

>> No.8656381 [DELETED] 
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