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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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8651901 No.8651901 [Reply] [Original]



>> No.8652002

So in the next 3 year I'm going to be a very unhappy person

>> No.8652063
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yes, but if you keep on living it will all be worth it in your 80s

>> No.8652067

The Dip around the middle is where society sucks the life out of you, before it decides to let you go

>> No.8652074

my happiness curve looks like the Chad investor

>> No.8652103

Just realized brown and purple dipping at the end was probably their loved ones dying...

>> No.8652140

I'd say it just goes more and more unreliable as they have less people to sample who are 80
plus the older you get the more your brain goes to shit, so getting reliable answers is probably a pain too

>> No.8652175

Anyone else find it interesting that the red line plummets the hardest and earliest, yet is ultra bullish towards the later years? I wonder what it correlates to

>> No.8652199

what the fuck, I'm 23, you're telling me it can get any worse?

>> No.8652210

Maybe, going through a difficult experience early on "toughens" you up against bad times later on in life

>> No.8652230

there's some serious slippage in the later years for the brown line and purple line, maybe not enough liquidity in your happiness in that time period? Stop loss hunt for your happiness at 79/88? pretty spooky

>> No.8652246

its going to get much worse
just wait as you watch all your previous caretakers slowly die

>> No.8652257

Has your soul been completely and utterly crushed by working the same dead end 9-5 office job for the past 30 years to come home to an unhappy family and cheating wife? I thought not.

>> No.8652265


Look, its general. Taken from average people with average lives. Mostly blue pilled on reality.

You dont have to follow that pattern at all. In fact, realising the trend and finding correlations to what causes them puts you ahead

>> No.8652288

I'd say the average blue pilled normie is much more happier, and will be much more happier in the future, than your average 4chan virgin

>> No.8652338
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It's only down hill from here
and you get happy after 50 because you literally get dumber
thanks nature

>> No.8652344

my happiness chart follows my blockfolio chart exactly

>> No.8652389


Being red pilled about certain things is good and you can leverage it into happiness. Some things though cannot be overcome even with the knowledge. Like debt backed fiat currency and futility of fighting it. (Ironically btc is an answer).

I think its about picking your battles. Action is a must tho

>> No.8652500


the chart only shows the average joe

e.g. bezos founde amazon @ 30
there's no way everyone's happiest years is in their teens, just for the average.

>> No.8652573

I think you misunderstand what being red pilled means

A person on 4chan who says they are red pilled means that they only accept edgy /pol/ teachings. Right wing, everything is a scam for the jews, hitler did nothing wrong, fuck women they're sluts, why don't I have a gf it's the jews fault, jews are ruining society, fuck leftists.
Such knowledge might be in theory useful to society as a whole (at least according to people who preach it) but does little for the individual other than making them jaded and less inclined to participate in society.

>> No.8652585


Exactly. All this says is that the conventional path of school-university debt-wage slaving-unhappy relationship-retirement is not making people all that happy.

>> No.8652608
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>there's no way everyone's happiest years is in their teens, just for the average.
I was happier at 18
at least I didn't knew of mankind's horrors
this perpetual cycle of self inflicted pain, as a global society, we're headed to nothing but pain, humiliation, and ultimately loss of humanity. We're doomed. There's nothing to do to save it, you're alone at this fight, it's a war nobody cares about.

>> No.8652614

even if the whole of /biz/ dumps, it wouldn't make a dent on the chart.
that's how many pajeet there are on /biz/

>> No.8652627


No bro that’s exactly what i meant. This knowledge often makes red pillers more unhappy.

But if you willingly take part in it selectively you can find happiness and pick your battles. Nobody is red pilled on everything in life.

Example, just knowing that the marriage deal is pretty shitty for a lot of guys especially richer ones will help you. Knowing the futility of escaping the rigged nature of society on the other hand wont make you happy.

>> No.8652636
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>he thinks he's special
>he thinks that any deviation from the norm will automatically make him happier, rather than more miserable

oh boy

>> No.8652693


No, this is where individuality comes into play and deciding if something is beneficial for you or for society instead. Blu pillers cant seperate it. Often the paths will cross. Folloing blue pill life plans to the T results in above graph

>> No.8652707

Holy shit, I was just in a rut like this. Thankfully I passed my exam and now I feel good knowing I am progressing again in my life and have a purpose.

>> No.8652746



>> No.8652843

this chart made me sad. what the fuck should i do then? should i just kill myself? i honestly thought finding purpose was going to make me happy. i can't rationalize it away, that it won't happen to me, because i know i'm not anyone special. i'm mediocre, average, fuck.

>> No.8652882
File: 908 KB, 500x275, Caught Browsing pol.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I knew about all that shit by the time I was 13, what kind of rock were you living under?

>> No.8652919

18 year old detected
you don't really know these things until you see and experience them on yourself

>> No.8653060

i was miserable in hs and college years
im only less miserable now

>> No.8653069
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Alright then what exactly haven't I gone through in my first 20 years of life that I will go through in my future, wise guy?

>> No.8653080

You really need to develop mentally first to let those things settle in. Maybe that's why normans lose their will to live only by 40.

>> No.8653098

TFW 29
I couldn't be more happy

When I was early 20 I did worry if I will make any money and find a wife, now 9 years later I am married to a wonderful Japanese women and have my own business.I work 6 months and the other 6 months in a year I just enjoy life traveling and playing games.

Whatever you do , don't end up working 9 to 5 for peanuts, you can make so much money if you start your own thing.

>> No.8653174

They seemed to get over it pretty quickly

>> No.8653245

your personal views, beliefs, hopes and decisions getting tested by the real world
every single thing that is wrong with you will be painfully reshaped, if you think you're perfect that's just a delusion, and the longer you hold onto delusions the harder it's going to hurt, you don't get away with anything

>> No.8653252

this desu

>> No.8653344
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I don't have any delusions of grandeur that I know of, I'm very well aware of all the bullshit out there and fully intend to be alone for the rest of my life. All that matters to me is getting a job related to my college major that pays the bills and then I'll be set. I don't really give a damn about relationships outside of taking care of my immediate family and making sure I'm content. I could give less of a damn on the rest of society burning itself to the ground because I don't believe there is any point or hope in saving any of it.

>> No.8653477

That's the realest reply I think I've ever seen on 4chan. You ok anon?

See, the problem with delusions, is that you're unaware of them. There's a big difference between being in education and being in employment. I hope you're more open minded than your edgy reply lets on.

>> No.8653636

that doesn't sound healthy or rational
just because you know about the "bullshit" doesn't mean that you can control it, emotions and basic human needs is not something you just turn off

This is speculation on my part, but it seems you are functioning very low in the societal hierarchy atm. Looking from the pyramid of needs, you want to satisfy the lowest ones like safety of income, you basically just want to survive. Which means your entire nervous system is in fight of flight mode, you're impulsive, and focused on just getting things that you think will make you happy, while ignoring basic human needs like companionship. Humans are social, but you think that you can somehow ignore that. You're afraid, and you think you can delude yourself and it will be alright.

This is exactly what I'm talking about. You can't just ignore this stuff. Be prepared for a breakdown.

I don't know if I'm okay, or if I'm getting bear-ed
I thought I was finally going to make it a year ago, but everything went to shit, so now I'm making some changes, basically killing myself and then remaking myself from whats left

>> No.8653774

>basically killing myself and then remaking myself from whats left
Well, solid adaptation skills are in humanities design specs. Physical and mental. Hope you don't hurt yourself you seem pretty down to earth as it is.

>> No.8654155

Tbh, this applies to me till now. Untill 17 years my life was too good i was the chad of the city. Literally no self reflection tho, so arrogant, not nice to people (not mean but just living in my own bubble). Got set straigth back by life, getting kicked of 2 schools in a row (while having very good grades) to finally make it and go to university where i needed to work for the first time. Couldn't do it, smoked everyday. wasted 2 years. now 21, got it back on track, its pretty quick. Life is a fucking insane journey. I for one, love it tho.Can't wait to learn more and more, try to be the best version of yourself anons, i work towards it everyday, some days i don't do anything tho. rome wasn't nbuild in one day, just keep in mind and try to get fit/healthy/nice and chase your dreams

>> No.8654705
