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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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8650412 No.8650412 [Reply] [Original]

saw nerds making fun of bitcoin in sa yospos subforum circa 2011, didn't buy any. over 7 years i witness:
>exchange hacks, shutdowns, exit scams, haircuts, price manipulation
>ponzi scams, illegal gambling, drug markets subverted by cops, arrests, convictions
>government & bank crackdowns, frozen accounts, transfers blocked, no one can cash out, fucked by taxes, fucked harder for evading taxes
>idiots losing their keys, accidental transfers into black holes, decimal in the wrong place
>idiots maxing their credit cards to buy gfx card arrays, spend more on electricity than will ever get back from PissCoin the altcoin for piss fetishists(TM) or whatever
>still stuck at 7 transfers/sec, lighting doesn't work, segwit doesn't work
>forks, altcoins, bitcoin/btc/bcash slapfights
>near-zero merchant adoption

>b-b-but the price is higher than it was before you should have bought some in 2011 and be rich today
i'm doing fine, thanks

>> No.8650423

um ok you could be a billionaire now but whatever u like dude

>> No.8650485

somehow i doubt it

>> No.8650494


I made 10k USD from playing CryptoCelebrities and other similar games. The gold rush is over now, but it was fun while it lasted. My winnings would have been worth closer to 20k had a sold earlier, but I fell for the HODL meme.

There's opportunity to make money in the market, but you need a brain in order to do so. Taking advice from /biz/ is like giving yourself a lobotomy.

I'm back to being a no-coiner and feeling comfy with my USD. No regrets.

>> No.8650521

Just think, despite all of that happening to Bitcoin it’s still up hundreds of thousands of percent. You don’t think this is something worth owning a bit of?

>> No.8650570

so where are all of these billionaires? please point me to them.

>> No.8650572

Why do you know so much if you've never bought? Is it possible you maybe have some regrets? Don't worry about it op in 2011 some people bought that shit and threw it away for nothing. At least you can't have that regret.

>> No.8650604

OP never bought but is obsessed with bitcoin/crypto in general that he knows so much about it. Yikes indeed...

>> No.8650608

Jihan wu, craig satoshi wright. The ripple guy was just under bill gates at one point.

>> No.8650614


>piss coin

lol I remember the urea coin.

>> No.8650617
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>he doubts simple math

>> No.8650628

>If you even bought $100 of bitcoin you'd be a millionaire
>missed out on the opportunity of a life time
>thinks he's smart because of it
even if this is the end of crypto, you're still a tard for not profiting on it while it was here.

>> No.8650630

thank god i sold few weeks ago all of this Bitcorn shit and broke roughly even.
will never come back to this monopoly money bullshit.

>> No.8650633

oh shit you're right that was a thing wasn't it

>> No.8650646

YOSPOS is never wrong.

>> No.8650650
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>Not holding bitcoin in preparation for the institutional money fueled bull run of the century

>> No.8650651

i wouldn’t be proud of missing out on an opportunity to actually make money. i wish i was privy to this scam back in 2011.

>> No.8650707

So where are all these $100 bitcoin millionaires?

>> No.8650721

Are you guys wanting a list of people to go mug? Most of these guys are anon

>> No.8650728

Do you really not think they exist? M8, there are many motherfucking NEETs that are literally set for life because they bought a bunch of cheap af coins.

>> No.8650746


>> No.8650779


You made a good choice.

Most brainlets here prefer to HODL in hopes that they'll eventually be billionaires. When the price inevitably tanks, they change their tune and say it was never about money in the first place and that they're here for the "world changing technology".

It's just sad really.

>> No.8650793

I'm totally not IRS btw.

>> No.8650807

Out of all the fucking FYAD-lites they kept the worst one with Dilbert tier humor

>> No.8650836

Still funnier that 4chins 2bh.

>> No.8650843

I love my old BTC since 2011, the genuinely positive Black Swan of my life, kek

>> No.8650848

>they change their tune and say it was never about money in the first place and that they're here for the "world changing technology"
i've seen that cycle a few times as the price fluctuated over the years, yeah

ps: blockchain is not world changing technology, it's a very inefficient distributed ledger trying to be a solution to a problem that doesn't really exist

>> No.8650899


>> No.8650914

It's literally the most faggot ass techdad humor imaginable

>hurrr company did thing
>durrr people at office did thing
Immediately neck yourself, you are already dead

>> No.8650929

SA is a leftist shitheap. Of course they were wrong about crypto.

>> No.8650980

How have i never heard of this site.

>> No.8651023

>I doubt first grade maths

>> No.8651077

i doubt being able to turn an exchange dollar balance into a federally-insured bank account dollar balance

>> No.8651129

the first crypto bubble was exactly the same as the one that just happened, only a lot dumber. that URO pump was probably the pinnacle too. good times

>> No.8651146

You arent wrong. Theres a reason most people havent cashed out, because exchanges continue to prevent the majority of people from cashing out. Theyll let you cashout what you originally deposited, USD wise, but if you try cashing out more there is a ton of legal forms and red tape to jump through.

>> No.8651149
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>I could have bought bitcoin at $1, but I'm glad I didn't, since it crashed from $20k to $6k
State of nocoiners coping. Yikes.

>> No.8651162
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this guy bought around $1, also the bentley is equipped with a bitcoin symbol at the hood

>> No.8651181

>something awful

what's it like being a pasty 30 year old virgin with a chapofaghouse pillowcase and imwithher memorabilia stuffed away in your closet?

>> No.8651184

in 2012 or 13 I sat on a btc faucet site for a few minites, got some decimal places of free btc. at the time about 50c worth.

fast forward to 2014 i transfer most to btc-e and its worth maybe $10 . i bought some namecoin with it, and forgot all about it.

With all the hype this year I look at btc-e and the fuckers have been seized by the fbi. my free ten dollars have been taken. it would have been about $100 by now. fml

i dragged my old laptop out and found my original btc wallet from the faucet. after updating to get the now motherfucking 150GB+ blockchain synced up, i still had around $10 of bitcoin left. woop woop

that was last November. maybe its $5 now.

its been a rollercoaster.

>> No.8651214

It's a Something Awful (dead gay """comedy""" forum run by a drug addict faggot who managed to wife up the one ugly gookess on earth) subforum where people in their late 30s go to crack heeee-larious jokes about the iPhone or whatever

>> No.8651223

>i'm doing fine, thanks
If you had put $100 into crypto when you found out about it you would never have to work again.
How many hundreds of dollars have you wasted since then?
How do you cope with that?

>> No.8651261

congratz on that seriously, other would have killed themselves

>> No.8651321

>why didn't you pick the right lottery numbers on the lottery ticket issued by a lottery commission unwilling to cash you out when you win their lottery?

>> No.8651324

>seizes your btc-e
>says they laundered the stolen mt gox money
>return nothing to btc-e users
>return nothing to mt gox trustee or users

what did the fbi mean by this

>> No.8651336
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>> No.8651820

are there any real dollars left in the exchanges, or have they all been siphoned off and replaced with "USDT" tokens? and if an exchange isn't using tether, is it likely that dollar withdrawals are being purposefully slowed/denied to hide insolvency?

>> No.8651857
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So you listened to a bunch of circle jerking losers give bad advice on a something awful subforum and feel pretty smug about it? nice dude.

>> No.8652064

To make it op would have had to buy the ponzi early, not lose all of it to hacks and shit, not sell it until january, but sell before the crash. That's why only a relative few have actually made it, and why those of us who are skeptics about highly manipulated lolbertarian energy-wasting internet money would probably have never made it.