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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 101 KB, 577x432, BTC breached.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8649060 No.8649060 [Reply] [Original]

In January of 2018 we violated this parabolic trend
This picture was posted here on biz
The responses were a mix of
>Boomer didn't buy in time
>Boomer doesn't know shit
>BTC is different, it will revolutionize the world

Please take note the absolute delusion of crypto bag holders. Then kindly kys
Sincerely - a fellow coiner

>> No.8649081

>1 year correction
so ww have 9 more months to 4k?

>> No.8649103

Please stop posting this boomer retard. Thank you

>> No.8649105

>he doesn't know that the 13/14 rise was entirely fake, making his "assumption" completely irrelevant

>> No.8649126

BTC likes to do it's own thing
Not one chart will be identical obviously
But if following the typical bubble meme charts etc
It will be a long crash, followed by a floor of 3.3k(my floor)
It will then trade sideways for a long time
IF it gains hype again it will start another uptrend of gains...

>> No.8649136

You are right. Biztards are called Biztards for a reason. Imagine buying crypto after November 2017. My sides. kek

>> No.8649257

You do know that what he has drawn isn't a curve?
It's just a bunch of random lines?

>> No.8649304

based Brant trying to help out delusional coiners at this point its more a cult than economics for them, sad

>> No.8649359
File: 59 KB, 1226x847, truth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally people are spreading truth among all this autistic noise.

>> No.8649425

point is
We have more to crash, this is certain
We have loads of more sideways trading to do, this is certain
IF, and only IF delusional kids pick up this get rich quick meme again will we go back on an up trend
All that tech talk of how this will change the world etc etc is bullshit
Companies can work on their own block chain as they already are....
They don't need OUR chuckee cheese tokens (2 or 3 may survive)
Basically... we are fucked for a long time

>> No.8649456

sideways BTC tends to be good for alts though desu

>> No.8649571

yea but what good are alts when their price to BTC and ETH are shit tier :(
I'm in alts senpai

>> No.8649624

It's never been about kids. It's always been about who holds the most BTC. Miners and OG whales. Normies didn't pump this and neither did they dump it. The entire normie world would have had to buy BTC at 3k to make an impact on it's direction.