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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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8643190 No.8643190 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.8643197

what news?
are you just fucking with me?

>> No.8643213

Stop making these fucking threads.

There is no news he just keeps making these "IT'S MOONING" and "MOON INCOMING" threads. He is trying to dump his bags but nobody is buying.

>> No.8643214

I have already lost $2000 because I bought "low". Not buying or selling anymore.

>> No.8643342

Try losing 10k and not giving a fuck because you know a year from now youre gonna make it.

Fuckin idiots tokenized assets are the future!!!!

>> No.8643366
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>> No.8643470

The power of SAPE

>> No.8643605

the best coin for a bear market

>> No.8643698
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Allahcoin is the one true jihadi crypto

>> No.8643799

>sorry, we missed de dedline

>> No.8644104

Camelish news

>> No.8644187

We good?

>> No.8644218
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hello retard

>> No.8644426
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All those who hold will became more blessed than muhammad.

>> No.8644690

Deliver news or its bullshit.

Or at least give some hints.

>> No.8644706


>> No.8644764

Pls be true. Pls be true.

>> No.8644799


>> No.8644898

It isn't. He is just making up bullshit.

>> No.8645287

Have an order in Bibox that hasnt been filled since 12 hours ago, no one is selling NO ONE. This will take off very soon

>> No.8645302

i will forever kick myself in the head for not selling at 80 cents after getting in on ICO...
stuck with 2.5k now

>> No.8645313

Bibox is mostly bots trading back and forth. There isn't any real volume so it's irrelevant if nobody is selling because nobody is buying either.

>> No.8645319

People have been saying this for weeks now. If the supply was really as non-existant as it's madr out to be then the price would have rose by now.

>> No.8645514

Wait and you shall see.
The proof is already out there friend.

>> No.8645524

Its only in Bibox and another shitty exchange. Accumulate you'll be thankful you did once this hits major exchanges.
I bought yesterday and it still hasnt filled up. Bought some BTC today too and about to send it and buying more. Hoping the price goes below 0.20 and ill buy more...... months/years from now i will look back at this and be thankful i was able to get in @ these prices.

>> No.8645624

I've got 10,000 for a few weeks now, not much but I can't buy anymore. Still annoyed that I bought some at 50c. I'm not sure why it'll rise on major exchanges, almost no one knows about it or understands the use case + we're in a bear market. Anyway, I'm happy I own a small bag of it but I don't see it doing much short term.

>> No.8645672

my first buy was @ 0.49 and it dropped the next day. I bought @ 0.31, 0.24, 0.22 yesterday and couple of other time in 0.20s
will continue buying and i will just store them in my wallet and forget about them, i will thank myself down the line for doing this. Your 10k will give a huge return depending how many years you hold. Best wishes

>> No.8645756

Doesn't seem like it is hitting anymore exchanges anytime soon and BTC is busy tanking. There are better price points to be had and everything is on sale.

>> No.8645794

Lads, our newest Jibrel FUD will be done shortly. Don't buy for now, because once I post this here price will drop 80% from the market sells.

>> No.8645826

No reason for it to hit exchanges today and no reason for it to moon today. Even if the roamers about these big banks are true i hope they're not released anytime soon.
Let it grow organically, if you believe in the project just buy and store your coins and forget about them. Once it takes off, it will really take off.
Not trying to persuade you one way or another i am just a random anon on the internet. But for whats its worth, ive entered few projects very early and have done extremely well so far and this is my comfiest hold and feel the best about, same as with VEN and i got in VEN extremely early. Wether you buy or not best of luck anon

>> No.8645854

>plz bring the price down to below 0.20 i wanna buy a bunch

>> No.8645870


>> No.8645887

You can't even market buy/sell on Bibox.

>> No.8645944


Exactly. This FUD is tactical, it will shake out the weak hands and give smart bizraelis a chance to buy. We discovered something from Talal's past that will literally drive away investors in a heartbeat.

>> No.8646069

You are one of the retards from telegram aren't you.

>> No.8646138

The one downside of a possible JNT moon is that these retards will make some money, I'm not even sure if it's worth it.

>> No.8646426

No, just messing around. I have a truckload of JNT tucked away in cold storage, just waiting for the payoff and having fun in the meantime.

>> No.8646442

gonna buy a nice stack once it falls below 10 cents. All hail tanking Ether prices

>> No.8646568

JNT sounds almost too good to be true doesn't it. I can't remember anything that seemed like such a sure thing, it actually makes me nervous that I've missed something.

>> No.8646615

>The proof is already out there friend.
And where can I find this proof?

>> No.8646617


Exactly my feelings, hence why I'm anxious for them to confirm everything thrice. I need thex exact details of how it really works spelled out to me by them, even though I know how it's supposed to work.

>> No.8646637

Hope it does. I am buying like 50k if it goes that low

>> No.8646836

Yup, that's why I'm really looking forward to the medium post even if it is slightly later than expected...

>> No.8646861

You won't be too happy when the new FUD comes out

>> No.8646882

do you guys really believe that this is the next 1000x coin?

>> No.8646918


Yes. I might be wrong, but I believe it.

>> No.8646945

I don't know about 1000x, but if such a thing ever happens again it could well be JNT. Tokenising assests is the next big thing and JNT seems to have made the most progress so far.

>> No.8646948

It is the next 100x coin. Take a screenshot faggot, would love to see this a year from now

>> No.8646976

Not sure why anyone would want to tokenize their assets unless the tokens were worth a lot. So....

>> No.8646988


>> No.8647090

>Its only in Bibox and another shitty exchange.
Why do you have to say mean things about Kucoin?

>> No.8647109

Loool sorry, i never used Kucoin but i am assuming its a shit exchange just like Bibox is a shit exchange

>> No.8647148

do you seriously think you can just buy 50k randomly that low?

>> No.8647184

Ill put in the order and hopefully pick up as many as possible.
Personally want the supply to completely vanish so prices start increasing and i am just doing my part

>> No.8647217

fucking desert niggers

>> No.8647346

Why even make this post? Around 40% of the replies to any JNT post are along this line... we get it.

>> No.8647431

The volume is going to zero one way or the other.

>> No.8647606

Why you say that?

>> No.8647629
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>> No.8647749


>> No.8647793
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>> No.8647920

Because the volume has been slowly going down for the past week. It's barely at 300K total volume across all exchanges. There isn't enough volume for people to sell or enough buy orders for it.

>> No.8648300

Around 3000 ppl are owning more than 1 JNT. Jibrel is a biz only coin

>> No.8648638

The tree of /biz/ must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of low-effort shitposts.

>> No.8648653

>Don Tapscott is a hardcore /biz/ poster
all makes sense now

>> No.8648661


>> No.8648750

if it falls to 10 cents i'll pick up another 20K and be comfy with a 50K stack. i'll sell off 20K once it hits 100 bucks (assuming it doesn't skyrocket right past that) and then hold the rest for 3-4 years. i unironically think i could make 10M+ off this coin if things go right.

if it's still around 50c or less by june or july when i get paid i'll try to pick up 250K.

>> No.8648836

Brave predictions, let's hope you're right

>> No.8648868

Also why are you getting paid so much in June? Motorcycle anon?

>> No.8649070

yup, good eye

>> No.8649306



>> No.8649364

That should happen eventually. Low volume often means we're at the bottom.

>> No.8649416


>> No.8649515

Very soon 1 JNT = 1 camel

>> No.8649584
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Sadly that's for racing camels. Your regular camel is only around $700 dollars sadly

>> No.8649594



JNT 100000K EOY

>> No.8649746

Stop making shit up.

>> No.8649841


>> No.8650032


>> No.8650079

Why is the volume so low? Volume (24h)
$269,000 USD, this is ridiculous.

>> No.8650109

HOLY SHIT GUYS ITS HAPPENING!!! BINANCE LISTING! https://support.binance.com/hc/en-us/articles/360002259712-Binance-Lists-JibrelNetwork-JNT-

>> No.8650155


>> No.8650162


>> No.8650341

Even WPR is getting listed. The utter shitcoin and JNT isn't? I am losing hope, srly

>> No.8650370

As much bullshit as I love to talk I think we are likely to see a jCash pairing on Binance at the same time JNT is actually listed if it ever is.

>> No.8650668

Everyone saying Malta-Binance is spreading fake news. They said their focus is not exchanges. I don't see Binance listing jCash anytime this year

>> No.8650720

Exchanges not being the focus doesn't mean they are in the picture. Regardless though I agree that it isn't likely to see jCash this year but I honestly doubt that they will be listed anywhere else within the next year either.

>> No.8650884

I don't know about this. There's something there because of CZ at their conference, but I'm not sure what it is. Then people mention the Malta connection but that's a bit of a stretch as well if you ask me...

>> No.8651217

You're so fucking dumb
Seriously consider killing yourself

>> No.8651237

What happened to that new improved Medium post?

>> No.8651285

He meant March of 2019.

>> No.8651881


>> No.8652914
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Dubai 2023 will be comfy.

>> No.8652963

It came out but it hurts
mama it hurts so bad

>> No.8653016


kinda disappointing but not disappointing enough for me to sell

>> No.8653142

t. finally feel like a bagholder

>> No.8653172

whats so bad about this?
i dont get it

>> No.8653216
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It's not the post we were waiting for. The post we were waiting for comes out next week. This post was just an explanation about why they've been late on so much stuff.

>> No.8653218


yeah. me too man. will wait for this second medium post, and find out what to do from there. maybe poly is still a good option in the space.

>> No.8653541

people were mainly hoping for details about the seed partnership and jcash, etc
scope creep is also a fairly bad thing in my opinion because it either means the project is becoming too ambitious or there's a lack of planning

I've not seen anyone say anything good about poly anywhere because of the regulations they have to deal with

I like the idea but it doesn't seem viable

>> No.8653742

jYikes. jCorrect jMe jIf jI'm jWrong, jBut jIt jLooks jLike jThey jAre jSpreading jThemselves jWay jToo jFucking jThin...

>> No.8653828

nice ID bro
nice ID

>> No.8654017

it's also the first step in a slippery slope toward converting JNT from the proof of solvency token that we bought, to a network gas token

>> No.8654034


>> No.8654037

70% of the poly tokens are in one single wallet. Not in a smart contract, in a private wallet. That just screams scam to me.

>> No.8654063

It was always supposed to be a network gas token, have you read the whitepaper?

>> No.8654128

yeah that's the other thing I didn't like about it

>> No.8654170


then why the fuck would anyone buy it? yes I read the whitepaper, and yes, there was no mention of solvency. the solvency tool was mentioned out of sand nigger Talals mouth himself, and it's the only reason why I bought.

now hes fucking backtracking like a lil faggot

>> No.8654201


btw, as we've been fucking talking, POLY got a boost and JNT is taking a shit in progress

>> No.8654228

And so what? POLY is even worse, the fall is going to be a lot rougher.

>> No.8654444

Buying right now is stupid. ETH is going to continue dumping. JNT will hit $0.10.

>> No.8654461

Quads confirm you're retarded. ETH will hit 330 at the lowest then rebound.

>> No.8654493

People said that same thing about $600. You are in idiot. BTC hasn't even broken $6k yet (spoiler: it will) and when it does, everything is going to shit the bed even further. I like JNT, but only dumbasses are buying right now.

>> No.8654620

So I was right. No Binance or other exchanges this year.

>> No.8654654

Yeah but I'm not "People". I'm!



>> No.8655503

Because why post bullish news in the markets weakesg state?