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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 123 KB, 340x256, crashburn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
863974 No.863974 [Reply] [Original]

Are you ready for the financial collapse tomorrow, /biz/?

>> No.863983

i hope it does crash so i can start my retirements account for cheap

>> No.863992

>financial collapse

top fucking kek. We might see a healthy pullback in the short term but there is nothing to suggest a crash.
China wont effect global markets that much (maybe Asia and Australia might get a few ripples).
Overall we buy most of our shit from china. Their economy taking a dump will only fuel cheaper exports and slave labor.
Large investors from china will most likely take to gold and offshore investments (ie the US).

>> No.864034

Saudi Arabia and War in North Korea might shake things up a bit.

>> No.864050
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Yes, all banks will burn and brokers will throw themselves from the tops of buildings. Gold will skyrocket and CNBC talking heads will be smiling while reporting the bloodbath. The

>> No.864064

is this to do with the shimita thing?

can you post the information picture thing if you have it?

>> No.864065
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Chinese index down over 7%. OP legit

>> No.864082

It is gone. That means East Asia is fucked.
It was almost gone will be fucked even harder at the moment day starts. So South America is also got fucked.
>Russia, Turkey, Kazakhstan
They are all fucked. That means tremble for whole Europe and Mena.

>> No.864178
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let the good times roll...

>> No.864182


>> No.864198
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Is now the time to start buying gold and silver??

>> No.864202

Invest in uranium, shit's gonna blow up in a couple of years

>> No.864203


If you are American there is literally no reason why you shouldn't be utilizing the dollar's strong position to buy into undervalued markets.

USD>RUBLE>Oil Stocks

When that Ruble hits 79, BUY BUY BUY

>> No.864206
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Hi biz, this is my first time here, i'm a med student and so I have no idea at all what anything here means. Everyone seems to be having some kind of reaction to the market opening in China, can someone explain to me why, and what's it all mean? Your lack of sex drive is because of Graves disease.

>> No.864210
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The Ruble is too tied to oil, don't be retarded. Gazprom represented at least 11 percent of the total Russian stock market. If you go Ruble you are effectively leveraging oil. The Iran deal is going through whether you want it to happen or not and it's going to send oil into the dirt.

>> No.864211

literally kek

>> No.864213

u studied the wrong thing cuck
>into finance and economics or your doing it wrong

>> No.864215

I studied enough to know that you must be upset because you've got low blood sugar. Go eat a snickers, then come back and explain to me what is happening.

>> No.864229

thankyou that actually helped, ok ill trade you market info for more medical infomation, what do you want to know more specifically, you are asking a very broad question at the moment and i have an exam in an hour

>> No.864231

Serious question,

Is low blood sugar actually a thing? Isn't the body supposed to convert fats into ketones or some shit to keep your blood sugar up?

>> No.864232

Hyperthyroid lol who even cares about the hypers?

>> No.864247

sorry fella I got to leave, if you are here when I come back ill do my best to answer your questions

>> No.864249
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Who needs to worry? Who can celebrate? Is there any real impact that we will feel in the United States outside of people working in business/finance? I'll answer any medical questions I can, remember I'm a student, not yet a doctor, also I've been drinking.

>> No.864258
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>> No.864259 [DELETED] 




>> No.864279

The unabomber had some points

>> No.864290

ref link to another ponzi-pool

>> No.864301

it's early as hell and the politicians where I live were doing the presentation to other elite, whether or not it's a ponzi or MLM it is going to last 2+ years since it's this early.

I actually lucked out and snuck in,im under the senator where I live, and there stacking people under me.

>> No.864307 [DELETED] 

Yes, but other factors (tiredness, exercise, sex, etc.) can still cause a dip.

>> No.864315

Yes, but other factors (tiredness, exercise, sex, etc.) can still cause a dip. The ketones thing is generally just enough for you to survive, not enough so you don't feel it.

>> No.864341

East Asia will experience recession because when China sneezes everyone else catches a cold. China worst case scenario is becoming a real thing. They shouldn't have pumped the market with government funds and halt selling. This was the mistake the US did in 1929.

>> No.864494

I also am a student not an economist. But ill do my best

>who needs to worry
everybody, investments are a major part of economic output, a fall in investor confidence can effect consumers, jobs and a whole scew of other things: google keynesian economics for some idea
>who can celebrate
none, appart from people heavily invested in china and who sold all their assets immediately before 'the crash' that we just saw
>impact in the united states
depends if it bounces back or not, depends if it gets worse, if it stabilizes/ bounces back you will probably feel no impact
>does the food I eat REALLY affect my mood ei-I eat healthy be happy; eat shitty be mad????

>> No.864520

I don't know. I'm a beginning investory and all of a sudden this happens. I don't want to think I invested at the top of a huge bubble only for it to burst right after. Like, I know that eventually it will recover, but...what if I need the money in the short term?

>> No.864521

why not do this with CAD?

>> No.864532

I'm confused, should we be happy that we know a large crisis is occurring which allows us to buy cheap stock in state essential firms IE "too big to fail" in China and get major returns on the bounceback in 8 years?

>> No.864544

I know shit about economy, what's gonna happen?

Give me a simple version for an absolute retard.

>> No.864556


>> No.864565
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>> No.864569

China is pillaging their pension funds to inject capital into the markets to try and stabilize a transition from being an export market to being an "economy" It's not going that great, the yuan is gonna dissolve which will hurt chinese businesses because their exports are worth less. Unless you own a factory there, it's gonna be pretty shitty.

>> No.864572

China went boom. They spend their entire cash reserves to prevent this, and they lost it all in one hour. If this happens tomorrow, China is liquid broke. Meaning no cash. They have trillions but in assets that cannot be used immediately. They can sell off their share of the US debt. 8% by the way, and which they can hurt the US. In a small way, not serious. The US wanted to increase interest rates to prevent this. They took a gamble and planned a meeting in September. Hoping this wouldn't happen before the meeting. Now there may be an emergency meeting sometime Tuesday or Wednesday. The meeting is in the treasury department. Yellin is the Secretary.

>> No.864575
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>> No.864576
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>> No.864578
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>> No.864584
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Shorted four markets before hitting the hay by equal amounts (leveraged).

>tfw you used a demo account

>> No.864616

then they buy it all up for pennies on the dollar. interesting dynamic going on i guess. *yawn* keep 'playing' the markets. money could have been used as a public utility but its all just a 'game' for 'playing' aparently at the cost of real human life. very interesting one could suppose.

>> No.864623


>> No.864626

If you need the money short term you shouldn't have invested it.

>> No.864630

invest in noose companies? y/n?

Might be a good time to get into this trading game.

>> No.864634

>every 49 years the world experiences a super shemitah
>2015 is the year of the super shemita



>> No.864640

All the dates are wrong on this graph, fuck off /pol/

>> No.864644

Bond market massacre dates wrong.
Latin American debt crisis stretches back to the 70's.
Looking at DOW Jones history smaller crises aren't explained, and are more irregular in width and time frame. Graph also disregards history's of the events leading up to the culmination.

>> No.864653

I don't buy into that Jew shit, but P/E ratios are ridiculous in the US market. It seems obvious to me that it's a speculation driven bubble which is driven by easy money flowing to the bigger firms and lackluster returns in other investment vehicles. And the Fed has no more levers to pull. I think the bottom is due to fall out.

>> No.864701
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Bring it on! If things sell off like I'm hoping I should make some good money this week.

>> No.864704

Enjoy losing that ETF.

>> No.864708

By the way China does matter.

We live in the era of globalization, which means when the #2 economy in the world collapses, we collapse. (Not to mention the Eurozone).

Don't forget the lube

>> No.864723

WTF you talking about? Up 12% so far and Shanghai just went down like a rickshaw on fire

>> No.864729
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>Chad +12%
>Chads always winning


>> No.864748
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I come here not only because I get exposed to ideas I might not have thought of, but because occasionally I find myself laughing my ass off when someone comes out of left field and knocks my sides into orbit. Well-played, Anon.

>> No.864915
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T-128 minutes

>> No.866242
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Thank you, and yes, the food you eat absolutely can dictate the way you feel. That being said it has more to do with having a balanced diet and getting everything you need than strictly staying away from what would be considered shit. It's ok to eat shit every once and a while. Eating shit constantly will fuck you up later in life when one of your organs begin to fail, whatever organ it may be first.

>> No.866257

ITS HAPPENING http://www.abc.net.au/news/2015-08-25/world-stock-markets-plunge-after-fall-of-china-shares/6721820

>> No.866264

so i told china to crater the global economy

he actually did it! the absolute madman!

>> No.867844


>> No.867857

Everything wrong there. The diea is that the next generation does not inherit debt since in biblical times as good as nobody lived much longer than 50.
The economic collapse thing is just some nice correlation.

>> No.867859

What a lad

>> No.867860

have you even read the old testament? some people lived up to 900 years

>> No.867881

you said it was today, yesterday you faggot
make up your damn mind

>> No.867895

Anon, u doing good smack down posting here lol. Keep on this board. We'll keep u up to date. Just post as doc or something

>> No.867903
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>> No.867978
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>> No.867980
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>not investing in sugar

>> No.867995

First reaction:
>Wait a minute. Sugar would be a highly coveted commodity in the happening. This man's a fucking genius (except for the wrecking his sauna part).

>> No.868013

I was ready for it today because yesterday there were like 20 ITS HABBNNGG threads, so I grabbed my balls and prepared myself, and nothing fucking happened!!!
Now my balls are sore and need time to recover and cannot be grabbed, so no I am not fucking ready.

(I might by ready by tomorrow evening, friday the latest)

>> No.868021
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its because nobody fucking spread the threads across the boards

>> No.868027

This was not a crash by all means, it was a market shake to bring the prices down while the big investors got involved hard. There will be no financial collapes, the markets are already going up. For example Starbucks crashed till 50 dollars per share and now it's already close to 54, so calm your tits.

>> No.868031

>>in practice it lasts forever in a dry storage
>proceeds to place 3 tons of sugar in a tiny sauna
>implying family and friends are gonna use up 3-10 tons any time soon
if shit even hits the fan at all he's bound to get robbed.

>> No.868066
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>> No.868079

my volatility etns are back in the green...

>> No.868082

Not sure why I>>868079 clicked you friend

>> No.868087

so he's going to get shot to death by a gang of thugs or soldiers. great.

>> No.868090

> S&P < 1900 again

>> No.868099

Do you think that the decline is temporary or it's gonna stay for longer / drop even lower?

>> No.868103

Dow just went negative

>> No.868105

/pol/ here, time to get comfy /biz/

>> No.868108

i think S&P 500 is gonna go below 1400 sooner or later

>> No.868110

Came here to check /biz/'s reactions too.

>> No.868112

DJIA is now in the red for the day

>> No.868116

nasdaq and s&p too now all red

feels batman

>> No.868118


>> No.868125

What's everyone's excuse for not shorting the market?

>> No.868127

for fuck sake

>> No.868132

Dow -200 ... grab your ankles.

>> No.868133

We tried to warn the good goys.

>> No.868136

>goes up

>goes down

>> No.868138

The market is like a basketball game. The only thing that matters is the last 15 minutes.

>> No.868139
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I... I dont know how

>> No.868141

Ya this is what you retards get for thinking its not happening, I got back in my S&P 3x inverse ETF like an hour ago and I'm already in the greeeeeeeeen

>> No.868158

Easiest way is to buy some certificate, ETF or option that benefits from falling prices. Now might be a great time to read up on this stuff.
I made quite some money by shorting energy stocks during the last 2-3 weeks.

>> No.868168


The sell-side imbalance was enormous today; hence the massive drop near the end with all of the hedge funds trying to balance their ledgers. It's going to be a wild ride for August and September; looking like 2011 again.

>> No.868169

>-51,28 %

>> No.868178


might be too late by now

>> No.868188

...so is this good or bad

>> No.868194

It's fine. Buy, buy, buy, baby. You only stand to gain.

>> No.868210


All my investments are in ISAs (tax free investment wrapper here in the UK, with a yearly cap), and there aren't any bear funds that meet the qualifying criteria because they want to protect normies from wiping out their life savings. I don't want to take it out of the wrapper because those tax-savings compound pretty nicely. Still, thinking about trying to rustle up a little money and stick it in some kind of triple-leveraged ultra pro shorting ETF.


I wonder how this guy is feeling right now?

>> No.868301

How can you check it?

>> No.868316

How can DAX be so high? Do you think it is sustainable?

I feel like throwing a bear bet at dax with 10x just to withdraw after %25 win

>> No.868319

That was mostly the ECB algos buying shit.

>> No.868338


Why would selling off debt be a bad thing? Would that mean they'd just be changing owners?

>> No.868347
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>Dow closing at 15,666

>> No.868474

let me guess, the financial collapse is tomorrow now?

>> No.868477

Negative demand for our treasuries

>> No.868490

so what happened in 1966? that was the last "super shemitah"

>> No.868493

its not like 10 tons of sugar is a massive investment. in the worst case scenario hes out like $10k. Best case, he survives the happening off of his sugar shop.

>> No.868595

I heard some lived over 9000 years from a bud of mine

>> No.868605

Cold the chinese crash be a good thing? Before this summer, everyone was afraid of China (and russia) going rogue and boycotting the petrodollar and such. BRICS, etc.

>> No.868955
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Ok I have a couple of days.

With this in mind how do I short the market?

If this works, we could make some serious dough

>> No.868989

You're too late, son.

>> No.869028

i was thinking of gambling $2.5k on >>868169

but now i have no idea, china is all over the place


>> No.869042

Asia's not doing too bad today. Nikkei up over 1%, Hang Seng up a fraction, Shanghai up almost 1%.

Still predicting a major fall tomorrow in Europe and America?

>> No.869049
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>what is a dead cat bounce

>> No.869054

Guys, I just went out and purchased 20 kilograms of dry pasta for the upcoming food shortages then remembered that I need water to boil it. I am a NEET and wasted my savings on this

what do I do?
Is pasta a good investment?

>> No.869071
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if you're serious i'm so sorry

>> No.869073

or it's just a correction (which everyone has been expecting) and we'll steadily get back to normal over the next month or so

just sayin

>> No.869079

Shanghai Comp seems to have a mystery buyer today

>> No.869082

Is it true that HFT are largely involved in this? Just what exactly are their algorithms saying about this?

>> No.869083
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This is good right?

>> No.869087

Do dead cats bounce for two days straight?

>> No.869090

It's artificial, when tit hit 2860 the china govt probably started buying shares again

>> No.869112

I'm ready for qe4.

>> No.869120

I don't know jack shit about economy but it's sounds really bad. How it gonna effect my life anyway?

>> No.869124

if it's a 2008-like crash a lot of companies are fucked and so are jobs.

I don't think we've seen the bottom of this yet, especially with Jennet still holding her trap card, but it's unlikely to be a real recession like 2008

>> No.869127


Yes, the government has been pumping money into the market again. That's not a bounce. Actual investors are still scared, and Europe is set to open down.

>> No.869136

In 2 days I have the oral for an entry exam which includes economy, if they were to ask me what brought the happening to China, I would not really know.

>> No.869145

>Europe is set to open down.
What does that mean?

>> No.869147

will muh grocery store job still be around?

>> No.869148

negative in pre-market

>> No.869150
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kekked heartily

>> No.869155
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alright i chucked in $1.3k

let's see how this goes

>> No.869157
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Here we go ! Futures heading down.

>> No.869165

Those are the only kind that survive, low paying, low hours, no benefits.

>> No.869166

And there we go - Shanghai has closed down 1.3% despite the government panic-buying to try to stall the collapse, and the FTSE and DAX are down by over 1.5% already.

>> No.869176

yeah definitely, because groceries isn't something people stop buying in a recession and you're the lowest paid guy around who gets the job done

>> No.869177

that makes it even worse. This is the second day massive govt buying hasn't been able to stop the rape train. When the govt buying stops we might see some double digit losses.

>> No.869178

>China is pillaging their pension funds to inject capital into the markets to try and stabilize a transition from being an export market to being an "economy"
Why did they ever think that was a good idea? The Chinese are good as slaves and nothing more. They don't have it in them.

>> No.869180

I think they don't realize you can't just fake the phenotype of a healthy economy (skyscrapers, highly priced stocks) and expect to actually be a healthy economy or think anyone believes it.

>> No.869184

...What does that mean?

>> No.869187

before the market opens there's trading of futures, which is essentially a pre-market. But the markets in europe have opened now, they're at -2% or so

>> No.869189

So is europe pumping stocks right now or what?

I can't understand how the stocks would fluctuate like they are without manipulation.

>> No.869207


What are you, dense? Markets fluctuate all the fucking time. Most of the largest daily rises ever recorded were in the middle of the 2008 crash. Traders are all about jumping on bandwagons, if they think there's money to be made by shorting, then they short, if they think that the market is rallying, even for a day, then they jump back in to try to milk some gains. The stock market is mob-mentality writ large in trillions of dollars, whatever would make you think that a mob behaves predictably and rationally?

>> No.869370

why does no one listen to gerald https://youtu.be/iGD8LvqpyyU

>> No.869372

I really enjoyed how I made money today and how badly the world crashed

>> No.869391


>> No.869394
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I'll see you all in hell

>> No.869398
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Friendly reminder from /pol/ that you guys need to start getting comfy

>> No.869510

FTSE falling like a fucking stone right now.


>> No.869539

What a flamer

>> No.869875
File: 15 KB, 988x103, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if anyone is curious what happened i put some more money in. it looked gnarly when i was $9.5k in and the index kept rising but it went back down and i ended up with a $240 profit. everythingwentbetterthaniexpected.jpg

>> No.870492


Because the CCP has been able to crack down on personal liberties, on the promise that they'll make up for it with economic growth for China making everything so great that you don't even care about opposing the CCP. So their incentive was always to make things look as good as they possibly could, and with all the levels of corruption in the CCP, that means numbers get fudged to hell. And for a while, they were able to get away with it.

But at some point, the meat's gotta hit the metal: unless literally everyone does a 1984-style "China's numbers have always been accurate and trustworthy", they eventually have to deal with the whole house of cards that is their presentation of their economy going. And now that's happening, and they *have* to throw everything they possibly can at the problem and pray that something sticks, because it's not just about propping up the economy, it's about propping up the stability of the party's political stranglehold. It's a big blow to legitimacy if everything goes to shit when they said it was roses.