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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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8644146 No.8644146 [Reply] [Original]

Guys, is /biz/ compromised?


>> No.8644261

Wtf is this real?

>> No.8644275

there were threads about it everyday lately

>> No.8644283

>Bitcoin Manipulation Cartel
imagine being so retarded you believed this existed

>> No.8644288

if /biz/ is talking about it, of course it's real

>> No.8644307

Imagine beeing so retarded you start fudding bitcoin on biz

>> No.8644309
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>I fuk u hard

>> No.8644316

>Bitcoin Manipulation Cartel

Yeah it’s called government

>> No.8644335

There were huge hidden orders that bought a ton of crashes, they seemingly held the market up by themselves. I said at the time it made more sense for them to not actually be seeking profit but trying to use that btc later to cause massive instant dumps.

>> No.8644357


>> No.8644384

>article written in shitty english
>everybody knows bitcoin gets manipulated

>> No.8644423 [DELETED] 

deutsche bank kike detected

>> No.8644457

ITT: flat earthers found a new hobby.
Gas yourselves

>> No.8644460

>Who shorted the market?!

>> No.8644480

There is no money coming guys, market makers playing pumps and dumps to get your money... Wake up, hold or get out

>> No.8644486
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>> No.8644489

Who are "they"?

>> No.8644496
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>> No.8644502 [DELETED] 


>> No.8644512

>x did it
>i'm losing money because of x
>of course x went down y did z

>> No.8644547

CME futures are doing to crypto exactly what they did to the Silver/Gold market

Anybody who thought that Wall Street entering the market was a good thing was deluded

>> No.8644603


>> No.8644817
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We need a monero pool we can donate to to solve these problems.

>> No.8644831

Yeah I can agree with this article. There's a motive, a means and opportunity. People have no clue how deep certain things go. I also read about Deutsche Bank manipulating silver prices last year and that they we're getting a penalty or w/e. Had been hearing a lot of rumors before that about silver fixing. Not suprised they also fix Bitcoin, the issue is you can't ever really do anything about it.

>> No.8644846 [DELETED] 

The (((people))) who are denying this are part of the cartel.

>> No.8644862


>> No.8644896

oh was it in 2015? could be, i'm pretty fogged with time for a long time now.

>> No.8644922

For you

>> No.8644924
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Btc has always been manipulated and it wouldn't have reached 20k without it. The thing is, is virtual coin really worth 7 thousand dollars?

>> No.8644949

>Shadow government
Most people in the government are ones that have sincere intention to change policies, nations or the world to move forward. Shadow government does not and is only interested in keeping its position of power.

>> No.8644991

They got investigated in 2015, who knows how long they've been doing it or if they are still doing it. If anything, crypto is the perfect place for them because of the lack of regulations. Then after people beg for regulations these faggots are going to some how get their hands in the pot once again.

>> No.8644994

Till 20k money was flowing in Like Crazy and we were about to go higher, but at that point "they" started to short the market

>> No.8645002

Depends on how you look at it, imo it might be early for BTC to be worth tons of money but then again, look at its merits.
>Send anywhere in the world fast with low fees (segwit)
>Don't have to store money with a third party service
If you don't value freedom then I suppose BTC is worthless but if you do value that than there's no price tag you can put on it.

>> No.8645021

>is virtual coin really worth 7 thousand dollars


its worth far far more

>> No.8645049

I guess that is why they don't see it as a threat to financial system.
They are driving itt town putting the fear of got into noob investors.

Thing is... They can supress it forever.
From governments POV tgats a win/win
People are "safe" (not speculating) crypto never rises big enough to pose a threat.

>> No.8645243
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>20k is too high
>i want a dip
this is the perfect buying chance for you. these guys will lower the price for everyone to get in now.

>> No.8645375

>most people in government have sincere intentions
Thanks for the laugh retard

>> No.8645724

Imagine being this bluepilled

>> No.8645913

The Logdanoffs control the price of bitcoin.

>> No.8645924

Is it weird that I would spread that girl frog's ass cheeks and lick her anus?

>> No.8646070

how would you explain bitcoin crashing exactly around the 20k mark? money was flowing in like crazy nothing was showing sings of possible crash and then it plummeted. I told you that in December and you called me a faggot salty nocoiner there is no way (((((((((they)))))))))) will let soccer moms and neets make that much money

>> No.8646144
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No goys, I mean sirs. Kinkdly delet this.

>> No.8646453

Can somebody explain how they are manipulating the market? Media manipulation is one thing but that only goes so far.
Did they buy during the Dec/Jan rally and now they’re dumping? I don’t get it.

>> No.8646669
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They have people to do the wash trading/actual price manipulation for them.

I don't think that Leo four-eyes from CME group knows all that about bitcoins and computers himself, and he does look like the kind of person that would rather pay his stooges to do the dirty work for him anyway.

speaking of stooges, pic related

>> No.8646790


>> No.8647020


it's like saudi arabia crashing the price of oil to regain market share from shale & smaller producers

>> No.8647391

Yea intentions to sincerely screw your over and take your shit