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8643479 No.8643479 [Reply] [Original]

40% profits during one of the bloodiest weeks in crypto history. @welambonow on twitter. Do yourself a favor and pick up some BNB and GTO.

>> No.8643528

This bitch dumped cmt on his paid members and now wants to dump on you again. Bitch would troll Korean Jew but KJ would still give 30xs out this slut is bragging about a poverty 40%
Listen to him if you want to get kiked

>nice try pajeet

>> No.8643569

OP's faggot discord group is basically just as gay as /biz/ and he's never in there anyway except when he needs to shill shitcoins like CMT so he can dump his bags

>> No.8643615

Kek literally definitely a 46 year old neck beard that didn't make it in the dot com bubble so is back with a vengeance, probably still lives in his moms basement.

I can't believe people are literally so mentally handicapped to pay to get dumped on by pajeet fag like this den like cock bandit fucking bitch neck beard

>kys op you faggot scum brown street shitting curry drinking kike

>> No.8643618

you dumb retards. Even when I sold it was less than 1% of the 24 hour volume. Stay jealous I know who you both are. Koreanjew fan boys that post on my twitter. You are mad I made more than entire yearly income at arby's in 4 days. Fact of the matter is I wish I had the power to move coins as large as cybermiles but lets be real selling a little over 100,000 grand worth of a coin has 0 impact on a coin with a 60 million cap inside the top 150 on a major exchange. The bots instant bot it up. I was just smart enough to get out before it dropped. You could learn a lesson from a good trader like me. Koreanjew meanwhile serving up 80-90% losers during a bad market. He could only pick coins during a bull run when any monkey could.

>> No.8643713

Look you dumbass cum-guzzler, I've been paying attention to CMT ever since you started shilling it months ago and you were parading it as a great buy when it was 2-3x what it is right now. Yes the whole market's dipped but you aren't any better than any other /biz/ mong who made it in the bull run.

And now you're acting like some small event pump was a stroke of brilliance on your part. Guess what you dumb faggot I made the same profits just now by flipping REQ.

>> No.8643731

You made 500k from a 50k investment last year congrats gramps!
You might be able to afford that lambo before you die of heart palpitations.

>Pump&Dumper spotted
Fucking pajeet scum
> dump on me once shame on me me dump on me twice shame on you
>& stop talking about burgers all the time you obese glass wristed burger literally cancerous you are literally a cancer

>> No.8643741

Guess your gonna ignore my BNB call a few months ago when I said buy at $7 and went in for 250,000 usd and it went to nearly $30 before CZ botched the announcement. I make good calls in bad and good markets your god picks shitcoins that pay him and has lost his dojo subscribers so much cash lately its hilarious. Keep thinking a guy with 0 certifications or licenses and 0 experience on wall street is qualified to give investment advice. He picked a few coins during the bull run where the average coin regardless of how bad it was went 10-12x. Times are different now you scrub.

>> No.8643744

Guess who bought $VEN at $0.21 me
Guess who sold at 6$ and tethered out? Me

I should open my own pump and dump pajeet group to shit on my paid members but I have a toilet and my skin isn't shit toned

>> No.8643761

Anyone with fucking more than 89 IQ bows BnB pumps before they burn tokens every quarter you are not JESUS people do not need to fucking pay your pajeet ass for you to tell them the sky is blue you fucking mogrel scum

>> No.8643804

look you dumb chink you have no proof of anything. Just like koreanjew has no proof of anything. You still work a low end job at like payless shoes making 32,000 a year. Just keep hating. I post proof of my holdings and back up what I say. Stay small.

>> No.8643820
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>Guess your gonna ignore my BNB call
Wow, you identified a coin with an actual working use case and burn feature as a moon mission. Color me impressed. Next you're going to blow our minds by telling us QASH and REQ are strong plays too.

>> No.8643863

Fuck Korean Jew two both of you are made of the same cloth and shut the fuck up, go look at my Twitter I was scooping eos at 50 cents, ven at 22 cents, litecoin neo both under 20$ I made more at my age than your whole pajeet family you 63 year old autistic grand dad, you niggers you Korean Gat all are the same just dump on paid groups because you're a waste of life cunts.

You fucking pajeet piece of shit, I graduated this year and will never have to work ever again because of my picks you're just mad because you had to take it up the ass on Wall Street for at least 40 years as a wage cuck, fucking coon.

No need to be upset, were the new money we will have lambo a at 24
You'll have one at 62 well done but your life's almost done OP just embrace it before death comes to take what's left

>> No.8643916

Lmao nice thread lambofaggot

Saw your GTO call and, would you know it, it had pumped like crazy only seconds later (not a PnD group guys I swear!). Have you dumped your bags on the unfortunates in your group yet?

>> No.8643929

And you're so fucking retarded
>turned 30k into million
Like its an accomplishments fucking 20 year olds with 1000 bucks made millions last year me included
All you had to do in invest 30k into litecoin and you would've made more in 2017 than with your million bull shit calls and pump and dumps you senile fag beta wage cucking bitch don't express your anger and dump bags on your paid subscribers because you have to wake up at 6am and slave for your boss on Wall Street you little beta cock bandit. Literally kys,

>made 40% fucking embarrassing
>tell me one call you've made that has done more than 50x because I've already had a 50x this year you fucking bitch

>> No.8643955

Ill give the morons that read this thread and take it seriously a real fast(next 2-3 days) 50% mission on binance.
its WPR
i dont want u to join my 'discord' or 'vip groups'
thank me later

>> No.8643988
File: 160 KB, 645x968, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>so you didn't hear my BNB call

>> No.8644003

I like your style anon what's your Twitter let's talk some actual moon missions instead of this smelly pajeet's PnD faggotry

>> No.8644010

trying to get paid followers from /biz/ for a stupidly expensive pnd group with 10 people...oi vey