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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 97 KB, 692x444, 1493928849589.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8638961 No.8638961 [Reply] [Original]

Hold me /biz/

I genuinely feel like ending it all.

>> No.8639005
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tak teddy mak u feel bettr fren

>> No.8639008
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>> No.8639018

Thanks fren. I am so down.

>> No.8639025
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I love you.

>> No.8639035
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Thanks frens

>> No.8639045

You guys disgust me.

>> No.8639080

fuck you fren

>> No.8639126
File: 9 KB, 226x223, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every in crypto right now is gonna make it. No matter how insignificant your stack, you will gain life changing money from your investments. We are all gonna make it brah

>> No.8639212

Thanks fren

>> No.8639226

cant read thumbnail

>> No.8639240
File: 48 KB, 924x560, 1521690440059.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

say it to my face and not online and see what happens fren

>> No.8639262

BTC due to hit 20k shortly https://www.forbes.com/sites/greatspeculations/2018/03/28/looking-ahead-to-20000-bitcoin/

>> No.8639288
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i came to /biz/ to laught at you cause you wanted to be rich in the quick way
but i pitty you and you are a fellow apu poster
dont do it

>> No.8639302
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>> No.8639305

Not everyone will make it, there have to be losers for there to be winners. Sorry anon's.

>> No.8639314

I give up. Who wants to see me hero myself?

>> No.8639344
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pls dont

>> No.8639354
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good thread

>> No.8639361

no, call a suicide hotline don't be rash

>> No.8639368

how much have you lost?

you won't feel the loss of a few grand in a few months/years.

>> No.8639370

get comfy in tether lads
This isn't ending yet

>> No.8639379

Too late. It's over for me. The least I can do is give back to you guys. Anyone know a good streaming video? I've left enough food for my cat for a few days

>> No.8639395

don't commit suicide over this stoopid ass shiet guys

>> No.8639399

I've genuinely lost around 50k, I went all in and I fucking lost it all. Game over frens, I feel numb

>> No.8639401
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Please dont leave your cat and dont kill yourself anon, there's good things around the corner still.

>> No.8639415
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>> No.8639432

Money is just a number. Write a book about losing it all and you’ll make your money back.

>> No.8639513

I know this is just a random online messaging board but:

Matt, thank you for being the father figure I never had. You were a fucking legend. I loved every minute.
Jon. I know we weren't like normal brothers but I love you and will always love you.
Samantha. You are the love of my life, always will be. Since we were kids. I'm sorry I couldn't provide for you like I said I would in our vows.

Sorry /biz. It's been fucking fun up until now.

>> No.8639542

Yooo send me your crypto first wtf dude. So selfish

>> No.8639571

Ive lost 120k before anon, been 150k+ in debt. Debt literally has no control over you. You can book a flight to any number of countrys, get a job teaching english, and just chill for a year or so banging locals who are thirsty for whities.

>> No.8639604

don't want to see anons mom crying on cam
Not fair to family

>> No.8639689

anon dont. talk to us or the suicide hotline please

>> No.8639712

don't do anything rash. take a minute to speak with someone face to face about how you're feeling.

50k loss might hurt now, but its not much in the grand scheme of things. over the course of the average person's life they'd probably spend that on crap like soft drink. you will get that money back.

>> No.8639742
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In less than a year we'll be back up again, going now is dumb-tier fren

>> No.8639771

I feel the worst of all for the cat unironically

>> No.8639783

You're even sadder than he is

>> No.8639784
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chill my nig. we're all gonna make it.

>> No.8639802
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Don't put your family through this.

>> No.8639814
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Don't kys. If this is a larp, fuck you. Things will get better, fren.

>> No.8639818

this so much

>> No.8639833

OP if you really kill yourself and i make it somewhere down the line I’m going to feel guilty as fuck you weren’t also there making it

>> No.8639874

If you put your entire net worth into crypto you really should remove yourself from the gene pool for everyones sake.

>> No.8639970

I've taken too many pills sorry. There's no coming back from this now unfortunately. All i'll say before I slip away is hodl your loved ones closer than you hold these shitcoins. Thanks for being my frens /biz, i've never had a family like this one. I genuinely feel at peace now. P.s cat will be fine

>> No.8639989


What kind of pills OP?

>> No.8639997


..hope this is larp

>> No.8640029


April fools! Good one OP!

>> No.8640052

Just standard stuff. ibuprofen x 30, belly hurts a bit. but genuinely at peace.

>> No.8640082
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good bai

>> No.8640099

goodbye frens

>> No.8640104

As long as you still have your health and are not completely in debt you can make it all back again. Just think, you got in on the biggest bull run that most people didn't even know existed. You will be fine, but you have to take it day by day for the next few weeks.

>> No.8640108


>> No.8640110
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Hey op don't do anything dumb... Become a stoic and you'll be immune to shit like this. Also the market will turn around sooner or later and when it does you'll experience a feel that only anons that survived earlier crashes have felt. Stay strong fren.

>> No.8640133


Go gag yourself and get them out.....you're going to miss the bull whip up from the double bottom. At very least, don't forget to delete your search history.

>> No.8640179

just Kill yourself and get it over with

>> No.8640190
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>> No.8640192
File: 5 KB, 168x168, 0CFE4AD0-7BF7-4026-9EA1-C0F8C1EBEC30.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Op, please kill you self. Livestream if possible. Become famous in death if not in life

>> No.8640214

The thing about a 4chan suicide is there is no way to call the cops on them

>> No.8640367

this thread is fuckin classic

*slow clap*