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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 236 KB, 1021x580, nuls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8633803 No.8633803 [Reply] [Original]

Why is this coin so weird? Who is buying it? All the forum posts are super pageet infested but i haven't seen a single good ARGUMENT against it.
Why did you buy?
Why did you not buy?
DESU the biz oracle larper is what got me interested, what can I say. I'm easily led.

>> No.8633818

There aren'tany good arguments against it because there aren't good arguments for it.

>> No.8633847

Vapor wear AF dude they took like 1 month to come out with a whitepaper and it didn't even make sense. Then yellow paper which is mostly bullshit and no working product. They were supposed to be on testbed by now

>> No.8633858

Their github code is literally mostly "Return(Null);" functions.

>> No.8633954
File: 249 KB, 550x495, 1520806265133.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok this all reads like fud, which is encouraging. But i can't see why you would believe in it enough to fud it in the first place. Do I really have to read the yellow paper :(

>> No.8634065

>the biz oracle larper is what got me interested
where is he BTW?
he can only trade IHS?

>> No.8634066

Don't have much to say other than I bought in for similar reasons. It's been one of my best buys in recent times. Got 800 of them.

>> No.8634168

Oracle usually only posts when the outlook is positive. The other two coins he shilled looked kinda meh.
Nuls is driving me nuts because it looks 50% good 50% scam.
I can't find their "elephant alliance" on the internet.

>> No.8634183

this desu. its a chink coin that hasn't pumped and testmeme and mainmeme soonish

>> No.8634206

Their code is very good an they're on schedule to meet their targets but there is still quite a long way to go.

>> No.8634243

Oh yeah, the large majority of their github is written by one dude. Surely they need more team involvement if they're writing a whole platform?

>> No.8634255

antshares started the same way

>> No.8634303
File: 653 KB, 1536x2048, 975855812760522755_DYlfE1TU0AErQ2r.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Sirs, NULS is best coin on CoinMarketCap DOT com.

Please buy and become rich LAMBO MOON, yes sir.

>> No.8634359

This is interesting: https://www.reddit.com/r/Antshares/comments/6l8fac/my_disappointment_with_antshares/

Quite the cultural mix you've got going on in that post anon

>> No.8634382

I bought it because if you look at their team page the 4 devs (which has since been expanded to 15 not updated yet) look like autistic permavirgins so you know their code is going to be top notch. The logo is a pretty cool design of an infinity and an N and makes you think of energy drinks. Very marketable. The modular aspect of their chain is unique and not just a copy paste solution. What's not to love?

>> No.8634443
File: 81 KB, 713x809, 1522244975831.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks a lot anon those were my actual reasons for liking it. Now I feel like a brainlet!

>> No.8634654


>> No.8634942


Why isn't NULS getting more attention?

It is best coin. Please bump and buy I'm personally buying as much as I can while the price is getting better and better.

>> No.8635080

Meanwhile your shitcoins (LINK, TRX, NAS, MAN, and all of those you love to shill here) are going down hard, NULS is holding pretty damn well.