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8627815 No.8627815 [Reply] [Original]

REQ $100 EOY

>> No.8627852
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>> No.8627871

your $100 coins are gona get burned by then

>> No.8627890

Is there any calculation of how realistic it is to hit 10, 50, 100 bucks ever?

>> No.8627951


>> No.8627960

10 bucks = current LTC market cap
50 bucks = between XRP and ETH's current market cap
100 bucks = 1.5xETH's current market cap

That should give you an indication. Do note that ETH's market cap was more than 3 times as high as it is now at one point, and another bull run is very likely coming soon™

>> No.8628005

No Not EOY but in 2021 (when we enter a new bullmarket) certainly.

Use this opportunity to buy as much REQ as you can every month over the coming years.

>> No.8628036

It's guaranteed to hit all 3 because the supply will drop over time.

The only question is WHEN it will reach $100 per coin. This all depends on how quick the burning will happen which is dependent upon adoption by stores.

This is different from other coins where you need normies or adopters to hold the coin. The burning of the supply makes it more valuable over time. If crypto crashes to 0 and nobody will ever use crypto again REQ will be $100 in 2040 purely due to burning.

>> No.8628051
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>> No.8628065

Why the pink wojak? That's a good thing not a bad thing.

Means you have 3 years to accumulate as much as you can to make you a multi-millionaire when the real bullrun finally starts.

Why are people here so impatient? Do you guys hate money?

>> No.8628069

Lol my Id is dittle fag

>> No.8628093

You do realize WW3 will happen before then right?

DO you have no understanding of geo politics? I need money for my bugout supplies

>> No.8628111

Is there any article that explains the changes of REQ being 100,-? For example how much use there should be, or how many tokens should be burned.

>> No.8628114

>1.5xETH's current market cap
daap having bigger mc than etherum.
how retarded you are?

>> No.8628130


>> No.8628131

Don't forget to active the Premium BurnGuard to avoid your REQ getting burned.

>> No.8628177

Depends on how the market behaves.

It's very possible that REQ would be $1 per token even with 1,000,000,000 supply like This December.

It could also still be at $0.5 with 500,000,000 supply. The price DOESN'T have to rise with the diminishing supply. At least initially.

However over the long term the price will slowly rise as the supply drops due to the fee buying up REQ tokens.

It's very important to note that the money in REQ will come from businesses and the 0.05% fee per transaction.

NOT FROM PEOPLE BUYING REQ. In fact it's best for REQ holders to DISCOURAGE other people from buying REQ tokens so that more tokens get burned in the short term and your profitability rises in the long term.

This makes REQ one of the only cryptocurrencies were holders will FUD REQ because a low REQ token price is good for holders due to more REQ being burned in the short term.

>> No.8628207

>how retarded you are?
At least I know proper English you fucking brainlet, and I wasn't implying at all that it would reach that level

>> No.8628231


>> No.8628312
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>> No.8628503

explain why REQ is superior to say, OMG and I will believe you

>> No.8628693

>10 bucks = current LTC market cap
entirely possible this year.
this is the most logical thing but when you see red constantly it does tricks to your thinking. i got a good job recently so i dont mind waiting a full year accumulating for the next run.

>> No.8628864

Assuming that REQ took off the same way Ethereum did we could extrapolate a price anywhere between $30-$80. Nobody really knows what will happen though, so guessing at prices is all just for fun.

>> No.8628881

REQ is for auditing and commercial payments, OMG is banking for the consumer

>> No.8629776

>explain why is gold superior to say, wood and I will believe you

You do get that they're good for their specific purpose, right?

>> No.8629913

It can definitely hit these highs. But not while your stuck in bitcoin. Btc is under attack and will destroy your gains. Crypto needs a new king to survive.

>> No.8630070

quads and REQ $1000 EOY

>> No.8630091


>> No.8630187


REQ always gets sick digits

>> No.8630271

it's the adhd gen man.. of course if it's not a instagimmedat they get upset and shit their panties over it. They are most likely young underage faggots that dont understand anything besides gimmedatsnow.

Thats why if it's anything more than a few hours they get buttgaped and flip out cuz waiting? being patient? that's for old grandpas the age of the youth is gimme gimme gimme dats now and fuck off old man patience is for faggots

dont bother trying to talk to them about it most cant handle anything adult in topic without screaming for their safe spaces and crying for moomy and duhdy

>> No.8630278
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>> No.8630364
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Blocks your path

>> No.8630499

You are aware Jibrel is out to replace tether, right? Jibrel are reviewed as well as audited by PwC, its financial transparency partner.

>> No.8631096


Kek, this. West is getting desperate as China and Russia threaten their hegemony, and at the same time West is destroying itself from within.

>> No.8631660

roll, praise kek zyzz and req

>> No.8632178

>higher market cap than ChainLink
>is a website's button

Who is falling for this scam?

Wassa wasa wasa wasa?