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File: 82 KB, 750x1334, 9gvhubqr2mo01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8621313 No.8621313 [Reply] [Original]

How do poor people not all collectively kill themselves? what kind of life is this

>> No.8621326

Unfortunately being poor and having a low IQ go hand in hand, the people in the pic are not people I'd like to associate with

you can be poor and clean though

>> No.8621531

I know a really poor guy who is one of the smartest ones I know, he is just lazy as fuck. He got A's without any effort in school and university.
But he put all that ability into playing mobile games and watching anime.

>> No.8621573

Looks like my apartment. She's just refreshing her blockfolio desu.

>> No.8621582

is that your wifey anon?

>> No.8621586

wasted potential, but not uncommon imho

>> No.8621594

Probably a low work ethic, made possible by his parents blowing smoke up his ass every day.

The worst thing you can tell your kid is how amazing he is.

>> No.8622078

I know a phd guy who works as a receptionist in the apartment building where he lives.

>> No.8622138


Low IQ + poor. A life well deserved.

>> No.8622212

He just realized that it is not worth it to work hard for excess money.

>> No.8622266

I think you're an idiot. Do you know how many hours you need to work when you're making $7.75 per hour? Try going to university full time and also working three simultaneous jobs to pay for it. Your ignorance is sad.

>> No.8622272

There's a ghost on the right

>> No.8622285

Why dont pajeets and chinks go to war and kill each other they are billions of them BILLIONS

and many undocumented

>> No.8622299

The ghost of the man's hopes and dreams. Living in filth slaving away to support an obese roastie. This is why you need standards.

>> No.8622305

That doesn't cause low work ethic

>> No.8622307

Oh shiii-

>> No.8622317

checked. creepy kid in a suit

>> No.8622329

Well spotted

>> No.8622345


There is a ghost on the right

>> No.8622360

Not to mention poor financial choices, balling on the weekend doing overly expensive drugs, then can't afford then struggle to make it through the week.

>> No.8622366


>> No.8622382

Is that his wife? Damn. How could you work so hard to support an ugly, obese, lazy bitch who can't even clean for you? His only options are to kill himself or get a divorce...which will ruin him.

>> No.8622567

>marrying a hamplanet like that
you get what you ask for

>> No.8622591

Why do guys settle for so low. Even when I had little money I still banged hot rich chicks.

>> No.8622747

That guy probably thought that was the best he can do. Some people just give up early.

>> No.8622798

I'd rather be in a relationship with my hand compared to that creature

>> No.8622832

>There's a ghost on the right

oh shit, too spooky for me.

>> No.8622842

Why do 4channers act like they don't Reddit?

>> No.8622897

>using reddit in 2018

>> No.8622907
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It's true, intellectually they are closer to chimpanzees and niggers than to people like us. It's why we can't make sense of their behavior

>> No.8622916


>> No.8622929

trips confirm

>> No.8622987

Relatively thats luxury.

>> No.8623003

I browse Reddit and 4chan everyday

>> No.8623007
File: 229 KB, 627x720, 1516017636742.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy fuck anon, seen this, scrolled up thinking it was going to be some gay blur or orb, but holy shit........ That's a fucking ghost.............

>> No.8623027

The ghost of Christmas past. You can almost hear him saying "I told you so."

>> No.8623052

there's a body under that filth the ghost is sitting on

>> No.8623092

Track these fucks down and inform the of the ghost

>> No.8623129

Im smart, but l hate people (all people), cant do nothing with them, its a reason why lm single and poor

>> No.8623140

this is what the guy taking the picture actually meant when he said ''I come home to this shit''
Can't a wagecuck come home without his wife leaving ghosts all over the place

>> No.8623148

Absolutely not gonna track down degenerate creatures. Hopefully the ghost scares the shit outta them.

>> No.8623166


>> No.8623178
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do you see her in that comfy chair??? fuck dude. poor = ain't gotta do shit... ever.

people love being poor! means they don't have to lift a fucking finger to do shit.

>> No.8623192
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>> No.8623197

To think there are men here who would rather screw THAT than a hot ass petite sexy trap than worry about being called gay

>> No.8623210

>Read the chain of posts
>See your comment

Wtf is wrong with you, a university grad doesn't make $7,75 dollar/hr you feeble minded dimwit. If you have a great degree and you're poor then it's because you either just graduated or your work ethic sucks donkey dick.

>> No.8623236

If you can't conceptualize what happened n the lifes of those individuals without dismissive derogatory judgment calls, then you have right to be anywhere near political issues or managerial issues.

>> No.8623238

I went on Reddit once but it was really annoying because it never loads all of the comments. You have to keep clicking to load more. To read one thread you have to click dozens of times on those stupid [show more] buttons. That's crap. Also, the OP is the only place where an image can be posted. It's an inferior format.

>> No.8623294

>Bad thing happened to me ten years ago, therefore I must scatter clothing and dirty dishes and trash all over my own living space.

>> No.8623304

Via internet, you don't have to breath stale fat bitch air.

Show them this thread also

>> No.8623311

what the fuck
we /x/ now

>> No.8623312
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>> No.8623322

Lmao genuinely sniggered at this

>> No.8623350

>Bad thing happened to me ten years ago therefore I have to be alert to similar things happening. Cn't allow for the similar magnitude of damage to happen. clothes laying on the floor aren't essencial, therefore can be ignored.

this is how PTSD works

>> No.8623410

Does she look like she's done 3 tours as an IED sweeper?

Yeah not really.

I've had mild depression on and off for years, it's my own fucking fault. No way would I ever compare what I have to what a soldier may be experiencing.

>> No.8623432

>comparing mild depression to being shat on for the entirety of ones life as experienced by the lower classes


>> No.8623475


Going from lower class to a semi respected working class is easy asf, you literally just need to be competent and have work ethic. You could probably work your way up to some kind of lower middle class with just those 2 attributes.

Fuck in my country legit low IQers are pulling in 40-80k a year working on off shore oil rigs.

Nobody shits on these people they just wallow in their own.

>> No.8623480

I can't make sense of your faggotry though.
Now paging r/iamverysmart for that sweet karma.

>> No.8623483

>I have to be alert to similar things happening, therefore I have to stare at my fucking smart phone instead of looking around at my surroundings and I also have to make sure there's plenty of random bullshit to trip over if I ever find it necessary to move my fat ass.

>> No.8623491

Fuck man this hits home hard. My dad remarried and long story short stepmom is always doing this to my lil bro. I have not intervened because im too busy worshipping internet tokens. Hopefully i can help him later in life

>> No.8623526

You can intervene all you want they won't listen

>> No.8623551
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5P00K 5P00K

>> No.8623608
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clean it up wagie

>> No.8623614

but if even cleaning up your house seems pointless because you have no reason to think anything good could ever happen to you anyway no matter how hard you work for it so why even bother... most lazy people are just depressed. you can still write them off if you want but calling it a lack of work ethic doesn't really go far enough to the root

>> No.8623694


Im still going to judge them for living i filth. And pity them too.

>> No.8623717


Can you actually fucking imagine coming home to that. Some fat cunt sitting on her phone, most likely not working, sitting home all day eating fucking cheatos and takeout, just sitting in her own filth.

You're busting your ass at a shit wagecuck factory job, come home exhausted, to eat some shitty microwaved spaghetti while she has Netflix on all fucking night.

I just want to set all of that on fire.

>> No.8623778

It's a fucking nightmare, m8. I'd rather be single for the rest of my life than deal with that shit.

>> No.8623833

staring at your phone is a low-effort activity. you can sense your surroundings while you do it. not so when you clean your house in the physical state they are in.

>> No.8623858

>(...) typical of an animal and occurs where the subject endures repeatedly painful or otherwise aversive stimuli which it is unable to escape or avoid. (...) In other words, the organism learned that it is helpless in situations where there is a presence of aversive stimuli, has accepted that it has lost control, and thus gives up trying. Such an organism is said to have acquired learned helplessness. Learned helplessness theory is the view that clinical depression and related mental illnesses may result from such real or perceived absence of control over the outcome of a situation.

>> No.8623952

Id save some cash on the side and one day just never come back

>> No.8623980


If you work a wagecuck factory job and have that fat lazy piece of shit for a wife that does nothing all day, odds are you don't have enough money (or the time preference) to have any sort of savings.

I do agree though -- that situation is a fucking emergency.

>> No.8623988

Yeah, I'm sure SF guys go around staring at their phones and that putting an empty soda bottle in the trash can is a dangerously distracting activity. Tell us more, bro.

>> No.8624106

Low income and poor consciousness and common sense go hand in hand. It’s just that the two latter are kinda common with low IQ people but not exclusively

>> No.8624177
File: 247 KB, 319x400, 86765E0A-DD57-4473-BDDE-CD261624E7B6.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be me
>be wagecucking but got unemployed gf living with me
>every week she clean the entire house properly and cook me a great dinner every time I get home
>good metabolism so she cannot get fat at all no matter what I feed her
>quite intelligent too
How the fuck can this guy stay with this useless fat roastie

>> No.8624662

common sense for the low-income person makes sense to their life environment, not yours

>most likely lives in San Fran, the most expensive place to live in
>has the audacity to deride low-income people on his perspective as to how they think

>> No.8624721
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That's just marriage baka desu senpai.
Gf phase:
>hi honey can I come over and bake you cookies?
>tee hee look I'm cleaning your house for you as I bake
>here's 12 blowjobs a day sweetie
>I'm going to walk around with just panties and a t-shirt on to show off my hot body.
Marriage phase:
>oops I lost my job
>oops I gained 200 lbs
>oops I don't give head anymore
>oops I threw my garbage all over the house
>oops I did absolutely nothing while you busted your ass off at work
>oops I fucked Chad on our bed while you were at work.
>oops you owe me alimony

>> No.8624780

Too fucking accurate, sadly.

>> No.8624841

you people have no idea how it feels to feel hopeless

>> No.8624870

The fact that there even is debate about whether its the persons fault or societies fault, or some co.bination really makes me lose faith in this world.

Its like this existence is some kind of cruel joke where there is no punchline.

I guess regardless whether its their laziness or society keepi g them down, its some form of equlibrium that cant be broken without external change AND interal change which just dosent happen.

>> No.8624958
File: 24 KB, 237x276, 17D2E483-D201-4BF7-8EDE-16B4BB448EC3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The ghost of his hopes and dreams looking back at what he’s become. Wondering what went wrong.

>> No.8624962

>regardless whether its their laziness or society keepi g them down

Regardless, the ONLY person that can do something about it is THEM. That's the only period at the end of that sentence.

>> No.8624994

Stop posting pictures of your wife.

>> No.8625063

What motivates people to post this shit online? Am I supposed to pity this fucking joke of a human being? Is it pity he's after specifically, or is it just any kind of recognition that he fucking exists?

>> No.8625107

Im not even going to argue with you if you have such a black and white view of things. Yes ultimately they need to put effort in but to say there arent things outside your control is retarded.

>> No.8625195
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I lived through that. It really is a depressing existence, being constantly angry was the only way to cope without getting depressed.

>> No.8625245

The funniest thing about people like you is you like to point fingers just to point fingers, reinforce your own beliefs.

Instead of asking "why dont they" why not ask "what can objectively change things". Maybe they are just garbage people, then nothing can be done. But you dont think a stronger economy objectively reduces unemployment?

Dont be so heartless as to not help those who would embrace it and do their part too, and so arrogant as to say you could do better. Those feelings dont translate into change.

>> No.8625433

Being smart OR dumb has NOTHING to do with how clean you are. I have seen super clean poor and below intelligence people and vice versa.

>> No.8625489

What the hell does San Fran have to do with anything, you idiot?

>> No.8625511
File: 3.16 MB, 4586x2120, 1518957899858.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm poor because I'm an autistic outcast. I did around 40 to 50 job interviews in 2 years time (some of them even paying 50/60K per year)

got rejected every single time. So basically I gave up and now I'm doing simple manual labor.. unskilled minimum wage job (some of my colleagues literally have brain damage due to accidents or from birth and that's the only work they are able to do)

Also I have 3 university degrees, so I'm not a low IQ chimpanzee. Just someone who got rejected by society.

I would love to start my own business, but with a minimum wage job you basically never have enough savings to make that happen.

It's the tragedy of life.

>> No.8625546

you call it poor I call it being frugal. I have survival instincts that you don't. In a way I am stronger and have lived a more full life than someone who has it easy. I pity the rich.

>> No.8625558

>Regardless, the ONLY person that can do something about it is THEM. That's the only period at the end of that sentence.

This is wrong. Our genetics limit our physical and mental capabilities (including IQ). There is really nothing you can do to change your genes and hence your chances in life. Also, free will does not exist, which was proven by experiments.
All in all, we are just biological robots predestined (at the time of inception) to perform limited amount of functions.

>> No.8625568
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some of my colleagues remind me of opi from family guy btw.

>> No.8625594

So that chick is genetically incapable of putting dirty clothes in a hamper? Okay.

>> No.8625629

Looking at the low ceilings and fluro bulbs is depressing. Ignorance is bliss i guess

>> No.8625655
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>> No.8625667

this, she is a based neet crypto investor.

>> No.8625684

you can't logically prove or disprove free will. I'm almost positive you're misinterpreting those experiments.

>> No.8625691

But you can be rich and come home to that shit. My wife and I used to be dirt poor but our living space was tidy as fuck 24/7.

Now that we're much better off we're not really happier though.

>> No.8625699

>this is considered poor in america
Wow these people are so poor they have a house, are getting fat because they can eat more than 3 times a day and have tons of clothes they can just throw around! Woe is me! Life in America is tough!

Holy shit you people are daft. Then you wonder why white people are looked down as soft nowadays.

>> No.8625714

i have this, but confined specifically to crypto and ironically. as in I ignore things because I'm on the lookout to prevent being JUSTed like before...

>> No.8625734

>ditch hamplanet gf, less expenses, get to work less.
>work more to get money to pay for a gf
And you guys say money can't buy you a gf. Clearly this guy has it figured out. Except she's low quality.

>> No.8625766

That's just straight up addiction. The guys dopamine reward cycle is fucked. Probably watched a ton of porn too.

>> No.8625787

Its not important why, well never know for sure.

Whats important is what can change things, if such thing exists.

Some people are objectively screwed. If there are children that die at childbirth, then there are also other people who are destined to be shafted further down the line too.

>> No.8625821

Well, we don't know anything about that woman. But suppose she doesn't clean her apartment because she's lazy: lazyness is genetically predetermined trait.

You can look it up yourself "free will" on say Google Scholar and interpret it yourself. Plenty of publications there.

>> No.8625878
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>if you gonna be dumb you gotta be tough

>> No.8625949


>> No.8626024

I wonder if they have a dead kid. Maybe that suit is what they buried him in.

>> No.8626035

Get on the case, /biz/.

>> No.8626040

How do I quit porn

>> No.8626063

Don't watch it!?

>> No.8626065

sounds like you didn't interpret much if you can't explain your argument.

>> No.8626078

140IQ depressed lazy fuck here, can confirm

>> No.8626279
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>> No.8626370

lol at bragging about your IQ while admitting that you're too stupid to figure out how to work on undoing the conditioning you've brought upon yourself

>> No.8626395

>brought upon yourself
upper-middle class bubble dweller, please go

>> No.8626416
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>> No.8626445

>its other peoples fault im inert as a fully functioning adult

>> No.8626493

Ghost skelly of dirty laundry

>> No.8626556

You misunderstand. I'm not saying they ARE able to, I'm saying the only person that has the possibility of being able to change their situation is them.

Nobody is going to show up at their door and say "let me fix your life for you". If you believe that, you're being naive.

>> No.8626615

>still oblivious
>heroic, grandiose vision of himself relative to others
>lacks empathy
You narcissist/NPD?

>> No.8626651

Am I the only one who has noticed that the more disordered one is, the lower his IQ tends to be? And the opposite applies as well, most successful people tend to be ordered

>> No.8626683


fuck almost quints and this would have made x orgasm like a rotten nutsack

>> No.8626771
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>ol at bragging about your IQ while admitting that you're too stupid to figure out how to work on undoing the conditioning you've brought upon yourself

Autosuggestion. It works.

Also, how does anyone get hard to fuck that creature? Seriously. I can't imagine that's what I have to come home to and fuck. Imagine how that place smells. Imagine what her unwashed pussy and the fat folds around it smell like. Would literally commit suicide if that was my life.

>> No.8626867

disordered is often a sign of mental illness. Just look how disordered the house of alcoholic or a crack addict is.

>> No.8626923

not the case from my experience

>> No.8626946
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>> No.8626962
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This is the red pill in a sense, where you stop trying to make the world better and focus on yourself, your family and the white people in your community. Incidentally, the collective force of this will change the world.

>> No.8626994

white people fucked me over much more than other thorough my life. Not sa6ying that non-whites are better.

I just pray for a beta uprising. will fund it after the price singularity

>> No.8627392

>reaching for the DSMIV before performing one ounce of introspection
>proving my point
look man its a tough break and I would never dream of arguing that socioeconomic conditions arent a limiting/impeding factor in finding stability and happiness but for fucks sakes man to throw your hands up and submit to the idea that you have no ability to reconcile w your unconscious must be among the most miserable ways to go through life

>> No.8627432

Reddit Enhancement Suite helps

>> No.8627463

>projecting like a motherfucker
reconciling your unconscious requires free time and significant mental strain, as you battle your own mental demons, introduce new habits. To do so competently you also need a therapist, and a competent one - which ones are hard to find as well as expensive - both a time and resource drain.

Try to find strength for that when you get no satisfaction from life and do horrible low-end wagecucking

>> No.8627523

I've come to appreciate just how clean and nicely furnished my mother kept her house, seeing the way other people live.

>> No.8627535
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Usefull shit to know right there.

>finished chemistry deg w/ honors
>Apply for jobs eagerly
>Months go by, fapping increases applications decrease
>visit poor friend and see potential future, fuck that
>Start doing simple tasks everyday to trick brain into thinking its not fucked

Still no work, but not depressed. Seriously, folding a load of laundry and cleaning the toilet are better than any fucking pill for exogenous depression.

Also, for any young anons. Don't fall for the STEM meme. College is mostly worthless, STEM doubly so. H1B indians and machines already have all those jobs.
Join a trade union and make $35/hr+ with benifits and a pension.

>> No.8627553

The thing about messiness is it's relative. This could actually be considered "clean" for her.

>> No.8627556

just a reminder to never get married folks

>> No.8627573

>TFW currently enjoying GF phase

You're scaring me, anon.

>> No.8627577

Think of poor people as an asset/value that dies and keeps growing. Atleast if you are insurance

>> No.8627593

bruh, thats only way to get those sweet tax breaks

>> No.8627602

Oh, you're not white. Shit. Disregard our advice then.

just b urself :)

>> No.8627631

i don't know your pain but I empathize with your struggle. the low end wagecucking was my entire post-hs life until very recently. i understand being shit on by an economic system that expects you to somehow be thankful for being treated like a subhuman for barely livable pay. i understand reaching for alcohol because you can't afford a better option. i also know how fucking retarded it is that there's a massive number of barely middle class people who are fed the "bootstrap mentality" marketing campaign by the ruling class and suck it down for free just to feel like they're one rung up the ladder from literally anyone. i'm not advocating that, and I didn't mean to make you feel like I was. I do however truly believe in the power of mindfulness as i've experienced its benefits firsthand. Even post-wagecuck I turn to it in order to break my alcohol dependency that I unconsciously created for myself before I knew there were other options. I don't think it will fix your life entirely, but I do think it could help put you at peace with yourself. at the risk of sounding like a shill, there's an app called headspace i used to get started with it. Maybe you will find it interesting or helpful. Hope your life gets better soon anon - sorry for being a huge fag with this post

>> No.8627641

I realized today that due to the tax changes I could marry for a much higher deduction this year, but no way is that worth making my income marital property

>> No.8627659

>probably getting only $10 in tax breaks while having to deal with a stuck up cunt for the rest of your life
>if you divorce she takes half your assets

No thanks shlomo

>> No.8627662
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>> No.8627677
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Sadly that is my friend's life, except she is too fat now to even fuck chad. Just demands more babies to feel satisfaction. Most women aren't this bad though

>> No.8627712

Join the military. You won't get rejected and you'll make good money. You can pick whatever job you want

>> No.8627746

Wow you're both pathetic. Some of the saddest shit I've read on this godforsaken website

>> No.8627747

La creatura

>> No.8627806

no im not

>> No.8627858

You still have to tell your kid that he's doing a good job. If you never say good job they grow to resent you and get a low self worth.

>> No.8627994

you praise them on their potential for greatness, do not praise them for being great when they haven't earned it (like 99.9999% of children).
congratulate them when they do well, but don't call them smart for the sake of boosting their ego. you say, "you're smart enough to have the potential to do anything!" or similar -- this shows you support them, but aren't praising them for doing nothing.
>i have friends that work with retards and children all day

>> No.8628029

it's dirt on the wall

>> No.8628235


The case you're born into is a stronger correlation. You could have a lot of potential but if your born poor it's hard as well to rise above it.

>> No.8628322


>asking a man who has given up why he has given up

I think it's safe to say the good doesn't have good mental health.

>> No.8628354

This... I ended up achieving some things despite not believeing I can do it. Lack of confidence can be a huge handicap.
I hope that parents can convince their children they can do anything and to strive for goals

>> No.8628369

>marrying a white woman
I got me a Mexican wifey (legal ofc). It's literally impossible to make my house dirty as she can clean shit faster than I can dirty it.

Sometimes when I'm taking a shit, I wipe and notice there's nothing there. I think she has something to do with this

>> No.8628507

>reconciling your unconscious requires free time and significant mental strain, as you battle your own mental demons, introduce new habits.
Separates the men from the boys/women.

>To do so competently you also need a therapist, and a competent one - which ones are hard to find as well as expensive - both a time and resource drain.
Therapy is bullshit and therapists are full of shit.

>Try to find strength for that when you get no satisfaction from life and do horrible low-end wagecucking
Get a grip or stay poor. I grew up poor and black and know first-hand that it's not easy but also not impossible to get out of wagecuckery. All these woe-is-me posts lately are pathetic.

>> No.8628528

Strange, I saw that when I first looked at OP's post but it didn't register. Then when I read this I remembered what it looked like before I scrolled back up to look again.

>> No.8628535

Mexican women are fatter than white women and also dumb as shit. Enjoy your low IQ mongrel litter

>> No.8628560

She's got a biochem degree from U of A and just commissioned as an officer in the chairforce. But you're right , most of her cousins are la creaturas

>> No.8628831

define 'poor'
from a genuinely rich person's viewpoint... it turns out that even you're poor, kek

>> No.8629519

>Separates the men from the boys/women
how does this address the issue? Black men usually have incredibly unequal relationships with their females, where they end up having some breathing space sufficient for advancing. Also, high testosterone isn't something everyone has in abundance, especially after being shat on the entirety of their lives.

>Therapy is bullshit and therapists are full of shit
Oh, you're an overtly generalizing brainlet. understood.

Did you meant for everyone to praise you with this post? it describes your cut of the story while ignoring the entirety of the sociological phenomena. does your experience and circumstances are identical to everyone in low-end wagecuckery?

>> No.8629634

how can that be dirt it clearly a ghost lol this can not be explained unless well photoshop and this was the plan all along

>> No.8629658

guess this is why people get divorced

>> No.8629892

This is true for beta males. If you are a beta don't get married or reproduce.

>> No.8630066

You overestimate low <-> low middle class Americans

>> No.8630088

How the fuck does this person look worse than my 74 year old grandma

>> No.8630095

Hahaha, this is exactly my life, down to the comment, but I don't know how someone would have managed to get in my apartment.

>> No.8630119
File: 82 KB, 842x792, D3BDD413-89D0-4938-AAB9-8DCC6D1DCC30.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>average IQ is the IQ everyone in that country got!

>> No.8630192

The problem isn't really college itself but more the mindset of young people going into college thinking that all they need to do is get their degree and a decent future is guaranteed. This has been falsely drilled into the minds of young adults by boomers and middle-aged people who just don't get how things are these days.

Getting that first 'adult' job now with just a degree is almost impossible unless you went to a top school. These days if you want that first job you have to do a ton of networking, unpaid internships, and you just need to simply know the right people.

It sucks but that's just how it is now. I applied to 600+ programming jobs until months went by and my friend just got someone to hook me up with a shitty gig recently.

The most irritating part of it all for me was when older family members would play off my shitty job search as 'my fault'. They would say shit like 'It's probably your resume' or you need to 'apply yourself better'.

>tldr fuck boomers and their retarded children

>> No.8630219

im poor because alcoholic.

my mother is a fucking cunt bitch who tried to ruin my life as soon as i got married, fucking controlling slag. hope she dies soon and rots in hell.

was A+ student and fucking solid career. now becuase of mother asshole cunt im struggling to live.

>> No.8630270

>He wasn't there for the irl comfy blanket thread

Newfag. Sad.

>> No.8630280

Also enjoy your fucking debt and working minimum wage jobs while you waste away for months looking for the job you went to school for.

>> No.8630293
File: 273 KB, 646x454, u wot m8- hitler.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what is regression toward the mean in genetics especially when he admits she has a family of creaturas

>> No.8630325

That's not a poor person. She has her own apartment/house with a washer/dryer in it. That's towards the upper end of middle class in America.

>> No.8630458

perhaps its a council estate ?

>> No.8630606

no its not you fucking retard
i live under the poverty line and have the same thing

>> No.8630630

Fat people should be gassed desu senpai

>> No.8630811

Well I've lived in a dozen different apartments over the last 10 years where the average rent was over $1500/month and only one of them had a washer/dryer in it.

>> No.8630828

How did you spot that?

>> No.8630860

Yea depends where you live obviously.

A place like OPs photo in Manhattan is for wealthy people. If it is in Bumblefuck, yea they are poor.