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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 40 KB, 620x590, chloe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8610508 No.8610508 [Reply] [Original]

I impregnated a billionaire heiress now I'm set 4 life. Why you don't do this???

>> No.8610597

> stories that never happened.

Anyhow. you won't get nothing , the child will though.

In case it is true. I can assure you that those people have stashed away their cash in hundreds of legal entities all over the world. Also they have the money and power to hire the best lawyers in the world.

Just look at James Stunt ? you think he got anything from the 5 billion ? he gets nothing.


>> No.8610617

But when she dumps you, you'll have to pay child support and alimony and the payments will have to match the quality of life she's used to. All your future income will go to her and you'll be in debt for the rest of your life

>> No.8610663
File: 59 KB, 583x412, 21222.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's up with her gopher face

>> No.8610666

That's not how it works, she pays him (the one who makes more)

>> No.8610669

you're speaking as if he's trying to get $$$ by divorcing her, when in fact he's set for life if he simply stays with her and she takes care of most of the financial concerns. you also fail to note that he's basically a top male model now, so he's also making $$$ of his own.

the point OP is making is simple: if you marry a rich girl and get her pregnant, and you stay with her, you are set for life.

sure, he might "get nothing" if they end up divorcing, but at least that's better than if he married a middle class or girl poorer than him, and who he has to pay spousal support to if they divorced.

people like you have no fucking real world experience and to make matters worse you have no reading comprehension. eat shit niglet.
"you won't get nothing" -- spoken like a true niglet.

>> No.8610680

Why would he need anything? The guy is basically a billionaire himself.

>> No.8610688

OP is the jew now.

>> No.8610696

Nah bro if she's the rich one and doesn't get full custody you're getting paid not her. No reason for her to get full custody unless you do some violent crime or become an addict

>> No.8610699

You really are an ignorant little turd

>> No.8610712


Is it me or there is (((something))) strange about her nose? And isn't that the good looking prisoner that went viral?

>> No.8610734

Bet this nigger is homeless within 5 years.

>> No.8610741
File: 184 KB, 1000x667, DSCF1482-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's like being a parasite.. I rather be poor than leaching off other people

>> No.8610766

Pic is your sister. You are too ugly.

>> No.8610768

why did you feel the need to post some ugly SEA bitch taking a dab lmao

>> No.8610775

Lmao she's getting an abortion you tard

>> No.8610789
File: 55 KB, 909x600, 81976131-2-optimized_573a197701be0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the point OP is making is simple: if you marry a rich girl and get her pregnant, and you stay with her, you are set for life.

So you can be a turbo neet for the rest of your life? sounds fun

>> No.8610792

he already was. He's the dude that got arrested and his mugshot went viral, and got a modeling career out of it

>> No.8610796

The guy in OP’s pic got famous for having a “sexy” mugshot.

>> No.8610810

It's my fetish..

>> No.8610828

>says the memecoin trader

>> No.8610846

found the low test white boy

>> No.8610888
File: 1.43 MB, 1440x1931, degen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's Jewish and he's the felon guy.

>> No.8610911
File: 177 KB, 800x936, D98BE9EF-646C-4520-816D-49EB852F7DA1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m not a scumbag.

I had the chance to tie down a millionaire, but money isn’t worth being miserable, you literal nigger.

>> No.8610929
File: 35 KB, 355x355, raped.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I mean homeless again. Zero to hero to zero.

>> No.8610953


You don’t look like him, and there would be a prenup for your ugly ass.

>> No.8610967


GL Ndjoku Brempong

>> No.8610974

Shes Jewish

>> No.8610980

>Zero to hero to zero.

Pretty much everyone on /biz/ after the bubble popped

>> No.8610997

I love watching kikes get blacked.

>> No.8611054
File: 44 KB, 314x468, e2336855269163d24d6ad61c33336598.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you think the Jewish men are pissed? Or do they think she's a dumb ho? Or both?

>> No.8611069

She would pay you alimony, and child support goes to who is with kid 51 percent or more.

>> No.8611118

Probably a bit of both

>> No.8611156
File: 87 KB, 798x924, 1521246887597-biz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

probably just an emotionally unstable, rich thot
>t. jew

>> No.8611342


>> No.8611370

you mean enslaved for life. you don't get to enjoy any of that now?

>> No.8611424
File: 567 KB, 920x634, 1520184848059.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine how powerful female instincts must be to have all the money, power, and choice in the world, and you STILL let a criminal impregnate you. It's like you can unironically bring in David Attenbourough to narrate this primitive, primal subconscious urge and put it on a nature channel.

Don't leave your girlfriends alone fellas...

>> No.8611610
File: 135 KB, 662x947, Chloe-Green-in-Bikini-2017--02-662x947[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

His girlfriend is a fucking mess.

>> No.8611651

They aren't exactly easy to find

>> No.8611659

I am the Glob-glo-gab-galab
The shwabble-dabble-wabble-gabble flibba blabba blab
I'm full of shwibbly glib-a-kind
I am the yeast of thoughts and minds

>> No.8611680

oh no what the hell

>> No.8611906

He must be a /biz/raeli to have hooked a brapper like that.
Do you think he berrys his face in that?

>> No.8611914
File: 109 KB, 1031x809, 1F85380B-4BDE-49F0-B37D-FDFE3D7B5FEA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8612007


I don't know a single person worth more than $10 million that enters a marriage without a prenup. The only rich people that don't have prenups are people that made their money after marriage.

If we are talking billion of $s, you are unlikely to ever touch that money and it's probably also shielded from you even if your spouse dies. Only the kids can benefit and they will be on a short leash with a strict trustee.

>> No.8612149
File: 1.62 MB, 1875x2850, cvr9781451639001_9781451639001_hr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol. Those are Kzin. They'd enslave furries and farm them for meat.

>> No.8612232

she's not that great body wise but I appreciate she's got a fat butt. I can only imagine how busted the front side of her looks tho.. still it's a flabby fat butt but it's got a slight appeal. he probably fucks in ass daily

>> No.8613084

how did they even meet?

>> No.8613092

oh god what the fuck she's nasty

>> No.8613107

im ugly

>> No.8613786

my kike wife's father is worth 280 million. im also worth about 18 million but im only 33. it really does pay to go to your local country club and fancy restaurants goys. learn to mingle with money and youll make it too.

>> No.8613878

found the nigger.

>> No.8613908
File: 51 KB, 700x733, 1472557928602.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

has anyone talked to the mods about getting this nigger kicked off?

>> No.8613924

My nword this is the best advice on biz except I'm black and I've heard it heard it before but still to hear someone who's done it

>> No.8613981

That kid looks like he's straight out of the creatura images

>> No.8615096

She's right. Let's face it. This guy is good looking. She is a billionaire heir, so she doesn't need a provider. All she needs is some good genes to mix with hers. That's why she picked LA CREATURA to procreate with.

>> No.8615114

el creaturita

>> No.8615121

I can't believe her father didn't manage to prevent this. He's probably a leftist creep. Anyways this guy will beat her and it will be over soon. But they will probably write him a big check to fuck off.

>> No.8615401

santa maria...

>> No.8615880

does this not blow anyone else's mind?

This dude is a fucking gang member felon, and now he's SET for life simply cause he's attractive

all that matters in this world is looks

>> No.8615923
File: 38 KB, 542x403, 1509808796364.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Guy is a convicted rapist
>But it's fine because he's attractive

What the fuck is wrong with women?

>> No.8616036

He's not a convicted rapist tf are you taking about moron jealous little dick bitch

>> No.8616067

what this the mugshot nigga? holy shit no way, the absolute madman. BASED

>> No.8616120

I was wondering the same thing kek

>> No.8616507


Unironically thinking of making thousands of flyers with this is and just setting them loose on campus.

>> No.8616582

um ever heard of wakonda sweetie?

>> No.8616660

That's that one "handsome felon" guy that was on the news.

>> No.8617289


Like you guys could do better.

>> No.8617330

imagine being a billionaire and then your daughter gets with an ex convict. I would cut her out of my will

>> No.8617534

>be tall and good looking
>win at life


>> No.8617756

Lol all the people hating on the dude, he's handsome as hell. She had all the money and choice of men in the world, and her female instincts still made her choose the tall dark handsome man despite the fact he's a fucking felon. In fact, being a felon probably helped cause women love "bad boys" deep down

>> No.8617806

Womens brains cannot function once they see a chad, their fake walls just melt away. Seriously when a woman decides she's really into a guy they will do anything (for however long that she is into him, which will fade and then she will jump to the next cock on the carousel)

Also he wasn't a rapist, was a felon though.

>> No.8617886

I went to HS with him. AMA

>> No.8617974

is he nice? he looks like he acts tough but is secretly beta inside

>> No.8618021


Just a normal guy, nothing stood out to me. Vanden HS, really diverse school being next to the air force base as well as proximity to bay area.

>> No.8618741

So you're from Stockton?

Where'd you go, Stagg?

>> No.8619322
File: 5 KB, 259x194, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Move aside I'm GOING TO VOMIT

>> No.8619713

>be 2028
>Breaking News:
>"Chloe Green and child found dead in Monaco residence"
>"Prime suspect estranged partner and father Jeremy Meeks nowhere to be found"
>3 years later
>"Oh how hansom"
kek, enjoy the circus.

>> No.8619742

>His girlfriend is a fucking mess.
His girlfriend is the gold on his wrist.

>> No.8619802

because im a ugly sperg with no social skills

>> No.8620112

you know he's getting mad side pussy. He also has a modeling contract with a major agency so he probably doesn't even care that much if they break it off. dude is set for life no matter what happens to him

>> No.8620129

do you know Nick Diaz?

>> No.8620139

he is, that's what the felony was

>> No.8620640

We all want money to bang thots, why should you have billions $$ if you're married? No purpose to spend the money

>> No.8620667

You need to be a true alpha to not let that make you anxious

>> No.8620753

anyone with even a little bit of nigDNA will find "thicc" bitches like chloe green hot...they love all white wimmenz, no matter their size. a nigger will fuck a 50 yr old woman who is slender, or a chubby 30 yr old, or a fat 40 yr old. it doesn't matter.

t. vietnamese but i think and act like a nigger on a daily basis